JUNE 13, 2021
Three minor updates:
NEW FSBPL (Flaccid Stretched Bone Pressed Length) Measurement
Taking this measurement once a week while in a seated position.
Today my FSBPL (seated, hard ruler) I took was 17.9cm (+0.3cm from last week). Quite the jump! I think reaching the 18cm mark next week won't be so unreasonable. I'm surprised with how this one measurement consistently goes up with each passing week.
Update On My Viagra Order
Bastards still haven't responded to me. I placed the order on Friday afternoon and I got a weird payment processing order.
None of their customer support agents, who appear to be online 24/7, have responded to me. None of the emails I sent have been responded to. The only person I heard back from was the doc who prescribed it, who said two hours ago she would make sure someone reaches out to me.
I'll give them until the end of the week to have this resolved before I call it quits and switch to another prescription site. I want to have one official source of Viagra/Cialis as a reference to compare against what I get from a non-prescription site.
UPDATE: Just as I was about to submit this post, a customer service agent informed me that everything went through and the order should soon ship to my house. I'll provide another update when the Viagra is here.
Fixing The Bathmate
I took apart the Bathmate, cleaned the valve and the cap with a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol, and re-assembled the unit using some basic instructions. I did notice a few things (see pictures attached).
The valve itself has a bottom rubber component. I was quick to realize this as I know rubbing alcohol can be bad for the material. I still washed it up and left the rubber parts alone.
Either my eyes are failing me or there appear to be very tiny air cracks in the cap itself. This would be odd as I have never dropped the Bathmate, let alone violently. Perhaps it was this way when the Bathmate was shipped to my house due to delivery, and the cracks were not yet wide enough to cause the problems I had. @DLD - you have a good eye for detail. What do you think?
I'll test this out tomorrow morning before my routine to make sure my cleanup was good. And regardless I will order a replacement cap and valve in case the issue cannot be fixed.
And that's it. Tomorrow is my morning length and evening girth routine, so hopefully that goes well!
if there is any issues they will replace since you purchased here. That warranty is very good to have. If it turns out the BM is broken send a picture and complaint to sales@mattersofsize.com and they will get you started on a replacement. The Brotherhood has its privileges!