Looks like you've done your own research on genetic deformity. Let's assume you know about the rest on the abnormal tissue tension during growth phases throughout puberty and tissue stabilization during adulthood.
If you don't like to wear a large device for hours on end, you can wear a semi-ridge
sleeve made of hardened silicone for comforts, or simply fashion a PVC pipe with soft wraps around the penile shaft 3cm above and 3cm below the curvature sites. Normally, tissues tend to be longitudinally connected for curvature sites. By stabilizing the stretched location in a straight isolation device, not needing a full bulky extender or stretcher, you can fashion this smaller less pronounced isolation system. If you want to go even slimmer, you can use fiberglass casting to make the layer more rigid, much slimmer, and just as effective than PVC if you have the patience and time to create one. My household has quick cast wraps just in case if we have to offer emergency cast wrapping before heading to the medical clinic for a more proper cast fitting. It only takes 2mm of cast wrap to stabilize your penis soft tissues.
A hard surface is what you may need, such as the one described above. It does exert passive 15N against the curve direction. OR, you can use a 3mm stainless steel on top of a silicone
sleeve, acting as a curvature counter-aggressor that practically flushes with your body. The best description is a built-in isolator for fractured bones that you can purchase anywhere, which commonly named a "splint".
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When you use the extender rods, what you are doing is forcing the tissues to stretch, break down the existing collagen bonds between the shorter tissues, and rebuild to match the rest of the tissues. But if you only need to break one side, the
Length Master will initiate that break through the
SRT between the cheeks (
BTC) bundled stretches, follows by the splint wearing.
Hope that offers you a better insight on a less bulky approach. No matter how you look at it, tissue isolation is required.