Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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There is a learning curve for sure that's not really explainable only with experience and experimentation you will find your way forward. Stay patient you will find it. As I said it took at least a couple of weeks for me to get everything effective.
Okey thanks. I will trust that the process will solve this for me. I will not go back to the broomstick, but I think I need to do a session with the broomstick before bedtime, just to calm my mind that I have done enough PE for today.
Sports tape over? 🤔
Wouldn't that ruin your bandage?

I mean that the wing nuts, dig into the plastic material (the main material of the length master)? On mine I discovered marks under the nuts, so I put rubber gaskets under them.
Sports tape over? 🤔
Wouldn't that ruin your bandage?

I mean that the wing nuts, dig into the plastic material (the main material of the length master)? On mine I discovered marks under the nuts, so I put rubber gaskets under them.
No, it's not sticky like regular tape. This is the one:
You didn't get it with your LM? Buy it if not...

It makes everything much better and holds bandage in place and improves grip enormously.

Well yes there is some marks from the wing nuts but nothing that will impair the LM. Sure you can probably use the protection why not.
What kind of rubber gaskets? Picture?
No, it's not sticky like regular tape. This is the one:
You didn't get it with your LM? Buy it if not...

It makes everything much better and holds bandage in place and improves grip enormously.

Well yes there is some marks from the wing nuts but nothing that will impair the LM. Sure you can probably use the protection why not.
What kind of rubber gaskets? Picture?
Okey! I think this will help me. Yes indeed I got that tape included in the length master. I will try your suggestions with the wrap. Thanks.

It's just regular gaskets you can buy as a package (with multiple diffrent sizes), they are usually used in faucets. I think I bought them for the hose for the inlet water, for my washing machine. But these gaskets makes it harder to turn the wing nuts. I have applied some WD-40 on them. But I think I will need to apply silicone spray on them, to reduce the friction. They protect the lengthmaster from getting marks from the wing nuts. I have the gaskets under the head of the bolts as well.

Here is a picture on the gaskets:

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Okey! I think this will help me. Yes indeed I got that tape included in the length master. I will try your suggestions with the wrap. Thanks.

It's just regular gaskets you can buy as a package (with multiple diffrent sizes), they are usually used in faucets. I think I bought them for the hose for the inlet water, for my washing machine. But these gaskets makes it harder to turn the wing nuts. I have applied some WD-40 on them. But I think I will need to apply silicone spray on them, to reduce the friction. They protect the lengthmaster from getting marks from the wing nuts. I have the gaskets under the head of the bolts as well.

Here is a picture on the gaskets:
View attachment 1832512
Got you. It's not a bad idea however if I were you, to speed up your learning curve and keep things simple, ditch the gaskets until you get everything right. It will not hurt your length master. Just my 2 cents.
I think the clamping is to low near the glans, I feel a pressure against my glans, even when I have pushed away all blood from it. Feels like I can not apply the pulling force I want. It's like when I pull, there is high pressure against the glans, is it supposed to feel this way?

What do you guys think?
I hurts so much in the glans.
I have attached pictures, if you want to look how it looks like.

It is like that. Don't start doing expressive stretching yet because there are so much gains you can get from stretching the mid shaft. I will suggest you keep attaching the length master just right under the glans and split your sessions to 10 mins per session.

Remove the length master after 10 mins and attach again within 3 mins. Repeat until you complete all your set.

Trust me, you will eventually adapt.
My training is going smoothly. I've come to the conclusion that no one should pump pass 7hg on any penis pump or else you are looking for injury. I felt a sharp pain today when I pumped at 8hg. I've learnt my lesson.
Could it be from your ischias issues? Hmm.. when air pumping I also stay in 6-8 hg max it's perfect for me.
It is like that. Don't start doing expressive stretching yet because there are so much gains you can get from stretching the mid shaft. I will suggest you keep attaching the length master just right under the glans and split your sessions to 10 mins per session.

Remove the length master after 10 mins and attach again within 3 mins. Repeat until you complete all your set.

Trust me, you will eventually adapt.

Okey! So I'm doing everything right, just some adoption needed. Got it. 👍
There are times when I do two 10 mins sessions of DLD blasters because it hurts to do it against my curve for 20 mins.

Okey! So even you have trouble with pain related issues with the length master. 🤔
I understand.

For me it feels like the lengthmaster is attached to low and when I pull, I drag in the glans also. I could try to attach it a little higher. Should it only pull in the shaft?

But If I know It isn't dangerous, I could simply just probably adjust to it.
Did a session of 30 minutes with bundled stretches with my broomstick. The intensity was on another level. Had done some not so intense length master sessions before (due to pain), so my Tunica was probably lose. So maybe that's why.

I wonder how far the broomstick would take me? Could I get 2" in length from that, I don't know but it feels like it. It had been really interesting to found out. I feel soreness in my penis now, exactly as it should be.
Okey! So even you have trouble with pain related issues with the length master. 🤔
I understand.

For me it feels like the lengthmaster is attached to low and when I pull, I drag in the glans also. I could try to attach it a little higher. Should it only pull in the shaft?

But If I know It isn't dangerous, I could simply just probably adjust to it.

PE is never comfortable brother, it is way outside our comfort zone. If you are uncut, you have to pull the skin out of the way before attaching the length master.
Did a session of 30 minutes with bundled stretches with my broomstick. The intensity was on another level. Had done some not so intense length master sessions before (due to pain), so my Tunica was probably lose. So maybe that's why.

I wonder how far the broomstick would take me? Could I get 2" in length from that, I don't know but it feels like it. It had been really interesting to found out. I feel soreness in my penis now, exactly as it should be.

What caused the soreness? Remember I told you to tap all the gains from your broom sticl routine before switching things up with the length master.
What caused the soreness? Remember I told you to tap all the gains from your broom sticl routine before switching things up with the length master.
Yes you said that. I think I switched to soon. I was so focused on this new tool. Fun with new equipment.
The soreness is the soreness I always get after a broomstick session. It feels good.

I will keep doing my PE with the broomstick as you told me, and keep an eye on my length gains. When I will not gain anymore, I will switch to the length master.
The question is if I will stop gaining with the broomstick? It's powerful. I can use the broomstick to help pull out "the inner penis" in every stretch in every angel. I will keep at this, and see how far this will take me. Maybe I will do 5 minutes warmup with the lengthmaster
The question is if I will stop gaining with the broomstick? It's powerful. I can use the broomstick to help pull out "the inner penis" in every stretch in every angel. I will keep at this, and see how far this will take me. Maybe I will do 5 minutes warmup with the lengthmaster

When it comes to stretching the inner penis, the length master does it much better.
Here is my experience with staying longated for healing. You also learn your penis to not shrink so much.

I'm trying to stay elongated 24 hours every day (also when I sleep = no fluid retention), it helps with my penis longation growth. I'm mostly using this wrapping technique: ball-sack penis longation support wrap. Mostly when I'm at home.

It's easy when I'm at home. But when I get out of my door, and put on pants it's more problematic. The wrap easily slips off when wearing pants, especially when bending down and/or sitting down. I think the pants push away the wrapping.

I will get the SiliStretcher in the future.
For now, trying to attach the Phallosan forte without any tension at all (without the belt). Like an over-engineered penis wrap.

But I have seen it's important to keep the penis free from Hydrocortisone cream/ointment, or any other kind of ointment/creams so the condom and bell do not slip off in my pants.

That is: Your penis needs to be dry as a whistle when using Phallosan forte. Also since I do not want to keep high pressure in the bell (reduce fluid retention), it's more important to keep your penis dry I think. I can't use Phallosan forte's protection cap (it's to small for me), so this is also a reason I want to keep the pressure low.

It's somewhat complicated since I need to plan when I wear it (Phallosan forte longation wrap). Due to my length broomstick sessions, I need to lubricate my penis all the time.

I don't want to wear the medium condoms included with the Phallosan forte, since they are to small, and put to much pressure around my shaft (I get bad fluid retention then).

Just sharing my experience, with keeping my penis elongated for as long as possible every day.

You are not allowed to suggest me to use, SiliSleev5s, DuroSleevs or DuroPRO for my problems with the sizing of the condome to the Phallosan forte. The reson to this is; Click here (a link to a MOS post about this).
They are not made for the Phallosan forte.

I have attached picures of my solution of my Phallosan forte wrapping. I have protected the pump with a small strip of elastic bandage wrap.

Putting this Phallosan forte wrap/my penis to the side in my pants, I'm also always putting a sock over my wrapping.
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I must say. Clamping down in the lengthmaster and the feedback from the brotherhood, made me realize that the penis isn't so sensitive.

I feel that I now can make my broomstick routine even more intense. Before I would re-grip when the glans hurted a little bit when stretching (though it was not good).
Now I just keep the stretch in 1 minute, no matter what. When the gripping hand starts to cramp, I force the grip close with the other hand, and use both hands to make the stretch even more intense, and just push through to 1 minut.

I even have incorporated more pulling out of the inner penis in every stretch/angle now. Since I realized what I have been doing, and what is working. I'm doing more what is working.

I even got a notion to do rotary stretches bundled. I think this new phase of my program will take me far. Just keep at it every day. Can't wait to see what my results will be in 6 months.

Time will tell!
I must say. Clamping down in the lengthmaster and the feedback from the brotherhood, made me realize that the penis isn't so sensitive.

I feel that I now can make my broomstick routine even more intense. Before I would re-grip when the glans hurted a little bit when stretching (though it was not good).
Now I just keep the stretch in 1 minute, no matter what. When the gripping hand starts to cramp, I force the grip close with the other hand, and use both hands to make the stretch even more intense, and just push through to 1 minut.

I even have incorporated more pulling out of the inner penis in every stretch/angle now. Since I realized what I have been doing, and what is working. I'm doing more what is working.

I even got a notion to do rotary stretches bundled. I think this new phase of my program will take me far. Just keep at it every day. Can't wait to see what my results will be in 6 months.

Time will tell!
Bundle every stretch you can. The Bundle increases intensity big time
It seems like you have just purchased a whole bunch of equipment.
So, this phallosan forte is very expensive. You cant use any of the mos sleeves for it, you stated. How about the cap. I have to wear acap beneath everything. I put on a sili-cap(actually now I am using a silicone cap I found on Amazon. It is super thick, you just have to put a pin-hole at the head) under neath everything and in everything. Example in the sili-stretcher I put a durosleev on but beneath that I still put a cap.
Does phallosan have a cap.
You threw phallosan in so I am going to ask you about it.
Have you compared it with the silistretcher?
Does it have traction-the sili-stretcher and the stealth master do not but the size dr does and the size genetics does (the size dr. is the only one that has both-but I am changing my Reccomendation for the size Dr._It is very bulky and that seems to be why I can do nothing but sit while using it-So you might not like it)
I noticed the Phalosan has a new attachement that costs another massive amount-do you have this? Does this make it traction.
Wish I could test these things befor I buy them.
. I see your wrap and I will try it out. So, you are doing 24/7. How much time doing stretching with length master(I am at 30 minutes now at full yanking blast bundled. I just started using much more ace bandage.
It turns out that I have actually used almost all the advice that HG gave me, even though I questioned it and most of the advice you and DlD have given,
Maybe I am just disagreeable when I write shit.

Are you wrapping tight or loose? I tried it overnight and it felt like I was losing all bllod flow.

Well, it appears my erect length has almost caught up to my flaccid length 7”-71/4” and mt girth has gone from 4.8-to 5.5. I believe it is my ne system taken from you guys and done modified because I cant do some thingg
40 mins lengthmaster,3 hours size Dr. and Erect stretches by using the long 12” thin 1.75” mitty vac tube-up to 15 psi puched to the sides, bottom and top.

I will tell you this I saw a thing in here about psychologically not being able to see your growth(I thinkI did, maybe itv was somewhere else) but that is what has happened. I thought 7” would make a big difference. All these research studies say almost everyone is between 4.5-6” and that only 15% are 7” and up and only 2% are 8”.
So, I thought I made it int the 7” category but it doesnt look or feel or seem any different.
Here is a piece of advice from me. I dont care what happens to you in the rest of your life You get hurt in and accident become clinically depressed…Whatever it is Do not stop Exercising! NMW-It is even more impt as you get older. For some fucking reason in Men any fat you get from not exercising and losing your muscle tone will go right to your gut and public area. Even at 7” from the base, it still only look like 6, maybe even 5.5”. I have not tried it so i dont know if the size will make any different in use but it dont in look.
Thanks for writing to me. I will try to keep any negative bullshit out.
This ius hard fucking work. Keep it up
It seems like you have just purchased a whole bunch of equipment.
So, this phallosan forte is very expensive. You cant use any of the mos sleeves for it, you stated. How about the cap. I have to wear acap beneath everything. I put on a sili-cap(actually now I am using a silicone cap I found on Amazon. It is super thick, you just have to put a pin-hole at the head) under neath everything and in everything. Example in the sili-stretcher I put a durosleev on but beneath that I still put a cap.
Does phallosan have a cap.
You threw phallosan in so I am going to ask you about it.
Have you compared it with the silistretcher?
Does it have traction-the sili-stretcher and the stealth master do not but the size dr does and the size genetics does (the size dr. is the only one that has both-but I am changing my Reccomendation for the size Dr._It is very bulky and that seems to be why I can do nothing but sit while using it-So you might not like it)
I noticed the Phalosan has a new attachement that costs another massive amount-do you have this? Does this make it traction.
Wish I could test these things befor I buy them.
. I see your wrap and I will try it out. So, you are doing 24/7. How much time doing stretching with length master(I am at 30 minutes now at full yanking blast bundled. I just started using much more ace bandage.
It turns out that I have actually used almost all the advice that HG gave me, even though I questioned it and most of the advice you and DlD have given,
Maybe I am just disagreeable when I write shit.

Are you wrapping tight or loose? I tried it overnight and it felt like I was losing all bllod flow.

Well, it appears my erect length has almost caught up to my flaccid length 7”-71/4” and mt girth has gone from 4.8-to 5.5. I believe it is my ne system taken from you guys and done modified because I cant do some thingg
40 mins lengthmaster,3 hours size Dr. and Erect stretches by using the long 12” thin 1.75” mitty vac tube-up to 15 psi puched to the sides, bottom and top.

I will tell you this I saw a thing in here about psychologically not being able to see your growth(I thinkI did, maybe itv was somewhere else) but that is what has happened. I thought 7” would make a big difference. All these research studies say almost everyone is between 4.5-6” and that only 15% are 7” and up and only 2% are 8”.
So, I thought I made it int the 7” category but it doesnt look or feel or seem any different.
Here is a piece of advice from me. I dont care what happens to you in the rest of your life You get hurt in and accident become clinically depressed…Whatever it is Do not stop Exercising! NMW-It is even more impt as you get older. For some fucking reason in Men any fat you get from not exercising and losing your muscle tone will go right to your gut and public area. Even at 7” from the base, it still only look like 6, maybe even 5.5”. I have not tried it so i dont know if the size will make any different in use but it dont in look.
Thanks for writing to me. I will try to keep any negative bullshit out.
This ius hard fucking work. Keep it up
Yes indeed the Phallosan forte is very expensive, I got a discount on it from their website. But I'm using it as a wrap right now. An expensive wrap. But you learn stuff as you are developing your PE techniques, no regrets about the purchase at all.

The reason I'm using the Phallosan forte this way is due to the reason, I bought it and can't use it for anything else. The Phallosan forte didn't work for me, and I bought it before discovering MOS. I can't use the Phallosan forte due to water retention, the condoms for it, it's like I'm between sizes. Everything are falling off If I'm using the large condome with the traction belt. If I use the medium condome with it, it stays on but I get bad fluid retention.

The glans protection caps (from Phallosan) are way to small. Even when they say it fit all sizes. People here on MOS say the SiliStretcher is way better then the Phallosan forte, and I believe them. I think you @jvf1 have as many devices as you will need.

I think you can get far with only wrapping for elongation, and hand stretches with a simple broomstick.

I don't even want to use the Phallosan forte. I don't have the SiliStretcher. Have resently got the lengthmaster, but I'm waiting with that, I'm going full time with the broomstick routine right now. I will do this and keep adding intensity until it can't give me any more length. But I think it will get me far...really far. After that I will bring forth the lengthmaster.

I realize that when I have pants on, the wrap are falling off. It's also cold outside so I'm looking on a solution to create a heated wrapping. To force my penis into elongation even in cold weathers. This was where the Phallosan fort sleeve idea came in, since the wrapping are falling off when I have pants on. The Phallosan forte sleeve, I'm using when I got my pants on, it keeps my penis elongated in my pants for a really long time.

I'm keeping a wrap on my penis when I'm at home. But now I need to rest the skin on my penis a bit, so I will have my penis lose a bit.
I also use this wrap when I sleep. It's a semi-hard wrap. I'm thinking of getting the SiliStretcher in the future, I will see if I need it.

Have you seen my wrapping post @jvf1?
🔗 ball-sack penis longation support wrap
(just press the link).
The key for me was to wind the bandage around (behind) my balls. Otherwise it would not work for me.

Look at the post/thread and you will understand what I mean.

Take care brother.
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PLEASE don't sacrifice health for PE. There is nothing in this world worth sacrificing health for. Trust me, listen to this one while stretching and everything you think you know about strength training will change:

Waiting for your comments about this bro.
@MosMaster I need to thank you for sharing this with me, what a paradigm shift it gave me. It really opened up my mind to things. I'm probably going to buy, Mike Mentzer's books. Kind regards.
@MosMaster I need to thank you for sharing this with me, what a paradigm shift it gave me. It really opened up my mind to things. I'm probably going to buy, Mike Mentzer's books. Kind regards.
It really does. Funny thing is, I would guess 90% of all "sophisticated" trainers around the world is not even aware of these fundamental principles of human biology when it comes to strength training. And I say that having been a trainer myself for 10+ years.

By all means please try to get your hands on his books if you can. All I know is they can be either hard to get or pricey due to scarcity.
Meanwhile, since you seem interested you can watch the videos of John Heart. He worked closely with Mike Mentzer until his death and been practicing these principles throughout his career:

To dum it down it comes down to the training needs to be IBI (Intense, Brief, Infrequent). Intense in that you go all out of each set performed, brief in that the workout should be around 20-40 minutes max (excluding warmup) and infrequent. And here you need to experiment to find the best frequency that your body has the ability to recover from. As he explains with great examples in the interview.
Yes, I fashioned something that will work for the broomstick stretching we had lightly discussed the other day. Looking for a daily routine 🙏🙌
Awesome! The broomstick routine is really working for me, have soon gained 1" in length (BPEL), with the broomstick routine. It's modified even further from my posted broomstick routine as well.
If this routine is working as I think it does, I will post a video about it in 6 months.
So it’s is the same as newbie stretch’s but you twist the penis then do the stretches?
What I do is that I do all the stretches in my video (broomstick routine).

What I have modified is this:
1. Replaced all the stretches with bundled stretches. All stretches except the forward stretch and the rotary stretch (the last stretch). I rotate my penis as many turns as I can, grip it and then I do the stretch over the broomstick. You can also use the broomstick in every stretch to pull out the inner penis. Hard to explain, but in stretch 1 and 3 (see picture below) I pull my twisted penis around the broomstick pull it, and simultaneously I push the broomstick forward. These stretches have become so intense.

Look at this:
A representation of all the angels of the stretches (viewed from above).

When I do stretch number 4 and 5. I twist my penis counter clockwise as many turns as I can, put my penis over the broomstick (broomstick on my thighs), and then pull forward. If you have something to put your legs up on (I got a coffee table) you can push up the broomstick a little bit with your thigh, to make the stretch even more intense/powerful. I use both hands to pull the stretch.

2. The forward stretch (number 2 in picture above) I got a technique where I sit on my penis with the broomstick and I get an intense stretch that way. Here is a post about that: Forward broomstick stretch.

The key is to increase the intensity as you progress. This have worked for me so far. It will be intersting how far this will take me.
But can't guarantee anything. This is an experimental state so far.
As I said I will make a video about it, when I got the results from 6 months of doing this routine.

All my stretches are based on the stretches you can find in the MOS DVD.

Remember I'm still a Newbie! 😊
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@Bassman44 can you post a picture of your stick/broomstick? Would have been interesting to see how it looks like.
It is one of my drum sticks and I think I’m going to put a silisleeve on it so it doesn’t hurt my penis. But I wanted wood because it isn’t as cold as my plastic broomsticks LOL if I had access to a lathe I’d like to make a roll of wood about the size of a paper towel tube then have it narrow down so it can sit under the legs nicely. I was looking for an old spindle or chair leg to see what would disburse the pressure on my shaft
Something similar to a mini rolling pin
It is one of my drum sticks and I think I’m going to put a silisleeve on it so it doesn’t hurt my penis. But I wanted wood because it isn’t as cold as my plastic broomsticks LOL if I had access to a lathe I’d like to make a roll of wood about the size of a paper towel tube then have it narrow down so it can sit under the legs nicely. I was looking for an old spindle or chair leg to see what would disburse the pressure on my shaft
Okey. Otherwise you can buy a broomstick and then shorten it to 45 cm / ~17.7“. Sand it down smooth, and then paint it smooth. Here in Sweden we can buy broomsticks separately in ordinary grocery stores. I'm going to make another one, so I have a backup.

In my routine the stick needs to be really solid for the exercises to work.

The LENGTHMASTER 3 is also available now for's a good tool. You should buy it. I have it but I'm waiting with using that, since I'm doing this routine now.

There is brothers here on MOS that have gotten over 2" from it.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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