Bundling during weight hanging. Intense session!

Just finished my hanging session few minutes ago, I was with my thoughts and all of a sudden idea came up, what if I bundle dick a bit? Guys I swear to God you are not gonna believe it but bundled weight hanging is just crazy, I am sore and my susp ligs are out BOTH OF THEM. At first when idea came up I was like damn should I go for it I can hurt myself and risk of pausing entire week, but my crasy side of brain just said to me goooo bundle it for fuck sake you are not a piece of glass pussy, so I just grabbed those ends of shoelaces and twisted it, so intense. I do not encourage anybody to do this because it is not recommended thing to do, but guys I am crazy as hell, sometimes devil is facepalming when see me what kinds of things I do lol . I will never stop bundling while hanging...
Awesome then, it is crazy how it works...

I was just talking to lightning last night about bundled stretching and hanging and I was telling him that I invented that exercise back in 2003 and then it did not pick up until 2010 and even at that point not many people were using it. It was when I realized that the Tunica would be stretched by way of bundled work that made all the difference. Bundle stretching became a massive part of SRT and that’s what brought the popularity back. I’m so glad you’re using them and benefiting from them.
I was just talking to lightning last night about bundled stretching and hanging and I was telling him that I invented that exercise back in 2003 and then it did not pick up until 2010 and even at that point not many people were using it. It was when I realized that the Tunica would be stretched by way of bundled work that made all the difference. Bundle stretching became a massive part of SRT and that’s what brought the popularity back. I’m so glad you’re using them and benefiting from them.
Yeah I am using them from the begginng of the journey since 2014 when I was first saw the benefits, plus after 10 minutes of Mandingo stretch my shaft gets thinner and I can stretch far more forward than before MS, so bundling is something I do not skip, hey it puts pressure on tunica, and who is responsible for limiting the stretch? Guess what - Tunica...btw my worst enemy at tjis moment, thats why I am bundling during hanging.
Yeah I am using them from the begginng of the journey since 2014 when I was first saw the benefits, plus after 10 minutes of Mandingo stretch my shaft gets thinner and I can stretch far more forward than before MS, so bundling is something I do not skip, hey it puts pressure on tunica, and who is responsible for limiting the stretch? Guess what - Tunica...btw my worst enemy at tjis moment, thats why I am bundling during hanging.

with bundled stretching the Tunica has no chance. I agree that was limiting factor for many years but since I figured out what bundle stretching does it completely changed the game.
So I was wondering do you wrap your penis with your material while bundled? How many cranks? What type of hanger?
Im using sock hanger, would be good if i had a better than this but it also does a good job.
I do not wrap at all, after session i just put him in my homemade sock ads lol and just keep it in elongated state, checking blood flow, checking with fingers my shaft to see if the tissue is in the semi-stretched position. Going pretty well
Im using sock hanger, would be good if i had a better than this but it also does a good job.
I do not wrap at all, after session i just put him in my homemade sock ads LOL and just keep it in elongated state, checking blood flow, checking with fingers my shaft to see if the tissue is in the semi-stretched position. Going pretty well

That works as well. How do you perform a bundled stretch while hanging though?
It does change the game a lot, if i stretch without bundling, dude I need an hour to start feeling the fatigue, good to have you bro with those ideas

Thank you my brother and I thank you for using these techniques as it makes me feel good about coming up with them
Just finished my hanging session few minutes ago, I was with my thoughts and all of a sudden idea came up, what if I bundle dick a bit? Guys I swear to God you are not gonna believe it but bundled weight hanging is just crazy, I am sore and my susp ligs are out BOTH OF THEM. At first when idea came up I was like damn should I go for it I can hurt myself and risk of pausing entire week, but my crasy side of brain just said to me goooo bundle it for fuck sake you are not a piece of glass pussy, so I just grabbed those ends of shoelaces and twisted it, so intense. I do not encourage anybody to do this because it is not recommended thing to do, but guys I am crazy as hell, sometimes devil is facepalming when see me what kinds of things I do LOL . I will never stop bundling while hanging...

I can’t gain for shit and added bundled at 5lbs now up to 6. ..3 weeks in and still no gains.
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I can’t gain for shit and added bundled at 5lbs now up to 6. ..3 weeks in and still no gains.
We need to find out what’s happening because you should be gaining. What is your exact routine right now including time? We will work with you my brother until you are making gains.
So you think after 3 weeks of bundled at 5lbs I should’ve gained?

I’ve been hanging with the lg hanger for about a year and and a half now. I had never gained anything and had some issues like small amount of blood coming out urethra so gave it a rest. Came back with some conditioning work and slowly started hanging again at 5lbs for 2 weeks adding a pound every week or two

It’s now been about 10 weeks in. I’m at 8.5lbs and do Bundled also now for 3 weeks. My routine is as follows which I only started for a few weeks:

1st session
5lbs 5 minutes sd warm up
6.5lbs 1/2 turn right 10 minytes
6.5lbs full turn right 10 minutes
(Repeat above for other direction)
8.5lbs btc 20 minutes

2nd session
8.5lbs btc 30-40 minutes
7.5lbs btc 10 minutes
6.5lbs btc 5 minutes

Jelqs, kegals and reverse kegals. Edging

I do 3 days on 1 off, 2 on 1 off

I like this routine and feel a great stretch.

I don’t know how it’s possible but lately seems my non bone pressed is a slight larger but my bone pressed is the same. Maybe it’s a mistake with ruler or maybe better eq when measuring nbpel and I’m actually gaining weight as it’s the end of summer.

This is all my info. Hope you can help me to lead to gains. I’ve been on pegym for years and get no advice ever really.

I’ve hung with the bib in past and used penimaster pro as well as bathmate and did manuals and clamping.

I think I gained slightly in length and girth throughout my years of pe but as of the last couple years haven’t gained anything. I really really want to gain a little bit of length. Please help. Thank you
I think the first thing we should do is completely stop training and reset everything. After a week I would return to the newbie routine to find and build a solid foundation. From here we can build up your routine. Sometimes people need more training and sometimes people need less but this test will tell me which kind of person you are and we could work from scratch. If this sounds good let’s make it happen
I recently stopped training for a few weeks and came back with only kegals, reverse kegals and edging. I added some jelqing after wards. Did that for maybe a couple months and wasn’t doing anything and I went back into hanging but lightly and started over.

I’m all for this and will follow your lead. But can I first continue to give this routine with bundled a chance to see if it leads to any gains? I wanted to give it about another month and work up to 8lbs bundled hanging. I just started it out and it feels like a great stretch. If it doesn’t lead to anything then I will begin with your guidance if that’s ok with you. Unless you see a huge flaw in my current routine.
I recently stopped training for a few weeks and came back with only kegals, reverse kegals and edging. I added some jelqing after wards. Did that for maybe a couple months and wasn’t doing anything and I went back into hanging but lightly and started over.

I’m all for this and will follow your lead. But can I first continue to give this routine with bundled a chance to see if it leads to any gains? I wanted to give it about another month and work up to 8lbs bundled hanging. I just started it out and it feels like a great stretch. If it doesn’t lead to anything then I will begin with your guidance if that’s ok with you. Unless you see a huge flaw in my current routine.

By all means give it a good chance and we can work out things later when you know better. So work with your bundles for a little while longer and keep a good eye things. Bundles are truly the fastest way to break down the Tunica to make gains both in length and girth much faster. So maybe another 14 days and we can try it then.
hey so I still haven’t really gained. I actually think I have gained an 1/8 of an inch but took this week off and now it seems that 1/8 inch is gone.
I was experiencing what seemed like a good loss of eq. My girth was even suffering which is the only thing I like about myself a bit. But only 4 day’s off and I lost 1/8 in length it seems the girth came back though.
What also was happening was the lg hanger wasn’t holding the air anymore in the chamber which made me believe maybe my glans is so worn out it’s unable to hold so I needed a break.
I’m thinking of starting up again but less weight and time. I have no clue and I’m at a loss. Please help
hey so I still haven’t really gained. I actually think I have gained an 1/8 of an inch but took this week off and now it seems that 1/8 inch is gone.
I was experiencing what seemed like a good loss of eq. My girth was even suffering which is the only thing I like about myself a bit. But only 4 day’s off and I lost 1/8 in length it seems the girth came back though.
What also was happening was the lg hanger wasn’t holding the air anymore in the chamber which made me believe maybe my glans is so worn out it’s unable to hold so I needed a break.
I’m thinking of starting up again but less weight and time. I have no clue and I’m at a loss. Please help
How long have you been doing this routine? Are you mainly interested in gaining length? Is your LG still usable what do you feel that it is time to upgrade? Check out the SS, very good replacement. Do you have any other equipment? Let me know some of these answers and I will help you put a routine together.
I was doing a routine of bundled hanging and btc with the lg hanger. I was up to 14lbs btc which I was feeling a good lig stretch but hanging never worked so I was also splitting the time with btc and bundled. All of a sudden the lg hasn’t been holding air, I think it’s still usable and my glans being so tired was the issue. I was doing this routine for about 3 months.
I also have a bathmate, I have penimaster pro which I don’t like at all and I was clamping also recently to get the girth back. Please if you can help with a routine. I’ve only been making them up as I go
And yes, I’m mainly interested in gaining length. Of course any girth gains is welcomed. I’m normally at 5.75 girth mid shaft and over 6 at the base so I’m not too embarrassed of the girth. The glans narrows out which I hate. My length is 1/8 inch over 7.5 inches when I push extremely hard into the bone. But if I measure non bone pressed it’s only about 6.25 maybe so I’m very embarrassed of it and would love to add anything to it.
Are you mainly interested in gaining length at this point?
What I’ll do for you is I will put a lens exclusive routine together using your LG hanger. I will also give you a manual version in case the LG is unusable. How time can you dedicate each day?
Thank you thank you thank you so much!!!
I always find the time. If you give me something that is way too time consuming maybe I can let you know and ask how to cut it down.
i get One maybe two days off a week from work which I have all the time to do any routine and other than that I can sneak in1.5 to 2 hours during normal days Although it isn’t ideal. I try to always work things around my days off if I can.
Sorry but What’s a lens exclusive routine? How long do you think it will take for you to prepare the routine? Sorry just curios and a bit excited to finally be pointed in the right direction
I’m sorry that was a misspelling, do you want me to put together a length only routine?
Yes please

Awesome! I will get to work on it tonight and hopefully sometime tomorrow I’ll have it up for you. How much time do you have an a day and do you need to split it up to get your PE in?
I can’t split it up. I usually only have 1 window of opportunity to do my pe. I guess I can dedicate an hour and half about to pe in that window
Hour and a half of strictly length is plenty of time. I was looking through all of my workouts and I fell upon a new work out somebody was using and I figured this would be a great routine to take the place of what you’re using now as it will completely make your dick keep guessing and growing. Let me know what you think. He includes the MOSred but you do not have to do that portion is you choose not to.

I don’t have any of these products that are in this routine. You also told me you would make a routine for me so I can use my lg hanger with it and a manual routine in case the lg hanger is useless
Just so I got this straight (I write many routines every day so I can get list). You want an all length routine incorporating your LG. You need this to be in under 1 hour?
You want to start every single session doing bundled stretches before you start. Bundled stretching will pre-stretch your Tunica and allow you to take up much more size when it’s training.

5 minutes Bundled Stretches
2.5 minutes to the left, 2.5 minutes to the right.

next we will work in the expressive stretching which is pulling internal penis out from your body making it visual.

Expressive Stretching
Grip your penis at the extreme base and stretch forward from there. You should do five sets of 60 seconds.

LG Hanger use if still possible. Wear one hour at heaviest intensity you can handle. From there you will want to keep yourself elongated by either staying in your LG for as much time as possible during the day at a moderate setting. Or you could choose other ways to heal like sleeves or Ace.

Is the LG is no longer usable continue with these exercises below.

Basic Stretching

5 minutes of Bundled Stretching before Length Routine and girth work

Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

5 minutes of DLD Sock Stretches

5 minutes DLD Foot Long Stretches

5 minutes DLD Expressive Stretching

5 minutes Erect Stretches

Finish off this session doing the testicle health massage and stretch sound in the newbie routine.
Hey quick question. I mentioned the lg wasn’t holding air but I really don’t think it’s the lg that’s the issue. I’m afraid of having some kind of injury but I think my glans isn’t able to hold the air and so the glans is getting squished in the chamber. I can pull on the chamber and watch my glans look like an accordion. I pump air again but it never holds anymore. I also feel like my top part of glans is very soft and a bit weak. I took about 2 weeks off and went back to lg hanging 8lbs and it had same issue and this time I had a lot of bursted capillaries. I start googling and get scared I have a venious leak. My erection seemed fine although glans still feels soft and I’m able to kegal. Measurements seemed good. Don’t know why I feel so soft and like my flaccid is very flexible. I even started thinking positive that maybe the tunica is finally getting stretched or weaker so it could stretch. Kind of concerned though and not sure if I should be
Nice routine. Would I do bundled stretches 2.5 minutes straight for each side or in sets of 30 seconds say? Also wouldnt expressive stretching pull mostly skin? I’d have to look up the other stretches too. As per last post my glans is having issues using the lg right now. Might even take another week off from training and do only kegals and jelqs to see if maybe I need to build up some conditioning.
Why not go with the manual version that I have given you and skip the LG for now? I gave you a very powerful routine and if you follow it you will gain very quickly in length. I guarantee it and I wouldn’t guarantee something if I didn’t believe it would happen. Remember, I gained 2 inches in length inside of six months and this was all with manual stretching until the last six months which helped me get over the mark using the lengthmaster. Girth also was greatly expanded with the Bathmate in the last years.
Why not go with the manual version that I have given you and skip the LG for now?

I wanted to say the same. Manual stretching works waaaay better for me than hanging. Manual work CAN'T be replaced with gear. Gear is OK dont get me wrong, but arms are arms bros...thats the way it is. Since I quit hanging I started to see some changes in length, didnt measure but visually I see something. My hair on base moved slightly forward towards head. My arm is "fuller" and when touching sides at the base I discovered new tissue moved out.
Nice routine. Would I do bundled stretches 2.5 minutes straight for each side or in sets of 30 seconds say? Also wouldnt expressive stretching pull mostly skin? I’d have to look up the other stretches too. As per last post my glans is having issues using the lg right now. Might even take another week off from training and do only kegals and jelqs to see if maybe I need to build up some conditioning.
Just manual stretch bro. I am struggling with length like you and we have same stats tbh.
For me I dont use conventional bundles, I am doing Mandingo Stretch, it is powerful, it is bundle stretch and it is easy to perform and I can hold my dick up to hour in grip. Focus a lot on BTC stretches since they go past your body in "negative" range of motion therefore you get higher stress on ligaments.
Try to support your gripping arm with another arm to intensify stretch (pull stronger), thats what I am doing every time, I dont feel stretch anymore when pulling with one arm I have to use both and it spells magic like goddamn Potter. Dont stress yourself brother. Everytime you get pissed for slow progress, remember brother that there are THOUSANDS of guys with dicks less than 4' who have no clue that PE is possible, YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS POSSIBLE AND YOU ARE BLESSED! You, me, DLD, Mr. Lighting, stillwantmore and thousands of other guys on MoS. Dude we are blessed, maybe sounds silly and pathetic but thats the true...so KEEP CALM AND PULL THAT DICK AWAY BROTHER ???
I wanted to say the same. Manual stretching works waaaay better for me than hanging. Manual work CAN'T be replaced with gear. Gear is OK dont get me wrong, but arms are arms bros...thats the way it is. Since I quit hanging I started to see some changes in length, didnt measure but visually I see something. My hair on base moved slightly forward towards head. My arm is "fuller" and when touching sides at the base I discovered new tissue moved out.

nothing will ever be better than our hands but there are some things that can really help us as far as tools go.
Just manual stretch bro. I am struggling with length like you and we have same stats tbh.
For me I dont use conventional bundles, I am doing Mandingo Stretch, it is powerful, it is bundle stretch and it is easy to perform and I can hold my dick up to hour in grip. Focus a lot on BTC stretches since they go past your body in "negative" range of motion therefore you get higher stress on ligaments.
Try to support your gripping arm with another arm to intensify stretch (pull stronger), thats what I am doing every time, I dont feel stretch anymore when pulling with one arm I have to use both and it spells magic like goddamn Potter. Dont stress yourself brother. Everytime you get pissed for slow progress, remember brother that there are THOUSANDS of guys with dicks less than 4' who have no clue that PE is possible, YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS POSSIBLE AND YOU ARE BLESSED! You, me, DLD, Mr. Lighting, stillwantmore and thousands of other guys on MoS. Dude we are blessed, maybe sounds sili and pathetic but thats the true...so KEEP CALM AND PULL THAT DICK AWAY BROTHER ???

You are blessed my brother as are the rest of the brotherhood!
Im using sock hanger, would be good if i had a better than this but it also does a good job.
I do not wrap at all, after session i just put him in my homemade sock ads lol and just keep it in elongated state, checking blood flow, checking with fingers my shaft to see if the tissue is in the semi-stretched position. Going pretty well

Do you have a picture of the sock ADS?
Just manual stretch bro. I am struggling with length like you and we have same stats tbh.
For me I dont use conventional bundles, I am doing Mandingo Stretch, it is powerful, it is bundle stretch and it is easy to perform and I can hold my dick up to hour in grip. Focus a lot on BTC stretches since they go past your body in "negative" range of motion therefore you get higher stress on ligaments.
Try to support your gripping arm with another arm to intensify stretch (pull stronger), thats what I am doing every time, I dont feel stretch anymore when pulling with one arm I have to use both and it spells magic like goddamn Potter. Dont stress yourself brother. Everytime you get pissed for slow progress, remember brother that there are THOUSANDS of guys with dicks less than 4' who have no clue that PE is possible, YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS POSSIBLE AND YOU ARE BLESSED! You, me, DLD, Mr. Lighting, stillwantmore and thousands of other guys on MoS. Dude we are blessed, maybe sounds sili and pathetic but thats the true...so KEEP CALM AND PULL THAT DICK AWAY BROTHER ???

where art thou brother?
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