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Would you want to see a prospthetic or CGI penis in demo videos?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • I honestly don't mind

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Hello everyone

This is a poll thread to gather input from yourselves around whether you mind seeing a prosthetic penis being used in penis enlargement demo videos.

I personally believe it looks better, more professional, and doesn't offend more sensitive cultures, parts of the world where nudity is not allowed.

Ideas I have in mind are as follows;

  • CGI using blender animation software
  • Prosthetic lifelike penis using average size erect and flaccid.
  • Conventional semi nude human with penis

Keep in mind that these demo videos are not meant to be proof of someones size.
Videos along those lines should always be shot of the person without CGI or prosthesis.

Doing demo videos without showing the actual live penis could enable a faster turnaround on getting custom material out, to illustrate a concept that words cannot describe like a video can show.

Without your feedback I dont know, and we all have different opinions.

We are now well and truly in a technological world, so, to me, having half naked men showing the penis in exercise videos is getting old, when more efficient ways exist. Ways, again my thinking, that can make the audience, potential customers more comfortable ... and the person doing the video.

This poll is active for awhile, but please take part ASAP so I can get a feel.

If you prefer to post, please do.
I was thinking between "I don't mind" and "Yes", I chose yes.
A CGI or artificial penis can be less intimidating in some sense.

From your suggestions my favorite would be "Prosthetic lifelike penis using average size erect and flaccid."

Come on Brothers, share your opinion. :)
I would like to see a prosthetic penis in the demo video. A semi-nude human wouldn't be an issue either since it would help see what it's like on an actual person, I guess just film from the torso down? Lol idk

But I will say that on some sites that sell a certain device, to me it doesn't help when they have a CGI type penis grow an automatic 3 inches in 5 seconds. So definitely either prosthetic or real person. For real people, maybe a video series on the progression of their PE journey?
Thanks for the feedback. I had in mind a human wearing the prosthetic cock, and doing the filming from a torso down POV.

Yeah, I understand fully what you mean with the other sites.

A prosthetic penis is much cheaper than doing CGI. Just for doing 3-D rendering cost us a lot of money.

You can do it yourself using free software called blender, bit of a steep learning curve but doable.

I noticed on YouTube under a username Penis Exercises someone has done several dick exercise videos incl the bundle stretch :) going back several years.

What is interesting, is that these are all using prosthetic dicks, and the views for his videos are at least in the 80-100+ thousands figures each! very good for the category.

I compared to other dick vids on youtube, using real ones and the viewings were allot lower!

That tells me that the audience may feel more comfortable looking at a dildo being exercised.

However I will go with whatever the stakeholders, and management here want.

I will find those videos on youtube and send them you DLD, the link that is.
You can show nudity on YouTube but you have to do it with a warning and I’m not sure exactly how that works. The software sounds pretty cool if lightning could figure it out.
While I respect everyones opinion, here is just my personal view. I like things straight and I call a spade a spade, without regard who is listening. In my honest opinion, if anybody gets offended by seeing a cock or intimidated, then my guess, this is NOT for that type of person. I rather see that guy live his life with a tiny dick rather than coming here seeking for help, seeking advise, researching ways to grow, and cry and bitch because he gets offended or intimidated by a real dick??? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. DUH...the site IS ABOUT FUCKING DICKS. The fact that a person can see a REAL man, with a REAL BIG DICK, should be taken as MOTIVATION instead. I mean, what can be better proof than that?? The way I see a prosthetic or a CGI dick, is lack of evidence or proof that PE works. I would even go beyond that. I think the model used should have a big penis as part of the campaign to show that this work. And this model can perfectly be a long time member with a proven track and history of his success. That is motivation, inspiration, living evidence for all those hundreds who come here in their quest to start a new process and all they seek is tangible real evidence.

But again, that is my own opinion. If I was the owner of an informational site not necessarily PE but a community that provides info and guidance, I would put all the info out there available for everyone, and how each individual feel about it that is SOLELY their problem and accountability. I have no jurisdiction in there and I couldnt care less about how they "feel" about it. Got offended or intimidated? then get the fuck outta here and go somewhere else.

Thats how I personally see it and who I am. If I were to go research about a topic like PE and I find 2 sites. 1 that post videos with fake dicks and one that post videos with a real member of the site with a huge dick, I would give WAY more credibility to the real one and I would stay on that site rather than the fake dick one.
While I respect everyones opinion, here is just my personal view. I like things straight and I call a spade a spade, without regard who is listening. In my honest opinion, if anybody gets offended by seeing a cock or intimidated, then my guess, this is NOT for that type of person. I rather see that guy live his life with a tiny dick rather than coming here seeking for help, seeking advise, researching ways to grow, and cry and bitch because he gets offended or intimidated by a real dick??? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. DUH...the site IS ABOUT FUCKING DICKS. The fact that a person can see a REAL man, with a REAL BIG DICK, should be taken as MOTIVATION instead. I mean, what can be better proof than that?? The way I see a prosthetic or a CGI dick, is lack of evidence or proof that PE works. I would even go beyond that. I think the model used should have a big penis as part of the campaign to show that this work. And this model can perfectly be a long time member with a proven track and history of his success. That is motivation, inspiration, living evidence for all those hundreds who come here in their quest to start a new process and all they seek is tangible real evidence.

But again, that is my own opinion. If I was the owner of an informational site not necessarily PE but a community that provides info and guidance, I would put all the info out there available for everyone, and how each individual feel about it that is SOLELY their problem and accountability. I have no jurisdiction in there and I couldnt care less about how they "feel" about it. Got offended or intimidated? then get the fuck outta here and go somewhere else.

Thats how I personally see it and who I am. If I were to go research about a topic like PE and I find 2 sites. 1 that post videos with fake dicks and one that post videos with a real member of the site with a huge dick, I would give WAY more credibility to the real one and I would stay on that site rather than the fake dick one.

I hear you my brother but there’s issues with that that we have to take in the consideration now. We are at the mercy of Google right now trying to get her selves ranked again. having any public views of sex in anyway will hurt us. I understand putting a huge cock at the top of the page will get people to probably spend more money but I don’t want to hurt our ranking. Within the user forum for picture proof and for videos are fine because they are deep into the forum and people have to click to see it. So there’s so much that goes into this that we need to consider when we think about the brotherhood and the traffic it gets.
I hear you my brother but there’s issues with that that we have to take in the consideration now. We are at the mercy of Google right now trying to get her selves ranked again. having any public views of sex in anyway will hurt us. I understand putting a huge cock at the top of the page will get people to probably spend more money but I don’t want to hurt our ranking. Within the user forum for picture proof and for videos are fine because they are deep into the forum and people have to click to see it. So there’s so much that goes into this that we need to consider when we think about the brotherhood and the traffic it gets.

From that perspective I completely understand. There is no doubt our freedom is under attack, and even though we used to talk in the past about keeping the internet open without control, today is almost 100% controlled already. I was just reading today how youtube is going through a selective process of censorship. And of course all this agenda of control and big government comes from the deep state that is for the most part composed by leftists and radical marxists/nazi/anarchists.

Our Supreme Leader of the Republic President Donald J. Trump is fighting them with all his might and eventually I am positive we will prevail. The past 2 previous administrations completely obliterated the nation towards the new world order. They created 9/11 to justify the Patriot act, defense act, government surveillance and internet control. All social media platforms today are the number one enemy of the people along with the mainstream media. They are nothing more than fake propaganda nazi style outlets and I would even label them as domestic terrorists organizations since they only promote and push for everything that is hostile against the sovereignty of America such as open borders, protecting and harboring illegal aliens, promoting and supporting asylum seekers, funding terrorist organizations like Antifa, etc.

I just hope our Supreme Leader at some point declares a self coupe de ta, declare martial law, seize congress, arrest all democratic leaders, seize the DOJ, Intel community. Intel should be passed on the hands of the military as well as DOJ. All leftist terrorists should be brought to military tribunals in time of war as enemy combatants and traitors. I mean, look these days at this filthy repugnant worm John Kerry talking under the table with Iran. Ex hussein obama officials talking with Iran ADVISING Iran on how to confront our President. Look at obama in china talking to china under the table on how to confront the tariffs of thew people to take away our jobs. I mean, what else do we need as evidence??? All those reptiles deserve to be publicly executed as an example for generations to come and reinstate constitutionality in our nation.

One of these despicable judges is sending Manafort to that dangerous prison in NY with the solely purpose of political revenenge and hoping that he will fall to the point that will invent a story blaming President Trump.

The good news is, our Supreme Leader will be re elected in a massive landslide because our people is not retarded, we will finish the wall, no more illegal aliens, all hussein obama appointees must be exterminated from public positions, and after 8 years we will do everything we can to elect one of President Trump siblings to continue this Majestic Nationalist movement that will make us even greater than ever.

Sorry for the rant...I believe that the current times are already affecting our personal freedom to the point that a website is needed to be run in the interest of somebody pointing a gun to us and I have a HUGE problem with that. If a bad neighbor has a gun, I make sure I own 2 M-16 and 2 AR-15. Piece through strength. Always.
Going off topic now (sorry) but if more users started to boycott the likes of Google, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, the web would be BETTER.

Please dont take my words as being an arsehole, because what makes me really fecking angry, is that FaceScumBook has many times allowed terrorist, racists, hatred, and illegal child xxx material on its site! they claim that everything cant be moderated in time at once :) they have the most advanced algorithms known to the web, yes they can.

That live shooting in NZ a few months back had me. FaceBook is scum, if anyone that uses it, is fine with sharing a platform with pedos, and watching murder videos, then go ahead.

I have had this same convo with family that live on the pigging thing, but they stay because its in trend, no alternative.

Alternatives exist, if more used them, these vile companies would drown. The owner of FaceBook makes me feel sick to my stomach, he really does.

This is why I have an interest in BitChute for videos if I can. Soon I will get the MOS videos on that platform, because its heading that way.

FaceBook, Google, Twitter, Youtube are all run by very powerful corrupt people, who think they are gods chosen people, and can edit those platforms when anything is said about x,y,z.

Check BitChute out though, it has many videos banned by YouTube because they talked about alternative history, incl one that didn't agree with Israels treatment of Palestine OMG you cant say anything about Israel now, without the holocaust getting dragged up to smokescreen how they murder innocent civilians, and the US senate, most of it, is Jewish, so they adore what Israel does.

Be aware, please dont be sheep. STAND UP and fight this filth. We make these monsters money, lets make it at least that bit harder.
Last edited:
Going off topic now (sorry) but if more users started to boycott the likes of Google, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, the web would be BETTER.

Please dont take my words as being an arsehole, because what makes me really fecking angry, is that FaceScumBook has many times allowed terrorist, racists, hatred, and illegal child xxx material on its site! they claim that everything cant be moderated in time at once :) they have the most advanced algorithms known to the web, yes they can.

That live shooting in NZ a few months back had me. FaceBook is scum, if anyone that uses it, is fine with sharing a platform with pedos, and watching murder videos, then go ahead.

I have had this same convo with family that live on the pigging thing, but they stay because its in trend, no alternative.

Alternatives exist, if more used them, these vile companies would drown. The owner of FaceBook makes me feel sick to my stomach, he really does.

This is why I have an interest in BitChute for videos if I can. Soon I will get the MOS videos on that platform, because its heading that way.

FaceBook, Google, Twitter, Youtube are all run by very powerful corrupt people, who think they are gods chosen people, and can edit those platforms when anything is said about x,y,z.

Check BitChute out though, it has many videos banned by YouTube because they talked about alternative history, incl one that didn't agree with Israels treatment of Palestine OMG you cant say anything about Israel now, without the holocaust getting dragged up to smokescreen how they murder innocent civilians, and the US senate, most of it, is Jewish, so they adore what Israel does.

Be aware, please dont be sheep. STAND UP and fight this filth. We make these monsters money, lets make it at least that bit harder.

Not off topic at all I think all of this is very important to the way we run the brotherhood.
From that perspective I completely understand. There is no doubt our freedom is under attack, and even though we used to talk in the past about keeping the internet open without control, today is almost 100% controlled already. I was just reading today how youtube is going through a selective process of censorship. And of course all this agenda of control and big government comes from the deep state that is for the most part composed by leftists and radical marxists/nazi/anarchists.

Our Supreme Leader of the Republic President Donald J. Trump is fighting them with all his might and eventually I am positive we will prevail. The past 2 previous administrations completely obliterated the nation towards the new world order. They created 9/11 to justify the Patriot act, defense act, government surveillance and internet control. All social media platforms today are the number one enemy of the people along with the mainstream media. They are nothing more than fake propaganda nazi style outlets and I would even label them as domestic terrorists organizations since they only promote and push for everything that is hostile against the sovereignty of America such as open borders, protecting and harboring illegal aliens, promoting and supporting asylum seekers, funding terrorist organizations like Antifa, etc.

I just hope our Supreme Leader at some point declares a self coupe de ta, declare martial law, seize congress, arrest all democratic leaders, seize the DOJ, Intel community. Intel should be passed on the hands of the military as well as DOJ. All leftist terrorists should be brought to military tribunals in time of war as enemy combatants and traitors. I mean, look these days at this filthy repugnant worm John Kerry talking under the table with Iran. Ex hussein obama officials talking with Iran ADVISING Iran on how to confront our President. Look at obama in china talking to china under the table on how to confront the tariffs of thew people to take away our jobs. I mean, what else do we need as evidence??? All those reptiles deserve to be publicly executed as an example for generations to come and reinstate constitutionality in our nation.

One of these despicable judges is sending Manafort to that dangerous prison in NY with the solely purpose of political revenenge and hoping that he will fall to the point that will invent a story blaming President Trump.

The good news is, our Supreme Leader will be re elected in a massive landslide because our people is not retarded, we will finish the wall, no more illegal aliens, all hussein obama appointees must be exterminated from public positions, and after 8 years we will do everything we can to elect one of President Trump siblings to continue this Majestic Nationalist movement that will make us even greater than ever.

Sorry for the rant...I believe that the current times are already affecting our personal freedom to the point that a website is needed to be run in the interest of somebody pointing a gun to us and I have a HUGE problem with that. If a bad neighbor has a gun, I make sure I own 2 M-16 and 2 AR-15. Piece through strength. Always.

This definitely is On topic, because the censorship is one of the reasons the site will have to go prosthetic.

I dont have Failbook, I dont have twitter, I dont have google as my search engine, I have my browser computer and phone set to duckduckgo. Its a piece of shit, but in my property google IS NOT allowed to automatically take over the search.

I will definitely check bit chute for videos, I didn't know about it. Youtube I use it only to watch the same videos being banned. Archeology, ancient civilizations, etc...

If anybody doubt abut all this, just watch the movie "Snowden" Based completely on the true story of Edward Snowden, an American HERO. The movie is based on the events that happened until 2013. Imagine what they were doing after and even today.

We see the hostility and corruption to the highest levels today. Our Supreme Leader, LIKE HIM OR NOT, I respect ANYBODY who doesnt like Trump as a person. HOWEVER, NOBODY can deny that he is doing EVERYTHING we always wanted for the country as people. How many times we were lied by these reptiles??? How many times we told ourselves why the jobs are going out? How many times we complained about everything made in china?? How many times we've been attacked and humiliated saying that these filthy illegal aliens are here doing what we dont want to do??? HOW MANY TIMES WE CALLED OUT THESE CORRUPT WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST?? How many times we questioned why we send billions and bills of our hard earned money to foreign aid???

Well, guess what. There is only ONE MAN who is fighting all these same things like NOBODY EVER did before. That is Trump.

So again, if you dont like the guy, I respect you. However, what he is dong for us is UNDENIABLE. HE is doing EXACTLY everything he promised. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY OF THE WORLD, en elected President is doing everything he promised.

All these social media platforms, mainstream media, belong to this Deep State, New world order, Illuminati, shadow government. It is a rogue group in the head of all Federal agencies, specially the intelligence community, DOJ, DOE, in a global coordination to establish a global govenrment that controls eveurhting. The main Obstacle has always been this country. Their agenda is to destroy the US. And there is no better way to do it than from within. Thats the exact reason why they want open borders making sure we receive the worst of the world. Highly educated people from Europe have a HARD time moving here. It is almost IMPOSSIBLE. There are no adjustment laws for them. But if you're a savage trafficking kids and drugs and cross illegally, these traitors want to make sure that alien receives everything and gets a free pass to stay here. Why? Because that alien DOES NOT have the civic education to vote in a patriotic way. He/She will vote for that one who promise him/her benefits and support. In other words, a big government that controls everything and gives them a glass of milk every week.

FUCK POLITICIANS!!! SPECIALLY ALL DEMOCRATS AND MOST OF REPUBLICANS. In fact, the hypocrite filthy republican party ows EVERYTHING right now to Trump. Without him, the party is NOTHING, and most of them belong to the deep state.
I'm no hater, or lover of Donald Trump. Something I agree with him, others certainly not.

I wasn't one of those who didn't want Trump to visit the UK; he is welcome to come here, no problem from me whatsoever. I found it quite a piss take, on how many disillusioned people slagged him off rotten in the streets of London.

Those same hypocrites, will have stayed at home when the Saudi Arabian, Chinese, and Qatari leaders came to town :) all three have dodgy C.Vs and a poor record treating people - human rights.

Mr Trump on the other hand, apart from being a mouth at times, not always doing his research, and getting into too many emotional debates, when he needs to take a step back, let them hang themselves with enough rope, the human rights record for the USA is nowhere near as bad like the first three nations cited, and yet, folk demonize Trump.

The world is full of hypocrites, and bullshitters. Shouts that he is anti woman :) wow, and Mr Clinton didn't treat women like meat? shagging in office. Mr Bush, who LIED about WMD with Blair, taking many nations into a war they should never have been involved with.

They all have cracks, its human nature. No one is 100% solid, I dont care what anyone says. Everyone has hairline cracks, its just more apparent with Trump, due to his celebrity status beforehand, his outspoken nature getting him into such arenas he's in.

The guy is emotionally very resilient, I have to hand that to him! he's also, comes over to me as an outside from the UK, to deeply genuinely care about the USA. That man, although I do not agree with the wall he builds, none of my business really as I dont live stateside, but he stood by it, has tried to do what he thinks will make the USA great again ... the stuff with China, sending out a message that they cant keep monopolizing trade like they have been, undercutting left, right, and center.

Perhaps Trump can be accused of running America too much like a business? rather then a president? whatever the case, this man has certainly caused allot of talk, allot of traffic since being in office.

Recently being interviewed by Piers Morgan, the president was very easy, he's not difficult to get answers from, and seems allot more down to earth compared to past presidents, who seem very puppeteered for that role.

Look for the good in him, because he has good points. This is someone right, even if you hate his guts, he will never sell Americas ass off like some presidents would.
I think the prosthetic penis idea is stellar because some of us are concerned about privacy and don't want our wang to be shown.
I'm no hater, or lover of Donald Trump. Something I agree with him, others certainly not.

I wasn't one of those who didn't want Trump to visit the UK; he is welcome to come here, no problem from me whatsoever. I found it quite a piss take, on how many disillusioned people slagged him off rotten in the streets of London.

Those same hypocrites, will have stayed at home when the Saudi Arabian, Chinese, and Qatari leaders came to town :) all three have dodgy C.Vs and a poor record treating people - human rights.

Mr Trump on the other hand, apart from being a mouth at times, not always doing his research, and getting into too many emotional debates, when he needs to take a step back, let them hang themselves with enough rope, the human rights record for the USA is nowhere near as bad like the first three nations cited, and yet, folk demonize Trump.

The world is full of hypocrites, and bullshitters. Shouts that he is anti woman :) wow, and Mr Clinton didn't treat women like meat? shagging in office. Mr Bush, who LIED about WMD with Blair, taking many nations into a war they should never have been involved with.

They all have cracks, its human nature. No one is 100% solid, I dont care what anyone says. Everyone has hairline cracks, its just more apparent with Trump, due to his celebrity status beforehand, his outspoken nature getting him into such arenas he's in.

The guy is emotionally very resilient, I have to hand that to him! he's also, comes over to me as an outside from the UK, to deeply genuinely care about the USA. That man, although I do not agree with the wall he builds, none of my business really as I dont live stateside, but he stood by it, has tried to do what he thinks will make the USA great again ... the stuff with China, sending out a message that they cant keep monopolizing trade like they have been, undercutting left, right, and center.

Perhaps Trump can be accused of running America too much like a business? rather then a president? whatever the case, this man has certainly caused allot of talk, allot of traffic since being in office.

Recently being interviewed by Piers Morgan, the president was very easy, he's not difficult to get answers from, and seems allot more down to earth compared to past presidents, who seem very puppeteered for that role.

Look for the good in him, because he has good points. This is someone right, even if you hate his guts, he will never sell Americas ass off like some presidents would.

❤️ We should always look for the best in people!
Hello everyone

This is a poll thread to gather input from yourselves around whether you mind seeing a prosthetic penis being used in penis enlargement demo videos.

I personally believe it looks better, more professional, and doesn't offend more sensitive cultures, parts of the world where nudity is not allowed.

Ideas I have in mind are as follows;

  • CGI using blender animation software
  • Prosthetic lifelike penis using average size erect and flaccid.
  • Conventional semi nude human with penis

Keep in mind that these demo videos are not meant to be proof of someones size.
Videos along those lines should always be shot of the person without CGI or prosthesis.

Doing demo videos without showing the actual live penis could enable a faster turnaround on getting custom material out, to illustrate a concept that words cannot describe like a video can show.

Without your feedback I dont know, and we all have different opinions.

We are now well and truly in a technological world, so, to me, having half naked men showing the penis in exercise videos is getting old, when more efficient ways exist. Ways, again my thinking, that can make the audience, potential customers more comfortable ... and the person doing the video.

This poll is active for awhile, but please take part ASAP so I can get a feel.

If you prefer to post, please do.
The prosthetic one already is the best way to demonstrate imo. I don't see how animations would help unless you're going into detail showing the insides of the penis.
The prosthetic one already is the best way to demonstrate imo. I don't see how animations would help unless you're going into detail showing the insides of the penis.

And the least expensive!
I love this new Australian fellow that Lightning has hired. He’s good-looking and very well spoken. Not sure if he would do exercise videos though
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