Bathmate hydromax xtreme (;

Just got my bathmate hydromax xtreme in the mail (; I had a long run with my original bath mate I bought 4 years ago :/ but now it’s time to up the intensity I’ll be doing the same routine of about 20-25 mins total in the bathmate alone with ssj’s In between every 5-10 minutes depending on how I feel each set I normally do 5-6-10 so it will remain the same except now with a little more force ? so excited to share this with the brotherhood and I’ll post updates/review of the Xtreme vs. my original as well as my length master
I ordered it Saturday afternoon I believe, it came super fast considering Sunday doesn’t count.

They really kick ass on delivery time. Sometimes the tool will show up before you get your receipt for tracking LOL I can’t wait to hear your review!
Yes very fast and I should have my review ready by tomorrow night I’m super excited as I’ve heard nothing but good things from th xtreme

?? Can’t wait my Brother! I get so exited when someone gets their first Bathmate! I know what the review will be as they always have, “why didn’t I get this earlier” expect instant gains after your first session, some get as much as an inch and better. My excitement is your satisfaction with what you have gotten for yourself. I really hope that you use it in the way SRT explains, as the 5×5×3 Bathmate work out. This will bring cure tissue expansion with little to no water retention. You’re going to really ❤️ it!
Yes what makes me so excited is I’ve had the original bathmate and I was getting an inch expansion after each session but my bathmate just wasn’t powerful enough for me as I was used to the pressure so instead of the wine vac I wanted the xtreme to take advantage of the 35% more power on the updates bathmate plus the addition of the handball pump this thing is a beast of power.
Ok here’s my 1st official review of the bathmate hydro max xtreme. I’m going to give a full honest opinion on this device even tho I’ve always loved them I will say what I liked and what I didn’t like. 1st I’ll start off with the order. Very easy website to navigate I already knew what I wanted and as soon as I placed my order I received my confirmation on Saturday afternoon with Monday receiving the tracking number and it was here at my door Tuesday! Very fast shipping. Inside the box comes with the following: bathmate hydromax xtreme pump, hose with pump, comfort base, cleaner spray, shower strap, ruler, sponge with stick for cleaning, case, lock for the case, small bathmate towel, sample jelqing serum and bathmate manual. I liked all the accessories except for the ruler I feel like it could have been a lot better. Ok on to the main review... using it (: . After getting in the tub and warming up I slide into the bathmate and press down immediately noticing the water shoot up way higher then the original bathmate definitely felt a lot stronger. after giving it a few pumps I realized I did not like the comfort detachable base. It seemed to not create a good seal for some reason. So after I took it off and went back in, just the bathmate and a very big difference! I personally don’t like the comfort base and to me with ought it still felt comfortable even after going high pressure. Now the moment I was waiting for (; the hose and pump. For me it was a little tricky after trying to pump I immediately lost suction and it took me a few mins after trial and error to figure out how to use it properly. After about 5 mins I finally got it and oh wow !! My original bathmate I mastered on how to use it and it took me a while to get the most out of it I only used this pump for about 10 mins and the power you can generate is perfect (: obviously I stopped as I realized I reached my limit and what made me happy was knowing that there was much more power that I could have added so there’s definitely going to be some growth in this thing ? I will give more reviews as I learn more about this pump it was only my first time using it. I got a decent pump after but I only used it for 10 mins and I couldn’t stay hard bc I was too focused on figuring it out but I will definitely recommend this to anyone who’s serious about getting the ultimate girth out of the bathmate . I can’t wait to see what my post pump looks like when I start using it regularly . Anyways any questions any of you may have you can shoot me a message I’m here to help hope you enjoyed my review peace ????
Glad you liked it. Keep playing around, and see if the problems with the comfort ring sorts out.
Regarding the hand pump, did you notice the build in safety prevents you from overdoing it?

A few pictures would have been good, but to each his own I guess.
No I figured it out I was pressing to hard on the end of the handball pump where the top of the bathmate is that’s why suction was being lost haha but yes I understand the safety this thing has it’s awesome bc someone like me would’ve over done it by accident.
No I figured it out I was pressing to hard on the end of the handball pump where the top of the bathmate is that’s why suction was being lost haha but yes I understand the safety this thing has it’s awesome bc someone like me would’ve over done it by accident.

That’s why it’s good to ask questions in the brotherhood from people have more experience. I’m glad it’s working well and I’m glad that you’re taking the advice of the brotherhood. I look forward to your massive gains!
I did also lose pressure several times, as I hadn't turned the valve to closed position. The pip is for the water flow, but remember to also rotate the valve so it can't be pushed down. Trial and error, I'm glad I read the manual again when I was baffled of what's happening.

You can pump to high intensity with the hand ball pump but it still remains in safe side, in my experience. If something hurts lot, then it's too much. Mild discomfort is something that can occur, but isn't working out usually mildly discomforting? :D Afterwards things should feel great though, I'm post-session right now and feeling fantastic!
Yo I didn’t know that arkailija! Thanks I knew the valve could twist but didn’t know that you can use it with the pump thanks for that fr im going to play with it more tonight.
Yo I didn’t know that arkailija! Thanks I knew the valve could twist but didn’t know that you can use it with the pump thanks for that fr im going to play with it more tonight.

Just like the Lengthmaster the Bathmate takes a little bit to get used to. You find all these tricks and more using it regularly. I’m so excited that you have what you need to get the job done the right way. I’m looking forward to your growth and your involvement in the brotherhood. And then for all the help you’ve been giving lately too, God bless you.
I’m just trying to make up for over 4 years of not being a member you guys were helping me this whole time when I was lurking I wouldn’t be this far into my journey with ought this forum so any help I give is the least I can do thank you all who have helped me in the brotherhood and I hope I will soon be able to help spread the knowledge I’ve been given ???
I’m just trying to make up for over 4 years of not being a member you guys were helping me this whole time when I was lurking I wouldn’t be this far into my journey with ought this forum so any help I give is the least I can do thank you all who have helped me in the brotherhood and I hope I will soon be able to help spread the knowledge I’ve been given ???

You have really got a good idea of what the brotherhood is. I love your attitude and I know that you will make even better gains. Be creative and innovative you will have so much to be teach and learn. And that’s really what we’re about making progress, making our goals happen and spreading the awareness. This kind of love will always blossom into a better, closet family !❤️
Yes, rotating the pump can help in certain situations. As we are all a bit different, some may have different erection angle etc., so for some people the slanted part on your pubic bone works better.

I usually rotate one or twice in a session, to deliver a different kind of stretch.
It's about giving a different kind of stimulus from time to time; our bodies can adapt to a certain stress, so swithing your workout is important for growing.
One wouldn't pump the same amount of iron at the gym all the time, variation and building up intensity counts!
Yes, rotating the pump can help in certain situations. As we are all a bit different, some may have different erection angle etc., so for some people the slanted part on your pubic bone works better.

I usually rotate one or twice in a session, to deliver a different kind of stretch.
It's about giving a different kind of stimulus from time to time; our bodies can adapt to a certain stress, so swithing your workout is important for growing.
One wouldn't pump the same amount of iron at the gym all the time, variation and building up intensity counts!
I remember when this was a problem and I really didn’t understand but we could do to fix it and I’m not sure who came up with it I think it might’ve been Big but the solution was so simple and it was in front of us the whole time. So turn in the pump in one way or the other will help people get a better vacuum. This has everything to do with the pelvic bone as every man has a different body and the pelvis bone is no different than any other part of the body. So with some simple physics this issue has been put to bed.
Wow some very good information here thanks so much ! I switched back to using the comfort pad bc the handball pump gives such a good pressure the gator bite and pressure on my pelvic bone was too much now that I have the comfort pad I can actually hit my top max with out the pain I’ll also take arks advice and maybe turn the bathmate just to see how it feels maybe switch things up but man I love this thing I can see my dick getting thicker everyday I can’t wait to measure (:
It’s a great attachment well worth the money once you and your dick starts getting used to it the possibilities/ gains are endless ?
It’s a great attachment well worth the money once you and your dick starts getting used to it the possibilities/ gains are endless ?

You might also want to try the wine vac if you get a chance, it is pretty insane how much intensity tickets for under $10!
i bought the xtreme so I didn’t have to get the wine idk why the wine vac scares me lol maybe one day if the xtreme isn’t enough but I’m sure it’ll be a while until then.
i bought the xtreme so I didn’t have to get the wine idk why the wine vac scares me lol maybe one day if the xtreme isn’t enough but I’m sure it’ll be a while until then.

The hand pump is just as good as the wind bac the only differences the wine vac has more intensity but you’ll never use all that intensity. I just like to let Brothers know that the option is there if they can’t afford a Extreme model.
The Wine Vac modification isn't more intense then the hand pump.

The bathmate will not allow pressure to suddenly go up due to the science of how hydro pumping works.

So using a wine vac will not allow more intensity versus the hand pump provided on various models.

Your better off not using one of those Wine Vac devices unless you have to, and no need at all with the hand pump provided.
Thanks red yeah i read on a post earlier somewhere that the hand ball pump was sufficient enough & the wine vac was an alternative for the people who don’t own an xtreme but a lesser model
Thanks red yeah i read on a post earlier somewhere that the hand ball pump was sufficient enough & the wine vac was an alternative for the people who don’t own an xtreme but a lesser model

Exactly true. We came out with the wine vac solution for those who could not afford the extreme model. The wine vac allows any Bathmate to become extreme for under $10.
I have the X50 & the comfort pad sucks! I find it better to place balls & all inside. That way your balls don’t get sucked in one at a time( painfull!) and while it’s mainly for girth you get some expressive stretching out of it at the same time for length. The idea to pump your whole package at the same time came from one of Reds posts from years ago.?
Yes at first the comfort pad sucked for me too but with the handball pump it works a lot better in conjunction with I use it now... and wow! How does that feel pumping your whole package ? I’d get scared pumping at a high pressure with my balls in there how’s your experience been doing that?
I have the X50 & the comfort pad sucks! I find it better to place balls & all inside. That way your balls don’t get sucked in one at a time( painfull!) and while it’s mainly for girth you get some expressive stretching out of it at the same time for length. The idea to pump your whole package at the same time came from one of Reds posts from years ago.?

I found whole package pumping inside the bathmate seems to help with expansion of the internal penis, and the part I have felt myself between the anus and balls.
Yes DLD, Red was the first one to do this. I was hesitant to try it till I read a post of his from a few years ago. So I went for it & never looked back. The temp length gain from pulling out the internal penis USA great motivator.Now to get it converted over to permanent gains is the goal?
Yes DLD, Red was the first one to do this. I was hesitant to try it till I read a post of his from a few years ago. So I went for it & never looked back. The temp length gain from pulling out the internal penis USA great motivator.Now to get it converted over to permanent gains is the goal?

I’m getting older now but the memory is still pretty good?
Not sure if I was the first as someone may have done it and never posted anything, but it wasnt the norm back then. Now its more accepted, and widely practiced.
sorry to backtrack but is the winevacs use for only after you cannot get enough pressure in the bathmate? I was wondering because the pressure is quite intense in my hydromax x9 when fully pumped Idk if i should be able to add more pressure or not but I'm intrigued by this because I see many people talk about it also I like to push my limits lol
I’m not sure if this is the official reason but I believe people get the wine vac as soon as their penis becomes accustomed to the highest pressure they can get with the bathmate so once you’re used and comfortable with the highest pressure and you’re ready for more that’s when you buy and use the wine back method I hope that helped!
I use it with my x30 because it helps me get that final 5-10% of vaccum after I have “maxed out” the pressure I can get simply from the initial pump. (I use this exclusively in the shower)

I will also point the BM upward so any air bubbles are at the top of the chamber before I use the winevac to suck out that last bit.

I never pump without it.
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sorry to backtrack but is the winevacs use for only after you cannot get enough pressure in the bathmate? I was wondering because the pressure is quite intense in my hydromax x9 when fully pumped Idk if i should be able to add more pressure or not but I'm intrigued by this because I see many people talk about it also I like to push my limits lol

Some use this unofficial modification to increase pressure inside the bathmate.
It isn't necessary, just a personal choice.

Its also not possible to force more pressure into a hydro pump, due to how they work, so the pressure wont get higher until your penis becomes larger for water to become expelled to allow more pressure.

So pumping more and more with anything wont make it quicker. This is why its safer to use hydro pumps like the bathmate versus dry pumping.
I hear what you are saying @REDZULU2003 from a technical standpoint.

But from a functional standpoint, using the BM in a non-immersed environment(shower) benefits highly from the winevac usage. I simply cannot get that kind of pump/expansion without it.

So it’s not that he winevac is exceeding the capacity/design of the water pump. It’s more that it is unlocking the potential for me.

I would guess that’s why they added suction bulbs to the new versions.
I understand, but what I'm saying, is you cannot rush the pressure like with dry pumping.

I'm also not sure where the makers of bathmate stand in regards to users making use of unofficial mods, and perhaps breaking the bathmate, in terms of it being under guarantee.

You are free to experiment, and do as you please ... it will work like the hand pumps in newer models, but they have been authorized for it.

Hope you see where I'm coming from.
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