Best ADS?


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Not sure if that's the right forum. I remember we had extender forums here but i can't find it anymore.

My current routine:
For girth every night srt 5x5x3 with batemate. Still no measured girth gains :-(

For length i do 1-2 sessions a dat of LM with newbie routine and bit of down strech. All bundled.
I take a day off from both every 3rd or 4th day.
For the rest of the time, especially if i only did one LM session, i use my quick extender pro extender for around 3-4 hours a day.

I wondered if i should add to the mix also ADS device such as phallason or silistrecher2. Because my qep device is very high traction force i can't have it for many hours but ADS i can use many more hours. (Or maybe it's better to use only the ss? Without active rod extender) or maybe it's overkill, and i should stick to my current routine?

Also do i have to put the powder for grip? What are the ingridients in it?

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My current routine:
For girth every night srt 5x5x3 with batemate. Still no measured girth gains :(
Curious, how long have you do this, and at what intensity? Intensity is critical as you have to create progressive higher pressure baseline in order to gain. It's like working out at the gym. You can't expect to use 10lbs dumbells to be as big as weight trainers. You have to progressively increase in weight, in this case, in vac pressure. If you try to measure every week or every month, don't. Just pump, know your intensity, and progressively go up. If you don't have the hand pump, get one or start a mod for your Bathmate using the reference here:
Bathmate Hydromax & HydroExtreme Penis Pump Forum

I wondered if i should add to the mix also ADS device such as phallason or silistrecher2. Because my qep device is very high traction force i can't have it for many hours but ADS i can use many more hours. (Or maybe it's better to use only the ss? Without active rod extender) or maybe it's overkill, and i should stick to my current routine?
Yes. ADS for a few hour after the LM usage is advisable. Keep the length elongated for a few hours to promote lengthening process is definitely required. Don't allow the tissue lengthening process goes out the door in vain after you put so much efforts into it. Good rule of thumb is 4 hours post lengthening anti-turtling, same as 90 minutes post pumping.

Also do i have to put the powder for grip? What are the ingridients in it?
If you're using the tacky powder for grip from MOS Shop, it contains rock rosin and magnesium carbonate. Based on the feel, I believe it's 50%-50%. Mixed my own in different ratio based on the environmental (humidity) and bodily fluid (sweat) conditions. Higher available fluid, lower rosin ratio. During winter, I switch to 90% rosin and 10% magnesium carbonate due to dryer cold air condition, while my body moisture provide the needed fluid for rosin to bind. Summer, it will 50%-50%.

However, some people do have adverse affects to rock rosin (tree sap). So, use it with caution. Don't expose open wounds and urethra to it.
Hi @oldandlively

Thanks. Im using bathmate for less than month. Before i used other air pumps and mityvac as air. I didn't like it much and it always felt like if i go above 4-5hg i will explode it. With BM with water it feels better. Im slowly increasing the pressure. I do have the hand pump as i bought the hydeoextreme. But i understood from them that it doesn't add much pressure. But mainly more easy to pump.
However if i go semi erect i can pump much less then if i enter flaccid. The manufacturer say to only enter flaccid. So im not sure whats best yet.

About ADS. If 4 hours is all that required, what's wrong with the extender i already have?
I thought to buy ADS to put it maybe 9-12 hours a day to get better results then the 3-4 hours i put today with my extender..

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Thanks. Im using bathmate for less than month. Before i used other air pumps and mityvac as air. I didn't like it much and it always felt like if i go above 4-5hg i will explode it. With BM with water it feels better. Im slowly increasing the pressure. I do have the hand pump as i bought the hydeoextreme. But i understood from them that it doesn't add much pressure. But mainly more easy to pump
You need to remove the comfort insert, this is the reason for lack of pressure.

Are you talking about that part? (Attached). If yes, i removed it since day 2.
Okay. Yes that part is no good.
I use Vaseline for lubrication to glide on the rubber creases. It's also important to have no air pockets.

Have you seen the VacuVin (wine saver) modification. You can get more pressure with that. But be careful. It's important to know what your penis can handle, becouse you can explode your penis with that modification.
Hi @oldandlively

Thanks. Im using bathmate for less than month. Before i used other air pumps and mityvac as air. I didn't like it much and it always felt like if i go above 4-5hg i will explode it. With BM with water it feels better. Im slowly increasing the pressure. I do have the hand pump as i bought the hydeoextreme. But i understood from them that it doesn't add much pressure. But mainly more easy to pump.
However if i go semi erect i can pump much less then if i enter flaccid. The manufacturer say to only enter flaccid. So im not sure whats best yet.

About ADS. If 4 hours is all that required, what's wrong with the extender i already have?
I thought to buy ADS to put it maybe 9-12 hours a day to get better results then the 3-4 hours i put today with my extender..

Let's break it down further. The company likes to be on the "safe" side first, and does not provide you the essential hidden details. I like safety, but at the same time, sciences and medical results overpower safety's concens.

The feeling of 4 to 5 inHg is common in air. There's a feeling of disorientation or distortion of vacuum influences around the penile body. If your penile shaft cannot handle more than 5 inHg, that means you have sensitive tissues. Since you made the mod with the Bathmate using the MityVac gauge, monitor your pressure water, and create a dynamic pressure between 4 to 5 inHg, and then 5 to 6 inHg every two weeks, or even 3 weeks. You must go up in pressure as progressive pressure rising to break down the cellular walls. If you continue to use low pressures all the time, the body will adapt. When you go into higher pressure zone, the body can only adapt so much and have to give in. Commonly, the body stop adapting around 8 inHg and forces into cellular repair rather than adapting. Just like how the ADS stresses the penile shaft tissues. The body will adapt to 1lbs of traction due to blood volume entering the penis, but it cannot perform the adaption long term. Between 1.5 to 2.5 lbs, the body rather give in to cellular repairs than to adapt to the heavy weight. This is why the body forces the penis to retracts into the body for minimal energy expenditure for support and adaption than to keep the penis extended and erected constantly. We take advantage of that. The companies don't explain this because they want to appease the masses to buy their products, while hiding the needs to go beyond the required range the companies are introducing.

As for erected vs flaccid, the entering flaccid is to promote to those who have ED. Can most ED sufferers enter the pump semi to fully erected? No. Either entering flaccid or erected, the vacuum pressures forced you to become erected regardless. To get expansion gain, you have to become erected, forcing the corpus cavernosa tissue to expand beyond 1.75x the size, breaking down the cell bodies micro hair hines at a time, and then healing. Anything less, you won't get the gain. You get the erection quality (EQ) compared to ED issues, but not the gain.

You can use whatever extender you want, be traction type, mushroom cap type, or vacuum cylinder type. However, be warned that:
  • Traction type causes pinches to the nerve bundles and blood vessels due to to the straps used. Even the larger straps (dual strapping causes irritation and kinking to the nerves and blood vessels. Force traction against the base may be constant, but the pain from traction pushed against the glans while force gripping the base of the glans along the penile shaft can be quite painful.
  • Mushroom cap pressure system is like the vacuum cylinder system. It holds onto the glans, tugs, and pulls on the entire penis shaft and muscles holding onto the ligaments. However, the mushroom cap system looses pressure fast. I mean very fast. I use the caps too after pumping for quick on and quick off. However, loss of pressure within 10 minutes is a pain in the butt. I have to repump the cap to reengage the pressure constanly.
  • Cylinder type vacuum system is so far the better of the 3. Why? A proper sized cylinder will engage pressure between the glans and the pressure seal cap. 1 to 2 full twists engages up to 8 inHg in a good seal, and it's just as easy to put on and take off. The pressure seal is completely sealed until you release it. The only down side is the pressure can be be painful if you don't shove the entire glans pass the cylinder's bottom edge. Any part of the glans sticks out will cause a compressive kink, which will be painful over time. That's why I like to have the SiliStretcher 2 to be at least 0.5in longe as a wishlist. The SS2 helps to ease the fatigue of glans pressure using the traction of the penis sleeve below the glans. You're engaging more than 2.5 inches of grip strength on 2.5in of your penis to pull against the inner muscles and ligaments at 2.5lbs of traction tension. More comfortable, no nerve or blood vessel impacts, and also expand your glans at the same time.
The longe you wear the ADS (with large cylindes and then switch to a smaller cylinder when the glans shrinks), with semi erection after pumping,
you can pursue both girth and length. The longer you wear, the longer the traction will help expand the cell membranes for minimal energy repairs.
Hope this helps.
First i will try to get to the max pressure without modification :)
Air pockets may be good point here that i missed. Thx!
Let's break it down further. The company likes to be on the "safe" side first, and does not provide you the essential hidden details. I like safety, but at the same time, sciences and medical results overpower safety's concens.

The feeling of 4 to 5 inHg is common in air. There's a feeling of disorientation or distortion of vacuum influences around the penile body. If your penile shaft cannot handle more than 5 inHg, that means you have sensitive tissues. Since you made the mod with the Bathmate using the MityVac gauge, monitor your pressure water, and create a dynamic pressure between 4 to 5 inHg, and then 5 to 6 inHg every two weeks, or even 3 weeks. You must go up in pressure as progressive pressure rising to break down the cellular walls. If you continue to use low pressures all the time, the body will adapt. When you go into higher pressure zone, the body can only adapt so much and have to give in. Commonly, the body stop adapting around 8 inHg and forces into cellular repair rather than adapting. Just like how the ADS stresses the penile shaft tissues. The body will adapt to 1lbs of traction due to blood volume entering the penis, but it cannot perform the adaption long term. Between 1.5 to 2.5 lbs, the body rather give in to cellular repairs than to adapt to the heavy weight. This is why the body forces the penis to retracts into the body for minimal energy expenditure for support and adaption than to keep the penis extended and erected constantly. We take advantage of that. The companies don't explain this because they want to appease the masses to buy their products, while hiding the needs to go beyond the required range the companies are introducing.

As for erected vs flaccid, the entering flaccid is to promote to those who have ED. Can most ED sufferers enter the pump semi to fully erected? No. Either entering flaccid or erected, the vacuum pressures forced you to become erected regardless. To get expansion gain, you have to become erected, forcing the corpus cavernosa tissue to expand beyond 1.75x the size, breaking down the cell bodies micro hair hines at a time, and then healing. Anything less, you won't get the gain. You get the erection quality (EQ) compared to ED issues, but not the gain.

You can use whatever extender you want, be traction type, mushroom cap type, or vacuum cylinder type. However, be warned that:
  • Traction type causes pinches to the nerve bundles and blood vessels due to to the straps used. Even the larger straps (dual strapping causes irritation and kinking to the nerves and blood vessels. Force traction against the base may be constant, but the pain from traction pushed against the glans while force gripping the base of the glans along the penile shaft can be quite painful.
  • Mushroom cap pressure system is like the vacuum cylinder system. It holds onto the glans, tugs, and pulls on the entire penis shaft and muscles holding onto the ligaments. However, the mushroom cap system looses pressure fast. I mean very fast. I use the caps too after pumping for quick on and quick off. However, loss of pressure within 10 minutes is a pain in the butt. I have to repump the cap to reengage the pressure constanly.
  • Cylinder type vacuum system is so far the better of the 3. Why? A proper sized cylinder will engage pressure between the glans and the pressure seal cap. 1 to 2 full twists engages up to 8 inHg in a good seal, and it's just as easy to put on and take off. The pressure seal is completely sealed until you release it. The only down side is the pressure can be be painful if you don't shove the entire glans pass the cylinder's bottom edge. Any part of the glans sticks out will cause a compressive kink, which will be painful over time. That's why I like to have the SiliStretcher 2 to be at least 0.5in longe as a wishlist. The SS2 helps to ease the fatigue of glans pressure using the traction of the penis sleeve below the glans. You're engaging more than 2.5 inches of grip strength on 2.5in of your penis to pull against the inner muscles and ligaments at 2.5lbs of traction tension. More comfortable, no nerve or blood vessel impacts, and also expand your glans at the same time.
The longe you wear the ADS (with large cylindes and then switch to a smaller cylinder when the glans shrinks), with semi erection after pumping,
you can pursue both girth and length. The longer you wear, the longer the traction will help expand the cell membranes for minimal energy repairs.
Hope this helps.
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation!
I will order now the SS2.
Btw it's new to me what you say to put ss after pumping as here it was advised to put only a ring after the srt 5x5x3..
First i will try to get to the max pressure without modification :)
Air pockets may be good point here that i missed. Thx!
Yes. The hand ball pump will give you all the vaccum/pressure you will need.

But i understood from them that it doesn't add much pressure. But mainly more easy to pump.
This is not true in my opinion. The HydroExtreme models add so much more pressure then the base model: Hydromax.

But with the VacuVin modification you're able to fine tune the pressure more easily.

or this mod with a gauge:

But you can also go for the MityVac system if you do not want to create this yourself, then you have everything you need for growth. Also you have Lifetime Warranty on the MityVac pumping system.

Just one question about sizing of SS2. This is always stressful topic..

If i measure my flaccid. If i just measure softly i get to 10cm, but since its flaccid i can squize it and go down to 8.xcm. in erect however i get to 10.5cm (sometime erection can happend when streched) and since i work on girth it hopefully will expand.

So it seems like i need the smallest size. But im afraid it's somewhat border, and i wonder if it would be best to stick with smallest or get the medium.

What size should be best for my current size?
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Thank you very much for the detailed explanation!
I will order now the SS2.
Btw it's new to me what you say to put ss after pumping as here it was advised to put only a ring after the srt 5x5x3..
The ring is to provide constant expansion. SS2 is to provide elongation. I hate to use the balloon as an example all the time, but imagine the animal creation long balloon type. To add more air without damaging the integrity of the balloon's wall, the person handling it must apply elongation stretch first follows by a bit of air, and then again with elongation, and then final bout of air volume. This prevents the sudden damage to the balloon's wall that causes the "POP".

Penile tissues are a whole lot more resilient, but expansion and elongation principle is the same. After pumping, your corpus cavernosa are primed for normal pressure expansion rather than aggressive vacuum expansion. Just by having an erection at top level for 5 to 10 minutes after the pumping session, you're attempting to cause cell wall breakdown at minimal efforts. Taking advantage of cell wall during their repair, by doing elongation with the ADS, you're priming for both length and girth with the penis ring on. Why settle one over the other as your penis is primed for growth after the pumping efforts? The best of both sides.

Just some bonus insights.
Just one question about sizing of SS2. This is always stressful topic..

If i measure my flaccid. If i just measure softly i get to 10cm, but since its flaccid i can squize it and go down to 8.xcm. in erect however i get to 10.5cm (sometime erection can happend when streched) and since i work on girth it hopefully will expand.

So it seems like i need the smallest size. But im afraid it's somewhat border, and i wonder if it would be best to stick with smallest or get the medium.

What size should be best for my current size?
Go for what your measurement is according to the guide in the store. If you mess up you can return for a new size free
I have small medium, and large for the days ahead. Why settle for just one in hoping to cover all scenarios. I'll be a few years before I can fit into the large like a boss.
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