Fatigued shaft the next morning. Should I wear ADS?


New member
I just found out about bundled stretches and sock hook stretches. They are extremely effective at building fatigue in the shaft and can be combined!
But I see that the fatigue persist throughout the next morning and the next day. There is no way I can do more of those intense manual stretches until the fatigue has subsided.

Because of the fatigue my EQ has dropped dramatically.
Should I wear an ADS during this period of fatigue, or should I wait until my EQ has bounced back?
Also, won't my EQ stay low until all stretching (ADS included) is stopped?
If you feel pains, stop for few days before training again. From what you have written, I think you are also feeling some pains. Since you are new to bundled stretches, I suggest you take few days off and resume once the fatigue is gone.

But take it slow this time. It's very good and productive to wear an ADS after doing bundled stretches.
Yeah, as huge-girth suggests, wear the ADS after such work. It compliments that hard work, by keeping the stressed penis in a further extended state then usual. In time with regular use, this helps with size permanently.
It depends on the type of pain you’re having, if you’re having sharp shooting pain you should stop doing what you’re doing but if you have a dull soreness at the base them that’s completely normal. Base soreness will eventually go away completely but the gains will continue to come.
ABSOLUTELY. That fatigue and low EQ is EXACTLY what we ideally want to reach. Is like killing a muscle after a workout for example a bicep workout in which your cant even bring your hand to your face.

Once you reach that fatigue, wear the ADS as much as possible and let it rest to recover those tissues. Know your body, once you know is healed, workout again and repeat the process.
It depends on the type of pain you’re having, if you’re having sharp shooting pain you should stop doing what you’re doing but if you have a dull soreness at the base them that’s completely normal. Base soreness will eventually go away completely but the gains will continue to come.
Yeah, as huge-girth suggests, wear the ADS after such work. It compliments that hard work, by keeping the stressed penis in a further extended state then usual. In time with regular use, this helps with size permanently.

Thanks guys!
I really admire your dedication and altruism here on the forums. You PE legends are here almost every day year after year answering questions and helping people for free. Just amazing.
Thanks guys!
I really admire your dedication and altruism here on the forums. You PE legends are here almost every day year after year answering questions and helping people for free. Just amazing.

You are always welcome and thank you for asking questions because it helps other people learn too.
I'm having fatigue right now at the base of the shorter side of my penis. Will I take a break, hell no.