Hello everyone


New member
Totally new to this, but it immediately became clear that this is a long process so I thought I could use some advice, tips and tricks.
Welcome brother. We'll provide you as much info as you need. But first, we have no clue what you're looking for, what you're aiming for, where you came from, and how you are at the moment in physical, mental, and emotional. Let us know more about yourself so we can point you in the right direction.
I just got here, dude! XD
I am reading the SRT (as per instructions in the "New brothers need to watch the FAQ videos") but I'm going to talk a little about myself.
Some recent changes have encouraged me to attempt to correct the curvature of my penis, which is about 25 degrees to the left. My penis is by no means large, just above 155mm erect, but I am not really interested in gaining length (or girth, for that matter, but hey, I won't say no if it comes).
I have been using a noose stretcher for 36 days, with a gap of 5 days in christmas because I couldn't find a moment to have it on. I have seen... effects. Maybe not results, but things are definitely happening.
I have questions along the lines of (no need to answer any of them now)
- Am I doing it right?
- Will it work, albeit slowly, with less tension?
- Is this normal?
- Can I optimize without investing time I don't have?
- What would happen if...

Which, I assume, are about the same as most newbies' questions.
I just got here, dude! XD
If it sounds off-giving or too direct, do excuse me. It wasn't the intention. It's more of a, "Hi there. Mind giving us more info about yourself so we can get to know you better?"

I am reading the SRT (as per instructions in the "New brothers need to watch the FAQ videos") but I'm going to talk a little about myself.
Some recent changes have encouraged me to attempt to correct the curvature of my penis, which is about 25 degrees to the left. My penis is by no means large, just above 155mm erect, but I am not really interested in gaining length (or girth, for that matter, but hey, I won't say no if it comes).
Got it. More of a Peyronie's issue due to curvature. Quite a few of us have some form of Peyronie's, myself included with a 15 degree curvature upwards. A bit more than that, but I didn't measure properly, so, being conservative, I use the lesser number.

I have been using a noose stretcher for 36 days, with a gap of 5 days in christmas because I couldn't find a moment to have it on. I have seen... effects. Maybe not results, but things are definitely happening.
36 days is a starting point. If you see some effects, you're definitely going to see cementing changes in the long run. I'll explain a bit more later.

I have questions along the lines of (no need to answer any of them now)
- Am I doing it right?
Yes. SRT is the starting point to "soften the tissues" before wearing the extender to put the tissues back into a right angle during healing. Something like a broken arm. You first put the bones and ligaments back into positions, and then isloate. In your case, SRT is putting things back into position by softening and laying down the foundation, and the stretcher is the isolation.

- Will it work, albeit slowly, with less tension?
Nope. Cellular regrowth and correction starts around 800g. In your case, Peyronie's curvature correction is best done between 1.1kg to 1.2kg while causing tissues to be continuously tearing and healing in the right position at the cellular level. If you decrease it to 900g to 1kg, the process will take a lot longer.

- Is this normal?
Extremely normal. It's normal as your hair going out straight, or squirly underneath your skin.

- Can I optimize without investing time I don't have?
Every venture takes time and effort, with due diligence. There is no miracle drugs, no single pill, and definitely no lazy way out.

- What would happen if...
If..you keep on doing it, you will get it straighten. If..you don't, it remains curvy. If..you just believe, a magical dragon or unicorn will show up, and say, "Hi there. You're dreaming again."

Which, I assume, are about the same as most newbies' questions.
Yep. We were all there once. Welcome to the brotherhood, brother. Ask questions like your penis depends on it. We'll all answer your questions to the best that we can using existing knowledge from all walks of life.

Now, going further from above. For Peyronie's curvature, is the curvature caused by a plague, a scar, or some form of deformity since when you were young? We have to get a bit more personal as critical information allow us to give you the right answer, or close to the proper answer, so you don't have to waste your time chasing a pipe dream.

However, there are more than a dozen methods to achieve your straightening process, but all processes do take a bit of time and discipline on a daily basis. There is no easy way out.
Welcome to the Brotherhood! SRT is the best routine available. Just be sure to read the whole post not just the routine. Good luck as you begin. That knowledge is priceless. As a beginner I think you are right take it slow and steady. And again, as a newbie do not be afraid to ask question, nothing is insignificant. God be with you on this journey!
Peyronie's has to do wit scar tissue formed in the tunica albuginea, which I don't think is my case, because in those cases the plaques are palpable and the bumps and dents visible. My case is just the natural curvature many, if not most, penises have. It does imply that one corpus cavernosum is about eight milimetres longer than the other, and indirectly it means that when subject to tension, the shorter one gets most of it. This effect is obvious and i feel it both in the penis and upon touching when under tension. This is the reason why I haven't nocked up the tension over 10N: if the expected tension is about 15-20N and I am applying about 9 on only one corpus cavernosum, it ought to work. Anyway, if it doesn't, I'll increase the tension. I have time and, although I say so myself, patience. (also, if it does work and the curvature is corrected, I will increase the tension too)

What I meant with not investing time I don't have is that I can afford to wear the device four hours a day while I do other things, some days I can use it longer but I can't afford to devote more than an hour specifically to the exercises, I really can't, so there will be parts of the method that I will be able to do and others that I won't. I know that will make the progress slower, but I am okay with that. I know this is not a one-month project.

One example of this is the tip about keeping the penis loose and not using tight underwear. That sounds useful. I built a home-made device that applies a gentle tug, about 5N, and it can be worn during the day with regular pants and even at work! I tried it today and it is unexpectedly comfortable, and just with a little tension it keeps the penis stretched at about 80% of the stretched length I reach with the noose and rods device.
During this month I always got the feeling that when the tension was released there ought to be some remaining tension so that the cell growth takes place with the tissues in the "desired" position.

By "is this normal" I mean that I was surprised by the fact that in the first ten days I passed from using only the smaller rods of the stretcher (with discomfort) to using the long ones to using the short AND the long ones and eventually screwing a pair of M4 bolts to add one centimeter (while the new rods I ordered arrive).
For what I hear this is just the penis getting used to the procedure, and the real growth starts after that. Entirely normal... just unexpected.

BTW I am still reading the SRT post
Peyronie's has to do wit scar tissue formed in the tunica albuginea, which I don't think is my case, because in those cases the plaques are palpable and the bumps and dents visible. My case is just the natural curvature many, if not most, penises have. It does imply that one corpus cavernosum is about eight milimetres longer than the other, and indirectly it means that when subject to tension, the shorter one gets most of it. This effect is obvious and i feel it both in the penis and upon touching when under tension. This is the reason why I haven't nocked up the tension over 10N: if the expected tension is about 15-20N and I am applying about 9 on only one corpus cavernosum, it ought to work. Anyway, if it doesn't, I'll increase the tension. I have time and, although I say so myself, patience. (also, if it does work and the curvature is corrected, I will increase the tension too)
Looks like you've done your own research on genetic deformity. Let's assume you know about the rest on the abnormal tissue tension during growth phases throughout puberty and tissue stabilization during adulthood.

What I meant with not investing time I don't have is that I can afford to wear the device four hours a day while I do other things, some days I can use it longer but I can't afford to devote more than an hour specifically to the exercises, I really can't, so there will be parts of the method that I will be able to do and others that I won't. I know that will make the progress slower, but I am okay with that. I know this is not a one-month project.
If you don't like to wear a large device for hours on end, you can wear a semi-ridge sleeve made of hardened silicone for comforts, or simply fashion a PVC pipe with soft wraps around the penile shaft 3cm above and 3cm below the curvature sites. Normally, tissues tend to be longitudinally connected for curvature sites. By stabilizing the stretched location in a straight isolation device, not needing a full bulky extender or stretcher, you can fashion this smaller less pronounced isolation system. If you want to go even slimmer, you can use fiberglass casting to make the layer more rigid, much slimmer, and just as effective than PVC if you have the patience and time to create one. My household has quick cast wraps just in case if we have to offer emergency cast wrapping before heading to the medical clinic for a more proper cast fitting. It only takes 2mm of cast wrap to stabilize your penis soft tissues.

One example of this is the tip about keeping the penis loose and not using tight underwear. That sounds useful. I built a home-made device that applies a gentle tug, about 5N, and it can be worn during the day with regular pants and even at work! I tried it today and it is unexpectedly comfortable, and just with a little tension it keeps the penis stretched at about 80% of the stretched length I reach with the noose and rods device.
During this month I always got the feeling that when the tension was released there ought to be some remaining tension so that the cell growth takes place with the tissues in the "desired" position.
A hard surface is what you may need, such as the one described above. It does exert passive 15N against the curve direction. OR, you can use a 3mm stainless steel on top of a silicone sleeve, acting as a curvature counter-aggressor that practically flushes with your body. The best description is a built-in isolator for fractured bones that you can purchase anywhere, which commonly named a "splint".

By "is this normal" I mean that I was surprised by the fact that in the first ten days I passed from using only the smaller rods of the stretcher (with discomfort) to using the long ones to using the short AND the long ones and eventually screwing a pair of M4 bolts to add one centimeter (while the new rods I ordered arrive).
For what I hear this is just the penis getting used to the procedure, and the real growth starts after that. Entirely normal... just unexpected.

BTW I am still reading the SRT post
When you use the extender rods, what you are doing is forcing the tissues to stretch, break down the existing collagen bonds between the shorter tissues, and rebuild to match the rest of the tissues. But if you only need to break one side, the Length Master will initiate that break through the SRT between the cheeks (BTC) bundled stretches, follows by the splint wearing.

Hope that offers you a better insight on a less bulky approach. No matter how you look at it, tissue isolation is required.
Looks like you've done your own research on genetic deformity. Let's assume you know about the rest on the abnormal tissue tension during growth phases throughout puberty and tissue stabilization during adulthood.

If you don't like to wear a large device for hours on end, you can wear a semi-ridge sleeve made of hardened silicone for comforts, or simply fashion a PVC pipe with soft wraps around the penile shaft 3cm above and 3cm below the curvature sites. Normally, tissues tend to be longitudinally connected for curvature sites. By stabilizing the stretched location in a straight isolation device, not needing a full bulky extender or stretcher, you can fashion this smaller less pronounced isolation system. If you want to go even slimmer, you can use fiberglass casting to make the layer more rigid, much slimmer, and just as effective than PVC if you have the patience and time to create one. My household has quick cast wraps just in case if we have to offer emergency cast wrapping before heading to the medical clinic for a more proper cast fitting. It only takes 2mm of cast wrap to stabilize your penis soft tissues.

A hard surface is what you may need, such as the one described above. It does exert passive 15N against the curve direction. OR, you can use a 3mm stainless steel on top of a silicone sleeve, acting as a curvature counter-aggressor that practically flushes with your body. The best description is a built-in isolator for fractured bones that you can purchase anywhere, which commonly named a "splint".
View attachment 1839915

When you use the extender rods, what you are doing is forcing the tissues to stretch, break down the existing collagen bonds between the shorter tissues, and rebuild to match the rest of the tissues. But if you only need to break one side, the Length Master will initiate that break through the SRT between the cheeks (BTC) bundled stretches, follows by the splint wearing.

Hope that offers you a better insight on a less bulky approach. No matter how you look at it, tissue isolation is required.
Excellent advice!
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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