Progress thread Journey To Massive Cock - Colossaltitan's Journey

The ADS is attached to my leg which then attaches to the cup I am wearing.
When I sit down the strap then goes over my leg ands the more I move my leg to the side the more intense the stretch gets.

I hope this answered you question.
Small muscle movements can make a huge difference in when you're wearing an extender.
The ADS is attached to my leg which then attaches to the cup I am wearing.
When I sit down the strap then goes over my leg ands the more I move my leg to the side the more intense the stretch gets.

I hope this answered you question.
Have you try the ankle method? Strap on the knee allows constant high tension that can exceed 3 lbs of tension. I love this set up during the first 2 hours of the day.

But if you switch to the neck strap and run it down the ankle, you constant get dynamic lower tension at 2.5lbs and less while you move about. It's like you keep yanking and tugging on the penis all day. I feel crazy fatigue for the entire shaft and the ligaments. It's crazy.
Have you try the ankle method? Strap on the knee allows constant high tension that can exceed 3 lbs of tension. I love this set up during the first 2 hours of the day.

But if you switch to the neck strap and run it down the ankle, you constant get dynamic lower tension at 2.5lbs and less while you move about. It's like you keep yanking and tugging on the penis all day. I feel crazy fatigue for the entire shaft and the ligaments. It's crazy.
Never tried this method. I'm not a big fan of doing anymore than 2 hours of PE per day as I already stretch with a high tension in a bundled position and more work than that isn't really needed.
Today's Session
  • 1.5hr Bundled Best Extender
Good length session today. Did 3 sets, one bundled left, one right and one straight out, the last one was only a few minutes as my penis didn't want anymore stretch after being bundled and stretched at such a high intensity.
Today's Session
  • 1hr 10mins Bundled Best Extender
Back to stretching once again. Felt some damn good intensity with the extender today and reached a successful fatigue by the end.
I will try to use the Bathmate again tomorrow as I think my penis has had enough of a break from it and I now have the free time and space to use it comfortably without interruption.

NoFap day 1
After falling into some depression and dealing with anxiety I ended up relapsing worse than ever before on P and truly hated myself for it. I struggled with urges day-in-day-out and was repeating the cycle almost daily to the point where it was draining me and leaving me exhausted.

Now after I have been able to go 1 day without masturbation or looking at anything sexual I feel confident enough to make this post about restarting my NoFap journey.
I do this not just for my mental health and the health of my brain but also to do what a real man is supposed to do, that being to control his urges and not act out on impulse.
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Maybe you put to much pressure on yourself?
truly hated myself for it
Why do you hate yourself? I just want to understand.

In my opinion NoFap is not good for you.
If you do not ejaculate from time to time your semen will go down in quality.

Go ~1 month without ejaculation and then ejaculate after 1 month, and then just look at how bad the quality of your semen/load will be. You can see this with your eyes. The first load will even have trouble to get out, with lumps in it...

It's like changing the oil on a car, you need to do this once in a while. Otherwise it will go bad.

Edging, ballooning, Jelq's and ejacuation are good to cement your size/gains.
Maybe you put to much pressure on yourself?

Why do you hate yourself? I just want to understand.

In my opinion NoFap is not good for you.
If you do not ejaculate from time to time your semen will go down in quality.

Go ~1 month without ejaculation and then ejaculate after 1 month, and then just look at how bad the quality of your semen/load will be. You can see this with your eyes. The first load will even have trouble to get out, with lumps in it...

It's like changing the oil on a car, you need to do this once in a while. Otherwise it will go bad.

Edging, ballooning, Jelq's and ejacuation are good to cement your size/gains.
Perfect analogy there. For men, try to ejaculate once every 3 days, or at least twice a week. The reason is not only related to quality of semen, but also the prostate health. As we get older, my advice is to ejaculate more often, 3 to 4 times a week. This prevents the prostate from atrophy and allow prostate issues, like cancer, to develop. It has been reported for over a decade on the findings.

As for the lumps, they're just collected loads of globules, or dehydrated semen. They're merely old supporting essentials for the sperms that needed to be flushed out after 2 weeks of collection. They tend to melt in the vaginal recesses to prevent the sperms that couldn't find their way a chance of survival. By the way, that's how you make a girl when you try to impregnate your lady. Hint hint.
Maybe you put to much pressure on yourself?

Why do you hate yourself? I just want to understand.

In my opinion NoFap is not good for you.
If you do not ejaculate from time to time your semen will go down in quality.

Go ~1 month without ejaculation and then ejaculate after 1 month, and then just look at how bad the quality of your semen/load will be. You can see this with your eyes. The first load will even have trouble to get out, with lumps in it...

It's like changing the oil on a car, you need to do this once in a while. Otherwise it will go bad.

Edging, ballooning, Jelq's and ejacuation are good to cement your size/gains.
To answer your question brother about hate. It's the act of watching the dirty videos that makes me hate myself, I feel I've lowered myself to the depths of depravity I was in in my early teens which left me with the social skills issues I have today. It's less to do with the ejaculation and more to do with what led to it.

I'm aware of ejaculating frequently for the reasons you mentioned above, but for me it's to do with the dopamine release from the ejaculation and how doing it frequently leaves me unable to maintain eye contact during conversation, uninterested in going up and talking to girls, and has me lacking the drive to do what I need to do in order for my life to go the way I want it to go.

But I do still get an erection intentionally to fill my penis with blood post stretching session and to get it hard for pumping, so it's not like I am not doing anything at all.
To answer your question brother about hate. It's the act of watching the dirty videos that makes me hate myself, I feel I've lowered myself to the depths of depravity I was in in my early teens which left me with the social skills issues I have today. It's less to do with the ejaculation and more to do with what led to it.

I'm aware of ejaculating frequently for the reasons you mentioned above, but for me it's to do with the dopamine release from the ejaculation and how doing it frequently leaves me unable to maintain eye contact during conversation, uninterested in going up and talking to girls, and has me lacking the drive to do what I need to do in order for my life to go the way I want it to go.

But I do still get an erection intentionally to fill my penis with blood post stretching session and to get it hard for pumping, so it's not like I am not doing anything at all.
Okay I understand. Thank you for taking the time to explain.

Those movies are not good for the brain, I agree with you there.
There are even some research that tell us that these moves even "destroy" our brains, because of the whey these movies change the way we think and use our brain (through: Neuroplasticity). I am myself stuck with these movies... it is not good. As you I feel the way they impact my life is that they make me uninterested in life. I believe these movies are draining us from life energy to live our own life. I don't even need these movies for girth work, so I do not understand why I even are watching them.

The last session before my short break (started today again), I did not use these movies. But instead I was thinking about a real woman in my life. I had strong erections. So this was the sign that I do not need these movies. I need to cut them out completely now.
The mind is a powerful component to generate imagery. Visual stimulation is good, but the mind can generate better visual and auditory enhancement. Before the advent of thr movies making our imagination dull, our minds created the necessary visual and auditory pleasure to couple with physical stimuli.
The mind is a powerful component to generate imagery. Visual stimulation is good, but the mind can generate better visual and auditory enhancement. Before the advent of thr movies making our imagination dull, our minds created the necessary visual and auditory pleasure to couple with physical stimuli.
Yes that is correct!
When I was a child I gathered sticks and payed with them! (Not broomsticks 😀).
Now children play with smartphones, and I can imagine that this are killing their imagination and brain development.
Okay I understand. Thank you for taking the time to explain.

Those movies are not good for the brain, I agree with you there.
There are even some research that tell us that these moves even "destroy" our brains, because of the whey these movies change the way we think and use our brain (through: Neuroplasticity). I am myself stuck with these movies... it is not good. As you I feel the way they impact my life is that they make me uninterested in life. I believe these movies are draining us from life energy to live our own life. I don't even need these movies for girth work, so I do not understand why I even are watching them.

The last session before my short break (started today again), I did not use these movies. But instead I was thinking about a real woman in my life. I had strong erections. So this was the sign that I do not need these movies. I need to cut them out completely now.
Cutting them out of your life will make all the difference without a doubt. It's the ease of access that make them so difficult to avoid, you need not leave the house or even get up from where you sit to get a hold of them. No wonder they would destroy your brain.

Keep doing your sessions without the movies and over time your brain will become better and better at visualising the scenarios which get you aroused. Hell, you might even find a nice woman in your life that can bring it up for you;)
The mind is a powerful component to generate imagery. Visual stimulation is good, but the mind can generate better visual and auditory enhancement. Before the advent of thr movies making our imagination dull, our minds created the necessary visual and auditory pleasure to couple with physical stimuli.
Very accurate. I remember when hands free ejaculation and the ability to get a 100% erection just with my mind was a walk in the park. That is my current goal. It's when you rely on these visual stimuli that you become worse at visualising them yourself.
Today's Session
  • 1hr 10mins Bundled Best Extender
Good session today done in good time. Contemplating as I'm writing this whether or not to use the Bathmate, I'll write in another post if I do end up using it.
EQ has gotten better with my stretching, my length is definitely improving but my girth has gone down a bit, this is highly unlikely to be tissue loss but rather fluid loss and decrease in EQ from not using the Bathmate for a few weeks.

NoFap day 2
Had a little urge earlier today to watch something but turned myself away from it right away. The fact that I stopped once and went over a year without P is definitely a huge advantage as I know how to say no to this kind of stuff when my mind craves it.
By the end of the 7 day mark is when your testosterone increases 140%+ so I will probably be horny as hell on that day so I'll need to watch out that I don't open a tab while mindlessly surfing the web.
Just a little something for you and the brothers, no need for videos. I already told my wife that I am an observing person. I will look at everything to ensure our safety, but at the same time, I will also look at details. Details as in female's attractive parts, be the face, the breasts, the groin, or the ass. She knows I always compare the ladies to her, and compliment her for exceeding my expectations. However, use your brain to imagine the outlines provided by live girls to stimulate the organs of yours. Imagination pair up with pent up days will not only engage your testosterone boosts, but also create less decency on the videos. If you're with the ladies, be honest with them and point out that you are decreasing the dependencies on P-videos while maintain your own sexual health at the God-given level where it should be. Feminists tend to fail recognize that. Now, psychologists are pointing out the wrong things women have been castrating the men from doing to prevent sexual impotency. Sigh...modern society for you.
Cutting them out of your life will make all the difference without a doubt. It's the ease of access that make them so difficult to avoid, you need not leave the house or even get up from where you sit to get a hold of them. No wonder they would destroy your brain.

Keep doing your sessions without the movies and over time your brain will become better and better at visualising the scenarios which get you aroused. Hell, you might even find a nice woman in your life that can bring it up for you;)
I will follow your guidance.
Finding a nice woman would be the best method.
Today's Session
  • 30 mins Bundled Best Extender
Was meant to take the day off extending but after seeing some success stories on reedit and other platforms of people and the gains they made it inspired me to take the extender out. Don't manage much tension as I did some edging and my tissues were very relaxed and fatigued from that.

NoFap Day 3
I sadly peaked once today, I didn't go all out and watch a porno or jerk off to anything though. It's just a compulsion I developed after a while that I am trying to shrug off. I am not taking this as a loss and will continue as planned.
Today's Session
Great session today and my return to hanging after a little time off. My base felt a great stretch today and I could feel the inner penis talking to me during the session and I had to call it early just due to the fatigue. Extender session was okay except I ran out of wrap so I had to use a glans cap and those don't work too well but I still got a good stretch out of the session.
Might hang again tomorrow, who knows?
Funny how you hang today. I did the same, but I tested on something using a dynamic approach using a 5lbs weight. Rather than breaking down to 5x5min using heavy weight, I did a full 45min x 5lbs, but, using an automatic rotation tool for a wind chime with an auto reverse wormgear. Didn't know it would work, but it did work. Works great to fatigue my ligaments, break down the tissues while I do my other works. It was a big set up mess and I hope to clean it up before posting the rig. Crazy inner penis fatigue, and the shaft feels like the LM moderate 30x sets of twisting. MOS new tools for automation in the future? (cwl)
Funny how you hang today. I did the same, but I tested on something using a dynamic approach using a 5lbs weight. Rather than breaking down to 5x5min using heavy weight, I did a full 45min x 5lbs, but, using an automatic rotation tool for a wind chime with an auto reverse wormgear. Didn't know it would work, but it did work. Works great to fatigue my ligaments, break down the tissues while I do my other works. It was a big set up mess and I hope to clean it up before posting the rig. Crazy inner penis fatigue, and the shaft feels like the LM moderate 30x sets of twisting. MOS new tools for automation in the future? (cwl)
Very interesting. Mind posting a picture of this rig of yours? Would love to know more about it.
Definitely. Like I said, it's a big mess of tools below me like a speaker box on steroid for PE. I'll clean up a bit snapshot for the brothers to ponder about.

By the way, just like to give you stats on your intense length gain during your first 90 sessions while you're working on your other sessions. You successfully broken your tissues down and established a full linear gap each day. Literally. Each cell gap is around 0.003in. You managed to force growth at 0.005in, which equates to 127 micrometers each day. Cell wall gap is 100 micrometers. It's incredible how you manage to force that level of growth using standard approaches at high intensity. @squirt_inducer_man average out around 0.008in of linear growth per day, which is 203 micrometers. You guys are beasts.
Today's Session
  • 1hr Bundled Best Extender
Back to stretching and I will be eliminating rest days from here on out. I recently learned of the benefits of having no rests days with PE as the longer you go with stretching the more Matrix Metalloproteinase is released, this is a protein involved in the cleaving of extracellular matrixes, most notably collagen and elastin which are the building blocks of the tunica.
Today's Session
  • 1hr Bundled Best Extender
Back to stretching and I will be eliminating rest days from here on out. I recently learned of the benefits of having no rests days with PE as the longer you go with stretching the more Matrix Metalloproteinase is released, this is a protein involved in the cleaving of extracellular matrixes, most notably collagen and elastin which are the building blocks of the tunica.
Just to give credit to who I learned this from, I got this from Hink.
Today's Session
  • 1hr Bundled Best Extender
Not a bad stretching session today. Experimented with a larger cup size than usual for my extender and I felt some sensation on the glans that suggested slister so I kept taking it off to see if it was blistering but there was in fact nothing. I used the larger cup because I wrapper while erect and I couldn't fit into the medium cup when I tried to put it on.
Might experiment with this some more in the coming days.
Ooo..I got this problem 2 months ago when my glans went from small to medium vac cup size during expansion state too. Felt my the Hulk was choking my glans in the wrestling ring.

Just a trick. If you have either the SiliPad or a SiliCap, use it just to cover the glans down to the base. If you want to go cheap, use an 8mm glove palm area and poke a few aeration hole. Make side to use a bit of toilet tissue to soak up the excess moisture. Works like a charm.
Ooo..I got this problem 2 months ago when my glans went from small to medium vac cup size during expansion state too. Felt my the Hulk was choking my glans in the wrestling ring.

Just a trick. If you have either the SiliPad or a SiliCap, use it just to cover the glans down to the base. If you want to go cheap, use an 8mm glove palm area and poke a few aeration hole. Make side to use a bit of toilet tissue to soak up the excess moisture. Works like a charm.
For sure, I have some self adhesive bandage I use to protect the glans, I keep the shaft as uncovered as possible from the sleeve in order to get as much stretch on all the shaft.
Do you guys do anything to maintain/protect just below the glans? I get pretty raw there and it’s slowing me down.
Do you guys do anything to maintain/protect just below the glans? I get pretty raw there and it’s slowing me down.
When sleeping, use Vit E or any skin repairing ointment. I use Vit E to maintain skin health after the red light therapy.

To protect your skin below the glans (from the base of the glans to 2in toward the base), for me, I use a very soft 3mm thin penis sleeve cutout. This is to prevent fluid from forming from the base of the glans to the mid of the shaft, preventing that "overly stretched" foreskin due to high fluid build up from long period of vacuum pressurization. This happens to me as I go up into 12 inHg for my 2nd pump session every other day.
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Just use water and soap to clean it. I use a piece of cloth to with the water and soap. I also make sure water doesn't touch any iron part of the pump.
I don't want water to touch that little iron part which is the valve area. I don't want any rust.
Today's Session
  • 1hr Bundled Best Extender
Another good session today broken up into 2 sets for 1 hour total PE. I am thinking about buying a new pump and will let you guys know when I have ordered it. With an air pump I'll be able to pump in my room completely discretely and I'll be more incline to use it.
I’m using the silistretcher. I think I overdid the pump/ssj and having a hard time getting back to full health. Never had an issue before, but the silistretcher and sleeves seem to aggravate the issue.
It appears you've been chasing after girth so much that the glans become sensitive from the expansion. When slapping that SS2 vacuum cup on the sensitive glans, especially after pumping/SSJ, the glans's sensitivity probably exceeds your tolerance limit. Try to rest one day from pumping-SSJ, and try the SS2 first before the pump-SSJ session(s). See how your sensitivity fares.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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