Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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Very nice, that I can and will do. Over complicate the use of the Lengthmaster 3 in my head, but then you explain it so well that I realize it’ll be no problems doing it the right way. Just gotta practice the wrapping and clamping technique.

Will also be fun doing something different for length, haven’t even received the Lengthmaster 3 yet already I believe it will give me my dream length of 9 inches.

You are my learning master when it comes to the use of it, and I appreciate it so much. Can’t say this enough.
It will be a steep learning curve, but if you work on it constantly you will progress into BTC Stretches fast, and then you will pull out your penis to 9 inches BPEL in no time.

I know I will be able to get to 9 inches, BPEL with LM3 and a pel.wrap, so you will make this happen as well.
We need to believe and work continuously (trust the process) before the miracle happens.

You're always welcome. I'm happy to teach what I know.
Just an update on what's going on for me.

I'm disappointed in myself.
I woke up late today since I did my last session yesterday to late. I think I was done with it at 02:00. This resulted that I only got one session in today after work. Work ended 21:15. Working day shift tomorrow.

So I will get 2 sessions in after work then. It's much harder when you work day and evening shifts, to make penis enlargement work. I will make this work. Need to plan better, and start to do one session early in the morning and one in the evening. This will be optimal. This will also promote faster growth.

If I do 2 sessions at evning/night my penis will be to sore in the morning. So then I can't do a session early in the morning.

Work starts 07:00 tomorrow. I need sleep.
Time now is: 00:05.

Planning is essential when you work like this. It was easier when I was studying. Then I worked/studying 8-16 and could be at home all the time. This is a new challenge for me. But this will not matter in the end. I will get my 9 inch long penis (BPEL).
I know the feeling when I’ve just been too lazy to get my routines in, though you are a very busy man so it’s bound to happen that you’ll miss a workout every now and then, so dont beat yourself up over it.

As the veterans on here says: overall consistency is key, and you are very, very consistent overall.
I only do length, though I guess the pumping also gives me a little girth work as well though I suspect I might lay off the pumping for a while when I get the Lengthmaster 3. Just to make sure I get those length gains and that I follow your program exactly as you have done it.
Good choice. Lengthwork first to 9.5" BPEL, then girthwork to 6.5" EG.

Go past with 0.5 inches in length to solidify your length gains at 9 inches BPEL.
Sounds like a great plan so going to follow it. Will be both exciting and I guess a little bit frustrating as well learning to use the Lengthmaster 3, just gotta practice and repeat over and over again.
I had real problems to make LENGTHMASTER 3 work for me in the beginning, especially the wrapping. In the beginning my flaccid was smaller, so it was also harder due to that aspect. But I didn't give up.

This is the major reason I'm putting up so much information about it. I don't want people needing to figure everything out by themselves. The faster it works for you, the faster you will grow. And I believe we should gain/grow as fast as possible.

I even was scared from it in the beginning. But look at me now, I have mastered it.
I had real problems to make LENGTHMASTER 3 work for me in the beginning, especially the wrapping. In the beginning my flaccid was smaller, so it was also harder due to that aspect. But I didn't give up.

This is the major reason I'm putting up so much information about it. I don't want people needing to figure everything out by themselves. The faster it works for you, the faster you will grow. And I believe we should gain/grow as fast as possible.

I even was scared from it in the beginning. But look at me now, I have mastered it.
You certainly have mastered it, no doubt. And I look forward to tackling the problems that will arrive and solve those problems with your guidance and help.

So good that I can learn from the problems you encountered with it and not having to figure it out all on my own.
Here are an album I'm going to upload penis picures to, in order to show my progression.
In some picures I was forced to clear the metadata (I had GPS data included). That's why the dates are wrong in some pictures metadata.

I will upload to this album continuously in order to show my growth progression. Why? It's just fun to upload these and see the changes for myself. Maybe this can motivate someone else as well. At least it motivates me to keep going.

View album 65
There where some trouble mid-set on the last set when I was stretching (First session of the day). I could not dig as deep inside my inner penis as I wanted to in the stretch.
I was forced to bundle 1 extra rotation to the left, in order to get a good stretch in my inner penis.

But the chamber was then on the wrong side, and I could not get the levarage that I wanted due to this. The stretching force got reduced, and this is not good.

I can't move the chamber with my current setup, since I have semi-permanent attched a broomstick on the underside of the LENGTHMASTER 3, in order to make the grip better, and be able to angle it easier (= stretch harder).

I believe this is what is happening.
I will try to detach, and re-attach mid-set, in order to clamp down lower to the base, after that the tissue have got a temporary elongation.

Remember: Temporary gains lead to permanent gains as the tunica/tissue keeps being elongated, over and over again...

I know I'm not slipping. The tissue gets a temporary elongation mid-set (pretty substantial elongation), and it's so much that the ability to stretch the inner penis hard gets reduced, and it's so much that I almost not are feeling a stretch (not as hard as I want to).

I think this problem exist due to, to much tissue elongation mid-set on the last set (when going to bundle to the left = last 5 minutes of the last set). This is good, but I can't get a deep stretch in my inner penis due to this.

Imagine having a second modified LENGTHMASTER 3, with the chamber on the opposite side, so I could stretch with the same intensity even with this extra rotation of my penis. 🤔
Somewhat overkill I believe. I will try to detach when the tissue have been elongated, to be able to keep stretching the inner penis hard.

There is a soultion to this. And I believe to detach and attach lower mid-set is the best soultion.
This is my thinking...

As you stretch out the tissue. The attachment point in the chamber (at your penis) gets longer and longer away from your inner penis as the tissue are elongated, and this will reduce the stretching force that you can apply for your inner penis.

To counteract this reduction of stretching force and intensity for your inner penis;
You need to reattach the chamber closer to the base, so you will have the same stretching force for your inner penis and the ligaments (fundiform ligament and suspensory ligament) as when you started your session.

This is most noticeable on set 2 for me. I keep "digging" for a good stretching angel for my inner penis. But I can't find high enough intensity to stretch everything good.

You can see this happening in this video as well:
🔗 Behind The Cheeks (LM b.ASS) bundled stretches, view from the backside.

You can see in the video that I do not keep the dynamic stretches long, since I can't find the correct/high enough intensity to stretch my inner penis. I keep "digging and digging" but I can't find the right spot.

View media item 1359
You will so clearly feel this, and you will see that the chamber is attached further from the base, and the tissue (your penis shaft = outer penis) being super elongated.
I have measured before and when I measured I got ~ 1 inch (maybe a little less) of elongation at the end of my session. So it's a pretty substantial temporary elongation of my flaccid penis. This will reduce the stretching force in my inner penis, that is: The stretching intensity.

Just some thoughts I had after having this problem multiple times lately. I'm happy I have figured out why the stretching intensity in my inner penis is so low, when I come to set 2 in my session.

I didn't had this problem before. I suppose my tunica are getting easier and essier to elongate now after many months of stretching with the LENGTHMASTER 3.

I hope you could follow my thinking. I believe this is a valid reason to why the stretching force/intensity gets reduced on set 2 in my sessions. I will validate this later tonight. It's do bad I can't rotate one more rotation and stretch as hard (read previous post).

That is: I will detach on set 2 when I'm about to bundle to the left, and then attach closer to the base.

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Haha, you are as I’ve said before the «mad scientist» of PE really, really thinking through and contemplating the things you do and pushing things forward that way. Love it.

And btw fat cock you’ve got there and as the saying goes: length for bros girth for hoes. Length for showing off and girth for making the women moan and scream in pleasure.

Wishing you a very good day brother, sure going have one myself.
Haha, you are as I’ve said before the «mad scientist» of PE really, really thinking through and contemplating the things you do and pushing things forward that way. Love it.

And btw fat cock you’ve got there and as the saying goes: length for bros girth for hoes. Length for showing off and girth for making the women moan and scream in pleasure.

Wishing you a very good day brother, sure going have one myself.
Thank you sir.
Have a nice day you as well.
@DLD, I just want to say that I was really intrigued by your PM (private message), and I'm really interested in your proposal.

I believe this would be a really good fit for me. I live for the brotherhood now. I want to make this brotherhood as good as possible.

I hope you will see this message.
Take care and this amazing brotherhood have changed my life forever. I'm so grateful!

I'm as well really greatful for all the support you @hugh-girth have given me as well. From the start I felt really welcomed by you.
I can't thank you enough brother! You're a superstar, and a legend. I believe you have helped so many brothers becoming confident with their size, through your coaching service. That's so wonderful and kind!

But there are so many more brothers that have helped me on my way. I thank you all. Just mentioning some of you: @MosMaster, @orgasmic19, @DutchPredator (helped with my; 🔗 pel.wrap), @CRay2323, @Infected Mushroom, @Abdiel Bull Berg ...and others. I can't mention everyone, everyone is so great. And of course @Barry McCochener (he changed his username) is so great as well.

Take care brothers.
I love all of you (love you feel for a brother/a friend). ❤️
@DLD, I just want to say that I was really intrigued by your PM (private message), and I'm really interested in your proposal.

I believe this would be a really good fit for me. I live for the brotherhood now. I want to make this brotherhood as good as possible.

I hope you will see this message.
Take care and this amazing brotherhood have changed my life forever. I'm so grateful!

I'm as well really greatful for all the support you @hugh-girth have given me as well. From the start I felt really welcomed by you.
I can't thank you enough brother! You're a superstar, and a legend. I believe you have helped so many brothers becoming confident with their size, through your coaching service. That's so wonderful and kind!

But there are so many more brothers that have helped me on my way. I thank you all. Just mentioning some of you: @MosMaster, @orgasmic19, @DutchPredator (helped with my; 🔗 pel.wrap), @CRay2323, @Infected Mushroom, @Abdiel Bull Berg ...and others. I can't mention everyone, everyone is so great. And of course @Barry McCochener (he changed his username) is so great as well.

Take care brothers.
I love all of you (love you feel for a brother/a friend). ❤️

Are you becoming a moderator?
There where some trouble mid-set on the last set when I was stretching (First session of the day). I could not dig as deep inside my inner penis as I wanted to in the stretch.
I was forced to bundle 1 extra rotation to the left, in order to get a good stretch in my inner penis.

But the chamber was then on the wrong side, and I could not get the levarage that I wanted due to this. The stretching force got reduced, and this is not good.

I can't move the chamber with my current setup, since I have semi-permanent attched a broomstick on the underside of the LENGTHMASTER 3, in order to make the grip better, and be able to angle it easier (= stretch harder).

I believe this is what is happening.
I will try to detach, and re-attach mid-set, in order to clamp down lower to the base, after that the tissue have got a temporary elongation.

Remember: Temporary gains lead to permanent gains as the tunica/tissue keeps being elongated, over and over again...

I know I'm not slipping. The tissue gets a temporary elongation mid-set (pretty substantial elongation), and it's so much that the ability to stretch the inner penis hard gets reduced, and it's so much that I almost not are feeling a stretch (not as hard as I want to).

I think this problem exist due to, to much tissue elongation mid-set on the last set (when going to bundle to the left = last 5 minutes of the last set). This is good, but I can't get a deep stretch in my inner penis due to this.

Imagine having a second modified LENGTHMASTER 3, with the chamber on the opposite side, so I could stretch with the same intensity even with this extra rotation of my penis. 🤔
Somewhat overkill I believe. I will try to detach when the tissue have been elongated, to be able to keep stretching the inner penis hard.

There is a soultion to this. And I believe to detach and attach lower mid-set is the best soultion.
This is my thinking...
View attachment 1833558

As you stretch out the tissue. The attachment point in the chamber (at your penis) gets longer and longer away from your inner penis as the tissue are elongated, and this will reduce the stretching force that you can apply for your inner penis.

To counteract this reduction of stretching force and intensity for your inner penis;
You need to reattach the chamber closer to the base, so you will have the same stretching force for your inner penis and the ligaments (fundiform ligament and suspensory ligament) as when you started your session.

This is most noticeable on set 2 for me. I keep "digging" for a good stretching angel for my inner penis. But I can't find high enough intensity to stretch everything good.

You can see this happening in this video as well:
🔗 Behind The Cheeks (LM b.ASS) bundled stretches, view from the backside.

You can see in the video that I do not keep the dynamic stretches long, since I can't find the correct/high enough intensity to stretch my inner penis. I keep "digging and digging" but I can't find the right spot.

View media item 1359
You will so clearly feel this, and you will see that the chamber is attached further from the base, and the tissue (your penis shaft = outer penis) being super elongated.
I have measured before and when I measured I got ~ 1 inch (maybe a little less) of elongation at the end of my session. So it's a pretty substantial temporary elongation of my flaccid penis. This will reduce the stretching force in my inner penis, that is: The stretching intensity.

Just some thoughts I had after having this problem multiple times lately. I'm happy I have figured out why the stretching intensity in my inner penis is so low, when I come to set 2 in my session.

I didn't had this problem before. I suppose my tunica are getting easier and essier to elongate now after many months of stretching with the LENGTHMASTER 3.

I hope you could follow my thinking. I believe this is a valid reason to why the stretching force/intensity gets reduced on set 2 in my sessions. I will validate this later tonight. It's do bad I can't rotate one more rotation and stretch as hard (read previous post).

That is: I will detach on set 2 when I'm about to bundle to the left, and then attach closer to the base.

Here is a picture of the elongation I get, on my last set (Set 2/2) when I'm about to make the BTC bundled dynamic 5 minute stretch to the left (rotate penis to left).

My glans is exactly behind the white bandage, so this elongation is somewhat exessive.

So you may understand why I need to detach, re-wrap and attach the chamber closer to the base in order to keep get a good stretch of my entire penis, inclusive my inner penis.

I always want to feel a good stretch in my inner penis. Why? Because this is the reason for my fast gains. I'm not willing to do it in another way, I wouldn't trust the process, and I would get obsessed with measuring my BPEL to see if it worked.

So you can say I'm stretching my entire shaft with these dynamic stretches, since I get so much elongation during the session. It's only on Set 2/2 in the last 5 minutes, I need to detach and clamp down closer to the base. I get stretching on my entire shaft, inner penis and also expressive stretches with this process.

I believe this will work for me.

Just putting out some information today, to show the brotherhood how I structure my sessions.

I sit like this in front of my modified, car interior heater during my 10 minute rest between sets.

I can regulate the heat blowing into my tissue by, changing the distance from me and the heater, or putting the heater in a lower heat mode (not often).

This "overheating" (keeping the tissue warm) of the tissue is so good for getting maximum elongation during and after the session. When I heat the tissue between sets, the tissue stays elongated. If I wouldn't do this the tissue would turtling, I don't want that.
Here is a picture of the elongation I get, on my last set (Set 2/2) when I'm about to make the BTC bundled dynamic 5 minute stretch to the left (rotate penis to left).

View attachment 1833572
My glans is exactly behind the white bandage, so this elongation is somewhat exessive.

So you may understand why I need to detach, re-wrap and attach the chamber closer to the base in order to keep get a good stretch of my entire penis, inclusive my inner penis.

I always want to feel a good stretch in my inner penis. Why? Because this is the reason for my fast gains. I'm not willing to do it in another way, I wouldn't trust the process, and I would get obsessed with measuring my BPEL to see if it worked.

So you can say I'm stretching my entire shaft with these dynamic stretches, since I get so much elongation during the session. It's only on Set 2/2 in the last 5 minutes, I need to detach and clamp down closer to the base. I get stretching on my entire shaft, inner penis and also expressive stretches with this process.

I believe this will work for me.


You are looking huge 👀

Very inspiring!
You been very consistent your like Arnold to me of PE LOL seriously you inspire me and I’m a little bit jealous tbh : )
Thank you for your kind words brother, I really appreciate it.
So good I'm an inspiration to you.

I live an isolated life right now (like a hermit), to get to my goals fast. It's strange. Sometimes I think: - Can't I spend my time focusing on something diffrent?
... But the 9 inches BPEL, I must have it. It's like I have no choice at this point. It's an obsession for me. An obsession I can't quit.

Keep growing brother. 💪
I live an isolated life right now (like a hermit), to get to my goals fast.

I’m the same way the only time I go out is when I have to go to work. Honestly it drives me crazy. I’m just like a hermit as well.

I can’t help but feel this urge of missing a partner. Tbh I really want to meet someone, but I don’t know how that would work out with PE goals.

I can’t but help think I’m wasting time because life is too short.

Edit: It’s like telling someone to stay away from water and they can’t have a drink.
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I’m the same way the only time I go out is when I have to go to work. Honestly it drives me crazy. I’m just like a hermit as well.

I can’t help but feel this urge of missing a partner. Tbh I really want to meet someone, but I don’t know how that would work out with PE goals.

I can’t but help think I’m wasting time because life is too short.

Edit: It’s like telling someone to stay away from water and they can’t have a drink.

You will find her and at that point we can work out pe details.
I’m the same way the only time I go out is when I have to go to work. Honestly it drives me crazy. I’m just like a hermit as well.

I can’t help but feel this urge of missing a partner. Tbh I really want to meet someone, but I don’t know how that would work out with PE goals.

I can’t but help think I’m wasting time because life is too short.

Edit: It’s like telling someone to stay away from water and they can’t have a drink.
It's hard brother, you are not alone feeling what you are feeling. I have lived this way for a while now, practically my entire life. The childhood was hard and this made me a lonely man. But I have the ability to change that now, but I'm not doing that now. This is hard as well to realize.

But I need to tell myself that this is just temporary. Only girthwork will make me more free. We need to have patience and discipline. I want to live life as well, as of now it doesn't feel like wasting time, but sometimes I question myself, why I need to do this? Why can't I be happy with my size now. But we need to keep at it in order to not make our efforts not wasted and make our size permanent forever.

The more time we put into it the more we loose if we just give up. It's important to accomplish our goals in life. Do what ever it takes to achieve your goals, if not other people will prevent you from reaching your goals.

Be strong brother.
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Why can't I be happy with my size now.
Happiness is NOT a destination...striving for happiness is. Goals that require dedication/determination/discipline are the roadmap for fulfillment (in all things, not just PE). Getting the job, getting the raise, getting in shape, getting the girl, getting 9"X7", are all aims/goals/desires...once attained, a new goal must be set.
Life has become (relatively) easy, we no longer are under threat of beaing eaten by predators, but we still possess those 'lizard-brain' instincts (hence the popularity of MMA/Violent Video games/etc.)...these trigger deep emotions that make our (numb/lazy/fat) brains actually feel something. Positive results from our PE efforts make us feel something's a very powerful motivator.
Happiness is NOT a destination...striving for happiness is. Goals that require dedication/determination/discipline are the roadmap for fulfillment (in all things, not just PE). Getting the job, getting the raise, getting in shape, getting the girl, getting 9"X7", are all aims/goals/desires...once attained, a new goal must be set.
Life has become (relatively) easy, we no longer are under threat of beaing eaten by predators, but we still possess those 'lizard-brain' instincts (hence the popularity of MMA/Violent Video games/etc.)...these trigger deep emotions that make our (numb/lazy/fat) brains actually feel something. Positive results from our PE efforts make us feel something's a very powerful motivator.
I agree with everything you wrote.
Many are depressed, since they have no purpose and no goals in life.
Was procrastinating like an idiot today. 😂
Woke up early (like at, 05:00 AM) and though I have a lot of time before I need to get to work...nevertheless to say; If you procrastinate and doesn't do what you have promise yourself, you will feel worse later...all good. I know it's just to keep going.

I'm on my rest (10 minutes) between set 1 and set 2, now, so I will be able to finnish Session 01/02 before I get to work. Session 02/02 will be done after work tonight. Then up early tomorrow, and do it all over again.

I did masturbate yesterday so session 02/02 yesterday I could not do (did only session 01/02). After masturbation my penis hurt if I attach it to the chamber. But I needed that masturbation so I'm happy I did it.

Just want to be at 100% transperycy with my journey
... no one is perfect...but when you never stop and never ever, and I mean never give will never fail.

Failure isn't in my vocabulary, every step on this journey called life, is a lesson.

Just keep going. Failure doesn't exist. Just success.
Keep growing brothers. 💪
What's happening? More procrastination happening. Just 10 minutes of stretching left (time now: 00:20), then I'm done for the day.
Up 05:00 tomorrow, and work start at 07:00. I really like to punish myself today and tomorrow. 😂
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What's happening? More procrastination happening. Just 10 minutes of stretching left (time now: 00:20), then I'm done for the day.
Up 05:00 tomorrow, and work start at 07:00. I really like to punish myself today and tomorrow. 😂
Just deserve it
Just saw it now brother! Congratz on becoming a super moderator, so happy for you and well deserved! I believe you will serve this forum and brotherhood really well as a super mod.

Btw just saw that you take your wrapping off between sets which I haven’t done thus far though will start doing it now. Anything I can do to replicate your success with the LM3 I will do.
Just saw it now brother! Congratz on becoming a super moderator, so happy for you and well deserved! I believe you will serve this forum and brotherhood really well as a super mod.

Btw just saw that you take your wrapping off between sets which I haven’t done thus far though will start doing it now. Anything I can do to replicate your success with the LM3 I will do.
Thanks. I will do my best to make this brotherhood even better.

Yes! It's important to keep the wrapping off your penis, when you are not clamped down in the chamber. You want to restore 100% bloodflow, and let the tissue rest between sets. I sit in front of my car interior heater, to keep the tissue warm.

This will help you to stretch harder and keep the discoloration at bay. This is important. This will also make it less painful to stretch. If you restrict the bloodflow for to long, it will be painful to stretch. There is also risk for fluid retention, if you stay clamped down in the chamber for to long.

This was what I did in the beginning. I also tried to stretch 20 minutes in one go in the beginning, but that would be to painful for me.

Short and intense stretching is the guideline I will give you.

Warmup 3 minutes:
Rotate penis back and forth with LM3, in front of a heating source.
Stretching for 10 minutes.

So total time, I stay in the chamber is ~ 13 minutes.

If the wrapping takes time to apply now? You will be able to do it really fast in time, when you get better at it. It will be like putting on a sock. Less then like 1 minute to apply it.
Program 5: (We are scrapping, Program 4).
Continuing to focus on length work with, LENGTHMASTER 3.
After really hard thinking about this for some time, I'm changing my end goal. We will see how I will fit inside a woman after this.
But I'm told there are size queens out there, so I should be fine.
Goal: BPEL: 9 inch cemented (going to 9.5 inches BPEL).
PE sessions with 3 days on, and 1 day rest, and repeat until I'm at my final goal. I call this the; 3:1 program structure.
Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1).
(Or: Another time during the MORNING).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS.
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest for 10 minutes (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Time: When it fit during the day (plan ahead).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Stage 2 of the program. This is the girthwork part to get to an EG of 6 inches. I will create this program later when I'm at, BPEL: 9 inches 100 % cemented. I can't wait for starting Stage 2.
Other things that are important for this program:
1. I'm doing Kegels continuously during the day. Also edging from time to time. I also do Kegels with my penis elongation wrap on, and I believe this helps me to cement my gains, since this will allow me to keep my penis elongated more then the flaccid state, and expanded thorough the day. Sometimes my penis are in a semi-erected/expanded state for some hours. But you need to be careful to not overdo it, because if your penis is semi-expanded inside the wrap to much, and for to long, you will experience fluid retention. But with time you will dial this in.

2. When I'm at home I make sure the room is really warm, and I also take off my clothes so my penis will hang free.
I'm thinking about getting a better heater for this reason alone. I'm living in a rental apartment so I can't control the thermostat.
2. I'm keeping my penis in a penis elongation wrap, all the time during the day when I'm not stretching.
I remove it when I go to sleep.

3. MOS-RED is at least as important for this program, as the LENGTHMASTER 3 itself. Without MOS-RED, I would not be able to keep up the intensity of this program. MOS-RED helps me mainly to keep the discoloration at my glans at bay (and the rest of the penis). In fact this was the main reason I felt I needed it badly. It's worth the investment for sure. There are so many benefits with MOS-RED. I sleep better as well. The reduced healing time is insane, when you use MOS-RED.

Here is a video instruction to my penis elongation wrap:
🔗 My penis elongation wrap.
I have used this wrap during my entire length gain journey, and it took some frustrating times to get it right. I love it.
I believe this wrap is one key to gaining fast, since it keeps my penis from time to time semi-erected for a really long time, and the only time my penis are turtling is when it's cold outside. But then I put a warm sock over the wrap to compensate, and re-wrap when I get inside. But the winter is tough for my penis.

I have never done any erect stretches, I believe this penis elongation wrap I'm using is the main reason, I have not needed erected stretches. But we will se what happens when I get longer.

Information about the sets with LENGTHMASTER 3:
One set is 10 minutes long. I do 2 set per session (Total: 20 minutes). I do 5 minute long stretches, and I change the angle in relation to my inner penis continuously during those 5 minutes to really feel the stretch inside my tissue, but I keep the intensity and stretching force hard always. The attachment point is mostly behind my glans, but according to how my penis are feeling, I sometimes attach at the base.

First 5 minutes of the set, I bundle to the right, and the last 5 minutes I bundle to the left (always use a timer). I also try to stretch more to the left in LM b.ASS to correct my right curvature, I believe it's working. Maybe this will slow down the speed of my overall length gains as well we will see. But I believe it's better to correct the curvature now then later. I will keep my banana curvature forever. View attachment 1833426
Your stretch exercise everytime Beind The Cheeks b.ASS?? Sometimes try Different stretch exercise?

🔗 Information in how you quote people on MOS.

@Goke55, please edit post #1,295. Edit your post so you are quoting correctly.
You need to write outside of the quote, in order to respond to a quote (quote posts) correctly.

Example of quote:
[QUOTE="squirt_inducer_man,  post: 1942595, member: 223768"]

Will do.


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@Goke55, I'm following this program now.
Program 5: (We are scrapping, Program 4).
Continuing to focus on length work with, LENGTHMASTER 3.
After really hard thinking about this for some time, I'm changing my end goal. We will see how I will fit inside a woman after this.
But I'm told there are size queens out there, so I should be fine.
Goal: BPEL: 9 inch cemented (going to 9.5 inches BPEL).
PE sessions with 3 days on, and 1 day rest, and repeat until I'm at my final goal. I call this the; 3:1 program structure.
Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1).
(Or: Another time during the MORNING).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS.
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest for 10 minutes (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Time: When it fit during the day (plan ahead).
1. Ball & Lig Stretch, 10 minutes, in front of a car interior heater.
2. LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches BTC (Beind The Cheeks) <=> LM b.ASS
Set 1:
Before starting: Warm up in the chamber (3 minutes), by rotating the LENGTHMASTER 3 back and forth.
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS.
• Rest (Detach from the chamber and un-wrap).
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of LM b.ASS
3. MOS-RED, 15 minutes.
Stage 2 of the program. This is the girthwork part to get to an EG of 6 inches. I will create this program later when I'm at, BPEL: 9 inches 100 % cemented. I can't wait for starting Stage 2.
Other things that are important for this program:
1. I'm doing Kegels continuously during the day. Also edging from time to time. I also do Kegels with my penis elongation wrap on, and I believe this helps me to cement my gains, since this will allow me to keep my penis elongated more then the flaccid state, and expanded thorough the day. Sometimes my penis are in a semi-erected/expanded state for some hours. But you need to be careful to not overdo it, because if your penis is semi-expanded inside the wrap to much, and for to long, you will experience fluid retention. But with time you will dial this in.

2. When I'm at home I make sure the room is really warm, and I also take off my clothes so my penis will hang free.
I'm thinking about getting a better heater for this reason alone. I'm living in a rental apartment so I can't control the thermostat.
2. I'm keeping my penis in a penis elongation wrap, all the time during the day when I'm not stretching.
I remove it when I go to sleep.

3. MOS-RED is at least as important for this program, as the LENGTHMASTER 3 itself. Without MOS-RED, I would not be able to keep up the intensity of this program. MOS-RED helps me mainly to keep the discoloration at my glans at bay (and the rest of the penis). In fact this was the main reason I felt I needed it badly. It's worth the investment for sure. There are so many benefits with MOS-RED. I sleep better as well. The reduced healing time is insane, when you use MOS-RED.

Here is a video instruction to my penis elongation wrap:
🔗 My penis elongation wrap.
I have used this wrap during my entire length gain journey, and it took some frustrating times to get it right. I love it.
I believe this wrap is one key to gaining fast, since it keeps my penis from time to time semi-erected for a really long time, and the only time my penis are turtling is when it's cold outside. But then I put a warm sock over the wrap to compensate, and re-wrap when I get inside. But the winter is tough for my penis.

I have never done any erect stretches, I believe this penis elongation wrap I'm using is the main reason, I have not needed erected stretches. But we will se what happens when I get longer.

Information about the sets with LENGTHMASTER 3:
One set is 10 minutes long. I do 2 set per session (Total: 20 minutes). I do 5 minute long stretches, and I change the angle in relation to my inner penis continuously during those 5 minutes to really feel the stretch inside my tissue, but I keep the intensity and stretching force hard always. The attachment point is mostly behind my glans, but according to how my penis are feeling, I sometimes attach at the base.

First 5 minutes of the set, I bundle to the right, and the last 5 minutes I bundle to the left (always use a timer). I also try to stretch more to the left in LM b.ASS to correct my right curvature, I believe it's working. Maybe this will slow down the speed of my overall length gains as well we will see. But I believe it's better to correct the curvature now then later. I will keep my banana curvature forever. View attachment 1833426
I have 4 programs I have gone through in this thread:

🔗 Program 1

🔗 Program 2

🔗 Program 3

🔗 Program 5
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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