Dirty tactic that works. (Bad if you have conscience)

What I'm trying to say is make the girl's boyfriend the cheater. Get it into the girl's head that he has already cheated on her, and she will start to think of ways to get back at him. You should give her some of your opinions. ;) Eventually if you played it right she'll want to screw you for something he didn't do. As I'm sure you know this tactic is low...real low, so if you have a concious I wouldn't recommend you try it. I tried it just to see how far it would go. And that was in a closet with the girl half naked and dripping wet. Damn I'm evil.

You are a very, very bad boy! That is just serously evil :D I could never bring myself to do another guy like that though. Of course it would be serious fun to do to the girl of some bastard who has done you evil first. Man, I need a good new revenge schtick and this one is the bomb! Much better than seeding a guys toilet paper with fiberglass shavings...
Originally posted by PirateSteve

You are a very, very bad boy! That is just serously evil :D I could never bring myself to do another guy like that though. Of course it would be serious fun to do to the girl of some bastard who has done you evil first. Man, I need a good new revenge schtick and this one is the bomb! Much better than seeding a guys toilet paper with fiberglass shavings...

I know I'm bad. It's fun to try, but I probably ruined a relationship. I don't do it anymore btw.

Now I'm going to carefully check my toilet paper before I use it.
Originally posted by Gardenier90
What I'm trying to say is make the girl's boyfriend the cheater. Get it into the girl's head that he has already cheated on her, and she will start to think of ways to get back at him. You should give her some of your opinions. ;) Eventually if you played it right she'll want to screw you for something he didn't do. As I'm sure you know this tactic is low...real low, so if you have a concious I wouldn't recommend you try it. I tried it just to see how far it would go. And that was in a closet with the girl half naked and dripping wet. Damn I'm evil.
I might use this is some asshole ever screws me, otherwise, it's a little extreme. Sounds fun though.
Dude, that is so wrong beyond words!

I could see someone using it on an enemy, otherwise it's just unethical by most any standards.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
Dude, that is so wrong beyond words!

I could see someone using it on an enemy, otherwise it's just unethical by most any standards.

Which is why I only tried it to see if it works. I don't even attempt it anymore.
Kinda sleazy and greasy....hahaha

I mean I'm not all ethical and stuff but I'd stay away from these types of ploys unless I was researching to see what works. But I won't be doing it anytime soon....especially now that Gardy already proved that it works....

I'd honestly say that its up to each individual to decide if they want to have sex with girls in relationships and that is a personal choice but there are many paths to getting the girl even if she is in a relationship and in my experience I've found that its better to keep your hands clean and avoid this type of dishonesty....in the long run that is the best way to keep your own self esteem and inner game high...but remember other sleazeballs may be doing this because there are no rules out there

Think long term and BE A MAN....I'd never sacrifice my integrity for a piece of ass.......well maybe Monica Bellucci :girl:

Be aware of what you're doing....because the karma police are watching :blahblah:

:rocker: :rocker: :rocker: :rocker:
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Originally posted by PaloMalo
I'd never sacrifice my integrity for a piece of ass.......well maybe Monica Bellucci :girl:

Maybe for Molly Sims or Charlize Theron. In the adult film world, though I'm no connoisseur, there are a couple of rising Hungarian stars, Simony and Maya Gold, that I'd do about anything to bang.
LOL maybe a lil more detail would help..."get into her mind" can mean tons of things. But yeah i kinda get what ya mean. Ive fucked a couple chicks with bf's. And the way i see it is that she wasnt happy with him in the first place otherwise i wouldnt be hittin it. There's this one married chick who im fuckin and she says that she loves her husband she just doesnt get turned on by him. I know for a fact if she had to pick between us it would be him but im there to provide the lust and he's there to provide her with a roof to live under, flowers every god damn night(flowers are for AFC's...)and to make her feel loved. Thats the way life is. Theres always gonna be guys who make the girls feel like they're goddesses(99.9999999999999999% of the population) and there are the guys that treat those girls like they're nuttin special, just another girl on the block and those are the guys that get the goods.
i'm sorry but i'm readin all this shit and i KNOW that if some dude tired or even succeded in getting in my girls pants. they would NEVER find his body
Yeah but remember she's the one that gave it up, she didn't have to. So I think a majority of the blame should go on her. I would be really pissed at the guy, but he showed you how weak she was, and how much your relationship meant to her.

So he potentially saved you some major future grief like if you had got married had kids and she got lured into a romance because she was not happy with you. So just break his legs (all three of them), dump her cheating ass and go on with life.
XtremeGrowth said:
Yeah but remember she's the one that gave it up, she didn't have to. So I think a majority of the blame should go on her. I would be really pissed at the guy, but he showed you how weak she was, and how much your relationship meant to her.

Hey, there is something to be said for that, but it's still much easier to take advantage of someone when she is completely lied to about the facts. She may not have ever done it otherwise. So, it's still a dirty tactic.
Definitely a dirty tactic, no doubt about that, but she should confront her boyfriend and not sleep around on him. Get the truth, not react. She needs to act as an adult and not a child.

In this day and age she should know most guys are after one thing, that is to get in her pants, thus she should treat any 3rd party information (especially from another guy) as suspect until she can get some form of proof.

I guess what I'm saying is don't let your passions run wild and cause you to do something like kill someone just because they got in your chick's pants. This does you no good and you have placed the blame on the wrong party. This happens way too much.

The sad thing is sometimes a girl will go out of her way to flirt with someone just to get the boyfriend jealous. What do you do then, kill the guy she flirted with, who really didn't reciprocate? Got news for you it happened in our town, now the idiot boyfriend is in prison and the girl feels she did nothing wrong. Even though some innocent is dead.

By the way if your chick let somebody get in her pants chances are it was very mutual and she wanted it just as bad. Plus if she does it once she will probably do it again, especially if you let her get away with it. Drop her like a bad habit and break his third leg (don't kill him). Better yet just walk away and know she wasn't worth putting yourself through any more additional hell.
Gardenier90 said:
Oh believe me it's very fun.

Women will use any excuse to sleep with another guy. People want justification. Or actualy better just find some religious woman, she can just cheat then get absolution the next day if she feels guilty.

This is one reason it pays to have a rational girlfriend. And to not be unjust to her. Like I see guys taking off on their girlfriends to college or business.

Then they are surprised when they get back and she is cuddled up in another man's arms. I'm like no shit you left. You don't leave someone you love you dumb fuck.

I see women doing it too, like they take off to south america to work with some religious charity for a year. Then their boyfriend is like ummm... well fuck. Feels hella bad for two weeks, then goes out looking for a new woman.

Also dumb fucks work all day long, then come home and stare at the idiot box for four hours then go to bed. Its boring women like romance and love, not football. So many women in america today are bored with their husbands and only are with them for financial stability. Frankly I'd be bored if I was their spouse too.

So many people rarely say anything interesting. They are like hows it going.. good. Whats on the idiot box? Football, nuff said. Then they wonder why their wife is sleeping with other men.

And people that are boring in some things tend to be boring in most things they do, including sex. Men and women for this.
Randolf, while I can't condone cheating in a committed relationship, there are some good points in your post. There are many relationships out there that are in a sad state, mostly for lack of communication.
Never tried ,but i don't think its very practical, unless the girl is sick of her boyfriend already, otherwise its very hard to mess with the brain of a woman who is in a good relationship. A good idea, acctually would be to put down her bf in her eyes. The simplest way to do it is to make him jelous. And acctually all you have to do is flirt with her so he would notice; most guys would start complaining and get all nervous, or to put it to simple terms would start acting desperate. And nothing, and i mean nothing is a worse turn-off than a desparate man.
P.S of course there is a chance, that you'll get your face bust, but the game is worth the candles.