F26 - Newbie Q&A

I definitely did. I never even let my ex see my niblit without me fluffing the lil bastard. I still carry that with me. Trying to break it, as it's all a mental issue.

Edit.... sometimes I would have like 1.5-2" of shriveled flaccid. Now, it fluctuates so much, it is hard to say what "true" flaccid really is. I can be rocking a 6" flaccid, or a 4". Weather plays a big factor.

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall flaccid changes through them all!
Well I really hope that I can double my flaccid length with the Super Set and Extender Theory I wrote above!
I just don't know how long it will take me. But if I can be really consistent and wearing my extender, no matter what, around 14-16h a day, damn brothers (fire)LOL
Additionally to that my manual training and it should be possible. What would you guys say?

@DLD has your flaccid length doubled or maybe even tripled since you've started PE?
You may not even get the answers at this stage, if you'd have been around say 18 years ago, you would be pioneering this stuff.

If ever you feel the need to try, go ahead and see how it goes, but take carefully accurate logs to look back on, and be safe.
You may not even get the answers at this stage, if you'd have been around say 18 years ago, you would be pioneering this stuff.

If ever you feel the need to try, go ahead and see how it goes, but take carefully accurate logs to look back on, and be safe.

There's always somebody LOL Lots of people using extenders, you can't tell me nobody of them tried to wear that thing 14-16h or even more hours daily for a couple weeks besides manual training.

The Super Set and Maximum Gains Theory, that's the other part but I'm mostly interested in the results of a high extender time currently.
As soon as I've some reports from others about this, I'll start digging in the other thing, but I just found out that @DLD, as crazy as he is, already tried something like that: https://mattersofsize.com/threads/srt-24-hour-workout-the-most-hardcore-workout-yet.65904/
Slowly increasion tension during Stretching and keeping it stretched afterwards:

As I've already written here https://mattersofsize.com/threads/f26-newbie-q-a.1819707/post-1861982 I had some more thoughts about it.
I won't have doubts that exactly that system will work 100% for maximum gains, but as I also often preach that time is one of the most valuable goods beside health, I've some ideas to make it more suitable for everyday use for us average people who just don't have the time to train manually multiple hours a day for a long time period.

Using my Penimaster Rod System to increase pressure over time. As it has lots of different rod sizes with which you can exactly increase the steps by 0.2" (0,5cm) it should be possible to stretch my dick more and more over time.
I've experienced so far that when I use the rod expander my dick accustoms to the tension and the tension on the pulling force measurement on the spring shows me that it became less tension as it was when I've put it on.
I don't know if 0.2" (0,5cm) is too much length to increase the tension by each step but I will test it out today. If it really will work, it would be awesome to increase my BPFSL in a fast amount of time. But I also have to say I'm still not a pro with the Penimaster LOL still testing a little around which size really fits me best.

For a more accurate way I'm looking forward getting the Penimaster weight expander system of them. Would be more stealth and comfortable I guess + I could increase the steps by 0.22lbs (100g). In addition I think it will also be more beneficial for flaccid size increase as it pulls my dick down in an 180° angle, which isn't possible with the rod expander.

After the session of getting the most possible BPFSL and reaching the level of fatigue I would switch over to the belt system and set it to a slight comfortable stretch that my dick doesn't turtle back.

Other thoughts are that I could use them for different training sessions.
The rod expander is stretching the dick as the ring is pressed against the base, so it's more focused to stretch the penis on it's own.
The weight expander or generally hanging is more focused on pulling the dick out of the body if I'm right?!
So each of the system has it's own benefits but I think for slowly increasing the tension and also more beneficial for my goal of a massic flaccid dick, the weight expander system will be more beneficial. In addition I guess the weight expander system is more comfortable than the rod expander system.
Belt Expander system is awesome to stretch in any direction and I think it gives the most stealth while being in public, let's see how it goes, wish me luck LOL
Slowly increasion tension during Stretching and keeping it stretched afterwards:

As I've already written here https://mattersofsize.com/threads/f26-newbie-q-a.1819707/post-1861982 I had some more thoughts about it.
I won't have doubts that exactly that system will work 100% for maximum gains, but as I also often preach that time is one of the most valuable goods beside health, I've some ideas to make it more suitable for everyday use for us average people who just don't have the time to train manually multiple hours a day for a long time period.

Using my Penimaster Rod System to increase pressure over time. As it has lots of different rod sizes with which you can exactly increase the steps by 0.2" (0,5cm) it should be possible to stretch my dick more and more over time.
I've experienced so far that when I use the rod expander my dick accustoms to the tension and the tension on the pulling force measurement on the spring shows me that it became less tension as it was when I've put it on.
I don't know if 0.2" (0,5cm) is too much length to increase the tension by each step but I will test it out today. If it really will work, it would be awesome to increase my BPFSL in a fast amount of time. But I also have to say I'm still not a pro with the Penimaster LOL still testing a little around which size really fits me best.

For a more accurate way I'm looking forward getting the Penimaster weight expander system of them. Would be more stealth and comfortable I guess + I could increase the steps by 0.22lbs (100g). In addition I think it will also be more beneficial for flaccid size increase as it pulls my dick down in an 180° angle, which isn't possible with the rod expander.

After the session of getting the most possible BPFSL and reaching the level of fatigue I would switch over to the belt system and set it to a slight comfortable stretch that my dick doesn't turtle back.

Other thoughts are that I could use them for different training sessions.
The rod expander is stretching the dick as the ring is pressed against the base, so it's more focused to stretch the penis on it's own.
The weight expander or generally hanging is more focused on pulling the dick out of the body if I'm right?!
So each of the system has it's own benefits but I think for slowly increasing the tension and also more beneficial for my goal of a massic flaccid dick, the weight expander system will be more beneficial. In addition I guess the weight expander system is more comfortable than the rod expander system.
Belt Expander system is awesome to stretch in any direction and I think it gives the most stealth while being in public, let's see how it goes, wish me luck LOL

I see a lot of SRT methodology here, very impressive.
I see a lot of SRT methodology here, very impressive.

Exactly! In my opinion this is one of the best ways to go and you are the pioneer in all of this in the PE world (fire) Haven't even though about that before reading your first SRT thoughts in 2011 in which you described everything exactly and searched for probands.

Mixing the training up a little and getting the best out of it. I think most of the people for get about that.
So instead of making 1/4" in total gains after a while, it may be possible to get 1/4" gains from stretching the dick and 1/4" from pulling the dick out of our body in the same amount of time.
My other thoughts are that the longer the BPFSL in general, the easier it is to gain more future BPFSL as results of stretching your dick (not pulling it out of the body), because we are stretching the tissue. And the more tissue there is, the more it can expand and the more cell-building happens at the same time (if the body is capable in doing so).

For example person 1 with 6" (15,2cm) BPFSL vs person 2 with 8" (20,3cm) BPFSL, both have the same FG:
The body of person 1 can only repair/fix the tissue and build new cells based on 6" length (BPFSL).
The body of person 2 can repair/fix the tissue and build new cells based on 8" length (BPFSL).
Now we would need to know how much cells the body can repair, build and reproduce in a specific amount of time. But as more volume of tissue was been damaged in body of person 2, it will also fix more and build more new cells based on that.

This only counts for stretching the outer and visible dick, not the length of the inner dick inside our body.
For pulling the dick out of the body, based on my thoughts it should exactly be the same gains for both of them (person 1 and person 2).
But I'm not 100% sure, because this is human anatomy and maybe some have more inner penis than the others. But we're clearly talking about pulling it out and not about stretching the inner penis.

Now we talk about girth:
As above example, person with more BPFSL should gain more (based of my thoughts).
Let's come to girth. This is exactly the same game, but more in detail now about the volume.
If we're focusing on girth training now, same dick, BPFSL = BPEL for this case.
Person 1: 6" (15,2cm) BPEL
Person 2: 8" (20,3cm) BPEL
For this case in comparison, let's say both have the same girth of 5" (12,8cm).

View attachment 1824586

Volume Person 1: 180cm³
Volume Person 2: 247cm³

So the volume of person 2 is 37% bigger than the volume of person 1.
As we're doing girth exercises we're expanding our veins/arteries and our complete tissue of the volume of our dick, depending of the girth exercises (jelqing, clamping, pumping,...).
Same as in example above, more cells and tissue of person 2 will be damaged as he has more volume of dick. So person 2 should be able to gain more volume. Caution: I'm talking about volume, not girth.
As we don't know how long it takes the body to repair/reproduce/build (new) cells and tissue on certain areas and how fast it can repair/reproduce/built (new) cells and tissue, I can't say if person 2 with more BPEL than person 1 is gaining the same amount of girth in the same amount of time. However, if the body is able to do it in a very good speed, person 2 will have the same gains in girth as person 1 and with that he's gaining much more volume in the same amount of time.

Now we come to the theory which could confirm my thoughts about length before girth:
As I've written at my post here at the end (https://mattersofsize.com/threads/f26-newbie-q-a.1819707/post-1861522) I've the thoughts that more volume in tissue has more resistance and so we need more intensity in our stretching execises.
Example: Take a rubber band, one thing and one wide one, which one is easier to stretch? :geek:
In my opinion the only way to get a high intensity at certain levels will be hanging weights, as we have unlimited latitude with it. If your dick won't cause problems, you could go up to like 100lbs or even more. But you always should keep in mind that the more intensity you use, the higher the injury chance is.

more BPFSL -> more possible BPFSL gains
more BPEL -> more possible EG gains
more girth -> need more intense exercises as it has more resistance in total
And that my friends is the reason why I'm believing in length before girth right now and will train like that (like)

View attachment 1824587
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Hanging - short intense sessions or long sessions with less weight?

Well that's the question I had over the last couple days.
Sadly I still haven't found the perfect answer to this, but I'll do my homework and will do more research.
So let's just be as logical here as I had been with the other theories I've been posting in my Q&A.

lots of weight = high risk of getting injuries
lots of weight = most stress for the penis, could build up a 'resistance' that instead of growing/gaining new cells, it will just heal the old ones and make them stronger - so more intensity will maybe be needed for stretching the dick to the same level
lots of weight = maybe best possible gains?! could PE be 1+1=2?! - as it's not maths and it's a part of our body I would definitely say no!
less weight = maybe no possible gains because of too less intensity?
less weight = 'Newbie Gains' as lots of people say so, not too intense and letting the penis accustom to it, many people say you don't need that much intensity in the beginning, increase the intensity only when you hit a plateau. They also say that if you're starting to intense you won't be able to make lots of total gains in your pe-career, because your dick accustoms to the intensity, builds up a resistance and you always would need to make your sessions more intense. So their intention is starting with the lowest possible intensity and slowly increasing it for getting the maximum gains over a long time span.
moderate weight = not much risk of getting injuries, not too intense for possible gain losses aka. 'Newbie Gains', not too much stress for the penis. Could it be the best method for gaining the most?

As some of you may now, I read a lot here and contacted lots of PE vets. I have some basic knowledge about the body and most of my theories I'm building up are based on rational thinking.
So in my current situation, I would say the following:

There's not a certain solution or a golden way for the best gains.
However, as it completely would make sense that tissue also could build up a resistance if it's stressed to much and has more cell damage (compare it to skin and scars) I think that we should start with less weight and then slowly increasing it within time and gains.
Also I think that if we're at a plateau in which we don't make gains, either with other'exercises' or with hanging itself, we should continue increasing the weight OR we should actually think about a deconditioning break (https://mattersofsize.com/threads/the-long-game-learning-with-longstretch-key-principles-to-make-sustained-growth.1819659/post-1860656). The theory of deconditioning breaks is made by @longstretch and I'd recommend you reading it and his thread.

Also it depends on how you want to practice PE?
Just doing it a few weeks or months and go all in for the most possible gains in a short amount of time or do you want to get the best possible gains over a longterm period?
But no matter for which way you decide, you should always take care of your dick. Injuries will interrupt your training for a few days, so always listen to your feelings :)

Now we're coming to my question and current theory:
Less intense and moderate weight hanging/stretching sessions for a long time period or short and very intense sessions or maybe a mix of both of them?
Here I would really need to get some help of the PE vets from this forum @longstretch @DLD @REDZULU2003 @Super @arkailija @zartan @Jackxxx @dickerschwanz @Big Al @huge-girth !

Should we do heavy sessions for a few min (as experienced person) and that's it?
Or should we do light to moderate sessions but over a long time period of a few hours? For example wearing 1lbs - 10lbs with the extender?
Doing some moderate sessions up to 30-60min and doing some light weight hanging for couple of hours?
Doing heavy short sessions and afterwards wearing a weight hanging extender with lightweight and healing while our dick is slightly stretched?

What's your opinion and what are your experiences?
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You laid the options out nicely.
Dogmatic approaches can help when you start out but I would always adjust on the fly depending how the tissue feels that day/minute/session once you are conditioned and know how your tissue reacts(which can be different for everyone)
If you start out you do a newbie routine and learn what works and what not. The tissue, like veins, skin etc. needs time to be conditioned.

I gained length by stretching and extending as much as often as I can. Then ending everyday with "filling in" the expansion via light pumping, edging, high EQ erections.. Always ease into every day and session. Increase intensity towards a point where you feel you work the tissue.

Try it. That's the only way to find out. There's several ways to get expansion..
Observe if your tissue feels normal, worked, fatigued or is in pain.
If it feels normal you need to up the intensity or frequency. If it's worked then keep going.
When you reach fatigue you need to cut back intensity cause if you keep going with the same intensity you will reach pain.
If you reach pain, you need to rest.

Technically it's about elastic and plastic deformation.
Getting an erection is the lowest level of elastic expansion. Once the erection is over the expansion reverts to baseline, you won't gain from it.
Same goes for a stretch. If you do one very hard stretch to your BPFSL and some mm beyond you get deeper into the elastic range. Once the stretch is done the tissue will take some time to revert to the baseline. If you do another stretch before it's back to baseline it takes longer to get back to baseline.
Constant extending would stop the tissue from snapping back to the baseline. If you do it all day and put it off overnight then some of the elastic expansion is still in the tissue´next day. Repeating that will shift the baseline up as you reach plastic deformation. The elastic expansion adds on if you keep the time between sessions short.
You could do 1 very hard hanging session that gets you right into plastic deformation but the range of plastic deformation is short and at the end of that range is failure(!) a.k.a. injury. Of course you can do 1 good hanging session and then extend rest of the day, any combination you like.. what counts is how your tissue feels and what you observe(!).
If you do it right you will feel your tissue worked but never in pain. You will see small signs of being able to stretch further, to hang more weight, gains in some aspects, measuring higher bpfsl, bpel more often, smaller numbers occurring less and less.

But yeah, start with lowest possible weight and intensity and time need. Then I would increase time, frequency first before weight/intensity.

Before we proceed, no one should be performing very hard stretches, hanging, etc. unless they've extremely conditioned!

After a cycle of general conditioning, I recommend attempting training towards the lower volume/higher intensity regimens- as this seems to statisticlaly yield better overall results. Experimentation will be necessary, though.
I have mentioned this. To start light, condition, then up intensity, condition, and so on. Much like how I move up in weight with hanging. I add a training weight, but will not make it permanent until I feel conditioned enough. Taking it off, and putting it back on. Easing my way into the increase.. This should be the methodology for ALL THINGS PE!
Wow, this are some golden nuggets @dickerschwanz (like) (fire)
Also a big thanks to @Big Al ?

If the other vets could also shortly jump in and write their experiences down I could later do some sort of write-up in a new thread :)
Experiences like this are so much worth and help us newbies by a lot of saving us time, preventing injuries and getting the best possible gains!
You laid the options out nicely.
Dogmatic approaches can help when you start out but I would always adjust on the fly depending how the tissue feels that day/minute/session once you are conditioned and know how your tissue reacts(which can be different for everyone)
If you start out you do a newbie routine and learn what works and what not. The tissue, like veins, skin etc. needs time to be conditioned.

I gained length by stretching and extending as much as often as I can. Then ending everyday with "filling in" the expansion via light pumping, edging, high EQ erections.. Always ease into every day and session. Increase intensity towards a point where you feel you work the tissue.

Try it. That's the only way to find out. There's several ways to get expansion..
Observe if your tissue feels normal, worked, fatigued or is in pain.
If it feels normal you need to up the intensity or frequency. If it's worked then keep going.
When you reach fatigue you need to cut back intensity cause if you keep going with the same intensity you will reach pain.
If you reach pain, you need to rest.

Technically it's about elastic and plastic deformation.
Getting an erection is the lowest level of elastic expansion. Once the erection is over the expansion reverts to baseline, you won't gain from it.
Same goes for a stretch. If you do one very hard stretch to your BPFSL and some mm beyond you get deeper into the elastic range. Once the stretch is done the tissue will take some time to revert to the baseline. If you do another stretch before it's back to baseline it takes longer to get back to baseline.
Constant extending would stop the tissue from snapping back to the baseline. If you do it all day and put it off overnight then some of the elastic expansion is still in the tissue´next day. Repeating that will shift the baseline up as you reach plastic deformation. The elastic expansion adds on if you keep the time between sessions short.
You could do 1 very hard hanging session that gets you right into plastic deformation but the range of plastic deformation is short and at the end of that range is failure(!) a.k.a. injury. Of course you can do 1 good hanging session and then extend rest of the day, any combination you like.. what counts is how your tissue feels and what you observe(!).
If you do it right you will feel your tissue worked but never in pain. You will see small signs of being able to stretch further, to hang more weight, gains in some aspects, measuring higher bpfsl, bpel more often, smaller numbers occurring less and less.

But yeah, start with lowest possible weight and intensity and time need. Then I would increase time, frequency first before weight/intensity.


Welcome back my brother it’s so good to see you posting again and bringing that knowledge to the brotherhood. God bless you and keep up the great work.
Going for the long consistent run (thoughts & ideas):
After reading hundreds of threads so far, most people don't make much gains and don't reach their goals due to lack of consistency and being on/off for years. As I've written mutiple times before, I've done that too with lots of habits I wanted to build in my life. But my mind changed a lot over the last couple weeks.
I prefer 'suffering' short time than long time. Let's say I want to kickas PE 1-3 years which is still a lot of time, but if you compare it to some of the pe vets here with 15+ or 20+ years, it's only 10%-15% of that time. I really don't have any clue which kind of gains are possible in that time-span but if we keep being consistent and do the daily training, no matter if we want or not - what will be possible?

@DLD gained 2" in his first 6 months of PE with manual only training! So what could be the results in 12 months with devices like an extender, LM for intensive stretching, BM and an air-pump? :O
If he really gained 2" of length what I actually believe him, the body should be fully capable of gaining 2" of tissue in 6 months. For sure, every body is different, but the healing process should be kind of very similar. So the training is very relevant.

Let's say I'm aiming for ~3 years maximum of consistent training.
I want to gain a lot BPFL, a nice low hanging dick and getting rid of my turkey neck. For getting a nice hanging flaccid dick I'll need to get lots of flaccid volume (length & girth). To increase my BPFL I need to make BPEL and EG gains.

I'll focus on length for as long as I see length gains. Here I really need to play around, what's the best method?
Should I do daily length & girth training (70/30 or 80/20) or should I do 6 days of length training for reaching the best BPFSL and then 1 day of girth workout only to BPEL -> BPFSL? Or maybe 3 days of length training followed by 1 day of girth training?
Even if I would actually lose possible girth gains, I want to focus on length first until I see a very good total length gain.
Once that is done I can either go 50/50 or go 20/80 (length/girth). Maybe I even will go 0/100 (length/girth) because I can still wear my extender lots of hours and the only manual work I do will be girth training.

Do you know the maximum BPEL - BPFSL difference we can get before we stagnate with BPFSL gains? 1", 1.5", 2"?
What is the maximum BPEL - BPFSL difference when we should start with heavy girth work and focus on it?

For example if it would be 1.5", then I'd go length only until I've a difference of BPEL - BPFSL of 1.5" and then do 100% girth and just keep wearing my extender. Once the BPEL - BPFSL is <0.5" I'd go length only again.
I'm saying this because for me it would be much less work if I only would need to focus on one thing at a time. Having equipment for length/girth and using this device, then manual training, then extender, then BM showering... it's kinda exhausting. Even if it just would be manual training, it's kind of annoying for me to first do this and then do that.
It's for me the same feeling like when I'd need to run a marathon and after that I'll need to do some heavy weight lifting.
I don't wanna run up excuses here but as I've often stated I want to keep everything as simple as possible and even if it would be easy to do my training as I'm doing it currently, it still annoys me with length and girth training and on the other side also with switching the devices.
Right now it's not a big problem, I could easily push through but it doesn't give me a nice feeling and right now while writing this I'm already having a stress relieve and happy thoughts about just doing manual stretching, LM as rope assist for intense stretching and using my extender.

On the other side lots of people say that to gain BPEL, we first need to have more BPFSL, I just don't know how much difference and what is the correlation of difference BPEL - BPFSL and BPEL gains.
So for me that totally would make sense and I'd love to test it.

For maximum length/BPFSL gains I could easily do it like that:
3x10min manual stretching over the day (morning/midday/evening).
2x10-20min hanging (morning/evening)
As much as I can during the day and between the manual training and hanging sets -> extender time (12-16h)

would be much more relaxing than always switching with bathmate/jelqing/air-pump,...

To keep the EQ up I could just do some daily edging.

Important Question: How often should I measure BPFSL gains with above stated theory?
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Just focus on length until you get to your erect goal. Don't measure every time. Make sure you routine is very intense and measure only once in 6 months. You will always see gains if you measure this way. Also change your routine every 3 months if you are doing manual stretches with hands or length master.

But if you are doing the length master dld blasters, you can do it for 6 months because it's a very powerful exercise.

Your fatpad will be a problem for flaccid gains. Get rid of your fat pad
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Bundled stretching with my extender - a new way for great gains and bringing in variety into extender wearing?

Alright, so as I've already written in my Daily Log I've had the idea to test bundled stretching while wearing my extender and guess what? It's awesome. I'm really thinking to start implementing them into my daily routine.
As it prestretches the tunica (@DLD said it) it would be the best to do it right in the morning before my manual length session. So I could wear it 30min on a left bundle and 30min on a right bundle LOL
Then I'll do my manual stretching session and maybe I could do another session then right before my clamping, edging and erect stretches in the late evening. What would you say about it?

Bundled with PMP belt system: Works like a charm and as comfortable as wearing it normally :)
Bundled with PMP rod system: That is a sick way as I can go very very intense with it! Will be insane for great length sessions!
Bundled with PMP weight system: Works great too, but make sure to use at least 1-2lbs, so your dick doesn't spin back when hanging bundled.

@DLD @Lightning @longstretch
How long should I do bundled stretching a day? I mean it's passive anyways as I'm doing this with my extender. Should I only do it as I've stated it above, before manual stretching in the morning and before late evening session or should I do it as much as possible instead of normal stretching?
Or should I switch it, 60min normal stretching, 60min bundled to the left, 60min bundled to the right, 60min normal and so on?

Also I'll try to keep the intensity low to still get the best Newbie Gains and just do half-bundled in the beginning - would you agree?

@kyrpa maybe you can even add this to your ultrasonic stretching workout. What would you think about bundled stretching vs normal stretching? Maybe this could be a boost for BPFSL gaining?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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