Progress thread Journey To Massive Cock - Colossaltitan's Journey

Today's Session

Weight hanging 2hrs
DLD Blasters and bundled stretches 20-30 mins
Isolated compression squeeze

More length focused today as I had little time to use Bathmate, isolated compression squeeze works just fine though so no worries at all.
Hanging session was lovely, felt more sore around the ligament which makes me think that the gains are on their way soon.
Plenty of DLD blasters and bundled stretches in all directions, felt fantastic.

Very good day today, no negativity, lots of pizza, I'm much better than I was a few days ago.

Let's keep growing!
Today's Session

  • Weight hanger 1hr 15 mins
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 5x3
  • Isolated compression squeeze 20+ minutes(stopped watching the clock so I'm unclear, more bellow)
Today's session was very good as always, weight hanging went well, I'm considering going up in the weights, I've been using around 3.8 pounds for the last few weeks until the ligament gets sore but I think I can perhaps go up another 50-100 grams, I'll concentrate on how I feel in the next session. Bathmate session was very good, went a little higher in pressure than normal just to continue expansion and had very little water retention. The isolated compression squeeze session was one of the best it has been in a while, I started out by just watching the clock but stopped as I got very very into it, had to cut it off at the end as I was pretty much about to finish with every squeeze that I attempted.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day, and I hope you've had a great session as well!
Today's Session
Girth work absolutely destroyed my dick yesterday so it's a light one today, but no less intense. Weight hanging was very good today, going to 100% up the weight tomorrow. Bathmate session was also very nice, no fluid retention, so pain, no bleeding, wonderful. I also performed extreme kegels to the point when I had to stop due to feeling pain in them for the first time - a different kind of Kegel pain, one that tells you your body has had enough.

Today I was feeling a little but more self conscious of myself as I am currently on a bulk and I'm a bit fatter than normal(to put it simply). But regardless I pushed through the day and it didn't end up affecting my wellbeing as a whole. My post social anxiety isn't being aggravated but that's mostly because I'm occupied and haven't been in any situations with multiple people that I don't know and/or I know but am not close or familiar with. My next MMA training sessions are Wednesday and Thursday and it was after them that I broke out in tears from the post social anxiety and hating what I was feeling. I hope that things will be different this time, that I'll feel less intrusive thoughts following seeing my MMA buddies and the people around my campus. Whichever way the dice rolls I'll report it all on the forum along with my PE sessions to keep everyone in the loop.
Today's Session
Girth work absolutely destroyed my dick yesterday so it's a light one today, but no less intense. Weight hanging was very good today, going to 100% up the weight tomorrow. Bathmate session was also very nice, no fluid retention, so pain, no bleeding, wonderful. I also performed extreme kegels to the point when I had to stop due to feeling pain in them for the first time - a different kind of Kegel pain, one that tells you your body has had enough.

Today I was feeling a little but more self conscious of myself as I am currently on a bulk and I'm a bit fatter than normal(to put it simply). But regardless I pushed through the day and it didn't end up affecting my wellbeing as a whole. My post social anxiety isn't being aggravated but that's mostly because I'm occupied and haven't been in any situations with multiple people that I don't know and/or I know but am not close or familiar with. My next MMA training sessions are Wednesday and Thursday and it was after them that I broke out in tears from the post social anxiety and hating what I was feeling. I hope that things will be different this time, that I'll feel less intrusive thoughts following seeing my MMA buddies and the people around my campus. Whichever way the dice rolls I'll report it all on the forum along with my PE sessions to keep everyone in the loop.
Hey bro. Been reading through your log and noticed the piss pulls.

obviously I can read between the lines and figure out you’re doing manual length work when you piss for a minute- but what’s the method to the madnesswith it
Hey bro. Been reading through your log and noticed the piss pulls.

obviously I can read between the lines and figure out you’re doing manual length work when you piss for a minute- but what’s the method to the madnesswith it
Piss pulls should happen every time you pee. A minute or two can make a difference
Hey bro. Been reading through your log and noticed the piss pulls.

obviously I can read between the lines and figure out you’re doing manual length work when you piss for a minute- but what’s the method to the madnesswith it
What is, piss pulls? I have never heard about that before.
- Are you guys talking about reverse Kegels?
To answer both of your guys' questions. Piss pulls are just manual stretches that I do during my bathroom breaks to get some more time under tension and stretching of the penis.
After I've finished urinating I reverse kegel and perform a couple bundled stretches before I leave the bathroom. It's very simple and over time can add a lot of time to your total hours stretching.
To answer both of your guys' questions. Piss pulls are just manual stretches that I do during my bathroom breaks to get some more time under tension and stretching of the penis.
After I've finished urinating I reverse kegel and perform a couple bundled stretches before I leave the bathroom. It's very simple and over time can add a lot of time to your total hours stretching.
Okay thanks for explaining.
I just looked at the title of this I'm asking:
— How massive are your cock going to be?

By the way, I could not stay away from the brotherhood. But need to spend less time here for the moment.

I was expecting someone to ask eventually haha.
The reality is that I have no idea how big I want it to be, I want to be proud of it when I look in the mirror and I want every girl who sees it to have a shocked expression on their face when I pull it out.
I promised myself at the beginning of this journey that I would not measure as that has lead to real issues with my self esteem in the past, but that I would do whatever it took to get the gains that I wanted.

The thing with me is that I am a very big guy, I'm a bodybuilder who weighs over 200lbs with a low bodyfat % and my legs are absolutely massive, they're my best muscle group asides from my back. So a 7,8,9 inch cock on a 150lb guy is going to look like a lot less on a guy like me.

So the real answer to your question would be any size that looks massive hanging next to my giant quads and body, and one that makes girls open their eyes wide when I put it in their pussys. Big however is subjective, and perhaps just like there is body dysmorphia there is also penile dysmorphia where after your get to a certain size or a certain number of gains that it ends up never being enough no matter how far you go.
That's probably a very far fetched outlook on this journey, I've only been in it for a short period of time so it's too early to be having these kinds of thoughts, but it's something to think about.

I don't like to set number targets because just like I said, they can be discouraging when you measure and find that you've made less growth than you anticipated and you're nowhere near closer to your goal. But with all the purchases I'll be making into equipment soon you best be believing that my gains will be a plenty.
I just looked at the title of this I'm asking:
— How massive are your cock going to be?

By the way, I could not stay away from the brotherhood. But need to spend less time here for the moment.
And I totally understand it being hard to stay away. I've been here everyday since I started my journey with length and girth work. The brotherhood really does keep you on the right track so I can see why you'd never want to take a day off.
I was expecting someone to ask eventually haha.
The reality is that I have no idea how big I want it to be, I want to be proud of it when I look in the mirror and I want every girl who sees it to have a shocked expression on their face when I pull it out.
I promised myself at the beginning of this journey that I would not measure as that has lead to real issues with my self esteem in the past, but that I would do whatever it took to get the gains that I wanted.

The thing with me is that I am a very big guy, I'm a bodybuilder who weighs over 200lbs with a low bodyfat % and my legs are absolutely massive, they're my best muscle group asides from my back. So a 7,8,9 inch cock on a 150lb guy is going to look like a lot less on a guy like me.

So the real answer to your question would be any size that looks massive hanging next to my giant quads and body, and one that makes girls open their eyes wide when I put it in their pussys. Big however is subjective, and perhaps just like there is body dysmorphia there is also penile dysmorphia where after your get to a certain size or a certain number of gains that it ends up never being enough no matter how far you go.
That's probably a very far fetched outlook on this journey, I've only been in it for a short period of time so it's too early to be having these kinds of thoughts, but it's something to think about.

I don't like to set number targets because just like I said, they can be discouraging when you measure and find that you've made less growth than you anticipated and you're nowhere near closer to your goal. But with all the purchases I'll be making into equipment soon you best be believing that my gains will be a plenty.
Thanks for sharing.
I was a big guy before my penis enlargement journey, my weight was over 120 kilogram and I could pull 251 kilogram in deadlift. I can't do that anymore, my weight now is at ~94 kilogram, I'm still strong but can't pull 251. But my body is more efficient and flexible and I have less fat in my body...overall more healthy. High percentage of fat in the body is not goid for longevity.

When I started my thread I immediately sat 8x6 as my goal, that helped me in my discipline and goal setting. I have surpass my length goal. The fundamentals for goal setting ate specifics. You need to know what the goal are in order to get it.

I need to know where I'm going, see it in my mind before I get it. The same was with my goal to pull 251 kilogram. When I had decided I was going to pull it, it was already done.

😮‍💨 you are right that will for sure happen you want more and more in your PE gains. My first goal in pe was 8x6, but now I'm looking at 10x6. I know for sure now that women like big penises that is a fact.

But don't feel discourage I know you can overload a woman with orgasms with a 5 inch long penis as well. They even tell you to stop.

I believe you will get everything you decide you want to get. But my advice is to set a big goal, and be specific about it. And make a clear plan.

I recommend bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3. It's an amazing device. A wonderful device. I can even say that I love that device.
And I totally understand it being hard to stay away. I've been here everyday since I started my journey with length and girth work. The brotherhood really does keep you on the right track so I can see why you'd never want to take a day off.
Same. There is not a day since I joubd i haven't been online. Sometimes it becomes to much. That's the reason I need to reduce my time here. It's addictive to help brothers increasing their size.
Thanks for sharing.
I was a big guy before my penis enlargement journey, my weight was over 120 kilogram and I could pull 251 kilogram in deadlift. I can't do that anymore, my weight now is at ~94 kilogram, I'm still strong but can't pull 251. But my body is more efficient and flexible and I have less fat in my body...overall more healthy. High percentage of fat in the body is not goid for longevity.

When I started my thread I immediately sat 8x6 as my goal, that helped me in my discipline and goal setting. I have surpass my length goal. The fundamentals for goal setting ate specifics. You need to know what the goal are in order to get it.

I need to know where I'm going, see it in my mind before I get it. The same was with my goal to pull 251 kilogram. When I had decided I was going to pull it, it was already done.

😮‍💨 you are right that will for sure happen you want more and more in your PE gains. My first goal in pe was 8x6, but now I'm looking at 10x6. I know for sure now that women like big penises that is a fact.

But don't feel discourage I know you can overload a woman with orgasms with a 5 inch long penis as well. They even tell you to stop.

I believe you will get everything you decide you want to get. But my advice is to set a big goal, and be specific about it. And make a clear plan.

I recommend bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3. It's an amazing device. A wonderful device. I can even say that I love that device.
For sure, the power of the mind is one of the greatest things in the world. I always visualise myself as being a great fighter in the cages of the UFC or the rings of a bare knuckle boxing match, and I'm edging closer and closer towards that goal every week with my 2 training sessions and the boxing bag that I will soon order. I know that soon a goal will come to mind, but for the moment I'll create a good routine, get all the products I want to use for the journey, and then the goal will become even clearer.

And I 100% know the magic that one can do with a 5 inch penis. My first girlfriend and I were together 11 months, and this was 2 years ago back when I was muuuuuuuuuuch fatter not morbidly obese but when I think of myself I am truly disgusted with how I treated my body. Back then my bone pressed length couldn't have been more than 5.2-5.5 inches, average so not bad at all, and I remember that me and her would fuck like absolute rabbits even though I was overweight with an average cock. I'd make her cum several times each time. This however I can accredit her very deep emotional connection to me, we both loved each other very much, and when you connect with someone in an emotional and spiritual level like that then no matter how small and skinny your dick is(not saying my dick was either one of those) then that'll be there best dick that she could ever imagine to have, just from the bond between you two.
By the way you must be really scary to have as an opponent in MMA, especially is the guy is tiny. Just throw him away 😂
I can imagine that I'd be a less desirable opponent to face for a smaller guy. However after getting into the sport I've been humbled just by the sheer technique and skill these guys have regardless of their size or stature. Size does not always equal strength, but if you have technique, athleticism, and a large muscular frame like mine, then you are absolutely going to be a threat in the eyes of any opponent big or small.

And I have had instances like that where I've just thrown a guy, the dopamine hit from being able to perfrom such an act is unreal 🤣🤣
For sure, the power of the mind is one of the greatest things in the world. I always visualise myself as being a great fighter in the cages of the UFC or the rings of a bare knuckle boxing match, and I'm edging closer and closer towards that goal every week with my 2 training sessions and the boxing bag that I will soon order. I know that soon a goal will come to mind, but for the moment I'll create a good routine, get all the products I want to use for the journey, and then the goal will become even clearer.
I know you will get it, you will mess them up in that cage.

And I 100% know the magic that one can do with a 5 inch penis. My first girlfriend and I were together 11 months, and this was 2 years ago back when I was muuuuuuuuuuch fatter not morbidly obese but when I think of myself I am truly disgusted with how I treated my body. Back then my bone pressed length couldn't have been more than 5.2-5.5 inches, average so not bad at all, and I remember that me and her would fuck like absolute rabbits even though I was overweight with an average cock. I'd make her cum several times each time. This however I can accredit her very deep emotional connection to me, we both loved each other very much, and when you connect with someone in an emotional and spiritual level like that then no matter how small and skinny your dick is(not saying my dick was either one of those) then that'll be there best dick that she could ever imagine to have, just from the bond between you two.

Same for me, the emotional connection is really important for me. That's something I need to work on. I have a hard time letting people into my life, and trust my emotions with them. Be vulnerable if you like. Some mind Ghosts from my past.

But I want the woman to squirt (/female ejaculations) as well (have only been with/fucked 2 women). That's why I choose my current user name.

I could have had sex with more women, but I did not want that for myself then. I had the opportunity to do so, but I choose not to.

Take care brother.
I believe in you.
I can imagine that I'd be a less desirable opponent to face for a smaller guy. However after getting into the sport I've been humbled just by the sheer technique and skill these guys have regardless of their size or stature. Size does not always equal strength, but if you have technique, athleticism, and a large muscular frame like mine, then you are absolutely going to be a threat in the eyes of any opponent big or small.

And I have had instances like that where I've just thrown a guy, the dopamine hit from being able to perfrom such an act is unreal 🤣🤣
I need to join. I want also to throw away humans...sounds fun. 😂
I know you will get it, you will mess them up in that cage.

Same for me, the emotional connection is really important for me. That's something I need to work on. I have a hard time letting people into my life, and trust my emotions with them. Be vulnerable if you like. Some mind Ghosts from my past.

But I want the woman to squirt (/female ejaculations) as well (have only been with/fucked 2 women). That's why I choose my current user name.

I could have had sex with more women, but I did not want that for myself then. I had the opportunity to do so, but I choose not to.

Take care brother.
I believe in you.
With all your wisdom and kindness that you've shown to me I can already tell that whatever outcome it is that you seek in your personal/ social life you will have it and then some.
It's all about finding someone who you feel is worthy of being let into your life, and someone who deserves to made to squirt as well😉😜I don't think any girl in their right mind would easily give up a guy who can reliably make her squirt and cum.

Whatever you choose to do with your personal relations, I 100% believe that you'll find happiness regardless.
I need to join. I want also to throw away humans...sounds fun. 😂
Do it man. You will never meet a brotherhood like a martial arts gym(asides from MOS of course).
Everyone will be super kind, and you'll meet people from many different backgrounds that are all in it for the same reason - to fight.
You will never look back, I promise you this. I've only been training for less than a month and I already don't see myself leaving anytime soon.
With all your wisdom and kindness that you've shown to me I can already tell that whatever outcome it is that you seek in your personal/ social life you will have it and then some.
It's all about finding someone who you feel is worthy of being let into your life, and someone who deserves to made to squirt as well😉😜I don't think any girl in their right mind would easily give up a guy who can reliably make her squirt and cum.

Whatever you choose to do with your personal relations, I 100% believe that you'll find happiness regardless.
You're right. Thank you for your kind words brother, they really helped me deeply.

Appreciate your support brother. It's late in my timezone...need to go now.
Take care.
Do it man. You will never meet a brotherhood like a martial arts gym(asides from MOS of course).
Everyone will be super kind, and you'll meet people from many different backgrounds that are all in it for the same reason - to fight.
You will never look back, I promise you this. I've only been training for less than a month and I already don't see myself leaving anytime soon.
Sounds awesome. I have been thinking about jujitsu for a long time, even since I heard Jocko Willink talking so highly about it. Doesn't matter how big you are, you can take out a guy twice your size. Amazing.
Today's Session
  • Weight hanger 1hr 15 mins
  • Bundled stretches + DLD Blasters 30 mins
  • Piss pulls
Had a very good session today, the ligament was feeling a great tug as it was and I really felt the tunica taking a beating. Skipped on the Bathmate in line with my 2 days on 1 day off protocol with it. Sat down and did 30 mins of manual stretches including the DLD blasters and they felt very nice, can't wait to do them more often when I have time, usually it's late when I have time left for PE and in that time I only manage weight hanging with the Bathmate. Some kegels today however not many as they are still sore and fatigued from yesterday.

Feeling better right now. My post social anxiety is not bad at all and I made 2 new friends today, people who I'd never met before, really chuffed about that and hope that I can keep this up for the foreseeable future. Need to introduce myself to some new people rather than just coming across them, that'll be my next goal.
Feeling better right now. My post social anxiety is not bad at all and I made 2 new friends today, people who I'd never met before, really chuffed about that and hope that I can keep this up for the foreseeable future. Need to introduce myself to some new people rather than just coming across them, that'll be my next goal.
Awesome that you set up tiny goals for yourself.
Try to remove post social anxiety with not thinking about it. If we define ourself as something it's easier for it to manifest.

What we think about is the way it usually goes. (I struggle with it as well, so you are not alone).
When I think about it, then it's when it get worse.
Today's Session

  • Weight hanging 2 hrs
  • Piss pulls
  • Isolated compression squeeze 30-45 mins!!!!
HOLY BALLS!! Or should I say tunica? Today's session has left my dick feeling too sore to even think about putting it in a max pressure HydroExtreme.
I did 2 hours of weight hanging with 10% more weight than usual with no discomfort. And then I sat down and did isolated compression squeezes mindlessly and intensely for what felt like an absolute eternity.

My dick is very tired now from all that so I decided not to Bathmate.

PS: I also took an accidental kick to the dick in MMA training today🤣go figure! It's fine though, no bruising or bleeding and me and the guy laughed it off afterwards.
Awesome that you set up tiny goals for yourself.
Try to remove post social anxiety with not thinking about it. If we define ourself as something it's easier for it to manifest.

What we think about is the way it usually goes. (I struggle with it as well, so you are not alone).
When I think about it, then it's when it get worse.
I'll keep that in mind brother, thank you for the insight. I have realised now that the less I pay attention to it the less overall it affects me on a daily basis. I'll keep this up to the best of my ability from now on!
Today's Session

  • Weight hanging 2 hrs
  • Piss pulls
  • Isolated compression squeeze 30-45 mins!!!!
HOLY BALLS!! Or should I say tunica? Today's session has left my dick feeling too sore to even think about putting it in a max pressure HydroExtreme.
I did 2 hours of weight hanging with 10% more weight than usual with no discomfort. And then I sat down and did isolated compression squeezes mindlessly and intensely for what felt like an absolute eternity.

My dick is very tired now from all that so I decided not to Bathmate.

PS: I also took an accidental kick to the dick in MMA training today🤣go figure! It's fine though, no bruising or bleeding and me and the guy laughed it off afterwards.
Sounds like you had a fantastic session 👍
Don't you have protection when doing MMA?
I'll keep that in mind brother, thank you for the insight. I have realised now that the less I pay attention to it the less overall it affects me on a daily basis. I'll keep this up to the best of my ability from now on!
Exactly. It's so easy to get obsessed about a situation in the past, but past doesn't exist it's only concepts in our mind.The only thing we have is this present moment right now.

I also thend to think and think over social interactions. But there is no use in doing so. The best thing we can do is to let it go. But it's not always easy to do so.
Sounds like you had a fantastic session 👍
Don't you have protection when doing MMA?
Yeah we do have the usual protection, shin guards, gloves, gum shields, stomach guards, but I haven't purchased a groin guard yet, probably should shouldn't I?🤣
But in MMA fights you aren't allowed to kick in the balls otherwise you get disqualified so no one is ever aiming for that area, but yeah I ought to buy one of next time, I'll head to the store tomorrow and see if they've got any.
My penis extender is officially ordered.
I ordered Baseem's Best Extender. The thing is that he has recently released it and may be out of stock, it doesn't say so on the website but there's always a possibility.
I'll probably be using it when laying in bed just because it's a much larger device.

Will document everything on MOS!
My penis extender is officially ordered.
I ordered Baseem's Best Extender. The thing is that he has recently released it and may be out of stock, it doesn't say so on the website but there's always a possibility.
I'll probably be using it when laying in bed just because it's a much larger device.

Will document everything on MOS!
Can't wait to hear about the progress with the extender.
Me neither, just being able to get more constant stretch on the tunica rather than mostly the ligaments is going to be incredible for long term growth.

Just so you know the LENGTHMASTER 3 will do everything in every single stretch you do. But there is more work involved.
In every stretch you are stretching: Tunica albuginea (+outer penis), inner penis, Fundiform and Suspensory ligament. And all this in a bundled state (maximize elongation).

But the benefit with an extender is that you can hold the tissue elongated for a longer time. I believe an extender would benefit me as well.

This may sound like advertisement it's not. I just love the device.

Just so you know the LENGTHMASTER 3 will do everything in every single stretch you do. But there is more work involved.
In every stretch you are stretching: Tunica albuginea (+outer penis), inner penis, Fundiform and Suspensory ligament. And all this in a bundled state (maximize elongation).

But the benefit with an extender is that you can hold the tissue elongated for a longer time. I believe an extender would benefit me as well.

This may sound like advertisement it's not. I just love the device.
I know that the lengthmaster is a very good device, I understand all the logic and science behind it. The more work is the part that right now isn't doable. When I hang I sit and work on the computer, so it's all very passive. Same thing with the extender, passive stretching.

What's stopping you from using an extender brother?
I know that the lengthmaster is a very good device, I understand all the logic and science behind it. The more work is the part that right now isn't doable. When I hang I sit and work on the computer, so it's all very passive. Same thing with the extender, passive stretching.

What's stopping you from using an extender brother?
I understand your thinking. It's a lot of work with LM3. But you get yourself a workout with it. My hands are even stronger then before, and I had strong hands when I started using it.

If you would do like 5-10 minutes of bundled stretches with it, before extending and hanging my belief is that you would gain even faster.

What's stopping me from using an extender? 🤔

My current routine is working wonderfully, I see gains every other week or so. If I would change something I don't know if it would still work as effective.
I may overwork my penis? Also I do not want to put money into something if I don't need to.

It may also be harder for the skin on my penis to heal up between the LENGTHMASTER 3 sessions, if I put it through even more wear and tear, when having an extender attached to my penis.

Probably I get an extender in the future to elongate my flaccid even more...don't know.
I understand your thinking. It's a lot of work with LM3. But you get yourself a workout with it. My hands are even stronger then before, and I had strong hands when I started using it.

If you would do like 5-10 minutes of bundled stretches with it, before extending and hanging my belief is that you would gain even faster.

What's stopping me from using an extender? 🤔

My current routine is working wonderfully, I see gains every other week or so. If I would change something I don't know if it would still work as effective.
I may overwork my penis? Also I do not want to put money into something if I don't need to.

It may also be harder for the skin on my penis to heal up between the LENGTHMASTER 3 sessions, if I put it through even more wear and tear, when having an extender attached to my penis.

Probably I get an extender in the future to elongate my flaccid even more...don't know.
Well I believe that even at a light tension the ADS extender would allow your penis is heal in an elongated state even better than using a wrap or a sili sleeve. And from observation, the penis is extremely resistant being a vital survival organ and all, so recovery of it will be rapid in most occasions, soreness and EQ should be used as an indicator, if you aren't getting morning erections or you can't get a full erection to go into a pump or to have intercourse/jack off then it's time for a rest.

It's probably best that you see what works best for you, but if your current routine with the LM works then I 100% agree, no need to change anything.
Well I believe that even at a light tension the ADS extender would allow your penis is heal in an elongated state even better than using a wrap or a sili sleeve. And from observation, the penis is extremely resistant being a vital survival organ and all, so recovery of it will be rapid in most occasions, soreness and EQ should be used as an indicator, if you aren't getting morning erections or you can't get a full erection to go into a pump or to have intercourse/jack off then it's time for a rest.

It's probably best that you see what works best for you, but if your current routine with the LM works then I 100% agree, no need to change anything.
I agree with everything you said, keeping the tissue even a little more stretched would benefit gains. I would love an extender but I need to save money.
- How fast do I really need to gain? 😂
The gains I have are incredible. I will stick with my process for now.

Thanks for the feedback. Haven't thought about the part where you mentioned EQ. It can be a good indicator if you have the correct intensity, or if you need to rest the tissue. Haven't thought about that before. Thanks. Really appreciate it.
Seriously an extender would be good from time to time I believe. Sometimes I'm just tired of the grind. Would have been nice to have it on like you said in bed. OR when reading. I will consider it.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!