Darb’s Progress Thread! Creating the perfect dick!


Hi All

Have been lurking here for a while but now joined. This is my first post. I have an issue from using the PF. Slightly worried about it and totally bummed as I will have to stop for now.

Firstly, my history............

Been doing PE for many years (on and off). I'm a very slow gainer. I've tried all manner of enlargement. Been a frustrating journey. I am cut. I am a "grower" and I have always struggled with size. Since getting the PF I have experienced good results (just from rough measurements) but haven't taken official measurements to date. The results have been noticeable in my sex life with my Wife enjoying the results (which makes me SUPER happy). It has also helped with my confidence.

About 3 months ago I purchased the PF (and I didn't know about the Silistretcher at the time). I was hesitant do to the cost and having been "duped" before. I took the plunge and got the unit. Overall I have been really happy with the convenience and results I have been getting from the PF. At a guess, I have probably racked up about 500 to 600Hrs in the PF.

I tend to use it for around 4 to 6 hours a day during the week (around 2Hrs of a morning and 2 to 4Hrs of an evening (work gets in the way of my PE)). On the weekend I use it for anywhere up to around 10Hrs on a Saturday and the same on a Sunday. I take regular (short) breaks (every 2 to 3 hours) just to get blood flowing again. If doing a long session I will take long break (at least an hour) during the middle of the day.

I use the large Bell with the medium sleeve. If I use the large sleeve I loose to much vacuum. I also don't use the glan protective sleeve because it feels weird and isn't a good fit. I would also struggle to get back in the Bell after a while. After I use it for a few hours my glans are so big that I struggle to fit back in it (without the protective sleeve). After prolonged use (at least 2+ hours) I do however tend to get a doughnut under the glans and this leads to a lack of circulation to the glans after a long session. I tend to have to "pump" the unit a fair number of times to get decent suction to achieve a decent vacuum. They (PF) say to pump for 3 to 5 times, but I often find that isn't sufficient for a decent grip. I also find that they (PF) say to stay in the "green" stretch zone, but I tend to take it into the red zone to get a decent stretch.

Hopefully that's enough detail/background. Now onto the problem.....................

Been doing my usual weekend routine this morning. All was going well and also had a small break after the first 3Hrs. Then went back into it for about another 2Hrs.

Due for my long break I took it off only to discover a decent sized blister (about the size of a fingernail) on the top of my glans. It is a clear blister (no blood thank God) and it only seems a layer of skin deep. It does have a fair bit of fluid in it (so it is fairly raised). it hasn't popped (yet). I was totally bummed as I was looking forward to giving the Mrs a really good shafting this evening (following a long session) and this had to occur. I have never had this issue (ever) with anything before so I am a bit concerned about it. I could say that this is my fault and it's from too much pumping of the Bell, but it hasn't happened to date.

Questions are;

1. What do others think about this issue?
2. How long will I need to rest before I use it again?
3. What would be the adequate (estimated) healing time???
4. Is it likely to happen again?
5. Should I do anything to treat the blister or just leave it alone?
6. Should I continue to use the PF (as I have been happy with it) or turn to the Silistretcher?

As said, I am a bit concerned by this issue and even more concerned that it could happen again.

I would really appreciate feedback from the collective wisdom of this forum.

Hi All

Have been lurking here for a while but now joined. This is my first post. I have an issue from using the PF. Slightly worried about it and totally bummed as I will have to stop for now.

Firstly, my history............

Been doing PE for many years (on and off). I'm a very slow gainer. I've tried all manner of enlargement. Been a frustrating journey. I am cut. I am a "grower" and I have always struggled with size. Since getting the PF I have experienced good results (just from rough measurements) but haven't taken official measurements to date. The results have been noticeable in my sex life with my Wife enjoying the results (which makes me SUPER happy). It has also helped with my confidence.

About 3 months ago I purchased the PF (and I didn't know about the Silistretcher at the time). I was hesitant do to the cost and having been "duped" before. I took the plunge and got the unit. Overall I have been really happy with the convenience and results I have been getting from the PF. At a guess, I have probably racked up about 500 to 600Hrs in the PF.

I tend to use it for around 4 to 6 hours a day during the week (around 2Hrs of a morning and 2 to 4Hrs of an evening (work gets in the way of my PE)). On the weekend I use it for anywhere up to around 10Hrs on a Saturday and the same on a Sunday. I take regular (short) breaks (every 2 to 3 hours) just to get blood flowing again. If doing a long session I will take long break (at least an hour) during the middle of the day.

I use the large Bell with the medium sleeve. If I use the large sleeve I loose to much vacuum. I also don't use the glan protective sleeve because it feels weird and isn't a good fit. I would also struggle to get back in the Bell after a while. After I use it for a few hours my glans are so big that I struggle to fit back in it (without the protective sleeve). After prolonged use (at least 2+ hours) I do however tend to get a doughnut under the glans and this leads to a lack of circulation to the glans after a long session. I tend to have to "pump" the unit a fair number of times to get decent suction to achieve a decent vacuum. They (PF) say to pump for 3 to 5 times, but I often find that isn't sufficient for a decent grip. I also find that they (PF) say to stay in the "green" stretch zone, but I tend to take it into the red zone to get a decent stretch.

Hopefully that's enough detail/background. Now onto the problem.....................

Been doing my usual weekend routine this morning. All was going well and also had a small break after the first 3Hrs. Then went back into it for about another 2Hrs.

Due for my long break I took it off only to discover a decent sized blister (about the size of a fingernail) on the top of my glans. It is a clear blister (no blood thank God) and it only seems a layer of skin deep. It does have a fair bit of fluid in it (so it is fairly raised). it hasn't popped (yet). I was totally bummed as I was looking forward to giving the Mrs a really good shafting this evening (following a long session) and this had to occur. I have never had this issue (ever) with anything before so I am a bit concerned about it. I could say that this is my fault and it's from too much pumping of the Bell, but it hasn't happened to date.

Questions are;

1. What do others think about this issue?
2. How long will I need to rest before I use it again?
3. What would be the adequate (estimated) healing time???
4. Is it likely to happen again?
5. Should I do anything to treat the blister or just leave it alone?
6. Should I continue to use the PF (as I have been happy with it) or turn to the Silistretcher?

As said, I am a bit concerned by this issue and even more concerned that it could happen again.

I would really appreciate feedback from the collective wisdom of this forum.

Break for two weeks maybe more if your not healing quickly.
Keep your hands and member very clean and Dry.
An dom't break the blister. But it may just break on it's own so, use polysporin ointment!
Don't Quit but, ask the forum for suggestions so, you don't have recurrences.
This literally happened to me about 2 months ago!
Similar circumstances, high pressure inside the bell and stretched to the red marker, ended up with a dome blister on the glans, but mine was a blood blister. It healed after a week or 2, i kept with the manual stretching and healing elongated just wearing a silisleeve in the meantime (better than nothing), it will recover!

My assumption was that my glans were too pressed up in the bell and even though the bellows gets locked off I'm pretty sure the little holes in the top of the bell were the culprit (my glans wasn't actually pushed up hard against the top, more like a few millimetres off).

Main take away is that it will heal, just lay off using the forte til it does and when you return, possibly just stick around the yellow marker, I used to crank it to the red, needing to feel the belt tight and fully stretching but that is also when I've done the injuries (I've had several), I also have found that the difference between sitting at red compared to yellow is massive in how long I can wear the device, on red I can handle about 2 - 3hrs before it starts to feel uncomfortable, either the pressure on the glans in the bell or the ring rubbing against the base but if I stay on yellow I can wear it for as long as I don't have to per (9hrs staight is my longest wear time so far)

Hope that helps alleviate any stress/concern, you are not alone brother ?
This literally happened to me about 2 months ago!
Similar circumstances, high pressure inside the bell and stretched to the red marker, ended up with a dome blister on the glans, but mine was a blood blister. It healed after a week or 2, i kept with the manual stretching and healing elongated just wearing a silisleeve in the meantime (better than nothing), it will recover!

My assumption was that my glans were too pressed up in the bell and even though the bellows gets locked off I'm pretty sure the little holes in the top of the bell were the culprit (my glans wasn't actually pushed up hard against the top, more like a few millimetres off).

Main take away is that it will heal, just lay off using the forte til it does and when you return, possibly just stick around the yellow marker, I used to crank it to the red, needing to feel the belt tight and fully stretching but that is also when I've done the injuries (I've had several), I also have found that the difference between sitting at red compared to yellow is massive in how long I can wear the device, on red I can handle about 2 - 3hrs before it starts to feel uncomfortable, either the pressure on the glans in the bell or the ring rubbing against the base but if I stay on yellow I can wear it for as long as I don't have to per (9hrs staight is my longest wear time so far)

Hope that helps alleviate any stress/concern, you are not alone brother ?

Right answer and welcome back my friend! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you I hope everything is going great!
Right answer and welcome back my friend! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you I hope everything is going great!
All is well DLD ? I'm in the same boat as the o.p. in that I bought the phallosan just before the silistretcher was released, kinda bummed about that but shit happens, it's still a great aid for healing elongated after manual work though.
Hi All

Thanks for the replies and assurances that I haven't totally buggered my unit. I really appreciate the posts. I'm glad there are communities like this and I'm not on this journey alone.

On one hand it looks a bit severe, but on the other hand the blister is only covered by a super thin layer of skin and is filled with clear fluid (and it doesn't hurt). It hasn't burst as yet so I'll just keep up with manual stretching. My workload is ridiculous so this is why I chose to go with the PF. I can find some time for a bit of manual stretching and usually (probably best when I heal) some Jelking. I also get basically zero private time with 3 kids and a wife.

I'm curious though, how does one wear a Silisleeve during this injury? Wouldn't that cause your unit to sweat a great deal under the silicon??? Does it change the healing process and/or healing time? If after a few weeks the blister still hasn't burst, should I give it a pin prick to drain it??? I think it will then have to peel before I can start using the PF again.

@Voorhees, how many times did you tend to pump the Bell to get a good suction??? I often found the recommended 3 to 5 times insufficient.

I don't totally understand the difference between the PF and the Silistretcher. Should I own it too??? I can't/don't want to hang weights, mainly due to a hernia (inguinal) repair that gave me grief for years and years. Plenty of nerve entrapment in scar tissue dramas. Real painful. Using the PF was the first time that I seemed to make some real positive gains and not really get any pain. It was also the first time that I seemed to really give the Mrs a very pleasing experience with my new size increase. By that I mean it was a better feel for her (the look on her face was priceless). I was totally wrapped. I would be happy to also use the Silistretcher if it can obtain results hidden under clothing and used without weights. Some comments on this would be appreciated.

Thanks guys.
I have never really had an issue with sweating under the sleeve, even during summer. The sleeve hugs tightly enough that it doesn't slide off easily. I guess maybe a light dusting of some talcum powder could remedy that if it was an issue? As to benefits in healing with the blister? I don't know, it was more the thought of healing elongated after manual work.

I used to use the large bell for exactly the same reason, it would give me a great glans pump after use but it also meant I had to pump the bellows a lot more than the recommended to account for the negative space in the bell when first getting in the device, which was whatever, but after a while I found that the very top layer of skin on my glans would dry out and peel off like a snake shedding skin, kinda weird/gross and amusing all at the same time, not a great look though (i have an intetesting log of pics) and made everything super sensitive, not fun and then I got the blood blister.

After that I switched back to the medium bell, kept the belt in the green/yellow tension and haven't had an issue since, it's usually 3 pumps to establish enough pressure to hold in place, sometimes I'll do another 1 or 2 pumps if needed but that's only rarely. I do wear a silisleeve inside the device which helps get a better seal (I'll attach a pic for illustration) so other than that it was just downsizing the bell that made the difference.

As for your plight, try using the medium bell for every other day stretching and bust out the large bell for the head pump when you know sex is on offer? If that's not an option maybe try filling the negative space in the large bell with something so you don't have to have such high pressure to achieve a good seal? I know guys used to put those squishy stress balls into their bathmate to achieve exactly this so maybe something on a smaller scale for the phallosan? Maybe get one of those balls and cut it up to fit a piece inside? Hmmm what else?....... maybe get a silipad from Mos and modify it to work/fit the phallosan? Just spitballinng ideas here.

As for the blister, it's like getting one anywhere else on your body, it may take a few days to a week for the fluid to receed and then it will come good, the body is amazing in it's ability to recover from stress/damage so you will be fine, I've done the same and worse and recovered, you wouldn't even know it happened unless i told you, no scarring or an indication there was ever an issue ?
Forgot the pic LOL.

Also, I didn't comment on the silistretcher as I don't have any experience with it but just by looking at its design, it works on the same principles as the phallosan training wise, the lads at Mos have just made a better, easier to operate and more affordable version of it that can also be used in other ways too (hanging etc) I probably will get one eventually but I paid a lot for the phallosan so I feel like I need to get my money's worth out of it before buying new gear.

You can see in the top pic I was in the large bell that was about 8 - 10 pumps to get a good seal/pressure, you can also see how I wear the silisleeve on the inside of the device too. The second and third shots show how I altered my approach, I used the medium bell, I also didn't insert/get sucked into the bell as deeply with the smaller bell and to achieve a seal/pressure only required 4 pumps, you can see how hard I am pulling on it in the 3rd shot i could literally do manual stretches like that if i so chose to, and no discomfort on the glans.
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Forgot the pic LOL.

Also, I didn't comment on the silistretcher as I don't have any experience with it but just by looking at its design, it works on the same principles as the phallosan training wise, the lads at Mos have just made a better, easier to operate and more affordable version of it that can also be used in other ways too (hanging etc) I probably will get one eventually but I paid a lot for the phallosan so I feel like I need to get my money's worth out of it before buying new gear.

You can see in the top pic I was in the large bell that was about 8 - 10 pumps to get a good seal/pressure, you can also see how I wear the silisleeve on the inside of the device too. The second and third shots show how I altered my approach, I used the medium bell, I also didn't insert/get sucked into the bell as deeply with the smaller bell and to achieve a seal/pressure only required 4 pumps, you can see how hard I am pulling on it in the 3rd shot i could literally do manual stretches like that if i so chose to, and no discomfort on the glans.

Thank you for taking the time to give all this information, and I truly appreciate it and you the other brothers. It’s so good to have you back here close to me again!
Thanks Voorhees.

I appreciate the pictures. Looks like you have achieved some impressive length gains. Is that just from the PF and manual stretching???

The blister burst a few days ago of it's own accord. The skin quickly dried out and peeled away. The while thing looks fairly gross at the moment so I'm hoping you are right about the healing process. Don't want a scar or ongoing issues.

You don't think that I'll get another issue/blister in the same location??? Is the skin in that area somewhat weakened due to this issue?

I agree about the tension and pressure, I'll just have to back the while thing off as I don't want a repeat of this issue. I had the same problem with the skin peel issue. That was probably a warning sign that I chose to ignore. Doh! ???

I'm definitely going to purchase some Silisleeves to wear when not in the unit. I could also wear one as you were when in the unit to prevent getting a donut (although this probably also comes from too much pumping pressure). When I used to take it off my head was huge (had trouble taking it off) and the results were impressive, but, often my head was white (not good) and no doubt lacked decent blood flow. Actually before the blister drama I'd swear that I noticed that either my shaft girth was out sizing my head or my head was shrinking. Yikes!

I will also get some Silicaps (is that the right name?) and try that over the glands while in the PF and this will add some extra protection.

I also found that the PF added a decent amount of girth to my unit. With less tension did you still get some positive girth results?

Does the Silisleeve actually reduce girth results due to continuous compression? I'm keen to use one but not if it reduces girth results.

My only dilemma is how do I achieve a decent head size without excessive pumping??? The Mrs seems to like a decent mushroom on the end of a fairly fat shaft. Keen to give her that feeling and see that look on her face. Best thing in the world to see your girl in ecstasy. Makes my blow my load!!!

I was in the medium bell but I quickly seemed to outgrow it and moved onto the large bell. When starting back I will go back into the medium bell (with caution) and see how things go.

I never thought that I could pump my head too far in thge PF as I thought the lack of space in the PF was limited and therefore so was the pressure. To some degree, I was wrong.
I bought my pf after a long hiatus from pe, I gained 2/5" or 1cm in length over a 3 month period with a total of 542hrs in the pf. I did literally no other form of pe other than wearing the device as I wanted to see it's effectiveness as a stand alone method. I am currently doing another 3 month block with the only added extra being manually stretching by hand in each direction 30s x 3 complete sets (DLD's first routine) before I wear the phallosan to heal elongated, it will be interesting to compare the difference.

Good to hear the healing process is beginning, give the skin it's time to grow back fully and it will be fine, I think now that you've done it once you will be more mindful of it's possibility and not pump the pressure up as high, you'll be good ?

The silisleeves are great, I highly recommend them, they definitely prevent the fluid retention that can build up on the shaft behind the glans, i got them as the pf sleeves had a tendency to bunch and pinch my skin at the opening of the bell. Also sometimes when I'd roll the sleeve down initially off the bell and onto the shaft the sleeve would snap onto the shaft and feel like I was getting flicked with a rubber band, that shit sucks sooooo bad ?

The silicaps, I used when I first got them and was at the start of my 3 month block mentioned earlier, I only used them for a week or two then stopped, doing device pe can be fiddly enough so that was one less component I wanted to worry about, I also like to see the glans in the bell for colour and to check if it's slipped or not (it never slips but I still check lol).

I still get a good girth and head pump from lower tensions (borderline green/yellow), it's obviously not as dramatic as using the biggest bell though. The silisleeve has no impact on my girth whatsoever once everything comes off for the day and as for the increasing of glans size thing, not sure? Somebody else with experience may chime in? I know Mos are working on something in that respect.
Thanks Voorhees. I appreciate your detailed and interesting reply. I'm grateful that you are prepared to take the time to share your experiences and wisdom. Thank you.

Yes indeed, the healing process is underway but it's a frustrating wait!!! Keen to get back into the swing of things as I'm worried I'll lose all that I have worked towards so far. It's been a week, but by the look of things i reckon it will be at least another one to two weeks of healing. Bugger!!! ??????????

I'm doing a few manual stretches to try and keep the shaft long and strong, but I've kept this very low key because when I do stretches it tends to upset the skin that's trying to heal (causes it to break) and this feels like I'm then back to square one.

Ah well, on the bright side I've hopefully only done some minor damage that will completely heal and not scar.

Having done a few stupid/overboard things with PE I thought that the PF was somewhat idiot proof, but I still managed to take it too far (which is somewhat of a trait of mine) and I'm now paying the price. I just got over zealous as I could see the progress. Don't get me wrong, I think the PF is a really good device and gets solid results (particularly if you are like me and are time poor with pretty much zero private time).

I do manual stretching prior to (and during) using the PF. Do you do it any differently to that??? Do you somehow warm up the glands too???

I noticed in your photo that you were demonstrating the grab of the PF but I wondered if you do stretching in it too. I did and I'm not sure if that (with too much pressure) contributed to my blister. If you do stretch in it, wouldn't that be the same as going into the no no red zone???

Glad to hear the MOS are working on something to enhance head size, and after my experience I'm hoping it doesn't involve pumping!

I'll jump in and purchase some gear from MOS.

Thanks mate.
Yeah, waiting sucks, doing less or no pe feels like a backward step when that routine is established in our day to day ?

I do the same, do the basic stretches by hand first (about 15 - 20min worth) then strap into the pf. Every 2 - 3hrs I'll take it off, do some rotary and btc stretches (about 5 minutes) and get back in. If it's a day off work I may do a second round of the basic stretches later but that's only rarely.

I never stretch with the pf outside it's recommended use, I did try it when I first got it but found too much pressure inside the bell to be an issue doing that, the pic was more to demonstrate that having lower bell pressure will still hold everything in place.
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Thanks Voorhees. I appreciate your detailed and interesting reply. I'm grateful that you are prepared to take the time to share your experiences and wisdom. Thank you.

Yes indeed, the healing process is underway but it's a frustrating wait!!! Keen to get back into the swing of things as I'm worried I'll lose all that I have worked towards so far. It's been a week, but by the look of things i reckon it will be at least another one to two weeks of healing. Bugger!!! ??????????

I'm doing a few manual stretches to try and keep the shaft long and strong, but I've kept this very low key because when I do stretches it tends to upset the skin that's trying to heal (causes it to break) and this feels like I'm then back to square one.

Ah well, on the bright side I've hopefully only done some minor damage that will completely heal and not scar.

Having done a few stupid/overboard things with PE I thought that the PF was somewhat idiot proof, but I still managed to take it too far (which is somewhat of a trait of mine) and I'm now paying the price. I just got over zealous as I could see the progress. Don't get me wrong, I think the PF is a really good device and gets solid results (particularly if you are like me and are time poor with pretty much zero private time).

I do manual stretching prior to (and during) using the PF. Do you do it any differently to that??? Do you somehow warm up the glands too???

I noticed in your photo that you were demonstrating the grab of the PF but I wondered if you do stretching in it too. I did and I'm not sure if that (with too much pressure) contributed to my blister. If you do stretch in it, wouldn't that be the same as going into the no no red zone???

Glad to hear the MOS are working on something to enhance head size, and after my experience I'm hoping it doesn't involve pumping!

I'll jump in and purchase some gear from MOS.

Thanks mate.

We have the best gear in the world! Just click on the shop! Things being added all the time so keep an eye out.
@ Voorhees

Thanks for that. I'll confess that at times I was stretching while in the PF. My bad. I didn't think that it would be a big issue. I now realise that the high bell pressure combined with the high pulling force didn't help my situation. Mind you, I wasn't doing this at the time of my injury.

Do you ever warm up the glans (somehow) prior to entering the PF???

You mentioned that you wear a Silisleeve while in the PF (also noted in your picture). I have two questions relating to this method. Firstly, does it affect your girth results while using the PF? I seem to get decent girth results using the PF (probably because it pulls sideways) and want to keep that going. Secondly, when I started using the PF I found that I lost suction unless I shaved my shaft (down to the base). Whilst this is not a big deal, I then have to ensure I'm cleanly shaven just prior to doing the business with the Mrs, otherwise I'm way too "spikey" due to hair re-growth. That can be a bit annoying and possibly kill the mode if something a bit spontaneous were to occur. If I was to use the Silisleeve with the PF will I still need to shave or does the sleeve sort out any potential air leaks??? Not having to shave might be better unless someone can suggest a miracle hair removal process. I don't mind the shaved feel (or look) but my other half hates the regrowth.

Also, you mentioned that you went back to the medium bell. That's probably something I should do once I start back. Were you nervous about starting back given what happened to you? I'm a bit worried about it (to be honest) and I'm freaking out a bit over the possibility of a repeat issue. Do you find (even with low bell pressure) that after a few consecutive sessions your head gets too big for the medium bell. If so, what do you do to fit back in it? Is that the time to switch to the large bell???

Sorry about all of the questions but this is uncharted territory for me.


Yeah thanks for the reminder mate, but I've already placed an order!!! Did it straight after my last post. I like to support people and forums (like this one) who help me. Win/win for everyone! ?

On its way is a Silisleeve pack along various ring packs. Once I give the sleeves a try and work out the best fit and order spares too. I'll also give the Silicap (is that the right name?) a go but I'm not sure how that will go in the PF. On one hand I want to give as much protection the the glans as possible (after what happened), but on the other hand like the idea of keeping an eye on things too.

I'll let the forum know how it all works out.

The exchange rate from USD to AUD is really poor at the moment so I ordered what I could this time around (about $230 worth Australian). I'll definitely be back for more. It's an impressive store and collection of items to assist in the our PE journey.

Thanks DLD. ?
A little apprehension first session(s) back is normal but you'll be fine.

I don't warm up other than going a little easier on the intensity on the first set of stretches, I usually have my morning shower, stretch and then into the pf for the day so I guess the hot water in the shower if you want to count that?

I also keep everything neat and trim but even if i had hair having the sleeve on gives a smooth surface to roll the phallosan condom onto and as both pieces are silicon they 'stick' together quite well, giving a more solid seal at a lower pumped pressure (the recommended 3 - 5) so see how you go, let the hair grow out a bit and see how that works, i don't think the silisleeve will move, they hug pretty tightly. Worse case scenario is you have to keep a more regular grooming schedule if required.

You probably don't want to hear this but I have never had a measurable difference in girth from using the pf, I do get that after use temporary plumpness and everything does feel 'beefier' all round but I just attribute that to a better blood flow from the exercise being applied, the tape measure keeps telling me the same story though (sigh). I only ever measure girth by MEG (mid shaft erect girth) or flaccid but flaccid changes with the weather so I don't pay much mind to that.

I do find the head gets a bit snug in the medium bell at times, not an issue while wearing but taking the bell off is a slow slide as opposed to just taking it off quickly, I just press the glans between the heels of my palms to squish it down before I get back in, I could use the larger bell, but that was also when I found I had the skin peeling issues ? try it out for yourself, just use the medium bell for a week or two and see how that sits, then try using the two different sizes for the same time and see the difference, was it better? Worse? You'll find what works the best for you.
Hello Gents

Further to my email above, as part of the healing process(?) I have noticed a small but sharp pain in the head of my unit. It is intermittent and on a pain scale of 1 to 10 it's about a 4 or 5. Not crippling but noticeable. It only lasts for a second (if that) and then disappears. I can sometimes bring it on with a kegel. The head of my unit looks a bit sore and possibly slightly bruised but overall it isn't really sore to touch.

Any ideas on what this pain might be from exactly? As said it isn't there all the time and comes/goes randomly. I found doing a light massage with a bit of oil seemed to ease the frequency. Not sure if it is nerve related. Really weird feeling. Voorhees did you get anything like this when you were healing?

Oddly enough it doesn't seem to be directly at the injury site but more off to the side of the head.

It's a slightly uneasy feeling. I thought I only had to contend with healing the skin/tissue but now there's something else that has only started in the past 24 hours.

Any advice or thoughts on this would appreciated. I am hoping it is nothing serious and might be part of the healing process.

I can still function in all manner of "normal" activities (urination, erection, ejaculation etc) and none of this seems to cause any problems. I just seem to get the feeling when flaccid.

I'm totally bummed out by all of this. I was going really well and now I've hit a brick wall. Also very nervous about when and how to start back given this situation.
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Strangley enough, no. The feeling was there for around 24 to 48 hours and has now disappeared. Weird. Still, no complaints as I'm glad the feeling has gone. Had me a bit worried. At a guess it was (somehow) nerve related and possibly part of the healing process.
Strangley enough, no. The feeling was there for around 24 to 48 hours and has now disappeared. Weird. Still, no complaints as I'm glad the feeling has gone. Had me a bit worried. At a guess it was (somehow) nerve related and possibly part of the healing process.

I’ve had this feeling before and it goes away rather quickly. It feels like itch almost in the head. Light Massage is helpful. Also if you are restricting bloodflow be sure to squeeze all the blood out of your head before strapping into any device to prevent this in the future.

It actually felt more like a stabbing pain to me, but I would imagine it might feel different for everyone. Also, I don't understand the idea of squeezing the blood out of your head as I thought the idea was to keep the blood flow going?
I was just reading on another Board on MoS that some poor bugger had multiple blood blisters (although this was mainly from some form of pumping) over and over again. I don't want my blister to reoccur (even though it wasn't a blood blister). How does one know (other than the look) that it's time to start back? Its been a bit over a week and the blister has gone, new skin is taking nicely to the area but you can still tell the location of the blister (to some degree).

Nervous as hell. Not sure when will be the right time but I'm definitely giving things at least two weeks. I'm keen to get back into the swing of things but don't want to stuff things up. I don't doubt the folks at PF know about this issue (but don't actaully admit to it). I guess that's why they push the use of their cap, but I am planning on giving the Silicap a crack. Just worried that won't be able to see under it if there is an issue.

It actually felt more like a stabbing pain to me, but I would imagine it might feel different for everyone. Also, I don't understand the idea of squeezing the blood out of your head as I thought the idea was to keep the blood flow going?

If there is too much blood in your head it’s going to cause a blister. So it’s always best to squeeze all the blood out before strapping in.
Continuing on with my story..............................

I received my Silisleeves today. I tried them on and now have some questions.

Firstly, I ordered the long sleeve pack with a Silicap. I haven't tried the Silicap as yet, but i gave both the sleeves a try. Feels a bit odd when fitted but also kinda nice. I found the large to be ok but maybe slightly too loose. I found the smaller one to be a much better fit but it almost felt too tight. The only issue I have with them is that when wearing the smaller one for a period of time I feel that the head of my unit might be a bit on the cold side. I don't notice any loss of colour so I gather that blood flow is still ok. Does this mean that the sleeve is too tight? I would like to wear it as I sleep (and also work) but want to ensure it doesn't cause circulation issues when sleeping. What are the thoughts and comments from others?

I also tend to get a bit sore (after about 30mins) around the loose skin between my unit and scrotum skin. Is this normal? In the small sleeve I also struggle to "deploy" the entire sleeve with about 1cm of length folded over at the base of my unit. Does anyone else experience these type of issues?

I also tried the Silisleeve with the PF for the first time since my injury. The fit was really snug and at first I thought the whole thing was a match made in heaven. I was wrong about that (I think). As said, the fit was super snug. I was able to get a good vacuum with only 3 to 4 pumps and my head seemed ok. I then fitted the PF and went about my evening. Much to my surprise, when I checked on my unit (after around 30mins) the head of my unit was a very dark red colour. This suggested that blood was getting in but not back out. Correct? Has anyone seen this issue? I removed the PF and the blood flow returned to normal almost immediately (within about 30secs). I tried the Silisleeve both ways to see if the raised end had anything to do with the lack of blood flow but it made no difference. I want to ensure that if I was to use this combo then it doesn't cause a blood blister.

What am I doing wrong? Is the Silisleeve too tight for use with the PF??? Voorhees, I saw that you use the Silisleeve with the PF. Do you get this issue??? Which way does one try the raised end of the Silisleeve?

Thank you all.
I use the thick end behind the glans. The sleeve will stretch out with use and not feel like it's strangling you after a few sessions, you are doing the right thing in monitoring it, always have to check when using anything new, I have also had that darkened colouring happen, always the first session or two back, go super light for the first couple sessions and let yourself readjust to the device, hang out in the green zone, that dark colouring is coming from too much force being placed on the glans either by pumping too much or the belt being too tight or both.

Ignoring that dark colouring can lead to bruising which is not a fun time, best to avoid that, I've been down that road because after a few weeks off I picked up at the exact same intensity I was using beforehand, and kind of went, "meh, it will be all good," and ended up having to take a further break as things were too sore after and the bruising looks pretty ordinary ?

Troubleshooting tips? Try less pumps on the bellows, seriously, give it a try. I can get away with 1 to 2 pumps and it's solid.

Try this. When you are first putting yourself into the bell and rolling the phallosan condom onto your shaft (silisleeve), when it first makes contact, hold it there, pump 1 full pump of the bellows and then continue rolling the sleeve down, you should only need 1 more pump maybe 1.5 pumps max, lock it across and you are good, seriously. One thing I've had to remember is that the pf is for training length and as long as I'm not slipping out of it or my head isn't compacting in to s point where it would fold into the silisleeve when tension is applied, then I'm set and the device is performing its function and i don't need more pumps/pressure the bell. Head expansion was a happy side effect but trying to chase that lead to problems similar to the stuff you are also experiencing.

As with the irritation at the base of the silisleeve, that's going to occur as the sleeve isn't flush against that type of bunched up skin. Possibly try using a little baby powder on the area, can be a bit messy though. May have to cut it a tad shorter so it doesn't go down that far.

Anyway, give it a go, if things are still not quite there, we shall try another angle til it gets sorted ?
I use the thick end behind the glans. The sleeve will stretch out with use and not feel like it's strangling you after a few sessions, you are doing the right thing in monitoring it, always have to check when using anything new, I have also had that darkened colouring happen, always the first session or two back, go super light for the first couple sessions and let yourself readjust to the device, hang out in the green zone, that dark colouring is coming from too much force being placed on the glans either by pumping too much or the belt being too tight or both.

Ignoring that dark colouring can lead to bruising which is not a fun time, best to avoid that, I've been down that road because after a few weeks off I picked up at the exact same intensity I was using beforehand, and kind of went, "meh, it will be all good," and ended up having to take a further break as things were too sore after and the bruising looks pretty ordinary ?

Troubleshooting tips? Try less pumps on the bellows, seriously, give it a try. I can get away with 1 to 2 pumps and it's solid.

Try this. When you are first putting yourself into the bell and rolling the phallosan condom onto your shaft (silisleeve), when it first makes contact, hold it there, pump 1 full pump of the bellows and then continue rolling the sleeve down, you should only need 1 more pump maybe 1.5 pumps max, lock it across and you are good, seriously. One thing I've had to remember is that the pf is for training length and as long as I'm not slipping out of it or my head isn't compacting in to s point where it would fold into the silisleeve when tension is applied, then I'm set and the device is performing its function and i don't need more pumps/pressure the bell. Head expansion was a happy side effect but trying to chase that lead to problems similar to the stuff you are also experiencing.

As with the irritation at the base of the silisleeve, that's going to occur as the sleeve isn't flush against that type of bunched up skin. Possibly try using a little baby powder on the area, can be a bit messy though. May have to cut it a tad shorter so it doesn't go down that far.

Anyway, give it a go, if things are still not quite there, we shall try another angle til it gets sorted ?

Excellent post!
Thanks Voorhees. I really appreciate the detailed reply and assistance.

I'm still working on it and experimenting. Even with just one or two pumps I do get a great seal, but despite this and dramatically reducing my belt tension, the head of my unit is still turning a nasty deep red/purple colour after about 15mins. This happened with both sizes of the Silisleeve. I also tried rotating the sleeves and put the thick end/bump at the base of my unit (not behind the glans) but the result was the same.

Maybe I haven't reduced my belt tension enough as yet but it does seem that the sleeves (although giving a brillant seal) tend to restrict blood flow too much when used in conjunction with the PF. It almost works too well in terms of a seal. You almost don't need to pump at all.

Another idea I had was to maybe take the Silicap and cut the end off it to take it down just under the glans. The cap seems a bit thinner than the sleeves so this might help with a good seal, prevent the lumpy donut effect and allow me to monitor my glans. I tried the Silicap in the conventional manner but this didn't seem to work too well and I also can't monitor my glans or gauge bell pressure and/or loss of suction.

Currently I'm wearing the PF with no other items/devices. It is ok, but because I am not cleanly shaven I lose suction every so often. I'm ok with that though (at least for now) as I want to avoid any overly excessive vacuum situations.

I'll keep you and the forum posted regarding progress and results.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the update my brother sounds like things are going pretty good.
Thanks DLD.

Things are slowly progressing in the right direction.

I found (after much experimenting) that I couldn't seem to use the Silisleeves with the PF as it created the "perfect storm" in terms of a vacuum.

I then cut the head off a Silicap (sorry DLD, I hope you don't think I'm hacking up your inventions). Awesome materials and inventions at MoS, I just have to modify it to suit my body.

I put the Silicap down just under the glans to use as a point of contact for the PF. This (so far) has worked perfectly. I think the combination of using the thinner Silicap along with the PF seems to be the best fit (at least for me). I still get an amazing grip from the Silicap and also great suction when combined with the PF, but I just don't get the dark purple head (thank God). So I think this is the best solution and I will continue with this approach for the foreseeable future.

I'm taking things rather slow at the moment (don't want a repeat of the issue).

Using the (modified) Silicap along with the PF allows for me to stay unshaven. Although I don't really mind shaving, it is a bit inconvenient. It does take up valuable time and occasionally I would also get an ingrown hair that created havoc in that zone. Also (and probably most importantly) if I was to shave, then after a few days the regrowth felt like needles if the Mrs wanted some special time. Not good if you are wanting to be a bit spontaneous but have to shave first.

Yeh thanks Voorhees. I really appreciate all of your advice and encouragement.

I'll keep updating this thread so it becomes a record for others in the event they suffer the same issue. I also think it helps me to write out my issues, concerns, thoughts and solutions (and hear from others like yourself). It seems to be somewhat therapeutic because in my opinion this is as much about the psychological side of things in addition to the physiological side of things.

Thanks again mate.
Thanks DLD.

Things are slowly progressing in the right direction.

I found (after much experimenting) that I couldn't seem to use the Silisleeves with the PF as it created the "perfect storm" in terms of a vacuum.

I then cut the head off a Silicap (sorry DLD, I hope you don't think I'm hacking up your inventions). Awesome materials and inventions at MoS, I just have to modify it to suit my body.

I put the Silicap down just under the glans to use as a point of contact for the PF. This (so far) has worked perfectly. I think the combination of using the thinner Silicap along with the PF seems to be the best fit (at least for me). I still get an amazing grip from the Silicap and also great suction when combined with the PF, but I just don't get the dark purple head (thank God). So I think this is the best solution and I will continue with this approach for the foreseeable future.

I'm taking things rather slow at the moment (don't want a repeat of the issue).

Using the (modified) Silicap along with the PF allows for me to stay unshaven. Although I don't really mind shaving, it is a bit inconvenient. It does take up valuable time and occasionally I would also get an ingrown hair that created havoc in that zone. Also (and probably most importantly) if I was to shave, then after a few days the regrowth felt like needles if the Mrs wanted some special time. Not good if you are wanting to be a bit spontaneous but have to shave first.

Say it all the time and I’ll say it again necessity is the mother of all invention! I’m very proud of you for not becoming discouraged but seeing this as a blessing instead of something bad. Having that type of mentality always gives you a proper perspective on all things you may need.
Thanks DLD. I appreciate your words of wisdom and encouragement.

What a great community you have built here at MoS. I'm so lucky to be a part of it.
Thanks DLD. I appreciate your words of wisdom and encouragement.

What a great community you have built here at MoS. I'm so lucky to be a part of it.

I love the brotherhood to my friend it is a wonderful community that does so much for each other. I’m very proud to have you as a brother.
Thank you DLD. You are very kind and welcoming. As said, I feel very lucky to be part of this wonderful community.

Thank you brother!!!
Just a short update.

Things are going very well using the modified Silicap. So well in fact, that intend to order more (always good to have spares!). When having a break from the PF/Silicap I then jump into a Silisleeve and this keeps me stretched. Great feeling.

I'll keep posting to this thread as I progress.

I want to thank Voorhees for his help and inspiration to use something like the Silicap. Even with it modified, I cannot take credit for his initial creation and wisdom.

You are a total legend and genius Voorhees. Thanks mate.
Just a short update.

Things are going very well using the modified Silicap. So well in fact, that intend to order more (always good to have spares!). When having a break from the PF/Silicap I then jump into a Silisleeve and this keeps me stretched. Great feeling.

I'll keep posting to this thread as I progress.

I want to thank Voorhees for his help and inspiration to use something like the Silicap. Even with it modified, I cannot take credit for his initial creation and wisdom.

You are a total legend and genius Voorhees. Thanks mate.

Do you like me to change the name of the thread to a progress thread?
Haha thanks my dude but that credit goes to lightning & DLD for the products and yourself for being creative and finding what works for you ?

You have given me an idea for another use of the silicaps laying around my bathroom unused though, will report back after I try it out ?
@DLD Yes thank you. That might be appropriate given that it seems to have morphed into more of a progress report rather than a specific topic.

@Voorhees OK mate. I'm sure that you, DLD and Lightning are all part of the collective wisdom that makes up this great forum. I'm extremely greatful to all of you. Let us know how you get on with the new idea. I'll be ordering more Silicaps shortly. Thanks mate.
Haha thanks my dude but that credit goes to lightning & DLD for the products and yourself for being creative and finding what works for you ?

You have given me an idea for another use of the silicaps laying around my bathroom unused though, will report back after I try it out ?

?? thanks ❤️
Hello DLD, my 1cm blood blister has healed, it has been about 3 weeks, is it to soon to go back to hanging with a bib? Not sure if skin has thicken up enough yet, How much should I hang I can comfortably hang ten pounds but can hang 20 pounds. ??
Hello DLD, my 1cm blood blister has healed, it has been about 3 weeks, is it to soon to go back to hanging with a bib? Not sure if skin has thicken up enough yet, How much should I hang I can comfortably hang ten pounds but can hang 20 pounds. ??

then you’re all set to go back to work. I would ease into it maybe start with 5 pounds and make your way up 5 pounds at a time till you hit 20. Thanks for taking my advice and taking that time off to save you a lot of scarring.
Thanks for the reply, how long would you recommend I hang with the 5 pounds per day? How long before I increase 5 pounds? Or personal preference???
Thanks for the reply, how long would you recommend I hang with the 5 pounds per day? How long before I increase 5 pounds? Or personal preference???

I would try to add 1 pound each week until you get 10 pounds. At that point you can stay there for a few weeks before performing the same cycle.
Thanks for your advice, when should I start using bathmats again then? It has been a month since my blood blister as healed over from the LG hanger, Smashed and thrown in bin, the 5th time has happened.??
Just hanged the 5 pounds for 20 minutes then 10 minutes then 20 minutes, where the blood blister healed there is a bit of darker colour coming through, but faint hardly anything though, but this blood blister is same place 5 times, so skin is quite thinner, should I leave the hanging for some months l? Maybe try the bathmate? edit update, maybe was just redder there and not going darker as it is kinda scar where the blood blister is healing!
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Just hanged the 5 pounds for 20 minutes then 10 minutes then 20 minutes, where the blood blister healed there is a bit of darker colour coming through, but faint hardly anything though, but this blood blister is same place 5 times, so skin is quite thinner, should I leave the hanging for some months l? Maybe try the bathmate? edit update, maybe was just redder there and not going darker as it is kinda scar where the blood blister is healing!

Did you pop it?