DblDigitDude progress thread


New member
Hello, I'm posting this here to remind myself to start recording my progress.

One thing to note, I'm not comfortable posting pictures. I honestly don't mind posting measurements or what I'm currently doing, but this is what I feel about pictures: If my wife was to join a forum (no idea if they exist) where they discuss boob enlargement or anything like that, because there are chances that there would be men on there, or ways to access those pictures without fully verifying who you are, I would not be comfortable with others seeing her boobs. I would fully expect her not being comfortable with other women being able to see my penis either.

If I need to share any pictures for advice or such, I will private message them for proof or advice or such.

Thank you for being understanding, and please don't take offense on this - this is just for me and how I feel.
None at all. Your posts are treated as anonymous handler's posts. No worries about having pics of not. Only post what you feel personally comfortable with. There is no pressure in this brotherhood. But at times, there are posts that thousands of words cannot beat a single photo. You can exclude the entire penis and zoom to the areas of concerns. Otherwise, we can only give generalize info without proper diagnosed supports.

We are not medical and physiological professionals. Well, some are but we are not revealing that. Do take all our advices with grains, or a bottle, of salt and spices.
So I’ve got one starting measurement to pu down, but I’m going to re measure after posting this.

I am 6.25” BPEL

However, I measured from the side, and I recall seeing someone post somewhere that you need to measure from the top? So basically what I need to do is measure with the ruler laying on top of the penis instead of it on the side?

Also, I’m going to get a better ruler today. Metal isn’t that comfortable to measure with and I’d like to get a tape measure for girth measurements instead of using a string or piece of paper.

I’ll post my routine later when I can.
This is what I’m starting with:

I do my routine in the shower because it’s easiest and most time efficient.

Start with soaking a washcloth with the hottest water I can make the shower and wrapping for at least two minutes (about when I can feel the temperature change).

I then do 4 stretches in the shape of an X. Up/left, up/right, down/left, down/right. I hold each right now for about 1 minute minimum.

Then I do two pulls of what I believe are the behind the cheeks exercises. One to the left and one to the right.

After that, and this one I have some trouble with I do the ball and lig stretch. The skin of my scrotum comes up the shaft of my penis some so I take it easy on this one.

Before getting out of the shower I go ahead and get an erection to keep blood flowing well.

Get out of shower and I do one more stretch at about 40% erect: I take the OK grip behind the glans of my penis and pull straight out and hold for at least a minute. Then I go to pulling it straight up for at least a minute.

After that, get the washcloth hot again and wrap one more time for at least 2 minutes.

The question about these stretches for now I have is this: should all of these be with me holding the end of the foreskin behind the glans or should I stretch differently?
The question about these stretches for now I have is this: should all of these be with me holding the end of the foreskin behind the glans or should I stretch differently?
It depends if you want to tackle the stretches along the shaft or the base of the penile shaft to tug against the ligaments and muscles to yank out a small hidden segement of the penile shaft. Remember that the penile shaft below the base of the pubic region actually has a slight S-shape because of the two ligaments providing upwards suspension.

If you want to enforce lengthening and growth along for shaft, you hold right at the base of the glans for traction support and do the stretches.

If you want to force the loosening of the ligaments and muscles to gain that extra portion of the penis, of course resulting in a outward pointing penis rather than straight up, you put force at the base and pull downward to between your butt cheeks.

A combo of the two will force the length to grow twice as fast until you spent all the hidden segment and force the shaft to grow instead. The hidden segment is estimated between 0.5in to as long as 1.5in.
Made a change this morning that I believe will make the difference for right now. Started out and ended like usual with the warm washcloth but went straight to ball and lig stretches first. Could feel a difference this time and it was easier.

When I began to do the X like I mentioned in the other post, I incorporated a little bit of the Inner Penis stretch I saw in a video where you twist before pulling. I did not do it too hard because I’ve never done this stretch before but I could feel the pull on the inside each time. I will be keeping this going forward.

When I finished, my FLACCID penis was red, veiny, and had the petechiae that we want to see when exercising.

I’ve only had that response when I was doing the Bathmate routines back about two years ago so I’m kinda excited to see this.

One question: do I need the 3 pack of silisleeves if I am not doing girth work right now?
Went and got me a wood ruler and tape measure so I'm able to get a good starting point. Did the workout like l posted earlier in the thread this morning and still building back up endurance and took measurements after I finished.
Starting stats:
6.5in BPEL
6.25ish NBPEL
4.5in MSEG

The reason the measurements are a little different than above is because above I was using a metal ruler, which I didn't like using. I plan on getting some tools soon to help with the workouts in this order:
1. Silisleev2 - as soon as I can
2, 3. ADS or MityVac - not sure which I may get first
4. Lengthmaster3
Went and got me a wood ruler and tape measure so I'm able to get a good starting point. Did the workout like l posted earlier in the thread this morning and still building back up endurance and took measurements after I finished.
Starting stats:
6.5in BPEL
6.25ish NBPEL
4.5in MSEG

The reason the measurements are a little different than above is because above I was using a metal ruler, which I didn't like using. I plan on getting some tools soon to help with the workouts in this order:
1. Silisleev2 - as soon as I can
2, 3. ADS or MityVac - not sure which I may get first
4. Lengthmaster3
Reverse the order just a bit.
Length Master to work on length. Any wrap will do for now.

Silisleev2 - as soon as I can to pair up with post lengthening work. Definitely a TheraBand strip on the side for anti slip in the sleeve. Trust me on this. I got myself a role of 20 feet for may other things too beside PE. It's quite useful on all levels, including tying up my woman for some fun time or garage works.

MityVac for girth if you plan on working girth at the same time as length.

If you are not doing girth at the same time, get ADS.
Reverse the order just a bit.
LengthMaster to work on length. Any wrap will do for now.

Silisleev2 - as soon as I can to pair up with post lengthening work. Definitely a TheraBand strip on the side for anti slip in the sleeve. Trust me on this. I got myself a role of 20 feet for may other things too beside PE. It's quite useful on all levels, including tying up my woman for some fun time or garage works.

MityVac for girth if you plan on working girth at the same time as length.

If you are not doing girth at the same time, get ADS.
Have to admit I’ve never seen the Theraband before so I’ll look into it. I’d like to go ahead and buy everything right now, just not enough money right now. I will likely add jelqing into my routine soon until I can get a MityVac. I guess it may be because I’ve used an ADS before that it’s so high on my list but yes the Lengthmaster probably should be first.
Little update.
Remeasured BPEL today: I am at roughly 6 5/8" now, which I think is awesome. Finally getting somewhere even if this is just a small step. Tried to do all of my routine out of the shower, doesn't work for me right now. This is what I'm currently doing that seems to work for me:

Warm up for 2 minutes in warm washcloth.
I then do the ball & lig stretch, 30 seconds down, 30 seconds up (still a little uncomfortable while doing this one).
I then do my X direction bundled stretches, 1 minute minimum down/left, down/right, up/left, up/right.
After the 2 down, I will do about 35 rotations clockwise. After the 2 up, I do them couter-clockwise.
I then do my BTC stretches (which are likely called something else)
Then some semi-erect stretches straight out, up, and down
Then wrap with a warm washcloth for 2 minutes
a pea sized hydrocortisone 1% ointment to finish

Few things:
I'm not doing girth work right now, going to start incorporating jelquing soon
I'm only going to measure once a week, probably on Saturday, not sure
I'm going to take a picture once every 3 months for myself - that way I can keep myself motivated but not overwhelmed
On another note, my dyshidrotic eczema is flaring up, making things hard on my hands currently. Gotta save up for some tolls soon!

If I am using the SiliSleeve for anti-turtling after my workouts, shouldn't I be applying the hydrocortisone after taking the silisleeve off? I am concerned about hyper absorption similar to what is seen in occlusion therapy, also I don't think it would stay on that well with ointment on the penis?
I am guessing it could be a good thing that I feel like I almost have extra foreskin because of being overweight, but this does make it a little difficult for some exercises. I feel like I am sometimes pulling more foreskin than penis so is there anything that may make it easier to grip behind the head?
If I am using the SiliSleeve for anti-turtling after my workouts, shouldn't I be applying the hydrocortisone after taking the silisleeve off?
No need. As long as you can prevent moisture buildup and allow aeration from sweat. Normally, I use the sleeve with my glans exposed. The ointment is used from the corona and the glans itself. If you have irritation further down at the base of the glans, have the sleeve goes further down. If you cannot have the sleeve goes down without sliding, wrap using flexible breathable wraps.

I am concerned about hyper absorption similar to what is seen in occlusion therapy, also I don't think it would stay on that well with ointment on the penis?
Ointments such as bacitracin and hydrocortisone are formulated to coat and keep the skin from drying out. Absorbing type of ointments have hydrophilic property and not hydrophobic.

I am guessing it could be a good thing that I feel like I almost have extra foreskin because of being overweight, but this does make it a little difficult for some exercises. I feel like I am sometimes pulling more foreskin than penis so is there anything that may make it easier to grip behind the head?
TheraBand with higher tightening strength, follows by flexible wrap with tighter wrapping. Aside from that, sticky self adhesive tape that will make your days worse until your foreskin is conditioned enough.
Little update:

I haven't remeasured - don't want to do that too often, maybe just once a month or so. I haven't changed any of my routine, just not always doing it in the same order. I wanted to send this update for another semi-related reason.
I've been doing some family research and it turns out on both sides of my family there are very prevalent heart issues. Everything from high blood pressure, heart attacks, heart failure, murmurs, and coronary heart disease. I'm also already dealing with possible pre-diabetes so I have to start taking a little more serious of an effort to make sure I stay around longer (no pun intended) for my wife and my kids.

I'm not saying that I'm quitting, I will not do that. I will jus not be posting as much for a time being. I will likely at least come by and post here on a monthly basis in regards to gains, but not likely much more.

What I may do while I'm focusing on my other health is taking some notes that I'll be sharing at a future date. After all, the heart gives the blood to the penis, so working on my heart health may show up down there :)
Little update:

I haven't remeasured - don't want to do that too often, maybe just once a month or so. I haven't changed any of my routine, just not always doing it in the same order. I wanted to send this update for another semi-related reason.
I've been doing some family research and it turns out on both sides of my family there are very prevalent heart issues. Everything from high blood pressure, heart attacks, heart failure, murmurs, and coronary heart disease. I'm also already dealing with possible pre-diabetes so I have to start taking a little more serious of an effort to make sure I stay around longer (no pun intended) for my wife and my kids.

I'm not saying that I'm quitting, I will not do that. I will jus not be posting as much for a time being. I will likely at least come by and post here on a monthly basis in regards to gains, but not likely much more.

What I may do while I'm focusing on my other health is taking some notes that I'll be sharing at a future date. After all, the heart gives the blood to the penis, so working on my heart health may show up down there :)
Just approach the entire PE journey with scrutiny and safest level of approaches. We are here to act as your check and balance. Do remind us and make sure to only select the safest options.
Just approach the entire PE journey with scrutiny and safest level of approaches. We are here to act as your check and balance. Do remind us and make sure to only select the safest options.
Have no worries we are here to help you through anything you're dealing with. Just remain consistent in the brotherhood
Stopping in for an update mixed with some questions - will be measuring next week.
I didn't measure it, but I look bigger flaccid now! I'll take it as a win :)

I've changed my routine a little, just finding what works for me just working on length right now - I'll put more details in when I measure. I've noticed that when I stretch decently hard, following the rule that you should feel tension but not pain, that I often have pre-ejaculate come out at some point either when I'm finished or before I'm done. I'm sure that's fine, but does anyone else see this?
Also, twice I have had a small area seem to have some fluid collect in the glans (not even the size of a BB) particularly when I'm doing the bundled stretches. Both times this has happened, I stop my workout, get a full erection to make sure blood is flowing and nothing feels off, and immediately after, I wrap with a warm towel. Anyone else have this happen?
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Stopping in for an update mixed with some questions - will be measuring next week.
I didn't measure it, but I look bigger flaccid now! I'll take it as a win :) Wifey also said it feels like there's more pressure when it's inside so I'll take that as a win too :)
Ah, the positivity of PE noticed by the partner that noticed something has changed. Wait until you can go further and stretch her a bit more. You'll get a the "OMG!" scream from her soon. Keep it up brother. Just that mentality in mind will drive you forward.

I've changed my routine a little, just finding what works for me just working on length right now - I'll put more details in when I measure. I've noticed that when I stretch decently hard, following the rule that you should feel tension but not pain, that I often have pre-ejaculate come out at some point either when I'm finished or before I'm done. I'm sure that's fine, but does anyone else see this?
Yes, this is quite common. Most urologists and medical staff can't tell you why, but the medical professionals that dabble in PE will tell you that two things happened:
  • Stimulation of the penis, specifically the prostate. When there's specific stimulation along the nerve branches, the prostate activates the lubrication to ensure your urethra is lubricated to accomodate for the incoming flow of semen, or being supportive of the sperms. When you are easily stimulated, more pre-cum will flow out.
  • Protective of urethra during lengthening and expansion. When you stretch and expand the urethra, the body recognize the internal trauma and signal the prostate to release lubrication to prevent irritation. Same thing when the cathether is being shoved up the urethra. Some people get a nice volume of pre-cum coming out as the cathether is being removed.
However, there's one thing that most, if not all, medical professionals missed: the triggering of penile growth. Some of the brothers here reproted to me that they are having intense orgasms, ridiculous erection quality, constant erectile stimulation that is known to be in their teens and prime (early 20s), very extreme blood flow in the lower regions (the pelvic), constantly leaking of pre-cum (I still have it now in my 50s), and a sudden shift of penile expansion elongation out of the blue after so many months of slow progressive gain. Their bodies feel hot and bothered, their brain triggers their emotions and instinct to go wild with sticking their penises into pussies (pussy-chasing), there's a constant itch deep inside their penile base. This is a triggering of the secondary puberty growth that focus around the penis and not anywhere else. It's a hidden bonus stage as you can say. Endocrinologists working with urologists that center around PE is studying this phenomenon by the way. Most medical specialists are going "HUH!?" and "What the freak?!". PE is opening a whole different frontier to the medical studies.

Also, twice I have had a small area seem to have some fluid collect in the glans (not even the size of a BB) particularly when I'm doing the bundled stretches. Both times this has happened, I stop my workout, get a full erection to make sure blood is flowing and nothing feels off, and immediately after, I wrap with a warm towel. Anyone else have this happen?
If you're talking about fluid blistering from the bundle stretches, it happens. I happened to me about 6 weeks ago when I was testing both heavy weight hanging and higher tension force during bundled sttretching. I left a bit too much blood in the glans and the higher pressure caused the skin of the glans to fail, creating both fluid and bloody blisters (3 blisters total).

So, be mindful of how much your glans's upper skins layers (the fascias) can handle. They must be conditioned first for higher pressure loading. This is why you need to remove as much blood out of the glans during wrapping as possible. If you're more seasoned and conditioned, you can have blood in the glans for better support and lessen the pains around the glans's rim/corona. But, your glans can suffer blisters if you place more pressure than the skin can support from internal pressure buildup.
So important to always release as much blood as possible from the head. If you don't you are risking blisters which will keep you off the race for up to a week, maybe longer.
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