Progress thread Journey To Massive Cock - Colossaltitan's Journey

I agree brother. Plus the element of safety as with the Bathmate you can exceed the safe pressure without knowing.
I agree fully. I was at 10 in.Hg vaccum pressure, or even higher with Bathmate pumps without knowing it (approximately gauage by how it felt compared to MityVac).

Just going on the feeling in your penis have been dangerous for some brothers here at MoS. That is the reason we created a new forum by the initiative by @oldandlively called: 🔗 Critical Articles - Case Studies. It's important to know how to prevent injuries and know where the limit of your penis is at.

I have four Bathmate pumps, so I know what I'm talking about.

Even having the VacuVin modification (See more here: Bathmate Hydromax & HydroExtreme Penis Pump Forum) are better then the standard Bathmate pump (but no gauge), but MityVac styled pump systems are superior. You can also add a gauge to Bathmate, but you can still not monitor the vaccum pressure live (only when adding vaccum pressure).

If you can monitor the vaccum live, and reduce/add vaccum on the go you will be able to grow faster and much safer.
It's wonderful.

I'm currently working on a professional solution to add a bigger water trap to MityVac Hydro-Vac Penis Pump. It's so existing to be able to help others during my growth period.

*Post edit details: Added some more information.
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Today's Session
  • 1hr+ Bundled Best Extender
Not a bad session today. I must admit I am getting a but bored of length work now and want to switch to girth work as soon as possible. There was a bit of a delivery mishap today with my pump and I am unsure if I will receive it tomorrow or the day after but I will see what happens.
I'll focus primarily on girth with a bit of length sprinkled in just to maintain my results currently.
Things do get monotonous when you put the same extender on and sit in the same way for an hour a day, hopefully the new pump will fix that for a little while, at least a few months.
Today's Session
  • 1hr+ Bundled Best Extender
Not a bad session today. I must admit I am getting a but bored of length work now and want to switch to girth work as soon as possible. There was a bit of a delivery mishap today with my pump and I am unsure if I will receive it tomorrow or the day after but I will see what happens.
I'll focus primarily on girth with a bit of length sprinkled in just to maintain my results currently.
Things do get monotonous when you put the same extender on and sit in the same way for an hour a day, hopefully the new pump will fix that for a little while, at least a few months.

The discipline and desire will keep you going.
Really angry today. pressure gauge on my pump is not working.
The gauge works by itself when I press and pump against my leg, it works with the tube attached, but it does not work when attached to the cylinder.
Anyone have any reason as to why this is? The model is almost identical to Mityvac. @squirt_inducer_man @DLD @huge-girth

If the pump wasn't purchased from MOS, I'm afraid MOS won't be able to replace the pump.
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Really angry today. pressure gauge on my pump is not working.
The gauge works by itself when I press and pump against my leg, it works with the tube attached, but it does not work when attached to the cylinder.
Anyone have any reason as to why this is? The model is almost identical to Mityvac. @squirt_inducer_man @DLD @huge-girth
You have a leak in your system, or; you need to pump a little bit more to build up vaccum pressure, more volume in the system more pumping is needed to build up vaccum pressure.
Is there a vid of anyone using a mityvac water pump? When I tried I found it very frustrating; too many tubes and things to manage while in the shower. Pressure gauge was all over the place. Water shooting through the pump gun.
There should not be any water inside the vaccum pumping handle. You need to monitor so you do not fill up your water trap.
Here is a simple drawing, in how you connect the system.


Don't let the water trap (H₂O-trap) fill up all the way. The purpose of the water trap, is to protect the vaccum pump. That is: You should not get water inside the vaccum pump. Make sure you do not loose the gasket for the water trap.

Here is how you use the connectors.

Make sure you press and hold.
but it does not work when attached to the cylinder.
The fitting on the cylinder may be loose.

This is the one.
You see! If the O-ring isn't compressed enough (but not to much) there will not be a vaccum seal. You can hand tighten it carefully (not to much). Also check the O-ring on the male fitting as well.

Or you haven't made a proper connection between the female fitting and the male fitting.

Somewhere there is a leak in the vaccum system. These are only some suggestions of possible leaks.
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Thanks, Sim, I appreciate the effort to explain but I think its something else. I know how the parts are connected. I've heard you need to keep the trap elevated above the tube. I wish someone posted a vid of them using to see how it is supposed to function.

Maybe one of the connectors with the trap is messed up.
Thanks, Sim, I appreciate the effort to explain but I think its something else. I know how the parts are connected. I've heard you need to keep the trap elevated above the tube. I wish someone posted a vid of them using to see how it is supposed to function.

Maybe one of the connectors with the trap is messed up.
You don't need to have the water trap elevated above the tube/cylinder (where you put your penis). Next session I will see if I can create a video instruction.
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Today's Session
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • BFR massage
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Finally trying out the full girth routine. I still have one more component to add before the routine is complete but this alone is feeling very nice.
The Gua sha scrapes I hope can help with my residual skin I have from phimosis as well as loosen the tissue and break down any collagen or scar plaque I have built up over my year of PE.
The pump, while the gauge doesn't work, is still usable and doesn't give me anywhere near as much oedema as the Bathmate, and I messaged the company and they are sending out another cylinder for free. Very nice of them.
I'm noticing that my penis is much looser and softer during the day with the implementation of this routine, I'm very eager to see the results that this can bring in the next 6 odd months.
Today's Session
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • BFR massage
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Session went wonderfully today. Did some more scrapes and I am finding that they are immediately helping with the excess skin I have from phimosis, a huge plus.
The pumping session was also awesome, will be even better once I get the gauge working with the new cylinder arriving some time.
Today's Session
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • BFR massage
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Session went wonderfully today. Did some more scrapes and I am finding that they are immediately helping with the excess skin I have from phimosis, a huge plus.
The pumping session was also awesome, will be even better once I get the gauge working with the new cylinder arriving some time.
Suggestions. Since you are scraping, try using warm liquid Vit E for 2 weeks and compare to warm virgin coconut oil for 2 weeks. This is a cheap alternative to liquid and cream collagen used by Asian females to tone and reduce saggy skin. Wife uses gua sha and collagen facial mask and it tones up her face and breast tissue. Love sucking the silky tone tits. The ladies in your life may say the same for a silky tone skin penis?
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Maybe one of the connectors with the trap is messed up.
There can be a leak. Try to put a cable tie around the fittings on the included water trap. Do not pull at the cabel ties to hard (risk breaking the connectors).

Like this.
If the tube have been disconnected multiple time, the seal around where the cable tie is in the picture above, can be bad.

You can leak test the system without water.
Doesn't matter what anyone else are saying. The system should not leak.
The vacuum pressure should not drop, after you have pumped up the vacuum pressure with the vacuum pump.
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Hey Sim, I posted in other thread. I found out that the O-ring had fallen out of the water trap. It fell under one of those storage crates in my bathroom apparently for the last 2 months. I used it last night and it worked well.
Today's Session
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • BFR massage
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Good session today despite slightly reduced EQ. A little more oedema than I would have liked but it's tough to avoids with the lack of a working pressure gauge.
I will try and add some stretching for length in tomorrow as I want to experiment and see if I can maintain that kind of routine and if I can keep gaining from it, will keep you all updated.
Beneath the glans, right where my phimotic ring sits. That part of foreskin that didn't retract until I was 15.
Got it. Was it also fallen into the area where the scraping starting or ending point? I know that area quite well. Very thin and sensitive to influences.
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There is actually less oedema where the scraping was done. Very interesting to say the least.
That is interesting. It's also expected too though. Think about the terminal pressure zone. From the base to the mid of the penis shalft is continuous body with minimal pressure change influences. But from the midway to the glans, especially the glans, that's where most of the pressure influences occur. This is where your weakest skin layer for the phimotic. If there was staple, stitches, or scarring around the phimotic, it's easier to get the edemas as well. It's the nature of the skin's thickness and weakness near the terminal pressure zone.
That is interesting. It's also expected too though. Think about the terminal pressure zone. From the base to the mid of the penis shalft is continuous body with minimal pressure change influences. But from the midway to the glans, especially the glans, that's where most of the pressure influences occur. This is where your weakest skin layer for the phimotic. If there was staple, stitches, or scarring around the phimotic, it's easier to get the edemas as well. It's the nature of the skin's thickness and weakness near the terminal pressure zone.
That is not surprising. There is always a degree of oedema there whenever I pump or vacuum extend. It's the reason I fell out of love with the Bathmate as it made my dick look super ugly.
Just out of curiosity, have you ever try a low pressure pump first, around 4inHg, follows by a 1.5in (or longer if needed) cutout penis sleeve (3mm thickness), strap it over the phimotic area, and them pump up between 5 and 7inHg to test? This acts a control compressive to prevent edema, while allowing you to pump without the thin-skin area distortion. This works with one of my colleagues that have similar issue where he had to perform a moderate phimotic trim with sutures. He switched between a 2mm to 4mm thickness to control any edema from forming while wet and dry pumping.
Just out of curiosity, have you ever try a low pressure pump first, around 4inHg, follows by a 1.5in (or longer if needed) cutout penis sleeve (3mm thickness), strap it over the phimotic area, and them pump up between 5 and 7inHg to test? This acts a control compressive to prevent edema, while allowing you to pump without the thin-skin area distortion. This works with one of my colleagues that have similar issue where he had to perform a moderate phimotic trim with sutures. He switched between a 2mm to 4mm thickness to control any edema from forming while wet and dry pumping.
Never thought of that. Will give it a try tonight.
Today's Session

  • Best extender 1hr+
  • Gua Sha scrapes
Wasn't able to use the pump today due to poor EQ. I couldn't get an erection to do the BFR massages let alone the pump itself. I will leave my dick alone for today and try again tomorrow.
Today's Session

  • Best extender 1hr+
  • Gua Sha scrapes
Wasn't able to use the pump today due to poor EQ. I couldn't get an erection to do the BFR massages let alone the pump itself. I will leave my dick alone for today and try again tomorrow.
Take a day off to restore your eq issues
Today's Session
  • Best extender 1hr+
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Hybrid session today. Finally managed to get some extender work done along with my pumping routine with the scrapes and it worked out quite well today. I don't feel overworked at all, and today I could actually spare the time to do the full routine.
The next couple weeks are gonna be a bit tougher. I'm working a lot of overtime and training twice a day so getting my full routine done is going to be a bit of a challenge but I'll squeeze in everything I can.
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Yesterday's Session
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
With my days more full than they were before, me working overtime while on my holidays, it gets harder to do everything from training twice a day to PE to posting about my sessions et cetera. However I am making the effort everyday to get whatever I can from my session.
Some days my EQ is not the greatest so I have to scrape the barrel but it is what it is.

Today I will try do both length and girth after the gym and see what I get out of it, wish me luck.
Yesterday's Session
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
With my days more full than they were before, me working overtime while on my holidays, it gets harder to do everything from training twice a day to PE to posting about my sessions et cetera. However I am making the effort everyday to get whatever I can from my session.
Some days my EQ is not the greatest so I have to scrape the barrel but it is what it is.

Today I will try do both length and girth after the gym and see what I get out of it, wish me luck.
Just make sure your body are prioritizing to grow your penis. Doing to much physical training at least a lot of skeletal muscle growth, can hinder the speed of penile growth. We have seen this before in this brotherhood. This is just a heads up that this dilemma may exist. I'm not saying that your speed of growth will slow down. Just that it can be a good thing to keep in mind.

Grow big brother!
Just make sure your body are prioritizing to grow your penis. Doing to much physical training at least a lot of skeletal muscle growth, can hinder the speed of penile growth. We have seen this before in this brotherhood. This is just a heads up that this dilemma may exist. I'm not saying that your speed of growth will slow down. Just that it can be a good thing to keep in mind.

Grow big brother!
Grow big¡!!!
Just make sure your body are prioritizing to grow your penis. Doing to much physical training at least a lot of skeletal muscle growth, can hinder the speed of penile growth. We have seen this before in this brotherhood. This is just a heads up that this dilemma may exist. I'm not saying that your speed of growth will slow down. Just that it can be a good thing to keep in mind.

Grow big brother!
Thank you brother!
Today's Session
  • Best extender 1hr+
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Good session today. Unfortunately despite me having a new cylinder sent to me the gauge on my air pump is still not working. I will look into some other means of getting a pressure gauge working but right now things are looking pretty bleak.
I still got a great session in and am being as consistent as possible with the tools I have available to me.
Here's to a giant dick brothers!
Today's Session
  • Best extender 1hr+
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Good session today. Unfortunately despite me having a new cylinder sent to me the gauge on my air pump is still not working. I will look into some other means of getting a pressure gauge working but right now things are looking pretty bleak.
I still got a great session in and am being as consistent as possible with the tools I have available to me.
Here's to a giant dick brothers!
Nice work!
Today's Session
  • Best extender 1hr+
  • Gua sha scrapes
  • Interval pumping 20 mins
Good session today. Unfortunately despite me having a new cylinder sent to me the gauge on my air pump is still not working. I will look into some other means of getting a pressure gauge working but right now things are looking pretty bleak.
I still got a great session in and am being as consistent as possible with the tools I have available to me.
Here's to a giant dick brothers!
Is there a leak in the system, or is the vaccum gauge not working?
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Today's Session
  • Best extender 1hr+
Not the worst session today. Was meant to do both length and girth but due to uncontrollable urges and feelings of slight depression from being unable to leave the house and train due to sickness I couldn't get the pump session in.
Everything is gonna be okay though and I am going to get better so I don't have to worry about it.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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