case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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Welcome to MOS. I had to help space out your texts so people can read it and comment. I've never experienced what you described.

Have you been doing kegels? If you haven't been doing them, start doing at least 50 daily.

Also, be rest assured that this too shall pass and when that happens, buy the mityvac pump because it has a gauge so you won't be pumping with too high of a pressure.

Hopefully other people can come in to comment and help you out on this.

When you completely heal which I'm sure will happen soon, switch to a pump that has a gauge. Do not forget this.
kegels are horrible for whats going on it seems. and i had a gauge. i just didnt look at it till it was too late. but it really wasnt but for a few seconds
i wouldnt say its numb anymore. i can feel everything. but it just doesnt feel like me. and terribly smaller during the day. the head gets very tender and sensitive, which makes it retract even more. ive literally got it wrapped up with toilet paper today so it doesnt rub and irritate it to death.
i wouldnt say its numb anymore. i can feel everything. but it just doesnt feel like me. and terribly smaller during the day. the head gets very tender and sensitive, which makes it retract even more. ive literally got it wrapped up with toilet paper today so it doesnt rub and irritate it to death.
It sounds like you overdid penis enlargement.
You're symptoms sounds like fatigue of the tissue.
Rest is the best solution.
Yes, I believe things will get better with time. It has always been like that with most PE injuries like this one. He shouldn't panic.
Girth work can create poor erections if you go at it every day without a break. Some days on and some day rest, like 2 days on 1 day rest (or 3 days on 1 day rest) can be beneficial for balancing SRT rest and healing in relation to active PE (penis enlargement).
looking back, i should have let it be the first month, but i panicked. then after hard flaccid did resolve itself, it was looking up i thought. i had sex. then that night got a good erection while sleeping and finished that off. then at daylight woke up again really hard, and thought this must be a good sign and did it again. next few days put it in a coma. and ive not really had a good day since.that was late october.

i dont have any drive unless i intentionally get physical. i still get morning erections generally. some good, some not so good. but there is no fullness or length there when flaccid anymore, and the life just seems gone. i thought after going 30 days of nothing, sex would be ok . and it was. but now im back to square one again with not much arousement if any all day. and the dissapearing act is very hard to deal with in my head.

im totally lost here. i just want my life back. all i want to do is be asleep now. i avoid showers and using the bathroom cause i dont even want to look at it anymore. what i had was just fine, and for some reason i believed this would give me a little boost. and it did....until it didnt
looking back, i should have let it be the first month, but i panicked. then after hard flaccid did resolve itself, it was looking up i thought. i had sex. then that night got a good erection while sleeping and finished that off. then at daylight woke up again really hard, and thought this must be a good sign and did it again. next few days put it in a coma. and ive not really had a good day since.that was late october.

i dont have any drive unless i intentionally get physical. i still get morning erections generally. some good, some not so good. but there is no fullness or length there when flaccid anymore, and the life just seems gone. i thought after going 30 days of nothing, sex would be ok . and it was. but now im back to square one again with not much arousement if any all day. and the dissapearing act is very hard to deal with in my head.

im totally lost here. i just want my life back. all i want to do is be asleep now. i avoid showers and using the bathroom cause i dont even want to look at it anymore. what i had was just fine, and for some reason i believed this would give me a little boost. and it did....until it didnt

This can still be useful.
Girth work can create poor erections if you go at it every day without a break. Some days on and some day rest, like 2 days on 1 day rest (or 3 days on 1 day rest) can be beneficial for balancing SRT rest and healing in relation to active PE (penis enlargement).

Can it be something else.
Stress? Poor sleep? Depression? Diet/nutrition? Burnout?
If something doesn't work with our penis we can get obsessed about it, and focus to much on it. So the act of thinking it will not work, like having good flaccid and a good erection can make it worse.

Just trying to help.
i hope so. but its been extremely depressing these last few months. i just cant get over it yet. it doesnt feel right unless its hard, and if it aint hard, it doesnt feel like mine right now. it literally shrinks up as small as it ever has for the entire day usually with no response. its not until i lay down in bed for an hour or so, that it kinda comes back into used to be decent at night, but now it only seems to get plump again if i wake up with morning wood. this morning i woke up shrunk, but i touched my wife for a couple seconds, and got instantly hard. i dont get it. but rest of the day, nothing. nada. when i flex it, it doesnt really respond whatsoever, unless i somehow get half a chub going first.even then its weak
i hope so. but its been extremely depressing these last few months. i just cant get over it yet. it doesnt feel right unless its hard, and if it aint hard, it doesnt feel like mine right now. it literally shrinks up as small as it ever has for the entire day usually with no response. its not until i lay down in bed for an hour or so, that it kinda comes back into used to be decent at night, but now it only seems to get plump again if i wake up with morning wood. this morning i woke up shrunk, but i touched my wife for a couple seconds, and got instantly hard. i dont get it. but rest of the day, nothing. nada. when i flex it, it doesnt really respond whatsoever, unless i somehow get half a chub going first.even then its weak
Are you doing kegels everyday?
i hope so. but its been extremely depressing these last few months. i just cant get over it yet. it doesnt feel right unless its hard, and if it aint hard, it doesnt feel like mine right now. it literally shrinks up as small as it ever has for the entire day usually with no response. its not until i lay down in bed for an hour or so, that it kinda comes back into used to be decent at night, but now it only seems to get plump again if i wake up with morning wood. this morning i woke up shrunk, but i touched my wife for a couple seconds, and got instantly hard. i dont get it. but rest of the day, nothing. nada. when i flex it, it doesnt really respond whatsoever, unless i somehow get half a chub going first.even then its weak
I understand it's hard.
If it makes you feel any better...

... We all have periods where our penis are not working perfectly. Try to let it go and just let it be. I'm sure it will be better soon enough. If we overthink about our penis it can be counterproductive, an can make everything worse.
thats what im trying to do. sigh. its hard to do. i tried kegels months ago, but that actually seemed to make things worse. and i dont understand how it would help with tissue healing, if thats what this is trying to do.
thats what im trying to do. sigh. its hard to do. i tried kegels months ago, but that actually seemed to make things worse. and i dont understand how it would help with tissue healing, if thats what this is trying to do.
You need to remain consistent with kegels to see the benefits. I do 1000s a day and have incredible eq.
right now it seems as if i feel a wierd sensation that shoots up my penis to the tip internally when i kegel, like its not healed or something is the best way i can explain it. if i have a really intense erection during sleep and wake up flexing it, this feeling is more pronounced the next couple days, so ive been trying to abstain from anything at all hoping something will start healing. but everything seems to shrink and set me back when i do anything. ive even had good night erections trigger all the bad feelings all over again if i wake up flexing it during the erection. it just feels completely exhausted and over used. but id have thought after a month, it would show some improvement. i guess it has. sex didnt totally destroy me this time. but it for sure did not make anything remotely better. sex used to boost my libido. it does the exact opposite now. and it has faded more and more the past 4 months
right now it seems as if i feel a wierd sensation that shoots up my penis to the tip internally when i kegel, like its not healed or something is the best way i can explain it. if i have a really intense erection during sleep and wake up flexing it, this feeling is more pronounced the next couple days, so ive been trying to abstain from anything at all hoping something will start healing. but everything seems to shrink and set me back when i do anything. ive even had good night erections trigger all the bad feelings all over again if i wake up flexing it during the erection. it just feels completely exhausted and over used. but id have thought after a month, it would show some improvement. i guess it has. sex didnt totally destroy me this time. but it for sure did not make anything remotely better. sex used to boost my libido. it does the exact opposite now. and it has faded more and more the past 4 months

You might need to go to the doctor my friend I know it’s not easy to talk about your penis to the doc but if it continues I would go and not hesitate.
ive already been twice. they just say it looks normal, and its too hard to hurt a penis to be anything i did. sigh.....last night was horrible. it seems it has been dying a slow death for 6 months, and just keeps declining. guess thats about allthats left of me.
ive already been twice. they just say it looks normal, and its too hard to hurt a penis to be anything i did. sigh.....last night was horrible. it seems it has been dying a slow death for 6 months, and just keeps declining. guess thats about allthats left of me.

Stress can kill your penis maybe focus on other things eat a bit healthier go for walks and seek other interests. You never know in time it might pop back up.

It all starts in the mind.
yes. stress is bad. and that does kill things. i eat really healthy actually, so nothing there. im trying to do things, its just really hard when its half the size it should be flaccid, and tender and lets me know about it every step i take all day. whats really weird, is even though its unresponsive with no drive all day long, i could almost have sex every morning if i wanted to. but its after the fact that kills it. if i have sex,it destroys any drive i had, and shrinks everything over the next week it seems before i get anything back at all. and makes it even more sensitive on the head . guess i gotta just wrap it up like i did yesterday and try to pretend its not there anymore for awhile.
yes. stress is bad. and that does kill things. i eat really healthy actually, so nothing there. im trying to do things, its just really hard when its half the size it should be flaccid, and tender and lets me know about it every step i take all day. whats really weird, is even though its unresponsive with no drive all day long, i could almost have sex every morning if i wanted to. but its after the fact that kills it. if i have sex,it destroys any drive i had, and shrinks everything over the next week it seems before i get anything back at all. and makes it even more sensitive on the head . guess i gotta just wrap it up like i did yesterday and try to pretend its not there anymore for awhile.
Maybe not have sex for a while and just relax?
Doing PE and having sex simultaneously I can imagine, are really hard on the penis. The penis needs recovery as well, especially when doing PE.
.im not doing any pe period. havent since august. nor do i want to. i just want my normal size and libido back. i waited a whole month between sex this time to see what happened. it was awesome, but at the end of ejaculation, i had a slight burning. i dont think it crushed me as bad as before when we did it about every week or so, but still really bad. maybe it needs several months? thats why i came here to get some kind of closure hopefully from somebody that did something like this. i do feel a slight uptick today in arousal, but not much. im just not touching it anymore for a long time i reckon. no idea what else to do
.im not doing any pe period. havent since august. nor do i want to. i just want my normal size and libido back. i waited a whole month between sex this time to see what happened. it was awesome, but at the end of ejaculation, i had a slight burning. i dont think it crushed me as bad as before when we did it about every week or so, but still really bad. maybe it needs several months? thats why i came here to get some kind of closure hopefully from somebody that did something like this. i do feel a slight uptick today in arousal, but not much. im just not touching it anymore for a long time i reckon. no idea what else to do
I wish I could help. I don't know why you are experiencing this. Have you talked to a doctor a this, maybe they can help and/or guide you in this.
i so wish that was true. i may agree if i didnt have sensitivity and ed issues which started just days after i was a little more aggressive. doctor is in play, but not till april. but i highly doubt ill get anywhere with give anything to never have done this. this is so life ending its unreal. i dont know how ive made it this long, but its all starting to really set in hard how much this ruins everything . i hope nobody ever has to endure this period, or stops before it happens. theres literally no warning and theres not a worse helpless feeling in the world...
the more this goes on, the more it still seems like hard flaccid symptoms. except ive lost the hard flaccid part mostly on most days. but it does appear sometimes. its weird the fact everything kinda relaxes back to almost normal when i lay down after an hour or so.and especially in the morning. and if i keep my mind half sane, i get night erections. but daytime, is complete garbage.
the more this goes on, the more it still seems like hard flaccid symptoms. except ive lost the hard flaccid part mostly on most days. but it does appear sometimes. its weird the fact everything kinda relaxes back to almost normal when i lay down after an hour or so.and especially in the morning. and if i keep my mind half sane, i get night erections. but daytime, is complete garbage.
I've had this problem before. But after a few days it solves, it's definitely a fatigue issue.
i agree. ill keep praying as it goes. god has kept me strong this far.

Look into healing peptides like TB500 and BPC157.

I had a penis injury and an actual hole in my pelvic region. I had to pack it with gauze. Was an inch deep and an inch wide. Took over a year to heal. It was terrible. But there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Long story short but I wish I would have known about these healing peptides sooner.
sigh.. last 3 or 4 days have brought me to my knees. it seems like if i have a night of hard erections like 3 or 4 nights ago, it triggers a relapse all over again. by today im cold and shrunk to nothing again with burning feeling. same perennial pain when i try to kegel or flex it. just dead to the world and lets me know it all day.and if i try to arouse it, it attempts, but i get a backed up tight feeling, and not much erection out of it. and i can orgasm almost immediately with much touching. so im basically 100% useless now from all this. i reluctantly tried the bathmate today for first time jsut to see if it would get some blood through it. i tried for 6-7 minutes, but i could never get my full erection. i went back to my other mityvac pump with a gauge , and tried for 5 minutes at 7-8 in vaccum, and while way better, it just never really was the full erection ive always had. so thats the last time i try that i guess. not much left to try but wait , and wait some more. at over 6 months in, im not sure theres any going back here.
guys, there is no routine . i only dabbled in this for a month or so back in july/ august . and even that was off and on. i have been doing nothing but trying to get my life back ever since then. literally. the only relief i get from the day in/day out of this is when i lay down at night. it somehow seems to subside a bit(although still not right). ill feel things here and there while laying down that almost feel like blood trying to come back in . but standing up the next day just absolutely wipes it all out all over again.
Did you ever get your check up by the doctor as we suggested in your last thread?

I’m so sorry for your problem I hope you get well soon
cant get in until april. i dont feel ill last that long . i also feel thats a lost cause. 3 already have said they doubt theres any problem. im here to tell you there is.
i have.....for 6 months. just did it out of curiosity today. i never did it all that much to begin with.
I am not sure what your issues are. This entire post is riddled with contradictions. You say that you suffer from poor quality erections, yet you are capable of getting morning wood and having sex with your wife. So clearly, it is not a blood flow issue, because if it were, you wouldn't be able to achieve and sustain an erection long enough for intercourse.

You describe feeling depressed and anxious, which can certainly cause low libido and affect erection quality. I doubt that your problem is a mechanical one, or that your short-lived pumping routine half a year ago had anything to do with your erection quality today. The problem is most likely psychological, but if there is an underlying medical issue, such as diabetes, poor kidney function, etc, your blood work results will speak to that.

In the meantime, I wouldn't worry too much about shrinkage. A fuller flaccid throughout the day is nowhere near as important as being able to perform. It can surely be bothersome psychologically, but it is more important to know that it is functional, even if not on command. The point is, it still works, so you shouldn't lose all hope. I do not have any advice concerning the tenderness you are feeling on your shaft -- that is something you need to talk to your doctor about.

The only way to fix this is to make some lifestyle changes to deal with the anxiety and depression. Daily exercise can help with that, so make an effort to go to the gym every single day. Working out also raises your testosterone which increases libido, an added bonus. Next, drink plenty of water every day; it is extremely important to stay hydrated for both mind and body. Eat healthy (no processed foods whatsoever), and lose any extra weight if necessary. Make sure your BMI is within appropriate range.

Boron, magnesium glycinate, omega 3's, organ meats, and zinc all help to increase testosterone levels naturally. Look into them.

Finally, for rock hard erections, look into L-citrulline DL-malate, powdered form. Look into the overall benefits of increasing the production of nitric oxide, which is what L-citrulline DL-Malate does. Buy it, and give it 10 days to work. Don't ask me any questions. Just do it. You'll thank me later.
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