Forcing new gains?

Hello everybody! it has been a while since I have posted anything outside of my own routine and progress thread. So,I've been stuck at my current length for some time now and as a result I am losing hope but still highly motivated by my own goal and mental image of what my ideal cock would look like. Now,I was just thinking about something, is it better to focus 100% on length by heaving hanging and DLD blasters for example to break through a plateau or is it helpful to jelq and pump along with a length-oriented routine? if anyone has advice regarding intense workouts and techniques please share them so they can be compiled here for future reference to any brother who gets unfortunately stuck like myself :)
It should work, doing heavier weights is placing a good stress where its needed, and the DLD Blasters are intense proven methods that really target the ligament via the reverse kegel.

You could use lighter weights for longer, and go up in a stretched out session using different weights pyramiding it with higher poundage's till you reach the highest.

Doing that, you fatigue the penis quickly, and dont need to be hanging at the said highest weight for the most time.

Not done it myself, but I will be doing something like this when I hang.

For example .....

5lbs for 30 m
7.5lbs for 15m
12lbs for 10m
15-20lbs for 5m

Or you could half those times for shorter sets.

This isn't for newbies, and takes into consideration you have a good hanger that has adequate grip to last the distance with safety in mind.

If your experienced with hanging, and have had a taste using heavy weights, you will be able to judge where to start, and go.

Just getting it all structured into a routine ... pumping for length works, but to focus essentially on length while your pumping, will need a cylinder that is slimmer then you'd normally want ... so for me I'm over 7" girth mid-shaft, and I will be hitting length only once my stuff arrives ... the cylinder I got is the 2" so I can pack it very quickly, and the vacuum works the length.

Normally the standard would be something like 2.2" for room, but when you work for length in a pump, you need to pack it quickly. I will use the 5 5 3 or a variation of that method, and then once completed either straight into a hanger, or the extender to keep the elongated length at its longer state for a period of time.

This is where hands only training cannot provide, and although it has its benefits, no one can hold their own dick stretched out for hours on end while they sleep :) in order to take advantage of the growth + healing that needs to take place.

Jelq can be used in between sets I would say, for circulation .. like helishakes.
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It should work, doing heavier weights is placing a good stress where its needed, and the DLD Blasters are intense proven methods that really target the ligament via the reverse kegel.

You could use lighter weights for longer, and go up in a stretched out session using different weights pyramiding it with higher poundage's till you reach the highest.

Doing that, you fatigue the penis quickly, and dont need to be hanging at the said highest weight for the most time.

Not done it myself, but I will be doing something like this when I hang.

For example .....

5lbs for 30 m
7.5lbs for 15m
12lbs for 10m
15-20lbs for 5m

Or you could half those times for shorter sets.

This isn't for newbies, and takes into consideration you have a good hanger that has adequate grip to last the distance with safety in mind.

If your experienced with hanging, and have had a taste using heavy weights, you will be able to judge where to start, and go.

Just getting it all structured into a routine ... pumping for length works, but to focus essentially on length while your pumping, will need a cylinder that is slimmer then you'd normally want ... so for me I'm over 7" girth mid-shaft, and I will be hitting length only once my stuff arrives ... the cylinder I got is the 2" so I can pack it very quickly, and the vacuum works the length.

Normally the standard would be something like 2.2" for room, but when you work for length in a pump, you need to pack it quickly. I will use the 5 5 3 or a variation of that method, and then once completed either straight into a hanger, or the extender to keep the elongated length at its longer state for a period of time.

This is where hands only training cannot provide, and although it has its benefits, no one can hold their own dick stretched out for hours on end while they sleep :) in order to take advantage of the growth + healing that needs to take place.

Jelq can be used in between sets I would say, for circulation .. like helishakes.
that all makes great sense to me. I just finished one hour hanging 10 kg
Sweet, because if you have a fair bit of time to spare for hanging, you could go longer with all the weights ... rather then being in with one heavy for X amount of time, which can hinder circulation, that's why I look at the Pyramid, using lighter weights for longer to knacker the penis out, while not hindering its health.

Once you get to the real heavy stuff, it wont last as long as it would if you had started on that weight, with it already being pre-fatigued.

For me, that is safer, more effective versus being under a heavy weight for a mammoth length of time, plus the penis will adapt to that ... with Pyramids, its difficult IMHO.

They use them in weightlifting, I know its a different concept as your dealing with muscle, but as we know, the tuincae + ligaments of the penis react to stress placed on it in a routine often structured in a weightlifting-like fashion, just your not using muscle to lift, your hanging a dead weight.
For stretching ligaments: Use mostly downward stretches , A-Stretches , DLD Blasters, BTC hanging.

For stretching tunica: Use mostly upward stretches (to take the ligs out of the picture), do Bundled Stretches.

For soft internal structures (like CC): Impaction movements - like jelqing , holds, horses, clamping, SSJ.

By stretching the ligs which connect your penis to your pubis bone, you could gain an extra 0.5-1" length or more. But by stretching the tunica (which is the actual limiting factor for shaft elongation), you can add much more length .

Think of the corpus cavernosa & corpus spongiosum as marine-life sponges (they are actually very similar in structure). It's not difficult to stretch these structures, what makes it difficult is the tough tunica which surrounds them.

But the tunica needs to be tough so that we can achieve rigidity & shape during erection.

A good plan of attack is to go after length first; and to target your ligaments early. Then go after the tunica. As you near your length goals, start to focus on girth. Getting extreme girth early can inhibit length gains (not from the ligs but from the soft tissues of the shaft) - it's simple mechanics: the thicker your tool, the tougher it will be to stretch, and I have found that out the hard way.
DLD Blasters used in a hanging environment quickly add length over those who do use Blasters. The reverse Kegel is the key to this methodology. Becoming rehearsed in the RK is smart!
its a very complicated science with hanging, and is not as easy as it sounds. I personally have never had the time to for example test every routine or theory about hanging, BUT the fact that we dont have a standard record of results from hanging, proves that our theories are not accurate.

For example, we can theorize that the progressive increase in weight eventually should lead to significant gains. But thats wrong. How do we know? Well, for hundreds if not thousands of years, Asians have had a tradition of hanging weight with their penises developing a strength strong enough to pull a car or even more with their penises. Somebody could say "oh yes but pulling just one heavy object one time a week will have no effect on length" but is not the case. These guys train every single day for hours standing, hanging and swinging weights with their penises. Non of them whatsoever are know to have the bigger penises in the world.

There is one thing in my opinion that we could use to compare tension. Our joints and flexibility. You know, all us have limited flexibility. Or at least "normal" for daily tasks. However, there are humans who develop an incredible flexibility. Look at those Russian female athletes that look like pretzels. But not even to that extreme, some people develop very good flexibility.

But how do they do it? Well, in order to stretch their legs split for example, they dont hang themselves in the air from one legs and attach weights on the other leg. They just sit down on a mat an split their legs putting some tension, some times using different techniques like pulses pushing out, but never for hours. Is just a few minutes at a time. Perhaps a good penis hanging theory could be developed from studying the process of flexibility development in athletes, because I personally dont know it. I am just using my common sense here.

And I look at it that way because the tissues involved in the extension of joints are similar to the structures involved in the penis.
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I came up with a routine called pyramid hanging. It used progressively lighter weight as fatigue increased but progressively more intense manual exercises in super set form. Here is an example;

1st Set
20 Minutes hanging straight down with 20 lbs. Followed by 5 manual upward stretches held for 50 seconds each.

2nd Set
20 Minutes hanging OTS with 15lbs. Followed by 10 manual DLD blasters modified to 10 second kegel followed by a 40 second reverse kegel.

3rd Set
20 Minutes hanging straight down with 10 lbs. Followed by 10 manual upward stretches held for 50 seconds each.

4th Set
20 Minutes hanging BTC with 5 lbs. Followed by 25 manual upward rotary stretches .
I came up with a routine called pyramid hanging. It used progressively lighter weight as fatigue increased but progressively more intense manual exercises in super set form. Here is an example;

1st Set
20 Minutes hanging straight down with 20 lbs. Followed by 5 manual upward stretches held for 50 seconds each.

2nd Set
20 Minutes hanging OTS with 15lbs. Followed by 10 manual DLD blasters modified to 10 second kegel followed by a 40 second reverse kegel.

3rd Set
20 Minutes hanging straight down with 10 lbs. Followed by 10 manual upward stretches held for 50 seconds each.

4th Set
20 Minutes hanging BTC with 5 lbs. Followed by 25 manual upward rotary stretches .

Nice!!! That looks like a VERY nice routine!!in fact as Ive been reading this thread I was wondering about how to include some sort of hanging OTS. Ill have to look into it. Maybe instead of the shoulder, putting behind the couch a tripod with a short extended arm and a pulley at the end LOL
Nice!!! That looks like a VERY nice routine!!in fact as Ive been reading this thread I was wondering about how to include some sort of hanging OTS. Ill have to look into it. Maybe instead of the shoulder, putting behind the couch a tripod with a short extended arm and a pulley at the end LOL

I have seen some pretty crazy concoctions. There was one guy that was on here years ago that had a hanging chair with all these pulleys and levers connected to pulleys on the wall and ceiling’s. Pretty crazy looking set up but I guess he hit every angle possible! His room looked like some silence of the lamb shit! LOL
I came up with a routine called pyramid hanging. It used progressively lighter weight as fatigue increased but progressively more intense manual exercises in super set form. Here is an example;

1st Set
20 Minutes hanging straight down with 20 lbs. Followed by 5 manual upward stretches held for 50 seconds each.

2nd Set
20 Minutes hanging OTS with 15lbs. Followed by 10 manual DLD blasters modified to 10 second kegel followed by a 40 second reverse kegel.

3rd Set
20 Minutes hanging straight down with 10 lbs. Followed by 10 manual upward stretches held for 50 seconds each.

4th Set
20 Minutes hanging BTC with 5 lbs. Followed by 25 manual upward rotary stretches .

Great, and I'll do something similar when I hang with the SizeDoctor, however I will use the lighter poundage first, working up the pyramid to the heavier weights with less time.

I intend to use bundled stretches before the session, but not do manual work in between the hang sets, and I wont be doing OTS, just straight down. I never liked OTS tbh with you, and the Lenghmaster or power assist takes it into another realm for me personally, so I found no use for OTS anymore.

May use the LM between the sets actually for some short very intense stretches.
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Great, and I'll do something similar when I hang with the SizeDoctor, however I will use the lighter poundage first, working up the pyramid to the heavier weights with less time.

I intend to use bundled stretches before the session, but not do manual work in between the hang sets, and I wont be doing OTS, just straight down. I never liked OTS tbh with you, and the Lenghmaster or power assist takes it into another realm for me personally, so I found no use for OTS anymore.

May use the LM between the sets actually for some short very intense stretches.

I can’t wait to get this started I did see your p.m. and I’ll respond to you tonight. I’m glad you’re going this route because it allows me to bring somebody and that’s also going to do girth exclusive and another person going both length and girth. This will give me three ways of understanding SRT. I’m also studying resting periods, days off and healing times. I think I may be able to push some of the levels in SRT to a certain degree but I think I can also eliminate some of the exercise also. I put up the newest version which is not the final version of SRT. I’ll refine it over the next week.
I have seen some pretty crazy concoctions. There was one guy that was on here years ago that had a hanging chair with all these pulleys and levers connected to pulleys on the wall and ceiling’s. Pretty crazy looking set up but I guess he hit every angle possible! His room looked like some silence of the lamb shit! LOL

Heavy Hanging Mission Impossible [No adult links, sorry. Curious ones can Google! Heavy-r ;) ]
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Sorry I thought that cold be considered PE from a certain point of view LOL

Oh it is quite the video! I added more Google information to my edit. ;) Just that there's a lot of other adult content on that site. I've spent few days clearing old invalid or adult links from older threads actually.
We are striving to be educational. :)
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Oh it is quite the video! I added more Google information to my edit. ;) Just that there's a lot of other adult content on that site. I've spent few days clearing old invalid or adult links from older threads actually.
We are striving to be educational. :)

Incredible work by you! You make me proud!❤️
@DLD I'm going over my future workout, and doing it all on paper first. Its taking awhile, as I want to work out the proper fit for it, plus the time. What I'm going to do, is likely several routines with one being very short in time but ultra intense, and another being more conservative, still cool ... I'll bounce those to you when they are completed this week.

My main foundation, is the MityVac for length using the slim cylinder ... its the play maker in my routine, not that anything else is second best, bit you need a foundation, something to anchor it down with.
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@DLD I'm going over my future workout, and doing it all on paper first. Its taking awhile, as I want to work out the proper fit for it, plus the time. What I'm going to do, is likely several routines with one being very short in time but ultra intense, and another being more conservative, still cool ... I'll bounce those to you when they are completed this week.

My main foundation, is the MityVac for length using the slim cylinder ... its the play maker in my routine, not that anything else is second best, bit you need a foundation, something to anchor it down with.

Take your time my brother and get it all right. I’m still working on refining SRT and re-writing some of the parts that are confusing. So hopefully will all be on the same page in a week or so.
I think I've come up with a way to make the blasters more intense. when you've got one arm under the penis instead of doing a reverse kegle and pull downwards, do a reverse kegle,maintain the downwards pull and rotate the arm thats under the penis. I tried this for 10 mins a few minutes ago and it feels sore and loose now.
also,does the number of turns for the bundled stretches have an effect on its efficiency??
That sounds very powerful and it sounds just like it should. The reverse Kegels were probably the best invention I made in all of PE. The reason I say this is the reverse Kegels has become a way to kind of mimic PE surgery where the ligament has been cut. In this sense when we do the reverse Kegels we are essentially allowing all of our pelvic floor muscles to release themselves allowing you to stretch your penis with no interference whatsoever. Keep on doing what you’re doing and you’re going to see gains come in like crazy!
That sounds very powerful and it sounds just like it should. The reverse Kegels were probably the best invention I made in all of PE. The reason I say this is the reverse Kegels has become a way to kind of mimic PE surgery where the ligament has been cut. In this sense when we do the reverse Kegels we are essentially allowing all of our pelvic floor muscles to release themselves allowing you to stretch your penis with no interference whatsoever. Keep on doing what you’re doing and you’re going to see gains come in like crazy!
I really hope so! ain't gonna propose to the ol' gf until I reach my goal lol
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I really hope so! ain't gonna propose to the ol' gf until I reach my goal LOL

From the beginning I have always stretch using the RK and I made a 2 inch game in six months so I think they’re pretty effective!
From the beginning I have always stretch using the RK and I made a 2 inch game in six months so I think they’re pretty effective!
I will keep doing this until I see gains. I don't think there is more intensity than what I am doing so I'm liable to see gains. just wanna see it budge to anything more than it is now lol
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I will keep doing this until I see gains. I don't think there is more intensity than what I am doing so I'm liable to see gains. just wanna see it budge to anything more than it is now LOL

Keep on doing what you’re doing and let’s see how it plays out. You can always turn up intensity with your Lengthmaster! If you’re able to use all of your force with a Lengthmaster you’d rip your penis off! An RK workout, using the LM and all the newbie stretches would deliver big!
Hello everybody! it has been a while since I have posted anything outside of my own routine and progress thread. So,I've been stuck at my current length for some time now and as a result I am losing hope but still highly motivated by my own goal and mental image of what my ideal cock would look like. Now,I was just thinking about something, is it better to focus 100% on length by heaving hanging and DLD blasters for example to break through a plateau or is it helpful to jelq and pump along with a length-oriented routine? if anyone has advice regarding intense workouts and techniques please share them so they can be compiled here for future reference to any brother who gets unfortunately stuck like myself :)

Get a length master and combine DLD blaster and expressive stretching in a daily manner. Two sets of 20mins DLD blasters and one set of 20mins expressive stretching. You will start making gains again.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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