Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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How is your living situation coming along brother? Any masterly comeback in the near future? ☺

Unreal. The insurance company just approved the contractor so another 4 months maybe. I am so lonely for my studio
It has happened to me once when I was using the bathmate. This is why it is important to use a pump that has a gauge.
I have realized it now.
I have tried pumping with the Bathmate now again, but it seems my girth at the base, is expanding more now then before, so the "gator" gets me every time, if I don't hold back the pressure.

The penis get stuck and deforms (mushroom shape) and all tissue expansion stops.
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Not so fun when the gator 🐊 gets you.
But I know how to fix this. The MityVac needs to be my next purchase from MOS.
I have realized it now.
I have tried pumping with the Bathmate now again, but it seems my girth at the base, is expanding more now then before, so the "gator" gets me every time, if I don't hold back the pressure.

The penis get stuck and deforms (mushroom shape) and all tissue expansion stops.
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Not so fun when the gator 🐊 gets you.
But I know how to fix this. The MityVac needs to be my next purchase from MOS.
What model you got?
Unreal. The insurance company just approved the contractor so another 4 months maybe. I am so lonely for my studio
Those damn insurance companies are unreal for sure... Hope it will sort out for the best and soon!
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If you got 3 models you for sure must be a seasoned pumper?! For how long have you pumped and what have been your results?
I don't know exactly my results, since I didn't took a messurment of my EG before I started to pump. But I know my penis is thicker since I started to use them.

I placed the order of the, Bathmate HydroXtreme 9 at 2 NOVEMBER 2022 18:57:09 CET. And after I got it I was obsessed with pumping with Bathmate. I didn't get any good expansion with that big pump, so later I got the hydromax 5 (22 november 2022 00:17:19 CET). My obsession grew and I was pumping every day, and later I realized that I got to much expansion at the base off the hydromax 5, and that was preventing my length expansion, so later on I got the, HydroXtreme 7 Wide Boy at 27 december year 2022.

All the dates above are dates when I placed the orders at the store (I have looked up my e-mails), since I didn't document when I got the pumps to my home/starting to use them.

I can also say that I didn't buy all the pumps at stock price. All the pumps I found on, "REA" = sales, at diffrent local web-based stores here in Sweden, I search around to get the lowest price possible. Some big sales was going on, since all the stores had "really low" prices on Bathmate pumps. I have validated all the pumps, and they are indeed real Bathmate pumps. All this was before I discovered MOS.

So I don't know how exactly long I have been pumping (but minimum of 2 month, but probably more), but these dates give you an indication on the timeframe. Later on I bought the Phallosan forte. I did regret this purchase, since I could not use it.
The obsession with the pumping due to the size increases I saw, lead me on a deep dive on the internet...which later lead me to discovering MOS. But I remember I joined by chance, and I can not be more happy about that.

After I discovered MOS (joined: Jan 6, 2023).
I stopped pumping after a while (have not an exact date on this), when I discovered there where more effective way to increase your permanent length with hand stretches.

So I hope this answers your questions.
I don't really know exactly how long I have been pumping, I just know I was obsessed with these pumps, and I'm still obsessed, since they give you such a good expansion.

But I can't keep the pressure as high as when I started to use Bathmate pumps, due to this "gator". I don't think I need to keep the pressure high now, to get results. But in the beginning I would keep it really high, almost at the brink of pain. Sometimes I would by mistake build up to much pressure, and I would go into panic to release the pressure.

Some people seems to be able to increase their length well with these pumps. Expand in length, and then change to a bigger pump when they are to long, but that's not me.

After a while of pumping I discovered I got stuck in the "gator" and lost all expansion due to this (in all the pumps). One method to prevent this is to wind a bandage strip at the base of the penis before getting into the pump. This way it's more comfortable, and I get better length expansion, and prevent the mushroom shape from happening. But I wish Bathmate would fix this. If the "gator" where smooth on the inside, this would not be a problem.

The HydroXtreme versions, should not need so much rubber at the base? I don't understand why they got so much rubber, I think it's due to production costs.
They make the HydroXtreme and hydromax pumps the same, they "just" add different valve systems.

Sorry for the wall of text 😁
Don't cut the theraband. Use it as it is. The theraband is what prevent the bandage from causing extreme pains on your skin.

Wrap it around just one rotation and wrap the bandage on top of the theraband. Let the Theraband cover beneath the glans to mid shaft..

@hugh-girth, I finally understood what you where saying to me.
Also with the information from watching your lengthmaster videos, made me realize how one could wrap with a big piece of THERABAND.

This is what I do for my wrap to clamp down in the length master, for bundled stretches:
1. I take the THERABAND, and then pull back the foreskin. Then I wind the THERABAND from the base of my penis, to just under the glans. Then I fold away the remaining THERABAND outside of the wrap (at the glans).

2. I wind the bandage on top of the THERABAND, from the base to just under the glans.

3. I end the wrap with putting on the PENIS WRAPPING TAPE.
This is a perfect wrap for me, no skin pain at all. I will see if I really need, this black penis wrapping tape in the future. But it's rubbery, and I find it increase the grip of my penis, when I clamp it down in the length master.

Here is how it looks like:
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The remaining THERABAND are sticking out at the glans and at the base of the penis.

The sticking out THERABAND at the base reduces the friction when doing bundled stretches. Before doing this, it would tear more in the skin at the base when doing bundled stretches. Now there is practically no skin tearing. But I also think my penis is starting to adjust to the "trauma".

Thanks for the guidance brother.

I hope someone else have some use of this information. It took a while for me, to get the wrap to work perfectly.
I have created a new program since I have
just started to use the LENGTHMASTER 3 for lengthwork.
I have put the broomstick aside for now. But I'm real happy that the broomstick got me so far. What a journey this have been, and the journey has just begun.
Program 2:
Duration: Until I get to at least, BPEL: 7,5". But I will probably work on length until, BPEL: 8". After that I will work on Stage 2, in this program, that is: Girth.
Final goal: "The Golden Penis" (The Golden Ratio).
BPEL: 8"; EG: 6".
All these length sessions will be done with: LENGTHMASTER 3, and all the stretches will be bundled.
Note: Warming up with a car interior heater that's blowing onto my penis + rotate my penis in both directions (5 min) before the session begins, so the tunica will be lose when I start to stretch.
Focusing on length.
PE sessions (every day), but I'm allowed 4 days rest per months. I will keep this consistent. I will take care of my penis with hydrocortisone ointment/cream, and Locobase® REPAIR to keep the skin on my penis in good condition, so I'm not forced to take rest days to heal up. I want the rest days to be planned and not forced. I will also look into, evening primrose oil to see if that can be effective for the skin.
See this post:
🔗 evening primrose oil for increased elasticity
I'm splitting up the 20 minute sessions (3 of them, per day) with the LENGTHMASTER 3. The reason for this, is that my glans hurt to much if I push it for to long.
Also I think I risk fluid retention in my foreskin, if I push past the 15 minute mark in the LENGTHMASTER 3. I have seen some indications of this. Maybe I will be able to keep my penis in the LENGTHMASTER 3 for longer with time, and still keep the stretches effective? If this is due true, I will update my program. Expressive stretching will also be incorporated later on.

The stretches are not effective when I get past the 15 minute mark. If I split it up, the stretches becomes more intens during the entire session.

I will keep my penis in an elongation wrap as much as possible.

@Time: 04:30 AM (GMT +1).
(or another time during the MORNING).
Set 1:
• 10 minutes of bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3.
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3.
@Time: ~ 07:00 PM (GMT +1).
Set 1:
• 10 minutes of bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3.
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3.
@Time: Before bedtime.
Set 1:
• 10 minutes of bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3.
Set 2:
• 10 minutes of bundled stretches with LENGTHMASTER 3.
PC Muscle Fitness:
I'm going to spread out this during the day. I'm going to do as many kegels as I can during the day. But will set a time every day, where I focus extra on them.
STAGE 2: I'm building this program when my penis is at: BPEL: 7.5" or 8"; EG: 5".5".
This STAGE 2 is to solidify, BPEL to: 8" and EG to: 6".
So this program will go on for a while, I'm not going to give up, just keep going until I'm done.
I realize that my foreskin got pinched in the chamber of the lengthmaster. I think it's why I get bad fluid retention.
I need to keep my wrap tight.
I got pinched again even with the black tape winded over the bandage. That's why I can't stay clamped down in the length master, for more then 10 minutes at the time. I need to see if I can clear more foreskin out from the chamber, before clamping down. But there is so much foreskin.

This is only some updates I'm writing for myself. No need to answer this, I know what to do. But I think I have more foreskin then the next guy, maybe?
I created a storage solution for the Bathmate hydromax 5 for my bathroom. I discovered that pumping at night, after using the lengthmaster all day, helps with the skin healing.

Somewhat ugly solution, but I do not care (I'm not allowed to make holes in the wall).
This way I can just grab it fast, and use it in the shower whenever I feel like it. Previously I had it in a bag in the closet.

My near goal is to fill out the Bathmate hydromax 5 in girth all the way to the valve/top. But I think it's only ~6.5" in length, or 7", if you count with the "gator" (the rubber part). But you can't probably use it when you get to 7" since your glans will touch the valve.

I don't know what the diameter of the inside of the tube is. Anyone that knows?

But after a girth session (Girth Program: 5x5x3) my penis is 6" in girth in 100% erection. So I think you can get a permanent EG of 6" with this. I will fill out this before I start to use the, 7 Wide Boy or 9. I think I'm going to stick with Bathmate to work on my girth.

Some changes in my program.
But I don't think I will have the time to work on girth every day, but with this ugly storage solution I can do it faster when I have time. Even if I only can pump one SET, it's better then nothing. If I expand the tunica over and over, it will eventually expand into permanent girth.

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I created a storage solution for the Bathmate hydromax 5 for my bathroom. I discovered that pumping at night, after using the lengthmaster all day, helps with the skin healing.

Somewhat ugly solution, but I do not care (I'm not allowed to make holes in the wall).
This way I can just grab it fast, and use it in the shower whenever I feel like it. Previously I had it in a bag in the closet.

My near goal is to fill out the Bathmate hydromax 5 in girth all the way to the valve/top. But I think it's only ~6.5" in length, or 7", if you count with the "gator" (the rubber part). But you can't probably use it when you get to 7" since your glans will touch the valve.

I don't know what the diameter of the inside of the tube is. Anyone that knows?

But after a girth session (Girth Program: 5x5x3) my penis is 6" in girth in 100% erection. So I think you can get a permanent EG of 6" with this. I will fill out this before I start to use the, 7 Wide Boy or 9. I think I'm going to stick with Bathmate to work on my girth.

Some changes in my program.
But I don't think I will have the time to work on girth every day, but with this ugly storage solution I can do it faster when I have time. Even if I only can pump one SET, it's better then nothing. If I expand the tunica over and over, it will eventually expand into permanent girth.

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Your final destination pump is the extreme wide boy.
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Great pump for extreme girth
Indeed it is! And I will be using the HydroXtreme 9 to solidify BPEL of 8", since the HydroXtreme 7 Wide Boy is only; 7" + (0,5" to 1") in length, when the "gator" is fully compressed.
[Information directly from Bathmate support].
So the HydroXtreme 7 Wide Boy, is only a maximum of 8" in length.

What I've been hearing is that I need to go beyond 8" to solidify it, and also do some maintenance work. So the Wide Boy 7 will not be enough for that.
No matter what I do and how I wrap, the LENGTHMASTER 3 is pinching the skin on the side of my penis on both sides. But at least my penis is secured in there.

I suppose it's something you just have to deal with, I this game for a bigger penis. As long as I can pull my penis longer I'm happy. 😊
Love the LENGTHMASTER 3 for that.
No matter what I do and how I wrap, the LENGTHMASTER 3 is pinching the skin on the side of my penis on both sides. But at least my penis is secured in there.

I suppose it's something you just have to deal with, I this game for a bigger penis. As long as I can pull my penis longer I'm happy. 😊
Love the LENGTHMASTER 3 for that.

Keep experimenting with the device. As you grow, the pinching will stop. Maybe therr isn't much flaccid length to work with for now that's why you are experiencing the pinching.

Are you attaching the length master right under the glans?
Keep experimenting with the device. As you grow, the pinching will stop. Maybe therr isn't much flaccid length to work with for now that's why you are experiencing the pinching.

Are you attaching the length master right under the glans?
Okey! Indeed maybe my flaccid is to short.
Yes right under the glans is where I attach it. I try to attrach it lower but it's not possible now.
I think I need the black penis tape over the bandage as well, to make the wrapping work for me.
Thanks! I'm doing 3 sessions at 20 minutes per day, as you have suggested.
Yesterday I missed one session (the last one at evning/night), that will not be repeated.

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Oh shit I have forgot to log some days here I see. I need a better log-book soultion. I will buy one of those empty books, and keep it with my lengthmaster, in that way I will never forget to log.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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