Progress thread Dave4139 D DIARY


Well-known member
Long story short.
Started with a Bathmate pump a few months back as a novelty/ why not item. Then eventually started to see gains with it. Found this forum and tried some manual hand bundled stretches. Very minor success.

started around 5.75” NBPE length and 4.75-5” EG.
with Bathmate I grew to about 6” long and maybe 5.2-5.25” EG.

got the LM3 as a result of all the knowledge here and today was my first day using the LM3.

starting BPFSL as of this week was just a tad past 6”.
I’m thinking my goals now that I’ve seen LM3- 7.5-8 long and 6” girth.

here we go.
Awesomeness. You have created a progress thread now.

I'm happy you went with LENGTHMASTER 3, for your main tool for lengthgains. You will be amazed on how fast the growth can happen 😊

What is your strategy of progression with LENGTHMASTER 3?
(What is your program?)
Currently I can only do 1 full rotation for bundled stretches. Didn’t try for more

but I plan to spend a few weeks doing basic bundled stretches each side and up/ down to each side.

the other things I’m going to do are just basic up/down where it’s Ent like a C I guess.

once I have 3-4 weeks of basics down I’m going to add BTC-BS. I just wanna take it somewhat slow and not jump right into it. Going to read through the LM newbie program again today- as a lot of this stuff I read before I purchased the LM so I wasn’t doing it with intention and just browsing.

I also aim to use the Bathmate maybe 2x a week as well as I still see results from that and like the girth gains
Currently I can only do 1 full rotation for bundled stretches. Didn’t try for more

but I plan to spend a few weeks doing basic bundled stretches each side and up/ down to each side.

the other things I’m going to do are just basic up/down where it’s Ent like a C I guess.

once I have 3-4 weeks of basics down I’m going to add BTC-BS. I just wanna take it somewhat slow and not jump right into it. Going to read through the LM newbie program again today- as a lot of this stuff I read before I purchased the LM so I wasn’t doing it with intention and just browsing.

I also aim to use the Bathmate maybe 2x a week as well as I still see results from that and like the girth gains
Sounds good.
But my suggestion is to keep yourself to a really structured program. The more structure you have, the faster you will gain. Be as specific as you can with everything you do. Also I recommend you to implement rules for when you are allowed to take a rest days. Personally I do 3 days on 1 day rest. Rules and structure are essential to gaining fast and big.

Here are the progression I recommend with the LENGTHMASTER 3. It's the same progression but with diffrent angles of describing it.
I have so far got 3+ Inch (BPEL) in length with this progression.
Abbreviations down below:
DBS (Downward Bundled Stretches).
BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches).

I recommend this progression:
Start with lengthwork only. If you have time you can do girthwork with SRT 5X5X3 as well. Always do length work before girthwork. Not the other way around. It's hard to stretch when you have, temporary expansion in girth of your penis.

Here are the progression steps:
  1. Newbie routine (watch the: MOS DVD).
  2. Newbie routine, with only bundled stretches.
  3. Newbie routine doing bundled stretches with a fulcrum device (broomstick, Power Assist 2). Transition as fast as you can to these kind of stretches. Here is an example: Broomstick routine. You could also follow the Phases in the MOS DVD.
  4. When newbie gains of ~ 1 Inch have been reached, start using LENGTHMASTER 3. I recommend this device in order for you to, increase the intensity exponentially, in order to not get stuck in plateaus.
  5. If you prefer you can get the LENGTHMASTER 3 immediately, and skip step 1 through 4.
  6. If bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, progress to DBS with LENGTHMASTER 3. If not bundled stretches are mastered in the Newbie routine, you need to do the newbie routine with LENGTHMASTER 3, before you proceed. Do this newbie bundled routine for ~ 1 month before going to step 7.
  7. Do DBS, and when they are fully exhausted, transition to BTC-BS. Don't transition to fast. Stay on BTC-BS until you have reached your end goal in length. There are many ways to increase the intensity exponentially in BTC-BS. This exercise is the one that will increase your length the fastest, if you have the correct amount of intensity.
This progression above is optimized to increase your length the fastest. There is no other device then LENGTHMASTER 3 that can facilitate these kind of fast gains. Everything has to do with bundled stretches. They are superior to everything else.

Also remember to always apply the healing part of the; SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory.

If you follow this progression you will gain big.
Kind regards

Stage 1 - Start with the beginner routine, that you will find here.
🔗 Beginner routine.

Stage 2 - Then you can after a month progress into DBS Stretches;
🔗 Downward Bundled Stretches with the LENGTHMASTER 3.

Stage 3 - And then later you progress into BTC-B Stretches.
🔗 Behind The Cheeks (LM b.ASS) bundled stretches, view from the backside.

🔗 LENGTHMASTER 3 bundled stretches, behind the ass (Abbrivation: LM b.ASS).

How fast you can progress is up to you, but in DBS Stretches you will feel that the stretches loses their intensity, in the inner penis and in the ligaments.
Then it's time to progress into BTC-B Stretches. Always stretch hard. But go easy in the beginning and always increase the intensity exponentially, as you progress.

View media item 1359

I highly recommend you to transition into holding your DBS Stretches for 5 minutes in each bundled direction, and later also holding your BTC-B Stretches for 5 minutes as well, and it's also important to bundle as much as you can in this stage (Stage 2), in order to loosen up the tunica albuginea for the next stage/exercise (Stage 3). In Stage 3 you should also bundle more and more as you progress.

One session should be 20 minutes.
One set should be 10 minutes.
One session is 2 sets of 10 minutes.
I recommend a rest of 10 minutes between the two sets

You can do 2 sessions per day.
Personally I'm doing 2 sessions per day, 3 days on and 1 day rest.

After 13 minutes (3 minutes warmup) in the chamber you detach and remove the wrap to restore blood flow to your penis. This is important in order to be able to always stretch hard, and keeping pain and discoloration at bay.

I have videos about how to make a comfortable wrap in my thread.
🔗 SIM's videos and instructions.

Hope this helps.

I hope this was helpful for you brother. I'm here if you want feedback.

Kind regards. Have an awesome weekend 🙂
Sounds good.
But my suggestion is to keep yourself to a really structured program. The more structure you have, the faster you will gain. Be as specific as you can with everything you do. Also I recommend you to implement rules for when you are allowed to take a rest days. Personally I do 3 days on 1 day rest. Rules and structure are essential to gaining fast and big.

Here are the progression I recommend with the LENGTHMASTER 3. It's the same progression but with diffrent angles of describing it.
I have so far got 3+ Inch (BPEL) in length with this progression.

I hope this was helpful for you brother. I'm here if you want feedback.

Kind regards. Have an awesome weekend 🙂
Beginner routine for 1 month it is!
Bundled up/down/ left/right with each side rotation. Keep it simple and maximize what I can off that before getting crazy.

i like your 3/1 train rest cycle and willimplement that. One is tissue grows during healing phases and two, keep skin and such uninjured. It seems to have worked well so far for you- plus life will get in the way at timesanyways. So I won’t worry about not training every single day.
Also I believe that rest days always needs to be planned. For me the 1 rest day allows me to stretch continuously month after month.

- Do you know about reverse Kegels?, they are important for fast gains.
Todays training

8min sets x2.
left right up down, bundled both ways

rest a few min.
8 min set again.

couldn’t help but check out BPFSL is like 6.5”last couple days so hopefully means I’m about to grow to 6.5!
Trusting the process.

No Bathmate today as I may have pumped too much yesterday- the veins below my glans are little inflamed and puffy. Focusing on LM3 for now.

also of note. I wrapped with a Blue Theraband that I cut in half- then wrapped over that with the stretchy medical tape. The blue band thickness aided in extra padding without the need for the Cloth bandage. Made it super quick process of maybe 20 seconds prep for each set.
Another 8 min LM3 set done 2x

today I added maybe an extra .25 of a rotation on the bundles. Just to get a little more in there. Pulled to stretch but still easing into it all. Definitely a slow smooth pull. Not yanking hard with all I’ve got yet.
Another 8 min LM3 set done 2x

today I added maybe an extra .25 of a rotation on the bundles. Just to get a little more in there. Pulled to stretch but still easing into it all. Definitely a slow smooth pull. Not yanking hard with all I’ve got yet.
You will get to full force/intensity eventually.
You should never yank with the LENGTHMASTER 3. Steady and controlled stretches always, is what you should do.

When you get to an advanced level in your stretching, you can even incorporate plyometric stretches, but these will probably not be needed for some time.

5 minutes dynamic stretches are also a good thing to implement. These stretches will give you maximum amount of elongation during and after the session.
I hope you are okay with me, giving you feedback on this?
You will get to full force/intensity eventually.
You should never yank with the LENGTHMASTER 3. Steady and controlled stretches always, is what you should do.

When you get to an advanced level in your stretching, you can even incorporate plyometric stretches, but these will probably not be needed for some time.

5 minutes dynamic stretches are also a good thing to implement. These stretches will give you maximum amount of elongation during and after the session.
I hope you are okay with me, giving you feedback on this?
100% sir. That’s why I’m here!
You will get to full force/intensity eventually.
You should never yank with the LENGTHMASTER 3. Steady and controlled stretches always, is what you should do.

When you get to an advanced level in your stretching, you can even incorporate plyometric stretches, but these will probably not be needed for some time.

5 minutes dynamic stretches are also a good thing to implement. These stretches will give you maximum amount of elongation during and after the session.
I hope you are okay with me, giving you feedback on this?
Your success story on here is the reason I switched to LM3 and check in all the time. Thanks sir
Your success story on here is the reason I switched to LM3 and check in all the time. Thanks sir
You're welcome brother.
I want to tell you that I'm here if you need support and feedback. I'm happy we have another dedicated brother amongst us. 😊

I highly recommend you to read this post as well:
🔗 New brothers need to watch the FAQ videos.

With the information in this post, you will get an understanding and guidance of what it takes to increase your penis size. A big part of this is the mental part of it all. Follow the discipline and not motivation.
also of note. I wrapped with a Blue Theraband that I cut in half- then wrapped over that with the stretchy medical tape. The blue band thickness aided in extra padding without the need for the Cloth bandage. Made it super quick process of maybe 20 seconds prep for each set.
Very interesting idea. Thanks for sharing.
So happy for you! Your progress is amazing
No sir. Thank YOU. I’m a believer noe.

I haven’t even had this thing a week and can already tell it’s going to work so well. I was honestly a little intimidated by the LM3 at first- but now that I have one it’s nothing to worry about.

is there any trick to cementing in BPSFL gains into erect gains or does it just happen over time?
is there any trick to cementing in BPSFL gains into erect gains or does it just happen over time?
I was seeing erect gains before I was seeing any flaccid gains. Do Kegels throughout the day. Do edging.
And always keep your penis elongated/expanded with this wrap: 📹 My penis elongation wrap.

Worked for me. This pel.wrap is good. With it your penis are kept in s semi-erected state from time to time throughout the day. Especially when you are doing Kegels with this wrap on. I have never been force to do any erected stretches, to cement erect gains. My erected gains have come fast with this method.

Also, don't think you are stretching to hard, the harder you stretch the faster you will gain. You can't pull off your own penis. Important to do reverse Kegels during every stretch you do (relax fully into the stretch). This will stretch your inner penis, Fundiform ligament and Suspensory ligament and you will gain faster.
Sounds good. I suppose I haven’t really measured it with a quality erection as that’s typically time with the wife.
Also I’ve only had the LM3 5 days so I suppose I can be quiet and be more patient haha
Yeah this one’s not really compatible with what I do for work and lifestyle.
Just going to stick with old faithful LM3 and keep it slow and steady for the long haul
You need to keep your penis in an elongated state all day long. My wrap is perfect. I can run around with it at work as well.
2x9 min session.
Sticking with the basics for now.

2 day planned rest the next 2 days due to circumstances that will prevent me from training. I’ll pick it back up Friday. Hope to heal
And grow in time off
Have you read SRT?
Apply a pea size portion of hydrocortisone cream. You will do this after every length workout, this will keep your skin free from irritation and stretchmarks, spotting, etc.

hydrocortisone is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex and used medicinally to treat inflammation resulting from eczema and rheumatism. Cortisol (hydrocortisone) is a steroid hormone, or glucocorticoid, produced by the adrenal gland. It is released in response to stress and a low level of blood glucocorticoids. Its primary functions are to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis; suppress the immune system; and aid in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism which is very important to the healing process in penis enlargement!
For me hydrocortisone 1% (important it's 1%) and MOS-RED is essential for me, in order to heal up from my sessions and reduce discoloration, and therefore be able to keep the sessions regularly without to much rest (rest days).

MOS-RED is underrated, It's a game changer.
Have you read SRT?

For me hydrocortisone 1% (important it's 1%) and MOS-RED is essential for me, in order to heal up from my sessions and reduce discoloration, and therefore be able to keep the sessions regularly without to much rest (rest days).

MOS-RED is underrated, It's a game changer.
I have skimmed SRT. Life is in a stupid busy season right now so I haven’t had chance to pour through it. For now I’ll shut up and just follow your lead hahah.

I’ll add hydrocortisone to it- and see if I can squeeze in 2x a day LM3 sessions as that’s what you did.

I REALLY want to hit 8 now that I believe it to be possible. Mindset has shifted on what’s doable. Ideally I’d like to hit 7” before January.

I figure that’s 60+ training sessions between now and then and feasible. I’ll ask less questions and just follow your lead
I have skimmed SRT. Life is in a stupid busy season right now so I haven’t had chance to pour through it. For now I’ll shut up and just follow your lead hahah.

I’ll add hydrocortisone to it- and see if I can squeeze in 2x a day LM3 sessions as that’s what you did.

I REALLY want to hit 8 now that I believe it to be possible. Mindset has shifted on what’s doable. Ideally I’d like to hit 7” before January.

I figure that’s 60+ training sessions between now and then and feasible. I’ll ask less questions and just follow your lead
Belive in the process, and take one day at a time, and finally you will be there. It will feel like magic 😁
I’m going to buy that and one of the Silisleeves? I think it is. I’ll have to do more research on sizing etc but I prob need to focus on keeping it elongated through non training times
You will find measurement guide when ordering
Was supposed to be gone for 2 days. Made it back home late late last night. LM3 before back at work here again. No time to pump

LM3 13 min
1 min warm up rotations.
L/R/U/D bundled each way for~90 seconds each.
Few min rest
1 min warm up.
LRUD bundled each way ~90 seconds.

finished with 1% hydrocortisone. And placed in a silicone penis extender wrap looking thing until I have time to order some silisleeves this weekend. I’ll keep it elongated as long as possible but won’t be able to wear that at work.

also- the wife said she wants 8- after I handed her a ruler and said 7/7.5/8

so- like everyone else I am now chasing 8 lol.
Was supposed to be gone for 2 days. Made it back home late late last night. LM3 before back at work here again. No time to pump

LM3 13 min
1 min warm up rotations.
L/R/U/D bundled each way for~90 seconds each.
Few min rest
1 min warm up.
LRUD bundled each way ~90 seconds.

finished with 1% hydrocortisone. And placed in a silicone penis extender wrap looking thing until I have time to order some silisleeves this weekend. I’ll keep it elongated as long as possible but won’t be able to wear that at work.

also- the wife said she wants 8- after I handed her a ruler and said 7/7.5/8

so- like everyone else I am now chasing 8 LOL.
Sounds good brother.
8 Inch is a good length penis.

But I'm worried you are not doing, 20 min x 2 times/day of stretching. You need optimally 40 minutes of stretching with the LENGTHMASTER 3 per day to see gains. Preferably you want one session in the morning and one session in the evening.
Sounds good brother.
8 Inch is a good length penis.

But I'm worried you are not doing, 20 min x 2 times/day of stretching. You need optimally 40 minutes of stretching with the LENGTHMASTER 3 per day to see gains. Preferably you want one session in the morning and one session in the evening.

yes sir. The goal is to double down and do 20min AM 20min PM.
Without going into it I live a rather unconventional life so it won’t be consistent all the time but I’ll get it in as much as possible.
Did 20 this morning and I’ll hit another 20 before bed.
Following the SIM outline. Trying to get like you brother!
Thanks so much for following along and critiquing so I’m not spinning in circles wasting my own time!
yes sir. The goal is to double down and do 20min AM 20min PM.
Without going into it I live a rather unconventional life so it won’t be consistent all the time but I’ll get it in as much as possible.
Did 20 this morning and I’ll hit another 20 before bed.
Following the SIM outline. Trying to get like you brother!
Thanks so much for following along and critiquing so I’m not spinning in circles wasting my own time!
I'm honoured you want to follow my outline.
Todays lengthmastering

2x10 min sets.
L R U Down bundles at 2.5 min each
Focused on longer intervals to really keep tugging and stretch.

getting settled in. Best session yet. 1.25 to 1.5 rotation bundles. Getting better about twisting more. Hoping another week or so I can do everything at 1.5 bundles and really get moving.
Todays lengthmastering

2x10 min sets.
L R U Down bundles at 2.5 min each
Focused on longer intervals to really keep tugging and stretch.

getting settled in. Best session yet. 1.25 to 1.5 rotation bundles. Getting better about twisting more. Hoping another week or so I can do everything at 1.5 bundles and really get moving.
did a 2nd session of this. 2 min each side.
Following up with some BM pump now
Alright fellas-

the veins just below my glans get inflamed/ swell and a little hard when I do PE frequently.

how can I minimize/mitigate this?
How does it looks like?

Vains can get semi-hard when you are gaining fast. Rest a bit and then continue stretching. I remember when I gained length in the beginning, that I had semi-hard vains from time to time.
How does it looks like?

Vains can get semi-hard when you are gaining fast. Rest a bit and then continue stretching. I remember when I gained length in the beginning, that I had semi-hard vains from time to time.

precisely that. Veins that are semi hard. Mostly the ones just south of the glans, and another that runs vertical along the top of the shaft from base to glans
precisely that. Veins that are semi hard. Mostly the ones just south of the glans, and another that runs vertical along the top of the shaft from base to glans
If it's no pain you can continue stretching, or just incoperate regular rest days. 3 days on and 1 day off have worked for me.

By the way. It can also be inflamed hair follicles. I had one at the base of my penis for months...maybe 5 months or more. It's normal now.
Now I have something inflamed near my glans, but I know my penis, so I know to not worry about it.

Just be observent of it, so it doesn't get worse. Rest can do wonders. With time it will go away of it's own. As long as it's not Thrombosis you are good.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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