It should work, doing heavier
weights is placing a good stress where its needed, and the DLD Blasters are intense proven methods that really target the ligament via the reverse kegel.
You could use lighter
weights for longer, and go up in a stretched out session using different
weights pyramiding it with higher poundage's till you reach the highest.
Doing that, you fatigue the penis quickly, and dont need to be
hanging at the said highest
weight for the most time.
Not done it myself, but I will be doing something like this when I hang.
For example .....
5lbs for 30 m
7.5lbs for 15m
12lbs for 10m
15-20lbs for 5m
Or you could half those times for shorter sets.
This isn't for newbies, and takes into consideration you have a good
hanger that has adequate grip to last the distance with safety in mind.
If your experienced with
hanging, and have had a taste using heavy
weights, you will be able to judge where to start, and go.
Just getting it all structured into a routine ... pumping for length works, but to focus essentially on length while your pumping, will need a
cylinder that is slimmer then you'd normally want ... so for me I'm over 7" girth mid-shaft, and I will be hitting length only once my stuff arrives ... the
cylinder I got is the 2" so I can pack it very quickly, and the vacuum works the length.
Normally the standard would be something like 2.2" for room, but when you work for length in a pump, you need to pack it quickly. I will use the 5 5 3 or a variation of that method, and then once completed either straight into a
hanger, or the extender to keep the elongated length at its longer state for a period of time.
This is where hands only training cannot provide, and although it has its benefits, no one can hold their own dick stretched out for hours on end while they sleep

in order to take advantage of the growth + healing that needs to take place.
Jelq can be used in between sets I would say, for circulation .. like helishakes.