Hello to all im from Argentina. I just wanted to say thanks for all the knowledge i got from this site. I have been doing Penis Enlargement 4 months consistently and i know from Penis Enlargement like 6 months ago. In the begining i didn`t belive this was going to work, but now i can tell for sure this REALLY WORKS. I passed from 14,75 cm to 17,5cm NBP in this 4 months. Im not doing a very intense routine, just Basic streches in all directions and Mandingo Strech like 40 / 1 hour a day, and not every day perhaps 5 or 6 days per week. So i only have to say thanks to all!
And i wanted to ask Fedora if you Could please write a post with instructions about what is what you are doing for Heigth growth?. Hehe im interested in that too.
And i wanted to ask Fedora if you Could please write a post with instructions about what is what you are doing for Heigth growth?. Hehe im interested in that too.