Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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Do you have any sample of a bone pressure erect measurement photo found on the internet? @squirt_inducer_man ?

Here is a sample!
Here is my best photo of my BPEL right now, remember I started at BPEL: 12,7 cm / 5" at date; 2023.02.04 (YEAR.MONTH.DAY).
, and I'm now at
BPEL: 14,5 cm / 5.7".
That's 24 days and a, 1,8 cm / 0.7" increase.
0,74 cm / 0.29" left to, 15,25 cm / 6".

I need to from now on, messure in centimeters and then convert to inches, since I feel that's more accurate.

My penis have a babana bend to it.
It was really hard to keep a super hard erection and messure at the same time (with one hand, camera on the other). If you zoom in on the picture, you will see that my penis is exactly 14,5 cm/5.7" BPEL.
Here is a sample!
Here is my best photo of my BPEL right now, remember I started at BPEL: 12,7 cm / 5" at date; 2023.02.04 (YEAR.MONTH.DAY).
, and I'm now at
BPEL: 14,5 cm / 5.7".
That's 24 days and a, 1,8 cm / 0.7" increase.
0,74 cm / 0.29" left to, 15,25 cm / 6".

I need to from now on, messure in centimeters and then convert to inches, since I feel that's more accurate.

View attachment 1832504
My penis have a babana bend to it.
It was really hard to keep a super hard erection and messure at the same time (with one hand, camera on the other). If you zoom in on the picture, you will see that my penis is exactly 14,5 cm/5.7" BPEL.

Thanks for sharing this. Your gains are coming so fast.
No problems at all to clamp down on the LengthMaster today. Thanks for all the help. Got it on my first try today. I pressed around my glans while I winded the THERABAND on, and then continued to press around my glans when winding the bandage.
Then continued to press around my glans during the camp down (when turning the wing nuts).

What I realized was that, I didn't need to be very particularly careful with the wrap, just to make sure it was there.

The only uncomfortable thing was in some positions my penis shifted somewhat (the internal of the penis), that was uncomfortable. But as long as I took it slow I was okey.

I'm going to do a total of; 2x20 minutes today of bundled stretches with the lengthmaster and I will take it slow in the beginning.
I experienced that my tunica was really thick (hard to twist my penis) in the downward bundled stretches. I imagine these will get me the length I'm after.

I will not go back to the broomstick after this. The lengthmaster is such an amazing tool. I already see that this tool is really powerful, maybe 1000 times more powerful then the broomstick. But I love the broomstick, It got me from, BPEL: 5" to; BPEL: 5.7".
I don't understand how to wrap for the length master. It's like my penis is to short. It feels like it clamp to high up on the shaft, and when I pull it slides. It doesn't feel secure, and I can't pull with any force.

Pulling back the foreskin before wrapping (THERABAND first). Press out blood from the glands, then clamp my penis as low as possible (at the root). Have tried multiple time, nothing seems to work.

I will try one more time, but I think I need some help with this.
Oh you got it now? Nice! Don't worry it takes some time for most of us to find just the right way. Can be a bit frustrating but keep watching the wrap videos and experiment with different styles yourself.

For me it probably took a few weeks to get it right and even later I find minor slight improvements over time.
Oh you got it now? Nice! Don't worry it takes some time for most of us to find just the right way. Can be a bit frustrating but keep watching the wrap videos and experiment with different styles yourself.

For me it probably took a few weeks to get it right and even later I find minor slight improvements over time.
Yeah! It was frustrating yesterday, though this will never work, but today I got it on my first try.
Yeah! It was frustrating yesterday, though this will never work, but today I got it on my first try.
No problems at all to clamp down on the LengthMaster today. Thanks for all the help. Got it on my first try today. I pressed around my glans while I winded the THERABAND on, and then continued to press around my glans when winding the bandage.
Then continued to press around my glans during the camp down (when turning the wing nuts).

What I realized was that, I didn't need to be very particularly careful with the wrap, just to make sure it was there.

The only uncomfortable thing was in some positions my penis shifted somewhat (the internal of the penis), that was uncomfortable. But as long as I took it slow I was okey.

I'm going to do a total of; 2x20 minutes today of bundled stretches with the lengthmaster and I will take it slow in the beginning.
I experienced that my tunica was really thick (hard to twist my penis) in the downward bundled stretches. I imagine these will get me the length I'm after.

I will not go back to the broomstick after this. The lengthmaster is such an amazing tool. I already see that this tool is really powerful, maybe 1000 times more powerful then the broomstick. But I love the broomstick, It got me from, BPEL: 5" to; BPEL: 5.7".
What the fuck? BPEL: 5" to; BPEL: 5.7" ??? Never heard of that kind of gains in such a short time. Sounds like a record if the measurements is really correct and you measure PRE stretching? Blown away...
What the fuck? BPEL: 5" to; BPEL: 5.7" ??? Never heard of that kind of gains in such a short time. Sounds like a record if the measurements is really correct and you measure PRE stretching? Blown away...

Some people gain faster than others and some people also stretch harder than others. We all gain differently.
Some people gain faster than others and some people also stretch harder than others. We all gain differently.
Now I will start to stretch with vengeance EVEN harder...... I have no idea of my gains though since I have not measured in like 8 months. Only thing I notice is flaccid is clearly grown but I don't know.. But maybe a factor is that we don't register the gains if not measuring because it's so incremental. I reference myself when getting into better shape/building muscle. Often I don't recognize the gains until I actually look at a photo from 6 months earlier....
What the fuck? BPEL: 5" to; BPEL: 5.7" ??? Never heard of that kind of gains in such a short time. Sounds like a record if the measurements is really correct and you measure PRE stretching? Blown away...
Yes I'm 100% sure my messurment was, BPEL (Bone Pressed Erected Length): 5" (12,7 cm) when I started my length routine.
I was kind of obsessed with this value so I know it's correct.

I have always messured myself by driving the ruler as hard as I can into my fat pad. I even feel pain when I'm doing that, I want no errors when messuring. You can see my thumb is whitening (in the picture) when I'm pushing the ruler into my fat pad.

I'm completely honest about all this. I made this post to make my gains public. I have this, 5“ messurment in my signature, and the date is attached to it. I have even specified how I write the date. Since I don't think Sweden and USA, have the same type of way of writing dates.

I messured multiple times yesterday, and I drove my erection as hard as I could, and my messurment was then BPEL: 14,5 cm (5.7").

Without my broomstick I would not have made these gains, I'm sure of that.
Yes I'm 100% sure my messurment was, BPEL (Bone Pressed Erected Length): 5" (12,7 cm) when I started my length routine.
I was kind of obsessed with this value so I know it's correct.

I have always messured myself by driving the ruler as hard as I can into my fat pad. I even feel pain when I'm doing that, I want no errors when messuring. You can see my thumb is whitening (in the picture) when I'm pushing the ruler into my fat pad.

I'm completely honest about all this. I made this post to make my gains public. I have this, 5“ messurment in my signature, and the date is attached to it. I have even specified how I write the date. Since I don't think Sweden and USA, have the same type of way of writing dates.

I messured multiple times yesterday, and I drove my erection as hard as I could, and my messurment was then BPEL: 14,5 cm (5.7").

Without my broomstick I would not have made these gains, I'm sure of that.
Remarkable... Hats off to almost an INCH in under a month... DAMN bro. Wish your gains just keeps coming like this and you will surpass all of us hahaa
By the way, do you think you would've recognize your gains without measuring? Just trying to asses myself here because I think I will not measure until a full year of daily PE
By the way, do you think you would've recognize your gains without measuring? Just trying to asses myself here because I think I will not measure until a full year of daily PE
Yes! Even without the messuring, I saw that my penis was getting longer and longer.
My goal was to not messure in 8 months, but I'm glad I did messure.
Yes! Even without the messuring, I saw that my penis was getting longer and longer.
My goal was to not messure in 8 months, but I'm glad I did messure.
How hard would you rate your stretching from 1-10?
1 being barely noticable and 10 being on the verge of really hurting yourself?
How hard would you rate your stretching from 1-10?
1 being barely noticable and 10 being on the verge of really hurting yourself?
With the broomstick (bundled stretches), I could/can pull near 10 (never hurted myself, just soreness), but it all depended on me getting a really secure grip, and my hand strength. As time progressed I could increase the intensity more and more (pull harder). I used a lot of body powder.

But I will admit it was nothing near the power of the lengthmaster.
Now I will start to stretch with vengeance EVEN harder...... I have no idea of my gains though since I have not measured in like 8 months. Only thing I notice is flaccid is clearly grown but I don't know.. But maybe a factor is that we don't register the gains if not measuring because it's so incremental. I reference myself when getting into better shape/building muscle. Often I don't recognize the gains until I actually look at a photo from 6 months earlier....

Don't stretch to the point where you feel a sharp pain though. I hope you have been doing erect stretches and always staying wrapped all day?
Don't stretch to the point where you feel a sharp pain though. I hope you have been doing erect stretches and always staying wrapped all day?
I don't know I think I'm really doing everything that I can.. Yes been doing erect stretches 5-7 days a week 15-20 mins and wearing extender for around 8 hours a day EVERYDAY
With the broomstick (bundled stretches), I could/can pull near 10 (never hurted myself, just soreness), but it all depended on me getting a really secure grip, and my hand strength. As time progressed I could increase the intensity more and more (pull harder). I used a lot of body powder.

But I will admit it was nothing near the power of the lengthmaster.
So you would say you're actually stretching JUST on the verge of actual SHARP pain?

I would rate myself with the same scale at around 8. Maybe I could up it a tiny bit more....
So you would say you're actually stretching JUST on the verge of actual SHARP pain?

I would rate myself with the same scale at around 8. Maybe I could up it a tiny bit more....
Not on the verge of actual SHARP pain, never pain. I feel soreness in the ligements after stretching.

Maybe I'm at 8-9 on your scale. But I stretch as hard as I can without "pain".
You are doing a great job. Which extender are you using?
I alternate between my old Male Edge extender, Silistretcher when outside and Silisleeve in the gym or when it's otherwise not convenient to wear an ADS. But most hours is spent in the male edge actually just because it's so easy to get on and off in seconds compared to minutes with the silistretcher for me...
I alternate between my old Male Edge extender, Silistretcher when outside and Silisleeve in the gym or when it's otherwise not convenient to wear an ADS. But most hours is spent in the male edge actually just because it's so easy to get on and off in seconds compared to minutes with the silistretcher for me...

When using your male edge extender, increase the tension on the screw bars every 15 mins. Start doing this from your second 1 hour set of the day.

Let's say you plan on wearing the extender for 4 hours a day, during your first 1 hour set, wear the extender at a normal tension and don't increase the tension throughout the one hour set.

Your second set, is when you start increasing the tension every 15 mins. In a one hour session, you will increase the tension 4 times.

Do this and gains will come quicker with that extender.
Let me guess, 99 percent of the guys here are little dick gay white guys lying about how big their penis is. I bet none of you faggots are over 5 inches measured properly.

Pay no attention to this born loser. He has a tiny penis and his entire life is built around pessimism and chronic depression. He might commit suicide soon.
When using your male edge extender, increase the tension on the screw bars every 15 mins. Start doing this from your second 1 hour set of the day.

Let's say you plan on wearing the extender for 4 hours a day, during your first 1 hour set, wear the extender at a normal tension and don't increase the tension throughout the one hour set.

Your second set, is when you start increasing the tension every 15 mins. In a one hour session, you will increase the tension 4 times.

Do this and gains will come quicker with that extender.
Sounds great but I've almost maxed out the extender (only got 2 more increases to fully maxed out) but cool, I'll try something similar to your suggestion! How's your training coming along?
Sounds great but I've almost maxed out the extender (only got 2 more increases to fully maxed out) but cool, I'll try something similar to your suggestion! How's your training coming along?

My training is going smoothly. I've come to the conclusion that no one should pump pass 7hg on any penis pump or else you are looking for injury. I felt a sharp pain today when I pumped at 8hg. I've learnt my lesson.
I think the clamping is to low near the glans, I feel a pressure against my glans, even when I have pushed away all blood from it. Feels like I can not apply the pulling force I want. It's like when I pull, there is high pressure against the glans, is it supposed to feel this way?

What do you guys think?
I hurts so much in the glans.
I have attached pictures, if you want to look how it looks like.

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I think the clamping is to low near the glans, I feel a pressure against my glans, even when I have pushed away all blood from it. Feels like I can not apply the pulling force I want. It's like when I pull, there is high pressure against the glans, is it supposed to feel this way?

What do you guys think?
I hurts so much in the glans.
I have attached pictures, if you want to look how it looks like.
It was the same for me in the beginning that's why I've been attaching lower and lower progressively (nearer the base) cuz I had the same problem with the glans turning blue during stretching to the point it felt like it was about to burst. Try attach just a tiny bit lower, nearer base
It was the same for me in the beginning that's why I've been attaching lower and lower progressively (nearer the base) cuz I had the same problem with the glans turning blue during stretching to the point it felt like it was about to burst. Try attach just a tiny bit lower, nearer base
Thanks for feedback. I will try that. But I think I need to stretch my penis in order to get it to attach lower. Holding on my glans, stretching penis, and then turning the wing nuts. That's some acrobatic performance right there.

I did put rubber gaskets under the wing nuts for protection (also under the bolt heads), maybe I do not need to do that, but I found the wing nuts making marks. This makes it harder to turn the nuts.
When I think about it, I think my stretching with the length master have been less intense then stretches with my broomstick. This is unacceptable, and I need to find a solution fast.
There is a learning curve for sure that's not really explainable only with experience and experimentation you will find your way forward. Stay patient you will find it. As I said it took at least a couple of weeks for me to get everything effective.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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