While changing stuff, can someone change DLD's rep from "10" to something more realistic ... like 700?
Something about the system has to be broken..
With respect for any dedication and contribution, there are gangs of relative newbs .. like only back to last August, running around high-fiving each other every other time they post something, who have "17's", (much love, as a contrast just sayin') , -- and then there's people still on the rolls with 39 posts ever, and nothing in the last ten years, who have "13's" ... but DLD is somehow locked out at "10", wtf.
There is definitely a metric for auto-adding rep for length (and width?
lol) of membership .. for venerableness [
commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, because of high office or noble character] .. but while this works for other members it -also- doesn't work for Mike.
Like eight or nine years ago I thought "10" was as high as anyone could ever go, cos that's what DLD was at.
And this much later he's still there.
That's across a twelve year
active history, of more than 73,000 posts, by someone whom everybody reveres, and who who pretty much owns the PE field. C'mon, seriously, something's broken.
I saw a thread on this somewhere a few weeks ago, 'been noticing this kind of stuff ever since that, but never got back to it and it's clearly not been resolved. Can it be?