Complete Newbie


New member
Hello guys, Young Here. I'm a complete newbie when it comes to PE and i would like to ask some things, every help will be appreciated.

Soo basicly, i am 185cm tall 115Kg about 30% bodyfat and i have a 18.5cm BPEL 16.5cm EG and 13cm girth.

My main issue is having a hard rock erection, i having some problems with adult entertainment addiction too.

And i wanted to start a routine to try reaching 20cm BPEL 18/19 EG and 15 girth until the end of the year. (Don't know if its possible, please let me know a safe goal)

I checked some posts here and mostly off are from advanced members and i didn't undestand well. About Hydro Pumps or using a toll, i really can't buy it right now. So by now i would love to start a routine that can reach that goal if it is possible. But i don't know what do do exacly, soo if someone can recomend me some routine or some post to check and do my own. And kegel too, looks like is a good exercice.

Overall, i want to improve my health and have some gains too. I'm new here but already felt at home, seeing the posts from the newcomers and everyone having a great reception. Any tips/help is very appreciated.

I'm not 100% fluent in English, so maybe I didn't express myself that well, but I think that's generally true. Thanks guys
Hello guys, Young Here. I'm a complete newbie when it comes to PE and i would like to ask some things, every help will be appreciated.

Soo basicly, i am 185cm tall 115Kg about 30% bodyfat and i have a 18.5cm BPEL 16.5cm EG and 13cm girth.

My main issue is having a hard rock erection, i having some problems with �naked people movies� addiction too.

And i wanted to start a routine to try reaching 20cm BPEL 18/19 EG and 15 girth until the end of the year. (Don't know if its possible, please let me know a safe goal)

I checked some posts here and mostly off are from advanced members and i didn't undestand well. About Hydro Pumps or using a toll, i really can't buy it right now. So by now i would love to start a routine that can reach that goal if it is possible. But i don't know what do do exacly, soo if someone can recomend me some routine or some post to check and do my own. And kegel too, looks like is a good exercice.

Overall, i want to improve my health and have some gains too. I'm new here but already felt at home, seeing the posts from the newcomers and everyone having a great reception. Any tips/help is very appreciated.

I'm not 100% fluent in English, so maybe I didn't express myself that well, but I think that's generally true. Thanks guys
Your best bet is going with the 5x5x3. This will bring the greatest growth. Have a read through and watch the videos
Welcome brother. You can start with manual work for now and increase intensity right after. Read through the SRT guides first see if you can understand it all. Once you understand what needs to be done, start slowly. It will take a month to get conditioned as you slowly increase in intensities. Don't rush. Understand things first.

Check out the video guides under the Media section. You will have all the info you need. If there is unclear info, ask questions. Lots and lots of questions.
Welcome brother. You can start with manual work for now and increase intensity right after. Read through the SRT guides first see if you can understand it all. Once you understand what needs to be done, start slowly. It will take a month to get conditioned as you slowly increase in intensities. Don't rush. Understand things first.

Check out the video guides under the Media section. You will have all the info you need. If there is unclear info, ask questions. Lots and lots of questions.
So by now, start undestanding how everthing works, slowing doing manual and after some months of learning/experience begin a more intense routine? Can i take some things from SRT Girth and SRT? Another thing that i was looking is that should i have a orgasm before doing the exercices? And do it hard or no?

And Kegel? I tried to find something about it here, but only find kegel while pump, should i do it before the exercices? How it works?
So by now, start undestanding how everthing works, slowing doing manual and after some months of learning/experience begin a more intense routine? Can i take some things from SRT Girth and SRT? Another thing that i was looking is that should i have a orgasm before doing the exercices? And do it hard or no?

And Kegel? I tried to find something about it here, but only find kegel while pump, should i do it before the exercices? How it works?
And Thanks to Haursen, odlandlively and DLD for helping, i will try to make a routine and will share here, probably i will document my progress too.
So by now, start undestanding how everthing works, slowing doing manual and after some months of learning/experience begin a more intense routine?
Yes. Progressive intensities allows your body to adjust as it grows. Those who jumps into the routines with too heavy and high level of intensities hurt themselves. I have to restart my sessions at lower intensities after each reset and allow a week to 2 weeks of readjustments.

Can i take some things from SRT Girth and SRT?
After the preconditioning from the newbie routines to program your penis during the adjustment periods, we suggest you to try 4 to 5 items on the menu and max out the intensities for each item. That normally takes around 2 to 3 months before the body starts to adapt to the routine from the items. Switch it up with different workout menu items to prevent the body from adapting. For me, I switch 1 menu items in every other month, causing her body to do am instinctive reset because something is new added to the trauma. At times, I also tricked the body to do a full reset by using a different set of menu items after 2 or 3 days of rest. The body can't keep up with the readjustments on the menu items for the routines. This is how you grow faster and prevent an early state of plateau from kicking in. Plateaus are points where your body stops growing and need a reset break time and switching of routine items.

Another thing that i was looking is that should i have a orgasm before doing the exercices? And do it hard or no?
If you are doing length, it can help. For me, I don't do it for length or girth. Why, I disciplined myself to shut down my horniness while doing length. If you can't seem to train your mind to shut down, either train yourself to have partial orgasm (dry orgasm which ultimately allow you to have climaxes yourself and last hours for sex) or small load release. Too much release of oxytocin and the euphoric endorphins after ejaculation will reduce the needed blood flow.

And Kegel?
For a healthy male, ease up on the kegels. We do hundreds to thousands of kegels by instinct each day. Limit to around 120 short 1 second kegels during each session, and max of 60 or so long 5 seconds kegels for pelvic floor reinforcement. Too much can cause pelvic floor lock up.

I tried to find something about it here, but only find kegel while pump, should i do it before the exercices? How it works?
Only during the sessions to promote blood flow and max out the expansion internal pressure for girth. Those who do extreme kegel exercises are already long time veteran that discovered pelvic floor exercises help induce blood flow to the penis. They are special cases due to thick or dense build up tissues. Think of a body builder that already maxed out his muscles, but want more. There are ways, but their ways are more extreme to get more extreme results after reaching a certain heights. Don't copy them. Not yet anyway.
Soo, a newbie routine, pretty basic for about 2-3 months and start to try some things from SRT?

DLD say on SRT thread "Stretching the penis after an orgasm or when the penis is in a state of complete fatigue I believe it puts the penis in a different physical state than normal and stretching during these times can be extremely productive. After your orgasm the penis will feel more pliable, malleable, stretchable and easier to hold form."

Is why i asked if i should have a orgasm before the session (i think i expressed myself wrong) not that i have a orgasm while doing it. Same for Erection, i should do it while hard or no?
(Now i can't control, but eventually i will be able.) to maximize gains and cement it.

I don't undestand about kegel, should i do around 120 shorts and 60 5 seconds each before my routine? Or it is not necessary to do before?

About resting, train 2 days rest 1? Same for kegel?
Soo, a newbie routine, pretty basic for about 2-3 months and start to try some things from SRT?
Newbie routine for 1 month, and start the SRT right after. 2nd and 3rd month should be light to moderate intensity more than newbie. Newbie is about seeing where you are and how much force you can handle by easing into the pressure, learning the methods, and understanding the tricks. As you near the end of the newbie month, you should be able to grasp the strength and pressure you can exert without hurt yourself. The sensation is always a full achy feeling without the quick sharp pains. Sharp pains mean you overexerting and starting to tear something.
DLD say on SRT thread "Stretching the penis after an orgasm or when the penis is in a state of complete fatigue I believe it puts the penis in a different physical state than normal and stretching during these times can be extremely productive. After your orgasm the penis will feel more pliable, malleable, stretchable and easier to hold form."
The orgasm is to prevent the tissues from fighting back by going into erect state. Loosen tissues is the key to prevent heavy tears. If you can maintain tissue relaxation without getting and erection, you are golden without having to get into an orgasm. Touching yourself during PE causes your penis to react to the sensation.

Is why i asked if i should have a orgasm before the session (i think i expressed myself wrong) not that i have a orgasm while doing it. Same for Erection, i should do it while hard or no?
For length routines, no. For girth routine, yes.

(Now i can't control, but eventually i will be able.) to maximize gains and cement it.

I don't undestand about kegel, should i do around 120 shorts and 60 5 seconds each before my routine? Or it is not necessary to do before?
Kegel is best to perform during girth routine. It's best to perform the post length routine to get blood into the penis. Hope that explains it further.

About resting, train 2 days rest 1? Same for kegel?
Try 2 days on, and 1 day off. If your penis doesn't feel tired, push for 3 days on, 2 day off. Once your conditioning is good, some brothers go as far as 5 days on and 1 day off. Same for kegels.
Newbie routine for 1 month, and start the SRT right after. 2nd and 3rd month should be light to moderate intensity more than newbie. Newbie is about seeing where you are and how much force you can handle by easing into the pressure, learning the methods, and understanding the tricks. As you near the end of the newbie month, you should be able to grasp the strength and pressure you can exert without hurt yourself. The sensation is always a full achy feeling without the quick sharp pains. Sharp pains mean you overexerting and starting to tear something.

The orgasm is to prevent the tissues from fighting back by going into erect state. Loosen tissues is the key to prevent heavy tears. If you can maintain tissue relaxation without getting and erection, you are golden without having to get into an orgasm. Touching yourself during PE causes your penis to react to the sensation.

For length routines, no. For girth routine, yes.

Kegel is best to perform during girth routine. It's best to perform the post length routine to get blood into the penis. Hope that explains it further.

Try 2 days on, and 1 day off. If your penis doesn't feel tired, push for 3 days on, 2 day off. Once your conditioning is good, some brothers go as far as 5 days on and 1 day off. Same for kegels.
That's it! Start with newbie routine and move into SRT within a month or 2
Back here guys, in some days i will start the newbie routine soo.

But i had some issues and i would like to see another opnion.

I went to the urologist this Tuesday because I had pain in my testicles from Thursday to Friday and Saturday, and because I had some spongy balls right under both testicles. And I was worried, he said it was an infection, however he didn't ask for any additional tests and recommended antibiotics. I haven't had testicle pain since Monday. What do you think of my case?

I also had the opportunity to ask about jelquing, and he had never heard of it, I found it very strange but at first he said I could do it, but after reading a little more he said that micro lesions can cause peyrone.

How can I increase the health of my penis and testicles? And how can I not have problems while doing my routine?
Yes. Progressive intensities allows your body to adjust as it grows. Those who jumps into the routines with too heavy and high level of intensities hurt themselves. I have to restart my sessions at lower intensities after each reset and allow a week to 2 weeks of readjustments.

After the preconditioning from the newbie routines to program your penis during the adjustment periods, we suggest you to try 4 to 5 items on the menu and max out the intensities for each item. That normally takes around 2 to 3 months before the body starts to adapt to the routine from the items. Switch it up with different workout menu items to prevent the body from adapting. For me, I switch 1 menu items in every other month, causing her body to do am instinctive reset because something is new added to the trauma. At times, I also tricked the body to do a full reset by using a different set of menu items after 2 or 3 days of rest. The body can't keep up with the readjustments on the menu items for the routines. This is how you grow faster and prevent an early state of plateau from kicking in. Plateaus are points where your body stops growing and need a reset break time and switching of routine items.

If you are doing length, it can help. For me, I don't do it for length or girth. Why, I disciplined myself to shut down my horniness while doing length. If you can't seem to train your mind to shut down, either train yourself to have partial orgasm (dry orgasm which ultimately allow you to have climaxes yourself and last hours for sex) or small load release. Too much release of oxytocin and the euphoric endorphins after ejaculation will reduce the needed blood flow.

For a healthy male, ease up on the kegels. We do hundreds to thousands of kegels by instinct each day. Limit to around 120 short 1 second kegels during each session, and max of 60 or so long 5 seconds kegels for pelvic floor reinforcement. Too much can cause pelvic floor lock up.

Only during the sessions to promote blood flow and max out the expansion internal pressure for girth. Those who do extreme kegel exercises are already long time veteran that discovered pelvic floor exercises help induce blood flow to the penis. They are special cases due to thick or dense build up tissues. Think of a body builder that already maxed out his muscles, but want more. There are ways, but their ways are more extreme to get more extreme results after reaching a certain heights. Don't copy them. Not yet anyway.
Could you please explain what pelvic floor lock up means? Thx
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Could you please explain what pelvic floor lock up means? Thx
Pelvic floor lock up is a worst case scenario when the muscles around the anal and prostate areas tighten up to the point of losing feelings fo excruciating pains. Most lock ups simply cause the penile erection to stop, to mild cases of hard flaccid feelings, or just dead penis.
Pelvic floor lock up is a worst case scenario when the muscles around the anal and prostate areas tighten up to the point of losing feelings fo excruciating pains. Most lock ups simply cause the penile erection to stop, to mild cases of hard flaccid feelings, or just dead penis.
Thank you for your answer
Pelvic floor lock up is a worst case scenario when the muscles around the anal and prostate areas tighten up to the point of losing feelings fo excruciating pains. Most lock ups simply cause the penile erection to stop, to mild cases of hard flaccid feelings, or just dead penis.
Thx M8! To cut a long story short: be careful with overdoing Kegels
I have always done kegels as much as possible. I guess everyone is different
Just one off topic thing. I have known DLD for serveral years now. Either documentations, contributions and explanations in this forum. So it's kinda special now reading direct answers without putting him on a pedastal - just honest respect.
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