
Jason1 said:
I saw in another thread that can have the negative lon term side effects that HGH have. Is this true?

With any medication, over the counter or herb there are going to be unwanted side-effects. I suggest doing extensive research on anything you are going to ingest before you do so. There is quite a bit of information on HGH, a bit on gaba too in the ALTERNATIVE Penis Enlargement SECTION Search for post by Supra and you should find a ton of data on the subject. I would also highly suggest going to some of the medical information sites and read their data too.
joe_bloggs808 said:
Gaba....thats hardcore 200bpm rave music???! Dont think its too good for Penis Enlargement though lol

Funny shit. I went to a gaba trance party, ate two space cakes and woke up the next day with no recolection of what happened. rofl
TomdW said:
Funny shit. I went to a gaba trance party, ate two space cakes and woke up the next day with no recolection of what happened. rofl
When you woke up, was your ass sore and did you find some dried crusty substance all over your face?? LOL
Jason1 said:
I saw in another thread that can have the negative lon term side effects that HGH have. Is this true?
GABA can raise GH levels but not to the extent that you will experience sides from it.

HGH doesn't really have many long term side effects to speak of. HGH is the closest thing to the fountain of youth that you can buy. Most long term effects cited such as acromeglia is false. Acromeglia is a disease and you either have it or not. The only real side from GH is the proliferation of diseased tissue. If for example you have cancer, GH WILL make it grow faster.
GABA is also used to induce sleep. 1,500mg about 30 min prior to bed...
The stuff works great. It can cause a strange "tingling" sensation for a few minutes... but then that goes way. You will sleep like a baby. :D
It's often used during a PH or AAS cycle it the Test you are taking keeps you awake.