Italian Stallion's Journey


Hello, welcome to this thread about my PE journey :)

All you need to know about me is HERE.

I will post daily updates.

Arguments: discipline/self-accountability, PE problems I'm struggling to resolve, PE routine's improvements and progression.

PE routine

Considering my length and my starting point of 13.5cm erect/ 10cm flaccid (First of June 24) my idea is to reach the mark 16/18cm mark before doing any girth routine.
As suggested by DLD my endgame length goal may be 9 inches but let's not dream and focus step by step, small victories compound.

1) DLD's 30 min manual stretching routine + 10 min stick assisted stretching

2) Fixed ADS minimum 1 x 2h session (sometimes I have time to do 2 of them)

3) DLD's Hanger Beginner 10/6/4 Minute Sets
Set one: 3 pounds
Set two: 4 pounds
Set three: 5 pounds

4) During work, gym, going out etc I wrap up my dick to maintain the after exercises stretch with bandages

5) During sleep I use a soft sili sleeve to avoid turtling

8 july 2024

- Everything went smoothly, especially wrapping up and continuing my day, since the feeling of doing PE during work or lifting is priceless, It's like I'm super productive, which is something I'm enjoying a ton. :)

- During my ADS fixed session I briefly checked the other progression threads that Oldlandlively recommended, so in the next days I will start to go post by post and read and Understand it all, starting from THIS One.

- Right now I know about questions but the main goal of July is reaching perfect technique on manual stretching, Squirtinducerman's first videos are helping in that regards
I have already ordered and got my Lenghtmaster 3 but I don't want to use it YET, since it's like don't knowing how to drive but buying a Ferrari as first Car x)
Also DLD mentioned something like that in his beginner workout I think
Best to start the Ferrari up just to hear it hums and revs. Step on the pedals, strap yourself in, and inch it out little by little just to get the feel of it.

Just learning how to wrap, strap, and lightly pull to know the methods of using the LM is more than enough as a newbie routine. If you decide to step on the gas a little harder, go for the newbie routines in the LM and get the feel of it. It's part of the conditioning period.
  • Strong
Reactions: DLD
Best to start the Ferrari up just to hear it hums and revs. Step on the pedals, strap yourself in, and inch it out little by little just to get the feel of it.

Just learning how to wrap, strap, and lightly pull to know the methods of using the LM is more than enough as a newbie routine. If you decide to step on the gas a little harder, go for the newbie routines in the LM and get the feel of it. It's part of the conditioning period.
It takes time to get to your perfect pe in length and girth. Best to use SRT or perhaps modification to the workout that fits into your life
8 july 2024

- Everything went smoothly, especially wrapping up and continuing my day, since the feeling of doing PE during work or lifting is priceless, It's like I'm super productive, which is something I'm enjoying a ton. :)

- During my ADS fixed session I briefly checked the other progression threads that Oldlandlively recommended, so in the next days I will start to go post by post and read and Understand it all, starting from THIS One.

- Right now I know about questions but the main goal of July is reaching perfect technique on manual stretching, Squirtinducerman's first videos are helping in that regards
I have already ordered and got my Lenghtmaster 3 but I don't want to use it YET, since it's like don't knowing how to drive but buying a Ferrari as first Car x)
Also DLD mentioned something like that in his beginner workout I think
9 July 2024

- Everything went smoothly, during my hanger session I have read (again) the first part of DLD's SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory,

- - Reverse kegel as baseline for every stretch exercises,

really interesting concept, even though I fear to do some separate kegel exercises since I'm not entirely sure yet if they will strenghten my suspensory ligaments, therefore making harder to reach erections.
Maybe I just need to read more about it too.

- - No underwear suppression,

that's something easy to incorporate in my everyday life, especially at home since I'm renting without a flatmate.

- - After doing it the penis enters a more relaxed/maleable state,

that's really easy to incorporate, and it's also helpful regarding ejaculation control, which is a problem I have had since forever, sometimes I just can't cum and keep going or when I get my things I can cum in seconds

During my fixed ADS I have read THIS.... good thing I knew most of the things he was saying, on the other hand I don't have a silistretcher,
all I have, for the same purpose, are bandages wrapping up after the stretching session and silisleevs during sleep time,
Right now I'm not feeling I need a silistretcher yet, Let's see end of summer gains.
9 July 2024

- Everything went smoothly, during my hanger session I have read (again) the first part of DLD's SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory,

- - Reverse kegel as baseline for every stretch exercises,

really interesting concept, even though I fear to do some separate kegel exercises since I'm not entirely sure yet if they will strenghten my suspensory ligaments, therefore making harder to reach erections.
Maybe I just need to read more about it too.

- - No underwear suppression,

that's something easy to incorporate in my everyday life, especially at home since I'm renting without a flatmate.

- - After doing it the penis enters a more relaxed/maleable state,

that's really easy to incorporate, and it's also helpful regarding ejaculation control, which is a problem I have had since forever, sometimes I just can't cum and keep going or when I get my things I can cum in seconds

During my fixed ADS I have read THIS.... good thing I knew most of the things he was saying, on the other hand I don't have a silistretcher,
all I have, for the same purpose, are bandages wrapping up after the stretching session and silisleevs during sleep time,
Right now I'm not feeling I need a silistretcher yet, Let's see end of summer gains.
5 days off routines, considering I did everything on the 10/7 but didn't post about it...

self-accountability I think is my main struggle, I won't make excuses I was lazy, I need to incorporate PE in my lifestyle and stick with it....
I really want a bigger dick, like I wanted a perfect muscular body, I want an elephant cook too
Like at the gym, seems like I need a personal coaching that push me through this journey, I have messaged @huge-girth about the coaching, i'm really looking forward to work with him !
5 days off routines, considering I did everything on the 10/7 but didn't post about it...

self-accountability I think is my main struggle, I won't make excuses I was lazy, I need to incorporate PE in my lifestyle and stick with it....
I really want a bigger dick, like I wanted a perfect muscular body, I want an elephant cook too
Like at the gym, seems like I need a personal coaching that push me through this journey, I have messaged @huge-girth about the coaching, i'm really looking forward to work with him !

I've sent you a PM brother.
  • Like
Reactions: DLD
22 July 2024

I have officially started my coaching with The brother Huge Girth, a lot of useful videos and explanations,

Here you can see the results after 2 hours of watching that damn "HOW to wrapping up before the lenghmaster" video, from doing manual stretcher to using the lenghtmaster 3, my technique is still pretty mediocre but it's a really big improvement :)


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22 July 2024

I have officially started my coaching with The brother Huge Girth, a lot of useful videos and explanations,

Here you can see the results after 2 hours of watching that damn "HOW to wrapping up before the lenghmaster" video, from doing manual stretcher to using the lenghtmaster 3, my technique is still pretty mediocre but it's a really big improvement :)
It will take a bit of a learning curve to get things down. Even when you got it all down, you can still fumble through it. I know I have this morning. I fumbled with the wrapping even with the knowledge on how to wrap my penis for the plates.

Coach huge-girth has plenty of knowledge to boost your routines into the next stages of growth. Best of PE journey brother.
23 july 2024

PE routines Done :)

When I was doing some cardio at the gym I came acrcoss this study:
Response of micropenis to topical testosterone and gonadotropin - PubMed

I don't want to encourage any usage of Peds and If this isen't the right place to talk about such things just say so...


I'm somewhat familiar with the world, therefore, I can easily incorporate some testogel to my next blast, around the end of august, to see if the study works

Has someone at MOS already tried this before? is it safe to do?
When I was doing some cardio at the gym I came acrcoss this study:
Response of micropenis to topical testosterone and gonadotropin - PubMed

I don't want to encourage any usage of Peds and If this isen't the right place to talk about such things just say so...
It's fine to discuss medical materials for PE. Everyone can provide info and opinions.

'm somewhat familiar with the world, therefore, I can easily incorporate some testogel to my next blast, around the end of august, to see if the study works

Has someone at MOS already tried this before? is it safe to do?
The question is, "Are you trying to get a lady pregnant or are you trying to make your ball sack larger to load up the semen volume?

To make your penis larger using the gel application, it won't work. Just another way in blowing your money. You might as well invest in human growth hormone to get better results. This is where companies going to promote their magical creams to sucker you of your cash.
It's fine to discuss medical materials for PE. Everyone can provide info and opinions.

The question is, "Are you trying to get a lady pregnant or are you trying to make your ball sack larger to load up the semen volume?

To make your penis larger using the gel application, it won't work. Just another way in blowing your money. You might as well invest in human growth hormone to get better results. This is where companies going to promote their magical creams to sucker you of your cash.
HGH and Insulin is my no-go zone, like the difference between cocaine and heroin.

As for the fertility part there is always the Sperm cryo preservation option...

but thanks anyway for your honest, frank and quick response, I really appreciate it brother ;)
29 july 2024
First week of coaching gone, the kick-start worked, 6 days out of seven of 20 min 2 daily session of L.M.3 single rotation bundled stretches

The main challenge was the "how to do it" learning curve, especially about the wrap up with bandages and sillysleeve to avoid turtling, mantain the stretched position longer, when to rest and re-wrap and how to not let it slip off

Photo attached

Today I'm also starting my first kegel exercises with my sister's old yoga carpet, so I can also train abs at the same time.

I'm having some adaptation already, which means I have to increase the rotation, (I can only 1 and half rn) or the strengh of the stretch I apply.

Video attached


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31 july 2023

Just a quick update
I'm still struggling to find the discipline to incorporate kegels in my PE daily routine, (even though I got my sistet old yoga carpet)

But the real news is that we are rrally close to do L.M.3. boundled stretches with TWO full rotations :))

video attached


31 july 2023

Just a quick update
I'm still struggling to find the discipline to incorporate kegels in my PE daily routine, (even though I got my sistet old yoga carpet)

But the real news is that we are rrally close to do L.M.3. boundled stretches with TWO full rotations :))

video attached
2 rotations is perfect.
3 august 2024

First day of Kegels DONE let's fucking gooooo !!!! :)

I had some problems starting it, since I saw THIS really hard kegel video on X, and I thought that I had to do it.

Long story short my error was trying to be too zealous, which is even more wrong at the start of your journey.

"PE is a marathon, not a race" as DLD and the legends keep saying, there is nothing more right than that.

I did my 30 sit kegels with 5 sec of hold and they are perfect for a start.

I'm looking forward to improve and progressive overload my routine to reach with time and consistency that X video!
5 august 2024
Another week of PE gone, as a sign of progress I'm starting to notice some girth and lenght gains at the base, the bundled 2 rotation l.m.3 stretches works ! :)

Today I will also buy some hydrocortisone cream 1%, a little bit every night should help to avoid peeling in the future.

pic attached

Question time, during my kegels 30 with 5 sec

during the last part of the 5 sec hold, my abs get some activation, like an involuntary thing, idk how to explain it better, but It's like that my abs "compansate/help" my pelvic muscles to do the last seconds of the five, which may reppresent not doing the kegel exercise correctly

What do you think?


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Question time, during my kegels 30 with 5 sec

during the last part of the 5 sec hold, my abs get some activation, like an involuntary thing, idk how to explain it better, but It's like that my abs "compansate/help" my pelvic muscles to do the last seconds of the five, which may reppresent not doing the kegel exercise correctly

What do you think?

Answer time:

The reason why your abs activated is due to your attempts to lift the pelvic floor way too excessively towards your diaphragm (base of your stomach). Standard kegels only engage pelvic floor, while the stomach remains loose and relaxed. When you use your abs to lift your pelvic up in an over intensified lift, you also engage your oblique muscles that is not necessary. It's nice to do a dual workout, but not needed.
"PE is a marathon, not a race" as DLD and the legends keep saying, there is nothing more right than that.
I'm watching the olympics right now, something comes to my mind with that statement and watching the races. "We are not racing against others, We are doing our own run". Too many times you hear about many starting PE with fast gains and then stop short of their goal, we compare ourselves to them. Our initial thought is to catch up to them, be in the front of the pack, that is not your race. Any disciplined runner runs their race, does not get influenced by the noise of others, and continues. Who cares if another PE person got 1/2 in inch but then fell off, you are running your race, with your own goals. Mid-point you will pass everyone and win your race.
Looks ok to me. I am not seeing an injury.
White "shards" may be the rise of or irritation of the follicle glans you are referring to. Those follicle base can get irritated easily during high pressure pumping or application of chemicals like grease and lubrication. They can even be caused by heat rash during wraps or during usage of donuts.

Application of liquid Vit E or coconut oil helps, but do apply to see if you have reactions to them. The conditions tend to fade or go away in long term as your skin adjusts to the routines. Do pay attention more long the way for any sign of aggressive irritation, redness, or flaky of skin. Blistering can occur.
Are you shaving?
yes I do, with a razor + shaving cream, frequency is once a week, but sometimes 2 times a week

I don't like the idea of stop shaving if it is what you are asking, but I can do it for a while anyway for the sake of PE.

I have never had such problems before, maybe it's a combination of shaving + l.m.3 work
White "shards" may be the rise of or irritation of the follicle glans you are referring to. Those follicle base can get irritated easily during high pressure pumping or application of chemicals like grease and lubrication. They can even be caused by heat rash during wraps or during usage of donuts.

Application of liquid Vit E or coconut oil helps, but do apply to see if you have reactions to them. The conditions tend to fade or go away in long term as your skin adjusts to the routines. Do pay attention more long the way for any sign of aggressive irritation, redness, or flaky of skin. Blistering can occur.
Thanks for the advice, I have just ordered some liquid vit E, I will write the results here :)
yes I do, with a razor + shaving cream, frequency is once a week, but sometimes 2 times a week

I don't like the idea of stop shaving if it is what you are asking, but I can do it for a while anyway for the sake of PE.

I have never had such problems before, maybe it's a combination of shaving + l.m.3 work
No. Shaving is important but it takes about a month to get used to it. It's normal to have skin issues until you skin gets used to it.
8 august 2024

After I came across this thread, I had a discussion with my coach Huge Girth and from now on I will focus on the force applyed to the stretch more than everything else.

Therefore, I went back to downward l.m.3 bundled stretches with only a single rotation, since I think the pain I was experiencing was coming from the double rotation, more than the force of the strech itselfs.

My goal is to find the perfect spot between:

Pain+tiredness, which is costant to have some lenght and girth gains

and sharp pain, which may rapresent being too zealous or even the starting point of injuries in the future.

the last one is also something DLD said in THIS video
8 august 2024

After I came across this thread, I had a discussion with my coach Huge Girth and from now on I will focus on the force applyed to the stretch more than everything else.

Therefore, I went back to downward l.m.3 bundled stretches with only a single rotation, since I think the pain I was experiencing was coming from the double rotation, more than the force of the strech itselfs.

My goal is to find the perfect spot between:

Pain+tiredness, which is costant to have some lenght and girth gains

and sharp pain, which may rapresent being too zealous or even the starting point of injuries in the future.

the last one is also something DLD said in THIS video
Which video are you referring to? The link you left is not connecting
10 August 2024

Routines are going smoothly af, especially my mornings, where I wake up, shower, coffee and straight to my l.m.3

Close to zero esitation, like it's part of my day :)

Yesterday I came across this 2015 thread...

Among the best I have seen so far :)

Last thing is a quick update on my Vit E and hydrocortisone 1% cream.

Liquid Vit E was easy, amazon had it, for the cream...
long story short In Italy you can't buy 1% hydrocortisone acetate by law...

so you have to get a medical prescriction and only then you can go to specific pharmacies where they prepare it for you.
50€ and my base medic will write one for me, after he gets back from vacation, and then there is one such pharmacy 30min of highway away from where I live. I hope all this trouble will be worth it.
10 August 2024

Routines are going smoothly af, especially my mornings, where I wake up, shower, coffee and straight to my l.m.3

Close to zero esitation, like it's part of my day :)

Yesterday I came across this 2015 thread...

Among the best I have seen so far :)

Last thing is a quick update on my Vit E and hydrocortisone 1% cream.

Liquid Vit E was easy, amazon had it, for the cream...
long story short In Italy you can't buy 1% hydrocortisone acetate by law...

so you have to get a medical prescriction and only then you can go to specific pharmacies where they prepare it for you.
50€ and my base medic will write one for me, after he gets back from vacation, and then there is one such pharmacy 30min of highway away from where I live. I hope all this trouble will be worth it.
Your doing a great routine. Great way to start the day.
15 august 2024

Just a quick update since nothing has really changed, routines are going fine, daytime sleeve on point and enjoying the process...

like everytime I finish a session I'm genuinely happy, like when I finish a gym workout :)

All I have to do is being consistent and apply the right tension, with a coach like huge girth, optimizing what exercise to do and how to do it are easy stuff.

Next summer I will have a HUGE dick and way more muscles, and It's going to be the best one so far !!! :)

Answer time:

The reason why your abs activated is due to your attempts to lift the pelvic floor way too excessively towards your diaphragm (base of your stomach). Standard kegels only engage pelvic floor, while the stomach remains loose and relaxed. When you use your abs to lift your pelvic up in an over intensified lift, you also engage your oblique muscles that is not necessary. It's nice to do a dual workout, but not needed
Really good advice, since in today Kegels session I have finally did them with my stomach loose enough, maybe it was an habit from the gym idk ty again
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22 August 2024

PE routines are on point, only Sundays off by choice, since some rest may be more beneficial than not interupted work.

News I

I have bought 3 days ago the liquid Vit E suggested by oldandlively, two applications straight after the routines since then

Pic 1

An Immediate effect is a moderate reduction of the sporadic pains near the tunica, during sleeves + bandages sections, especially at work where, as a private driver, I have to sit for longer periods of time.

Even though the main result I expect is more skin elasticity, which will help in increasing l.m.3 rotations and maybe to speed up the healing process of my white shards.

News II

I have noticed some tunica gains without even a tape measure! :)

Pic 2 and 3


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Awesome! You brain and eyes can pick up visual incrementation without having to truly measure. Your lady will tell you the same through not only visual but feels as well. Keep at it, and you'll get your needed gains soon. Keep up with the disciplines.
Awesome! You brain and eyes can pick up visual incrementation without having to truly measure. Your lady will tell you the same through not only visual but feels as well. Keep at it, and you'll get your needed gains soon. Keep up with the disciplines.
The ladies have to wait, since doing PE my EQ dropped, and I can't even compensate like I used to do during a cycle with some cialis, since being in a always erect state doesn't allow doing l.m.3 work at all :(

The max I can do is taking some cialis after my last routine on saturday and I have only sunday to find one :)

But I know it will be worth it, we are here for the long run.
The ladies have to wait, since doing PE my EQ dropped, and I can't even compensate like I used to do during a cycle with some cialis, since being in a always erect state doesn't allow doing l.m.3 work at all :(

The max I can do is taking some cialis after my last routine on saturday and I have only sunday to find one :)

But I know it will be worth it, we are here for the long run.
Don't worry about the EQ for now. It happened to the best of us. My EQ tanked hard as well when I started out my PE journey. Good news is, your EQ actually improves quite fast after an adjustment period. One of the brothers and I are having crazy hard nightly erections. I mean really hard. My wife instinctively uses my penis like joystick for her strange games in her dreams practically every night. It reminds her of the old days after my adjustment period as well. Nightly erection throughout the night is a common phenomenon. You'll get there soon.
Don't worry about the EQ for now. It happened to the best of us. My EQ tanked hard as well when I started out my PE journey. Good news is, your EQ actually improves quite fast after an adjustment period. One of the brothers and I are having crazy hard nightly erections. I mean really hard. My wife instinctively uses my penis like joystick for her strange games in her dreams practically every night. It reminds her of the old days after my adjustment period as well. Nightly erection throughout the night is a common phenomenon. You'll get there soon.
Only a few men have experienced what you have just said, and your case is even more rare, since you weren't born with a big dong, but you worked really hard for it.

Thank for the encouragement, I really appreciate it, and I will let you know where my first PE driven night erection comes :)

I doubt there will be a wet wife on my side, but you will never now x)
27 august 2024

Second measurement day results! after 30 days !

After 60 sessions of l.m.3 single rotation downward bundled stretches,

Considering 20min each session I have spent 1200mins, 20 hours on active PE exercise so far!

pic 1 is at the start of the l.m.3 journey

pic 2 is at the end

from 16cm 6'3 BPEL
to 16,8cm 6'4 BPEL


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30 august 2024

After pushing at the limit of the single rotation, I have switched to double rotation downwars bundled stretches, and look at these gains....

pic 1 and 2

Intensity is the key, and I'm getting day by day better at understanding and applying it, LET'S GOOOO !!!


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7 september 2024

- First of all I want to give all my prayers to DLD, I hope he will get out of everything bad he is going through right now 🙏

- Secondly, the choise of doing another month of boundled downwards l.m.3 stretches was good.
(Double rotation this time)

I'm noticing even more visual gains and "rested pain" for the first time, which lasts after the exercises.

They are similar to the ones I have after a single frequency gym session, where you target only one main muscle section, with heavy duty work.

It usually refers to correctly pushing hard enough, for an experience athlete, therefore, gaining muscle mass.

Long story short, I'm enjoying my PE journey and experiencing both visual and measurable gains, (Photos are available in last updates).

- Final thing is that I'm not entirely sure about what to do after this month...

Main goal is being able to do the third rotation even on the weak side, which I'm already trying to compensate by adding 2/3/4/5 more 1 minute stretches.

But I really want to start some exercise like the dld l.m.3 blasters, which, if I'm not wrong, "attack" directly the body of the penis, any ideas?
- Final thing is that I'm not entirely sure about what to do after this month...
As you go from newbie to more intermediate methods of attacks, or rather more aggressive routines, you should already feel and know what works so far. It literally screams at you.

For example, if you have dull achy tug from a selected stretch, and you know it's effective, select similar routine stretches but add progressive increase of traction force, roughly 0.5lb to 1lb per week. My suggestion is every 2 week to be safe.

Adding contortion or lateral breakage of collagenic bonds. I other words, twist and shout, or scream. Just twist enough to reach a taut point where it doesn't go any more. Make side both twist directions are the same in degrees of turn. Add that to your stretch. This is going into intermediate zone.

As you go forward, intensities in traction force and lateral contortion are needed. When you progress to higher forces, you are entering into advance level. This is where you spend large amount of time seeing which of the stretches in combo with the higher forces that work best for you. This is where you will also monitor the levels you must go through, log like crazy, and detect the changes based on what you selected. This is literally rocket sciences, or rather, biological sciences.

Main goal is being able to do the third rotation even on the weak side, which I'm already trying to compensate by adding 2/3/4/5 more 1 minute stretches.
Good start. Looks like you detected a trend. Log this method of approach for a month.

But I really want to start some exercise like the dld l.m.3 blasters, which, if I'm not wrong, "attack" directly the body of the penis, any ideas?
Who say you can't? Give it a try. Select 1 to 2 routines from the Blasters series. 30 seconds per rep, 5 minutes per routine. Intermix them.
As you go from newbie to more intermediate methods of attacks, or rather more aggressive routines, you should already feel and know what works so far. It literally screams at you.

I think maximazing the gains during my begginner phase is going to improve the potential gains of subsequent phases, therefore I don't think rushing to intermediate level is Good right now.

btw yes I'm feeling the sensation of "what works for me" and the process of which my body tell it to me.

For example, if you have dull achy tug from a selected stretch,

That's the case

and you know it's effective, select similar routine stretches but add progressive increase of traction force, roughly 0.5lb to 1lb per week. My suggestion is every 2 week to be safe.
That's something I'm already doing and posted about in previous updates, I'm applying slightly under sharp pain but not feeling just enough tension,

Considering that my body keep rising the tension tollerance to reach that sharp pain, if I keep this plan of action, there should be a "natural" tension increase, as you mentioned,

even though I still kinda struggle to recognise when to apply it myself, and I'm not close to doing this process perfectly yet.

Adding contortion or lateral breakage of collagenic bonds. I other words, twist and shout, or scream. Just twist enough to reach a taut point where it doesn't go any more. Make side both twist directions are the same in degrees of turn. Add that to your stretch. This is going into intermediate zone.
This is something I'm really excited to do, I have asked my Coach about it, we will make a plan of attack, thank for the tip 💪

As you go forward, intensities in traction force and lateral contortion are needed. When you progress to higher forces, you are entering into advance level. This is where you spend large amount of time seeing which of the stretches in combo with the higher forces that work best for you. This is where you will also monitor the levels you must go through, log like crazy, and detect the changes based on what you selected. This is literally rocket sciences, or rather, biological sciences.
I know what you did here, a "little" sneak-peek just to keep me motivated 😅
I have a long way ahead to reach advance, but I can't wait to do so, PE works and I'm enjoying it more than ever, I'm also starting to tell my journey to selected closest friends and family member, I'm not embarassed or insecure about it anymore :)
Good start. Looks like you detected a trend. Log this method of approach for a month.
yes sir

Who say you can't? Give it a try. Select 1 to 2 routines from the Blasters series. 30 seconds per rep, 5 minutes per routine. Intermix them.
maybe in the third month, I will ask my coach about it
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7 september 2024

- First of all I want to give all my prayers to DLD, I hope he will get out of everything bad he is going through right now 🙏

- Secondly, the choise of doing another month of boundled downwards l.m.3 stretches was good.
(Double rotation this time)

I'm noticing even more visual gains and "rested pain" for the first time, which lasts after the exercises.

They are similar to the ones I have after a single frequency gym session, where you target only one main muscle section, with heavy duty work.

It usually refers to correctly pushing hard enough, for an experience athlete, therefore, gaining muscle mass.

Long story short, I'm enjoying my PE journey and experiencing both visual and measurable gains, (Photos are available in last updates).

- Final thing is that I'm not entirely sure about what to do after this month...

Main goal is being able to do the third rotation even on the weak side, which I'm already trying to compensate by adding 2/3/4/5 more 1 minute stretches.

But I really want to start some exercise like the dld l.m.3 blasters, which, if I'm not wrong, "attack" directly the body of the penis, any ideas?
What i like to do when im bundling is grab a mean o heat, for me its a hair dryer that i direct to my shaft for few minutes and make the bend go further. I also try to be careful to not over do it and stay away from my scrotum to not affect it with the heat.
What i like to do when im bundling is grab a mean o heat, for me its a hair dryer that i direct to my shaft for few minutes and make the bend go further. I also try to be careful to not over do it and stay away from my scrotum to not affect it with the heat.
Heat is an amazing thing in pe!
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  • S (Guest) Sam hi:
    How's everyone
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
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  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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