Massive Girth Gains (4 months)


New member
I started this journey on August 9th. Bought a cheap $30 8×2.5 pump on AMZN not really knowing anything about PE. Then through various research and forums got a LeLuv 9x2.125.

The AMZN pump rarely keeps pressure and the guage seems off. The mark for -10hg is where the mark for -15hg is on the leluv. Larger size could have lower pressure. I dont know.

Starting measurements 8/14/2024:
BPELength: 6.4
Erect Girth 5.2

Current measurements 11/29/2024:
BPELength: 7.3
Erect Girth: 6

Warm up: Hot shower or hot wrap for 10 minutes
Stretch: 10 minutes. 2 1/2 each direction, straight, left, right, down.
Soft clamp: I found that soft clamping before pumping had the best effect on Tunica expansion. Clamping after pumping only led to edema. I use 2inch silicone finger shields. Place 1 inside another then roll them into 3rds. Creates a very comfortable c-ring that I place as far down the base of my shaft against my fat pad as possible. Always start as flaccid as possible after the warm up. NEVER KEGEL. I found after a couple weeks of use the fingershields start losing elasticity so I will place a 3rd one flat over the other 2. I will typically keep this soft clamp on for about an hour. I've heard anything over 15 minutes is a risk for blood clots so doing an hour freaks me out. Still, I get insane expansion in the tunica.
There's a big difference doing clamping before and after pumping. Pre-pump clamp I get expansion in the 3 chambers only, my skin still feels tight against the tunica and chambers underneath. Post pump clamping I do get expansion in the chambers but the skin has a puffy feeling and there's a good 1/4 inch of squishyness between the skin and the tunica below. This is edema and I try to avoid it. There's also a drastic color difference. Pre-pump clamp is a slightly red skin color, you can see the network of blood vessels underneath. Post-pump clamp my entire D is swollen and deep red if not purple. Pre-pump clamp Girth I can easily hit 6.25 inches. Post pump clamp girth I've gone up to 6.7. While the number may be bigger, it is only bigger because of edema, which is not actually growth and is swelling induced by blood under the layers of skin. We want swelling, but focused within the tunica and chambers the tunica surrounds, not in the skin and surface layers above the tunica.

Pump routine: 4 minutes interval pumping x 1:30 off x 0:30 to pump back up to starting pressure.
1st set - start at -6hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
2nd set - start at -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -6hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
3rd set - start at -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -14hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
4th set - start at -14hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later release pressure entirely.

Post-pump use a warm towel wrap for a couple minutes then do a brief massage. Personally, I apply a collagen healing cream, such as Baume B5, to help the collagen heal in this post workout stretched and pumped up state. 4 months in and I have had insane gains.

I used to do 2 workouts every day but was getting waaaaay too much fatigue and even had difficulty getting an erection. 1 daily routine I do not have any issues with EQ. Still, periodically throughout the day I will try to get an erection. I will also sometimes do another hour long soft clamp at night. Usually twice a week.

*pic reloaded after site went down beginning of 2025*

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Wait... so 3 month gains are normal?
Some see gains within a few weeks, some a few months, while see it somewhere around the 7th or 9th month mark where a sudden explosion of gains. One brother reported a sudden surprise after nearly a year of routine works with no gain and sudden a massive gain all at the same time.
Some see gains within a few weeks, some a few months, while see it somewhere around the 7th or 9th month mark where a sudden explosion of gains. One brother reported a sudden surprise after nearly a year of routine works with no gain and sudden a massive gain all at the same time.
I'm waiting on an extender to arrive. Delayed due to a postal strike. Fml. We'll see if I can gain some more in the next few months. I may start integrating vibration training around the 7 month mark to prevent a plateau. I'll do a progress post around March if I remember.
thats 3 months. i dont see how people achieve this. i got nothing to gain . except nerve damage.
Sorry to hear about the damage.
Personally I've been taking it slow and building pressure over time. The first month was less than -8hg. The 2nd month was less than -10hg. The 3rd month was less than -12hg.

Everything I've read says you dont need more than -12hg and should do short intervals not long static holds. Which is why I only do increasing then decreasing pressure in 4 minute increments with a 1 1/2 to 2 minute break.

Clamping is dangerous. Kegeling while clamping can mess you dick up. I don't hard clamp. Even with soft clamping I never exceed 3 silicone shields. Its enough to fill my dick with blood and get a good full feeling but I can tell there is flow as it never gets cold or numb.
I'll never understand how others can do 12-14inHG so quickly. The most I've done is briefly at 11.
I'm waiting on an extender to arrive. Delayed due to a postal strike. Fml. We'll see if I can gain some more in the next few months. I may start integrating vibration training around the 7 month mark to prevent a plateau. I'll do a progress post around March if I remember.
Vibration or soundwave therapy at 30Hz to 44Hz is a unique little introduction to tissue regeneration and molecular bonding weakening. Do let us know what you're using as a vibration device so we can log and follow, especially for those who plan on or are experimenting.

I'll never understand how others can do 12-14inHG so quickly. The most I've done is briefly at 11.
Yep. Way too high and way too fast. Most tissues don't need to be that high to get the gains as it only needs 5inHg to 7inHg (negative pressure that is) in the pump. 11inHg is already way too high as is in the tissue safety department.
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Almost 4 months, these gains are not based on reality. There is no way he is telling the truth in my opinion.
Almost 4 months, these gains are not based on reality. There is no way he is telling the truth in my opinion.
I believe it, but maybe the delta is in reference is to a PE pumped measurement compared to a non pumped baseline.

Non PE pumped measurements probably reflect "cemented gains" more closely.
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Almost 4 months, these gains are not based on reality. There is no way he is telling the truth in my opinion.
It can actually be done. I've seen cases where the gain went past 1.5in in length and nearly 1.25in in girth in less than 4 months. However, the person was quite young, around 18, and the amount of PE time was close to 22 hours a day.
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It can actually be done. I've seen cases where the gain went past 1.5in in length and nearly 1.25in in girth in less than 4 months. However, the person was quite young, around 18, and the amount of PE time was close to 22 hours a day.
22 hours a day was pretty much my schedule 😊
It can actually be done. I've seen cases where the gain went past 1.5in in length and nearly 1.25in in girth in less than 4 months. However, the person was quite young, around 18, and the amount of PE time was close to 22 hours a day.
This is what I am talking about, unless you are in range 15-21 this is not accomplished. I have many reasons saying this.
All this time absenting from forum and PE is the result of my education, research based on real data since I am data scientist.
The only one who could do such a fit is someone which extreme knowledge of how things work like @DLD , you etc. Trust what I say.
This is what I am talking about, unless you are in range 15-21 this is not accomplished. I have many reasons saying this.
All this time absenting from forum and PE is the result of my education, research based on real data since I am data scientist.
The only one who could do such a fit is someone which extreme knowledge of how things work like @DLD , you etc. Trust what I say.
There is one brother I'm working with now, he is 29 years old, and he's getting odd results. His girth gets as much as 1.3in in the course of 6 months, but his length is only 0.75in. I'm trying to figure out his background genetics and dietary compliments. It's not too far from the "outlier" data going past the optimal prime age range.
I am training an AI for PE and I can give you much info from my research
We're running something similar as well. There's an AI building into this forum and is running right now, doing just that. We're scripting it to run behind the scene to collect data within this site going back to 2003, and another AI doing worldwide data analysis. Of course, there's only one of us that's doing it right now :ROFLMAO:
I started this journey on August 9th. Bought a cheap $30 8×2.5 pump on AMZN not really knowing anything about PE. Then through various research and forums got a LeLuv 9x2.125.

The AMZN pump rarely keeps pressure and the guage seems off. The mark for -10hg is where the mark for -15hg is on the leluv. Larger size could have lower pressure. I dont know.

Starting measurements 8/14/2024:
BPELength: 6.4
Erect Girth 5.2

Current measurements 11/29/2024:
BPELength: 7.3
Erect Girth: 6

Warm up: Hot shower or hot wrap for 10 minutes
Stretch: 10 minutes. 2 1/2 each direction, straight, left, right, down.
Soft clamp: I found that soft clamping before pumping had the best effect on Tunica expansion. Clamping after pumping only led to edema. I use 2inch silicone finger shields. Place 1 inside another then roll them into 3rds. Creates a very comfortable c-ring that I place as far down the base of my shaft against my fat pad as possible. Always start as flaccid as possible after the warm up. NEVER KEGEL. I found after a couple weeks of use the fingershields start losing elasticity so I will place a 3rd one flat over the other 2. I will typically keep this soft clamp on for about an hour. I've heard anything over 15 minutes is a risk for blood clots so doing an hour freaks me out. Still, I get insane expansion in the tunica.
There's a big difference doing clamping before and after pumping. Pre-pump clamp I get expansion in the 3 chambers only, my skin still feels tight against the tunica and chambers underneath. Post pump clamping I do get expansion in the chambers but the skin has a puffy feeling and there's a good 1/4 inch of squishyness between the skin and the tunica below. This is edema and I try to avoid it. There's also a drastic color difference. Pre-pump clamp is a slightly red skin color, you can see the network of blood vessels underneath. Post-pump clamp my entire D is swollen and deep red if not purple. Pre-pump clamp Girth I can easily hit 6.25 inches. Post pump clamp girth I've gone up to 6.7. While the number may be bigger, it is only bigger because of edema, which is not actually growth and is swelling induced by blood under the layers of skin. We want swelling, but focused within the tunica and chambers the tunica surrounds, not in the skin and surface layers above the tunica.

Pump routine: 4 minutes interval pumping x 1:30 off x 0:30 to pump back up to starting pressure.
1st set - start at -6hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
2nd set - start at -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -6hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
3rd set - start at -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -14hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
4th set - start at -14hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later release pressure entirely.

Post-pump use a warm towel wrap for a couple minutes then do a brief massage. Personally, I apply a collagen healing cream, such as Baume B5, to help the collagen heal in this post workout stretched and pumped up state. 4 months in and I have had insane gains.

I used to do 2 workouts every day but was getting waaaaay too much fatigue and even had difficulty getting an erection. 1 daily routine I do not have any issues with EQ. Still, periodically throughout the day I will try to get an erection. I will also sometimes do another hour long soft clamp at night. Usually twice a week.

Really insane gains dude for 3 months.
Sounds like you went very advanced routine in very short time. I wonder if that caused that.
In any case just be careful and always pay attention to your D. You only get one.
We're running something similar as well. There's an AI building into this forum and is running right now, doing just that. We're scripting it to run behind the scene to collect data within this site going back to 2003, and another AI doing worldwide data analysis. Of course, there's only one of us that's doing it right now :ROFLMAO:
Thanks for your endless work, I have no idea where we would be without you.
There is something that really bothers me. Is there actually a way to force inner penis outside the body?
For example, what if you took lengthmaster, put it in your extreme base, and start stretching from there?
I mean, is it achieveable?
Believe me or not -- I am not messing around with my words -- my inner penis is girthier than my normal penis.
This means its a hidden opportunity there.
Whats your thoughts @DLD @oldandlively
There is something that really bothers me. Is there actually a way to force inner penis outside the body?
Yes, the inner penis, or the hidden 1in to 1.5in of hidden segment of the penis below the base of the penis, can be stretched out. You will sacrifice the penis from pointing upwards when you're erected. See the diagram below. Do you see the suspensory ligament, the large white band?


For example, what if you took lengthmaster, put it in your extreme base, and start stretching from there?
I mean, is it achieveable?
Yes, strapping the Length Master close to the base when you're stretching downwards and between the cheeks (BTC) will loosen and weaken that suspensory ligament. Most of us will gain from 0.5in to 1in easily from that suspensory release of the hidden "inner penis", or the inner segment. Of course, you'll lose the ability to make your penis standing straight up like a tree to impress your lady, but at the same time, you'll get that extra gain of length.

Believe me or not -- I am not messing around with my words -- my inner penis is girthier than my normal penis.
This means its a hidden opportunity there.
Whats your thoughts @DLD @oldandlively
Your girthier base is just that, girthier because it's near the base. The base is the supporting structure of the entire penis. Without a strong base, your penis can "fracture" during intense sexual acts. I nearly came close to that a few times when my wife rode me like crazy nimphomaniac when we first met. My base was not that thick and strong enough to support her crazy mounting and sexual acts. Penis nearly bent 90 degrees near the base the wrong direction.

So, yes, you can pull that base segment out. Yes, you can get that extra girthier base to use as your advantage. But, you must understand, you have to strengthen that extra length you gain form the base since the suspensory ligament is now very week. Pumping and moderate pressure from downward jelqing will do just that. DLD came up with the DLD Blasters to focus near the base is for that purpose. On top of that, you can use the Length Master portion called the "PowerAssist" to strengthen the penile shaft even more through "curling" and "bending" using the bow method, where you pull your penis like an archer pulling the penis string. Look at the PowerAssist exercise section and you'll understand:

Any videos for fulcrum stretching with LengthMaster3?
There was 2. Unfortunately, the Amazon server that hosted the files for the members were taken off due to expired account status. We're searching the members at the moment based on the names of the file and are trying to reach them for their original files.
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There was 2. Unfortunately, the Amazon server that hosted the files for the members were taken off due to expired account status. We're searching the members at the moment based on the names of the file and are trying to reach them for their original files.
Just saw the product "Power Assist" which is what we need for fulcrum stretching and I did not know the product existed
I'm waiting on an extender to arrive. Delayed due to a postal strike. Fml. We'll see if I can gain some more in the next few months. I may start integrating vibration training around the 7 month mark to prevent a plateau. I'll do a progress post around March if I remember.

Im also looking to order an extender what one did you order?

I have the Lengthmaster but I would also like an extender in order to keep a constant stretch for longer periods.

I have the lengthmaster3 and Batbmate HydroMax. Im looking to order an Air Pump and an Extender.

I've not fully hit a decent routine yet as I am still just trying to get my wrap perfected to avoid foreskin slippage. I have been using the Bathmate every day for the last week or so morning and night time before sex. As my pump doesn't have a gauge im still trying to see where the sweet spot is for the best gains. I used to get alot of edema untill I learned I was going in the pump far too flaccid, now I make sure to go in with some sort of erection. Since doing this I have noticed a massive difference with little to no edema after pumping.

Im currently at 6"BPEL.
And just under 5" EG

My target is 8" length and 6"girth.

I have set small targets to reach tho if I can reach 6.5-7" in length by July/August and 5.5 in EG i will be absolutely delighted.
@DLD Wasn't the supra slammer a nickname for your current DLD Blasters since 2006?
I cant remember this, sorry. SUPRA dedicated so much time for new exercise and all of this was on the last MOS shoot of videos. I truly hope you can find those videos as they are priceless. We spent a week filming with a full staff to make this possible. It was expensive but I knew how important this filming was and really wanted to see this project take front stage but up to now we cant find them.
Was absolutely not expecting this much feedback on this post. Was legitimately something I started to help keep track of my own progress.

The holidays messed up my routine. 2 weeks off felt like forever. Did basic stretched when I could. Ended up making my urethra bleed and had to take a full week off.

My Apex Extender finally arrived (thanks postal strike for delaying my order by 2 1/2 months). Only purchased the Apex ($185 not including sleeves and vacuum cups) because at the time I purchased in November last uear I didn't know that the Best Extender ($180 w/o sleeves and cups) existed and frankly don't have the money to invest on the Benz which is around a $600 price point (w/o sleeves and cups but has an adjustable fulcrum bar... not worth the extra bells and whistles IMO).

Also purchased the Lengthmaster. Been 3 days and still figuring out how to get that to work for more than a minute with my excessive amount of foreskin.

Altered my literally every single day
routine a bit:
- 10 minute warm up stretches in hot shower
- 45 to 60 minutes extending between 8 to 10 pounds (15 straight, 15 bundled left, 15 bundled right, and occasionally flip the device around and do 15 up and back against my stomach)
- then a 4min on 2 min off x4 set between -8 to -10hg with the pump (been having amazing results if I'm in the bath)

-I will also wear a cock ring on and off throughout my 3 WFH days.
- Still applying Centella Asiatica (Asiaticoside) cream once a week.

Extending has worked well over the last 3 1/2 weeks though. I am just over 7.5 now without stretching (pic included. No hands!) Closer to 7.6 when I was kegel flexing and fumbling with my phone. Regardless, PE works if you're consistent.

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Posted my original routine in the first post. Then my current routine with the latest pic.

Yes, my workout is daily, and is back to back to back. It's currently a minimum 1 1/2 hours. I'll switch out the extender for a wreckingball clamp once I hit 8 1/2 to 9 inches erect length. Its going to take another couple years to get there. Google says smooth muscle (tunica) can only grow a maximum of 1 inch every 3 months. So, an inch in 6 months ain't so bad. Frankly though if I wasn't taking pics every month I wouldn't even notice and would get frustrated.

Also periodically wear a cockring on my WFH days.
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Google says smooth muscle (tunica) can only grow a maximum of 1 inch every 3 months.
It's true for non-supported natural processes. But we are loading ourselves with external supplements and remedial treatment devices. So, the average has changed quite a bit.

It's no longer a 24 to 48 hours regrowth rate. It's down to 40 minutes with advanced technology assistance.
Im also looking to order an extender what one did you order?

I got the Apex high tension extender only because a lot of people were promoting it on another forum. From what I've seen though it is one of the better mid level quality extenders for the less than $200 price. And I am already seeing results. The Best extender would be on the same level. It is a vacuum cup hook hanger which I like because it is interchangeable with a variety of other products from multiple different companies. There are other extenders out there that are far more expensive like the Benz or PeniMaster which are $450 to $500. Wish I could afford it but the couple extra features on them don't merit the +$300 extra they're asking for IMO.
I got the Apex high tension extender only because a lot of people were promoting it on another forum. From what I've seen though it is one of the better mid level quality extenders for the less than $200 price. And I am already seeing results. The Best extender would be on the same level. It is a vacuum cup hook hanger which I like because it is interchangeable with a variety of other products from multiple different companies. There are other extenders out there that are far more expensive like the Benz or PeniMaster which are $450 to $500. Wish I could afford it but the couple extra features on them don't merit the +$300 extra they're asking for IMO.
Silistratcher is the best and has a great price. You should always go with the best you can. If this ADS is working for you with good build and strength than you should be good.
I got the best extender. Been using week and a half. Still around 6.6lb. Hope it will kick my length gains.
What results did you see/think you got from pumping right after extending?
I got the best extender. Been using week and a half. Still around 6.6lb. Hope it will kick my length gains.
What results did you see/think you got from pumping right after extending?
I have seen a +2 or 3mm gain in erect length in just the last 3 weeks I've been using it. Which is insane to me. It truly is a game changer.

I'm officially at 8 inches 1mm BPSFL as of this morning... and that is such positive motivation to keep going.

You gain so slowly that its super easy to get frustrated. What has worked for me is only measuring erect length once every 3 or 4 weeks and taking a picture. Then flip through them and you can see the growth. Its wild.

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I started this journey on August 9th. Bought a cheap $30 8×2.5 pump on AMZN not really knowing anything about PE. Then through various research and forums got a LeLuv 9x2.125.

The AMZN pump rarely keeps pressure and the guage seems off. The mark for -10hg is where the mark for -15hg is on the leluv. Larger size could have lower pressure. I dont know.

Starting measurements 8/14/2024:
BPELength: 6.4
Erect Girth 5.2

Current measurements 11/29/2024:
BPELength: 7.3
Erect Girth: 6

Warm up: Hot shower or hot wrap for 10 minutes
Stretch: 10 minutes. 2 1/2 each direction, straight, left, right, down.
Soft clamp: I found that soft clamping before pumping had the best effect on Tunica expansion. Clamping after pumping only led to edema. I use 2inch silicone finger shields. Place 1 inside another then roll them into 3rds. Creates a very comfortable c-ring that I place as far down the base of my shaft against my fat pad as possible. Always start as flaccid as possible after the warm up. NEVER KEGEL. I found after a couple weeks of use the fingershields start losing elasticity so I will place a 3rd one flat over the other 2. I will typically keep this soft clamp on for about an hour. I've heard anything over 15 minutes is a risk for blood clots so doing an hour freaks me out. Still, I get insane expansion in the tunica.
There's a big difference doing clamping before and after pumping. Pre-pump clamp I get expansion in the 3 chambers only, my skin still feels tight against the tunica and chambers underneath. Post pump clamping I do get expansion in the chambers but the skin has a puffy feeling and there's a good 1/4 inch of squishyness between the skin and the tunica below. This is edema and I try to avoid it. There's also a drastic color difference. Pre-pump clamp is a slightly red skin color, you can see the network of blood vessels underneath. Post-pump clamp my entire D is swollen and deep red if not purple. Pre-pump clamp Girth I can easily hit 6.25 inches. Post pump clamp girth I've gone up to 6.7. While the number may be bigger, it is only bigger because of edema, which is not actually growth and is swelling induced by blood under the layers of skin. We want swelling, but focused within the tunica and chambers the tunica surrounds, not in the skin and surface layers above the tunica.

Pump routine: 4 minutes interval pumping x 1:30 off x 0:30 to pump back up to starting pressure.
1st set - start at -6hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
2nd set - start at -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -6hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
3rd set - start at -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -14hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
4th set - start at -14hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later release pressure entirely.

Post-pump use a warm towel wrap for a couple minutes then do a brief massage. Personally, I apply a collagen healing cream, such as Baume B5, to help the collagen heal in this post workout stretched and pumped up state. 4 months in and I have had insane gains.

I used to do 2 workouts every day but was getting waaaaay too much fatigue and even had difficulty getting an erection. 1 daily routine I do not have any issues with EQ. Still, periodically throughout the day I will try to get an erection. I will also sometimes do another hour long soft clamp at night. Usually twice a week.

*pic reloaded after site went down beginning of 2025*

View attachment 1839925
I started this journey on August 9th. Bought a cheap $30 8×2.5 pump on AMZN not really knowing anything about PE. Then through various research and forums got a LeLuv 9x2.125.

The AMZN pump rarely keeps pressure and the guage seems off. The mark for -10hg is where the mark for -15hg is on the leluv. Larger size could have lower pressure. I dont know.

Starting measurements 8/14/2024:
BPELength: 6.4
Erect Girth 5.2

Current measurements 11/29/2024:
BPELength: 7.3
Erect Girth: 6

Warm up: Hot shower or hot wrap for 10 minutes
Stretch: 10 minutes. 2 1/2 each direction, straight, left, right, down.
Soft clamp: I found that soft clamping before pumping had the best effect on Tunica expansion. Clamping after pumping only led to edema. I use 2inch silicone finger shields. Place 1 inside another then roll them into 3rds. Creates a very comfortable c-ring that I place as far down the base of my shaft against my fat pad as possible. Always start as flaccid as possible after the warm up. NEVER KEGEL. I found after a couple weeks of use the fingershields start losing elasticity so I will place a 3rd one flat over the other 2. I will typically keep this soft clamp on for about an hour. I've heard anything over 15 minutes is a risk for blood clots so doing an hour freaks me out. Still, I get insane expansion in the tunica.
There's a big difference doing clamping before and after pumping. Pre-pump clamp I get expansion in the 3 chambers only, my skin still feels tight against the tunica and chambers underneath. Post pump clamping I do get expansion in the chambers but the skin has a puffy feeling and there's a good 1/4 inch of squishyness between the skin and the tunica below. This is edema and I try to avoid it. There's also a drastic color difference. Pre-pump clamp is a slightly red skin color, you can see the network of blood vessels underneath. Post-pump clamp my entire D is swollen and deep red if not purple. Pre-pump clamp Girth I can easily hit 6.25 inches. Post pump clamp girth I've gone up to 6.7. While the number may be bigger, it is only bigger because of edema, which is not actually growth and is swelling induced by blood under the layers of skin. We want swelling, but focused within the tunica and chambers the tunica surrounds, not in the skin and surface layers above the tunica.

Pump routine: 4 minutes interval pumping x 1:30 off x 0:30 to pump back up to starting pressure.
1st set - start at -6hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
2nd set - start at -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later go to -6hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
3rd set - start at -8hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -14hg, 1 minute later release pressure to -2hg.
4th set - start at -14hg, 1 minute later go to -12hg, 1 minute later go to -10hg, 1 minute later go to -8hg, 1 minute later release pressure entirely.

Post-pump use a warm towel wrap for a couple minutes then do a brief massage. Personally, I apply a collagen healing cream, such as Baume B5, to help the collagen heal in this post workout stretched and pumped up state. 4 months in and I have had insane gains.

I used to do 2 workouts every day but was getting waaaaay too much fatigue and even had difficulty getting an erection. 1 daily routine I do not have any issues with EQ. Still, periodically throughout the day I will try to get an erection. I will also sometimes do another hour long soft clamp at night. Usually twice a week.

*pic reloaded after site went down beginning of 2025*

View attachment 1839925

Got a question about the soft clamping. Do you have any clear guide for it?
I saw you wrote "always start as flaccid as possible". Im a bit confused. Do you put the toe shields flaccid? And then you wake him up?
Also general question i guess. You said you put it on for an hour. Do you keep erection during all that hour? How? Is that happens artifically by blocking the blood from leaving? (I didn't to such result even with 5-6 folded toe shields. Not to mention three. It goes softer with time and i must edge to keep it erect)
Got a question about the soft clamping. Do you have any clear guide for it?
I saw you wrote "always start as flaccid as possible". Im a bit confused. Do you put the toe shields flaccid? And then you wake him up?
Also general question i guess. You said you put it on for an hour. Do you keep erection during all that hour? How? Is that happens artifically by blocking the blood from leaving? (I didn't to such result even with 5-6 folded toe shields. Not to mention three. It goes softer with time and i must edge to keep it erect)
I'm interested in the answer as well. I'm seeing a different dynamic of penile aggression for growth for our brother. A unique case to say the least.
Soft Clamping has a bunch of risks involved and I would definitely not recommend for extended periods of time. Only do 2 or 3 times a week in three sets of 5 to 10 minutes.

I use the 1.5 inch finger shields because they're much easier to work with than the 1/2 inch toe shields. Honestly I only do the soft clamping because I'm on a tight budget. A package of finger shields are $10 while a professionally made penis clamp is around $150. Frankly though if you have the money and are interested in clamping, depending on your current girth, look at getting a python penis clamp.

If you go the soft clamp route, take one 1.5 inch sleeve and fold it over two or 3 times then strap it to the base of your D. It will restrict blood flow and engorge to a fully filled state. Not erect, as you can completely bend your D, but more like a water balloon. They lose their initial elasticity after a week of repeated use so you may want to use two on top of one another not rolled over to start.

What you're looking for is the feeling of your inner D being completely full, and the space between your Tunica and skin not to be full. And you will be able to tell the difference. One gives a real good inner stretch which you want, while the other is squishy just under the surface and feels like edema. It can be difficult to achieve and I believe depends on how the shield is angled. Is the base further back than the top... it actually makes a difference on how the blood flows in.

Essentially it is a direct and consistent expansion of your inner chambers. I read somewhere that doing this sends emergency signals to your brain that this tissue needs to become larger now to accommodate more blood. By not kegeling during this process your body will then begin to adapt. I have to try and find that scientific journal again.


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@oldandlively another thought just popped into my head. On top of the weekly Centella Asiatica cream applied directly to my penis, I have been orally taking a combination of creatine, L-arganine, and L-glutamine daily for the past month prepping for a body building competition. I do not know if that has had any effect over the last month though.
@oldandlively another thought just popped into my head. On top of the weekly Centella Asiatica cream applied directly to my penis, I have been orally taking a combination of creatine, L-arganine, and L-glutamine daily for the past month prepping for a body building competition. I do not know if that has had any effect over the last month though.
L-arganine works in concert to promote cellular recovery and Centella Asiatica cream helps with inflammatory suppression. L-glutamine works well with Centella Asiatica cream in putting the fire out. Creatine is great in supporting muscle enhancement (soft and hard), but too much can kill your liver, and kidneys, and place you into a downward cascading spiral. We just had a case this past Saturday for a patient with a creatine overdose.
L-arganine works in concert to promote cellular recovery and Centella Asiatica cream helps with inflammatory suppression. L-glutamine works well with Centella Asiatica cream in putting the fire out. Creatine is great in supporting muscle enhancement (soft and hard), but too much can kill your liver, and kidneys, and place you into a downward cascading spiral. We just had a case this past Saturday for a patient with a creatine overdose.
Definitely not doing an overkill. Using as the instructions on the box state. They recommend 2 scoops per day and I am only taking one and will stop once this competition ends April 5th.
Definitely not doing an overkill. Using as the instructions on the box state. They recommend 2 scoops per day and I am only taking one and will stop once this competition ends April 5th.
Good luck with the competition my brother. My younger brothers were in those as well. Getting fiercer every passing year.
Got a question about the soft clamping. Do you have any clear guide for it?
I saw you wrote "always start as flaccid as possible". Im a bit confused. Do you put the toe shields flaccid? And then you wake him up?
Also general question i guess. You said you put it on for an hour. Do you keep erection during all that hour? How? Is that happens artifically by blocking the blood from leaving? (I didn't to such result even with 5-6 folded toe shields. Not to mention three. It goes softer with time and i must edge to keep it erect)
I am doing soft-clamping the other way (well, I was doing). Errect --> Penis Sleeve (those u use for length work? just tie em up and make them 2 inches small), puting the penis there, blood engorged, after 1 min putthing a cockring ontop of my Sleeve to increase power, wait another minute and then ULI grip. After 1 min of Uli grip, (2 mins left for 5 mins set) I was playing with my penis to sides. For example, Uli again and bend the penis 5 secs left, 5 secs right, 5 secs up, 5 secs down, the "associated pain" was my guide there to undersatnd that it was working or not. and the last min i was pushing my champers (not uli) to push more power to the sides.
Sort of figured out a wrap that works for short term workouts with the lengthmaster. When applying the Theraband apply a small piece of medical tape horizontal across the shaft, then another at the other end of the band. The Theraband should be about 2mm over the glans then push it down into the space between the glans and foreskin. This will prevent the foreskin from sliding over. Was able to get in a 12 minute beginner workout (1 minute each direction) really enjoyed the stretching feeling.. By the end the wrap did feel like a noose hanger around the underside of my glans which was concerning. Should figure more out the more I use it.
You can also try the velcro strip modification. This works great for many men. Worth a try.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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