Eminem - Mosh

Not a bad lil song kinda neat how it was a cartoon. When they were all hooded up like freemasons marching to the white house I thought they were gonna revolt.

I guess all they can really do is vote and hope Kerry wins although I don't think he will.
I say aight song and aight message. I kinda got caught up in the cartoon I was paying a whole lot of attention to the lyrics hehe
i was surprise to hear a song like this come from eminem...i only seen it once ...but it seems like he really believe in what he is saying and not just jumping on the bandwagon of the issues he was talking about in the video
Loved it.

I used to be a huge eminem fan... he's kinda fallen off lately, but this video was the best thing he's done since his last album in 2002.
Been great!

Just started getting back into Penis Enlargement after a long break. I had a lot of crap going on in my life in the past few months(including a now ex-girlfriend that hated the fact that I Penis Enlargement'd) It's all straightened out and I'm back at it rofl

Great too see I'm remembered!