How Should I Proceed


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I am doing Girth routine each other day. That means that I do the Girth Routine 4 times per week.
I am doing Length Routine 5 times a week.
It caught my attention that every time I am finishing 5x5x3, after 3 hours my penis is so beautiful, I like it so much that I wish I had this penis forever. For some reason there is LENGTH added (about 2cm) and there is an expansion added (about 0.5) which makes my psychology so nice that I could do anything.
My question is, HOW can I have this penis all day? How can I have it even if it is not permanent! I want to do this for my self, my psychology. It really helps me. For that time, for the first time in my life, I like myself.
How can I achieve that?
I have all MOS equipment needed for SRT or whatever.
I did this post @oldandlively as you asked ;)
I am doing Girth routine each other day. That means that I do the Girth Routine 4 times per week.
I am doing Length Routine 5 times a week.
It caught my attention that every time I am finishing 5x5x3, after 3 hours my penis is so beautiful, I like it so much that I wish I had this penis forever. For some reason there is LENGTH added (about 2cm) and there is an expansion added (about 0.5) which makes my psychology so nice that I could do anything.
My question is, HOW can I have this penis all day? How can I have it even if it is not permanent! I want to do this for my self, my psychology. It really helps me. For that time, for the first time in my life, I like myself.
How can I achieve that?
I have all MOS equipment needed for SRT or whatever.
I did this post @oldandlively as you asked ;)
Thanks for posting it here. Do you mind bringing other information from the other posts too, like physical health, mental health, issues you're suffering with, supplements you are using, the post healing equipment you're using, and the routines you're doing currently? This will build a data scheme for us to analyze and provide support. I'm only one person. You got specialists here, from @DLD @huge-girth @SIM223768 @squirt_inducer_man and our current Hulk, Superman, and Spartan modes brothers. They're all here to assist.
Physical Health: Overweighted, but I am losing weight (I am on a good diet)
Mental Health: I have mood swings because I do not like my body and my penis but overall if you ask about my sanity, I am okay.
Mental Health Issues: Suffering from Great ED. Can't hold erection for more than 8 secs. I am fighting this with doctors etc. and my self.
Supplements I am using: Since I am on a Keto Diet to lose weight, I am taking many vitamins. B Complex, Q10, Psyllium, Berberine (For blood sugar control) and for my Premature Ejaculation I am taking Rhodiola with SAMe which somehow "fixed" the problem.
I am doing 5 times a week Length Master in the morning, and then I am putting a silisleeve for 6 hours.
I am doing my girth routine using BathMate each other day. For example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. This is 4 times a week.
I am doing the above for almost 2 months - no any improvement at all on anything.
I am using MOSRED 7 mins before my girth routine with bundled stretches and 7 mins after my girth routine, after the first 10 mins of using cockring.
Started Recently:: Angion Method for EQ, doing it to help with my ED
Started Recenetly:: Testicles Balls and Lingaments Stretching to remove excessive skin from my penis due to clamping in the past.

I understand that I cannot have long-term effects because I cannot get an erection past 80% which I think is very important for girth routine success, this is the reason I want to achieve somehow something temporary but In a permanent way (meaning that I will work to have it).
After my 5x5x3, I like my penis very much. How can I have it all day?
Excellent. Thank you brother. Looks like I think I see an overall pattern emerging. Just a few follow up questions to get the further clues I need. I hope you don't mind me asking a few side colleagues to provide insights to what I may be missing by compiling the info in their heads as well. More brains mean more possibilities for resolutions.

  • Current weight and diet? This allows us to know the energy and nutrients spent for your PE while achieving desired weight loss. By the way, do you also perform any physical exercises? This question being asked to determine the amount of blood pressure and blood flow to encourage cellular growth and repair, while you're using the supplements.
  • Any medical condition pertaining to physical ailment, beside ED? For example, pathology (nerves, blood, drainages), hormonal, blood abnormality (sickle cell, low blood counts, etc), muscles/tendons/ligament issues, and internal damages to organs/skeletal structure? This will give an overview how your body is diverting priorities to repairs. Remember, your PE is one of the least important according to the body's priorities. We have to trick it.
  • You have some other medical info in other posts. Do make sure to transfer the info here as well. The info is invaluable to make things work for you. It's like having a car, and engine, but no steering wheel or transmission shifter. We're dead stuck in the garage.
  • I'm placing the Rhodiola's and SAMe's synergistic effects of SAMe's (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine) in the back of my head. This actually energize the existing supplements you're using now, which is B-Complex and Berberine to curve, not eliminate, your early ejaculation. It's actually causes the nerves to be less sensitive, or better to say, it causes the delays of nerve messages to the extreme ends of your body. Monitor your decision-making and motor skills while on these supplements. At times, there may be visual and auditory delays being sent to your brain.
  • Very proud of you to select psyllium and its husk as part of your supplement. It's a tremendous estrogenic suppressor, that is, if you can handle the taste and texture. I have bags of them here to use as part of my culinary testing ground. By the way, ever want to try chia seeds/powder with the psillium? Stay away from flax as it does contrain a very high level of phytoestrogen. Our brother @Haursen also has some unique supplementary approach for you to mirror as well. Very proud of him doing research on his own for his PE health.
If you are not gaining at least 1/8in after 2 months worth of work, something is not working. This is why we're compiling the info on your entire history to see what's going on. You got the tools, the time, and now, we have to find the efficiency to make things grow. For cellular regrowth, once we have the info above compiled, we may have a chance to upgrade your MOS Red time from 7 minutes to 10 minutes, and we may be able to boost the usage to twice a day without hindering any regressive benefits. In other words, we'll make the MOS Red work in your favor. You have to be patient on this one as we get more info.
Excellent. Thank you brother. Looks like I think I see an overall pattern emerging. Just a few follow up questions to get the further clues I need. I hope you don't mind me asking a few side colleagues to provide insights to what I may be missing by compiling the info in their heads as well. More brains mean more possibilities for resolutions.

  • Current weight and diet? This allows us to know the energy and nutrients spent for your PE while achieving desired weight loss. By the way, do you also perform any physical exercises? This question being asked to determine the amount of blood pressure and blood flow to encourage cellular growth and repair, while you're using the supplements.
  • Any medical condition pertaining to physical ailment, beside ED? For example, pathology (nerves, blood, drainages), hormonal, blood abnormality (sickle cell, low blood counts, etc), muscles/tendons/ligament issues, and internal damages to organs/skeletal structure? This will give an overview how your body is diverting priorities to repairs. Remember, your PE is one of the least important according to the body's priorities. We have to trick it.
  • You have some other medical info in other posts. Do make sure to transfer the info here as well. The info is invaluable to make things work for you. It's like having a car, and engine, but no steering wheel or transmission shifter. We're dead stuck in the garage.
  • I'm placing the Rhodiola's and SAMe's synergistic effects of SAMe's (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine) in the back of my head. This actually energize the existing supplements you're using now, which is B-Complex and Berberine to curve, not eliminate, your early ejaculation. It's actually causes the nerves to be less sensitive, or better to say, it causes the delays of nerve messages to the extreme ends of your body. Monitor your decision-making and motor skills while on these supplements. At times, there may be visual and auditory delays being sent to your brain.
  • Very proud of you to select psyllium and its husk as part of your supplement. It's a tremendous estrogenic suppressor, that is, if you can handle the taste and texture. I have bags of them here to use as part of my culinary testing ground. By the way, ever want to try chia seeds/powder with the psillium? Stay away from flax as it does contrain a very high level of phytoestrogen. Our brother @Haursen also has some unique supplementary approach for you to mirror as well. Very proud of him doing research on his own for his PE health.
If you are not gaining at least 1/8in after 2 months worth of work, something is not working. This is why we're compiling the info on your entire history to see what's going on. You got the tools, the time, and now, we have to find the efficiency to make things grow. For cellular regrowth, once we have the info above compiled, we may have a chance to upgrade your MOS Red time from 7 minutes to 10 minutes, and we may be able to boost the usage to twice a day without hindering any regressive benefits. In other words, we'll make the MOS Red work in your favor. You have to be patient on this one as we get more info.
Thank you so much for this. I will reply now on every question.

I am 1.71cm tall and 96kg weight. Bear in mind that 2 months ago I was 105kg and 8 months ago 121kg. I have lost 25kg so far.
I am on a KETO diet. That means, NO CARBS and only FAT, Protein, And Greens. Thats it really. I hate my life with this diet but it is the only option for me since I was Almost Type 2 diabetic at 121kg with fasting glucose 120 and now I am 96kg with fasting glucose 90 which is (for me) nice to see (I got my new blood tests 4 days ago).

On the hormonal thing. I am hypogonadic which means I am on Testosterone Replacement Therapy. As I speak right now, my T is in the HIGHER levels of T a man could have.

On the mental thing, I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder (mood swings) anxiety etc and my medication of tegretol is.....destroying me penis...and gives me the ED issue (in combination with my psychology problems).

The other problem I have due to the anti-depressants is the high prolactin which can cause ED too but I have asked my therapist to replace it with something else (So I fix this problem with Prolactin)

I am not exercising. I want to start exercising because I want to help my penis and not because I want to have a nice body.

I would like to add chia seeds I have read it is good for health.

I have no other pathology and trust me I have done all the necessary research with doctors. To sum it up: Anxiety Disorder with medication and Overweight on a Fat diet.

I am all yours
I am 1.71cm tall and 96kg weight. Bear in mind that 2 months ago I was 105kg and 8 months ago 121kg. I have lost 25kg so far.
I am on a KETO diet. That means, NO CARBS and only FAT, Protein, And Greens. Thats it really. I hate my life with this diet but it is the only option for me since I was Almost Type 2 diabetic at 121kg with fasting glucose 120 and now I am 96kg with fasting glucose 90 which is (for me) nice to see (I got my new blood tests 4 days ago).

1.71cm tall!? Are you a fairy?? LOL I'm taking it as 171cm tall. I'll take ketogenesis into account for the PE. This will be a unique case. Borderline dietabic will also plays a unique influence on blood flow and healing factor as well. Thank you. This will open up more venues for compilation.

On the hormonal thing. I am hypogonadic which means I am on Testosterone Replacement Therapy. As I speak right now, my T is in the HIGHER levels of T a man could have.

We'll use this to our advantage with high T-level.

On the mental thing, I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder (mood swings) anxiety etc and my medication of tegretol is.....destroying me penis...and gives me the ED issue (in combination with my psychology problems).

The other problem I have due to the anti-depressants is the high prolactin which can cause ED too but I have asked my therapist to replace it with something else (So I fix this problem with Prolactin)

I am not exercising. I want to start exercising because I want to help my penis and not because I want to have a nice body.

We'll use this as counter-agents for PE. The routine will focus around this until the level can be reduced or eliminated. However, exercise is a must. You need to bring your entire vascular system up to take advantage of the high T-level.

I have no other pathology and trust me I have done all the necessary research with doctors. To sum it up: Anxiety Disorder with medication and Overweight on a Fat diet.
Got it. I'll have this tossed into the think-tank and start the blending process. Please be patient with the brothers here.
By the way, how's the groin region doing with the MOS Red application? Redness? Discoloration? Pain? Sunburn feeling?
Even I am using it 3 to 4 inches away for 10 mins, after 6-7 mins I feel it somehow burning me lightly which is a feeling that is going away because I move my penis a little bit.
I am highly resistant as a person to everything. Even to medications.
Got it. Let's do the heating at 6in away, increasing to a 10 minutes pre and post routine for now. Keep an eye out for the same burning sensation, it sensitivity to light exposure.

Based on the info so far, let's do a trial week of 2 times a day of red light therapy. If you have time in the morning to use on your routine, go for it. Same at night. If you are not doing the routine in the morning, just before you fully get out of bed, use the light on your facial and chest area for 20 minutes as just normal light therapy. Red light therapy on the facial and chest regions promote calming and energized effects for mental and epidermal health. Something to consider.
Got it. Let's do the heating at 6in away, increasing to a 10 minutes pre and post routine for now. Keep an eye out for the same burning sensation, it sensitivity to light exposure.

Based on the info so far, let's do a trial week of 2 times a day of red light therapy. If you have time in the morning to use on your routine, go for it. Same at night. If you are not doing the routine in the morning, just before you fully get out of bed, use the light on your facial and chest area for 20 minutes as just normal light therapy. Red light therapy on the facial and chest regions promote calming and energized effects for mental and epidermal health. Something to consider.
Wow this is new to me. 20 minutes how many inches away? If i do this to my self for 20 mins can i use 10 mins pre and after girth routine? Girth matters to me so much.
You can use it at 6 to 7 inches away. 10 minutes pre and 10 minutes post.

3 to 4 inches is only recommended for deeper tissues. Even at 0 inch. But for PE, we want to focus only down to 5mm. Wish it can go deeper, but it's limited for the hardware.
You can use it at 6 to 7 inches away. 10 minutes pre and 10 minutes post.

3 to 4 inches is only recommended for deeper tissues. Even at 0 inch. But for PE, we want to focus only down to 5mm. Wish it can go deeper, but it's limited for the hardware.
Is there a way to have the 5x5x3 expansion only by pumping?
Yes, and no. I'll explain. Other brothers may chime in based on their experiences.

Pumping alone can indeed achieve that 5x5x3 effects. However, you must be smart on the pumping. This is where you turn the 5x5x3 into a unique 2x2x1x1x10 or even 2x2x1x1x25. HUH!?
  • 2 minutes on low baseline pressure. Baseline pressure is between 5inHg and the pressure you're most comfortable with just before that "Oooo...I'm penis shaft is feeling it." However, you must introduce erection. In that 8 seconds of erectile capacity, you need to shove as much blood in it as possibe to the fullest.
  • 2 minutes in the upper pressure. This is where the upper pressure you can handle as your penis is doing the, "OOoooh man, I'm expanding! I'm expanding!! And the pain is so good.."
  • 1 minute is at the lowest baseline level at 5inHg. Slowly reduce that upper pressure down to 5inHg, but slowly release the pressure in the internval of 5 seconds. Sudden drop of pressure will cause the internal pressure to go flat dead, loosing the benefits of PE's EQ control.
  • 1 minute out of the tube to perform reverse jelq to remove any building up fluid. A minute or two more doesn't hurt. This is to prevent any potential fluid build up.
  • Keep at it for 10 times and working upwards to 25 times. Yep..25 times. Why? You're not doing internal pressure for the 5x5x3. You're only doing external vacuum pressure. So, it will take 3 to 15 time longer to achieve the 5x5x3 effects using external vacuum routine. I have a friend that does this and rather enjoy this method. He adds a "pussy donut" at the bottom to stimulate himself as he inserted and removed his penis out of the cylinder. To this very day, he's still using it, with different anatomical donuts designs now. Mouth, anal, vaginal, he has it all. His growth? Went further than he wanted. His goal was 8in length by 5.75in girth in 2 years from 6.5in length and 4.5in girth. Just imagine what it is after 6 years. He's still grinning from ear to ear, since when I told him I wantted to smack him at times.

As described above, you need both internal and external vacuum pressure to counter one another. This is to provide both EQ enhancement while reduce the amount of time in the pump.

So, you have two options to play with.
Yes, and no. I'll explain. Other brothers may chime in based on their experiences.

Pumping alone can indeed achieve that 5x5x3 effects. However, you must be smart on the pumping. This is where you turn the 5x5x3 into a unique 2x2x1x1x10 or even 2x2x1x1x25. HUH!?
  • 2 minutes on low baseline pressure. Baseline pressure is between 5inHg and the pressure you're most comfortable with just before that "Oooo...I'm penis shaft is feeling it." However, you must introduce erection. In that 8 seconds of erectile capacity, you need to shove as much blood in it as possibe to the fullest.
  • 2 minutes in the upper pressure. This is where the upper pressure you can handle as your penis is doing the, "OOoooh man, I'm expanding! I'm expanding!! And the pain is so good.."
  • 1 minute is at the lowest baseline level at 5inHg. Slowly reduce that upper pressure down to 5inHg, but slowly release the pressure in the internval of 5 seconds. Sudden drop of pressure will cause the internal pressure to go flat dead, loosing the benefits of PE's EQ control.
  • 1 minute out of the tube to perform reverse jelq to remove any building up fluid. A minute or two more doesn't hurt. This is to prevent any potential fluid build up.
  • Keep at it for 10 times and working upwards to 25 times. Yep..25 times. Why? You're not doing internal pressure for the 5x5x3. You're only doing external vacuum pressure. So, it will take 3 to 15 time longer to achieve the 5x5x3 effects using external vacuum routine. I have a friend that does this and rather enjoy this method. He adds a "pussy donut" at the bottom to stimulate himself as he inserted and removed his penis out of the cylinder. To this very day, he's still using it, with different anatomical donuts designs now. Mouth, anal, vaginal, he has it all. His growth? Went further than he wanted. His goal was 8in length by 5.75in girth in 2 years from 6.5in length and 4.5in girth. Just imagine what it is after 6 years. He's still grinning from ear to ear, since when I told him I wantted to smack him at times.

As described above, you need both internal and external vacuum pressure to counter one another. This is to provide both EQ enhancement while reduce the amount of time in the pump.

So, you have two options to play with.
I see. Do you believe that if someone does 5x5x3 more often he might build tolerance against this and stop the growth?
I see. Do you believe that if someone does 5x5x3 more often he might build tolerance against this and stop the growth?
Nope. There is a plateau point but that can also be tricked so the body will act differently. The body tries to adapt, but there are ways to circumvent the adjustment.
Nope. There is a plateau point but that can also be tricked so the body will act differently. The body tries to adapt, but there are ways to circumvent the adjustment.
I see you are very calculative in everything. Many say that 5x5x3 for 6 months can give 0.5 inches in girth. I can't support it becuase I am not there but do you believe that someone could push himself to achieve 0.75 in 6 months time frame?
I see you are very calculative in everything. Many say that 5x5x3 for 6 months can give 0.5 inches in girth. I can't support it becuase I am not there but do you believe that someone could push himself to achieve 0.75 in 6 months time frame?
Yes, you can. That is considered as nominal conditions when your health is in peak conditions. Remember, your body prioritizes everything else before penis growth. When everything is in balance, the body will provide the excess to the penis. If your entire body is crying out for resources, the penis will be the last thing on its list. This is why I have to do a checklist for every possible major issue you have before giving you any kind of advice for PE. All the brothers here know that you can't make both a cake and omelet with just two eggs. You can try, but your achievement will be in small portions.
Yes, you can. That is considered as nominal conditions when your health is in peak conditions. Remember, your body prioritizes everything else before penis growth. When everything is in balance, the body will provide the excess to the penis. If your entire body is crying out for resources, the penis will be the last thing on its list. This is why I have to do a checklist for every possible major issue you have before giving you any kind of advice for PE. All the brothers here know that you can't make both a cake and omelet with just two eggs. You can try, but your achievement will be in small portions.
Good points 👉
Yes, you can. That is considered as nominal conditions when your health is in peak conditions. Remember, your body prioritizes everything else before penis growth. When everything is in balance, the body will provide the excess to the penis. If your entire body is crying out for resources, the penis will be the last thing on its list. This is why I have to do a checklist for every possible major issue you have before giving you any kind of advice for PE. All the brothers here know that you can't make both a cake and omelet with just two eggs. You can try, but your achievement will be in small portions.
I am all ears!!
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My question is, HOW can I have this penis all day? How can I have it even if it is not permanent! I want to do this for my self, my psychology. It really helps me. For that time, for the first time in my life, I like myself.
How can I achieve that?
I have all MOS equipment needed for SRT or whatever.
I did this post @oldandlively as you asked ;)
You may or may not want to hear this but it has truth and the truth hurts, but stick with me it all works at the end.

So, women get up and put on makeup everyday, enhanced bras, shave legs, yoga pants that lift their butt, they can spend 20-60 min a day on this. Why are women doing this to themselves? Why aren't they complaining about this being Permanent?! Women have to do this daily, they are not on forums complaining that they look pretty and then have to do it all over again!!! So why are we complaining that on our off days , the penis size goes down a bit and is not as plump as yesterday during my routine?

So the AMAZING! news is that you will grow into this permanent size you talk about but it will take some time. BE SUPER happy you are getting these results now, it can only go up from here. But let's put this into perspective, let's be honest that women do a ton of shit to make themselves happy, who are we not to share some of this burden.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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