Ease up on the tension. Your glans has not adapted yet. For now, allow the blister, not edema, to fully heal. Afterwards, perform light, and I mean very light Slow Squash Jelqs to expand your tissues first. If you need the video on how to do the
SSJ, it's here:
After about 10 minutes, slap on the vacuum cup, only increase the vacuum pressure
1 to 2 pumps for now. at the lowest traction level. I mean the
lowest traction level. The next day, increase the traction to a very tiny slightly more traction, barely entering into the green zone. Same thing, the following day, increasing it very tiny amount. Wear that for a week just like this.
NEVER ENTER THE YELLOW OR RED. Allow the glans to relax a good 8 hours to bring back the tissue toughness after each day.
Give yourself a good 2 to 3 weeks of this method before increasing the amount of pump counts for the vacuum cup. You will wear our your
sleeve faster, but you are trying to condition your glans tissues.
I really hate it when the company don't provide any advice like this for their products.