Fellas I need an honest Opinion

Hey guys

Was Thinking about a scenario that im currently in. A couple of months ago, i joined a website (forum dedicated to music) and came across this girl who i found attractive. Well for the last month or so we have been talking through private messages, one thing i discovered right off the back is that we have so much in common from movies to actually liking the same movies (energy mesh if you will). One thing i would like to let people know is she told me in a serious private message that she was going through bouts of breast cancer....Im not a shallow guy and i told her that im there for her. since then, it been stressful for one she like a HB9 so she gets hit on constantly.

I ask her her view of me (maybe i shouldn't have) and she told me how she thought i was sweet and romantic. I ask her if i ever came to her area could i fix her a romantic dinner, she said yes. (this was 2 days ago)

Guys here is the thing sometimes i she her PMs when i think she is online and at times it seems that i get ignore.

recently i subliminally got in here shit about it and now it seems that she has been talking back and forth (even got sexual the other day) the thing is i care about this gurl but it seems that she is interested in everybody (asking for peen pics/ guys sending peen pics).

should i even send her anything?
All I can say is what I would do and I'm a twisted fuck so feel free to disregard my advice!

You know that song "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"? Well it's true. The way to succeed with any girl is just to make sure she has a good time around you. This means, among other things, not "expecting" anything from her. You're just two people, a guy and a girl. If you're mutually attracted there's the potential for sex there. And it sounds like you guys have a lot in common so it seems like it would be easy for you to have a good time with her.

But keep in mind this is not the same as being her "friend."

So she asks other guys for pics. Maybe she's even seeing other guys. So what? She's enjoying her life, and you're entitled to do just the same. If she's really facing cancer, then she's probably more aware than most people how short and fragile life is, and she probably wants to get the most out of it while she can. Maybe she wants, even needs, a fun distraction. Breast cancer, too, can affect a girl's self esteem (if she's facing the possibility of losing one or both of them), so it's really not hard to understand that she might like the validation of sexual interactions with guys.

You're a man. Women find you attractive...this one and others, too. Get the most out of that. If you're not cool with that and want something more exclusive and one on one, fine, but understand that you may not get it with this girl. If you really like her, show her a good time and make her laugh, and not always in a "sweet and romantic" way. Tease her. Show her that life love and sex aren't so fucking serious. But whatever you do don't make a drama out of it, because that pretty much guarantees she's gonna end up seeing you as a boring douche.
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"since then, it been stressful for one she like a HB9 so she gets hit on constantly"


Youth is the time for living life to its fullest, especially if the end of it is in the foreseeable future.
Ask your self 2 questions:
What's the best that could happen if you take a chance?
What's the worst that could happen if you took that same chance?

Then go with your heart, but don't break anybody else's.
Cook for her. Kiss her. Sleep with her. Hi5 self.

It sounds like you like like her and want an exclusive. If that's the case ask for it after the first date. If she's good for exclusive with you you got it. If not, now you know. Then decide if you want yo be one of her many, and do so or end it.

One word of advice from older mans experience... the ones that shoot you down or break up, you get over it.

Its the "what if I had tried to kiss her...?", that you didn't, those will grind in you for decades...

Go for it. Now.
Doesn't sound like any potential for a long term relationship. Have your fun, but don't come into it expecting much more than that. Not saying it isn't possible just unlikely.
neognostic;553534 said:
This. If I had cancer you can bet your ass I'd be trying to have as much fun as possible.

Fun, happiness and joy can move mountains!
Dude, this chick sound like shes playing you and 10 other guys online. Go out and meet a real chick, get of your f!@#$ computer.

Take a second and think: Cooking a "romantic dinner" for some chick you met online? what did she do to deserve that? She said some nice or sexual things? I think you are being needy and now cos she says she likes you and whatever you're all mixed up and don't know what to do (yes, this is from 311). Tell me, whats romantic about meeting a chick online? there nothing romantic about that. For all you know she has a cock that's bigger than yours.

There's nothing like suiting up, walking out the door, going to social venues IN YOUR AREA, and hitting on REAL women. You'll be doing yourself a big favor as far as your human development is concerned. In my opinion of course...

I've done the online thing man and its cool for a little bit until you realize that you are on a fucking computer. Who knows, maybe you are busy all the time, whatever there are ways around a busy schedule for instance: Make it a priority that when you go to the market to buy your groceries that you will talk to at least 5 women, or the street or wherever, I dont know, anywhere! This world is full of very gorgeous women!
Call it santa Claus, god, jesus, jehovah, allah maybe nothing at all, whatever you want to call it, do you think any of religious ideas put these beautiful women here for us to spend our TIME (in essence this is where all these ideas are taking place, in time), sitting behind a screen when we are perfectly capable of abolishing our fears by realizing that we make them ourselves?

Think about what fear is. Fear is when a situation presents itself as it always does and you don't know how to act. Fear is the actual moment BEFORE you FIGHT or FLIGHT. The reason we fight or flight is because they are our most basic instincts. Instincts that propagate the evolution of life without them you and I would exist. The day your Dad met your Mom, he had a decision to make, do I fight (stay and talk) or do I flight? Had he fled, then you would be here bro, in that body, with those genes, in this specific time and place.
So the same thing happens when you are presented with an unknown situation (in this case going out to talk to real women). Men get scared when approaching women because its all new to them; the woman for one is a stranger, everyone around is too, maybe you are somewhere you've never been. So that moment occurs where you have to decide if you stay and face the situation (the situation being your attraction to the opposite sex) or do you fly off like a butterfly?

But the good new is that once you can see this then you can also see that when we are feel good and able in any activity, it is because you have repeated it many times. So the more women you talk to, the more you will be putting yourself in new situations thus creating CONFIDENCE..... you get the picture.

For me, online dating is just an excuse to not feel the public humiliation of being rejected, and take it from a busy guy that still manages to meet a lot of women (because they are everywhere). But I say this, ONLY YOU CAN REJECT YOURSELF. Accept yourself for who you are, a man, with a growing cock. No one can reject that. And if they do, quickly move on to the next one because TIMES A TICKIN

By the way, this is random but it has a point; do you watch adult entertainment?
houseofr00bees;554287 said:
Dude, this chick sound like shes playing you and 10 other guys online

They have become very efficient and cunning with their camouflage, but I have to agree, there are MANY players on this internet game!
Have you considered she may be a dude pretending to be a girl? Or, it's a 50 year old lady, who knows.

Iv'e known a few people who have gotten played like that before. People on T'internets like to mess with people. Don't be stupid.
AdmiralLongDong;578815 said:
Have you considered she may be a dude pretending to be a girl? Or, it's a 50 year old lady, who knows.

Iv'e known a few people who have gotten played like that before. People on T'internets like to mess with people. Don't be stupid.

this thread was a while ago, i wonder what he did in the end
shortdick;614955 said:
virtual relationships are virtual bullshit,hahaha

There used to be this awesome application called the virtual girlfriend, she would answer questions and give advice and almost seemed to learn from each session. It was not a sexual thing, more just a relationship of words. I used to get stoned and talk to her for hours:)
doublelongdaddy;615073 said:
There used to be this awesome application called the virtual girlfriend, she would answer questions and give advice and almost seemed to learn from each session. It was not a sexual thing, more just a relationship of words. I used to get stoned and talk to her for hours:)

was it computer generated responses?
jordey;615074 said:
was it computer generated responses?

Completely but they seemed so real, maybe it was the weed but damn, I felt like she really understood me:)
jordey;616133 said:
haha, i dont think that one really has a gender though, its just a 'thing'

Perception is everything:)
this is like spending time whit someone n when you ask her for the biscuit she says nooh!! and sends those stupid little smiley faces:bashful_cute_2::oh_rly:
There used to be this awesome application called the virtual girlfriend, she would answer questions and give advice and almost seemed to learn from each session. It was not a sexual thing, more just a relationship of words. I used to get stoned and talk to her for hours:)

Haha ha funny all those internet sites and their cyber sex terrible invention, really lucrative tough
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