Argyle's Awesome Additions (A^3)


This will be my progress log thread: "Argyle's Awesome Additions AKA (A^3)".

This routine and my gains are thanks to @huge-girth, my PE coach, @oldandlively, and Squirt Inducer Man (who I abbreviate as SIM throughout this thread). Thanks a lot for the guidance and answers to my (very) frequent questions!

Jan. 9, 2024: Day Zero
BPEL: 5.31 in
BPSFL: 5.44 in
BG: 4.25 in
EG/MSEG: 4 in

Began my "warm-up" phase:
Used LengthMaster to do half-bundle stretches in every direction for 1 minute; 22 minutes total.
Started doing kegels; began w/ 60 per day.

Feb. 13, 2024:
BPSFL: 5.63 --> 0.19 inch increase

Feb. 14, 2024:
Began a new PE routine:
Seated Downward Half-Bundle Stretches w/ LengthMaster for 1 minute:
20 minute sessions, 2x/day.
I could only do half-bundles at this time; a full bundle was not feasible yet.
Began a new kegel routine:
Increased from 60 kegels/day by 10 reps every week until I got to 200 reps/day.

May 14, 2024:
BPEL: 5.69 --> 0.38 inch increase
Began a new PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster. 24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
I could now do full bundles.
New kegel progression:
5-sec holds for 25 reps, 2x/day; 50/day.

Aug. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 5.94 --> .25 inch increase
Continue w/ PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster; same as the previous 3 months:
24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
Begin new kegel progression:
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 4x/day; 100 kegels/day for 30 days
5- sec hold for 25 reps, 6x/day; 150 kegels/day for 30 days
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 8x/day; 200 kegels/day for 30 days

Nov. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 6.00 --> .06 inch increase
PE Routine:
Although I've finally reached my 6-inch mark (sweet!), I need to make a change. Although I was similarly consistent as the previous three months (missed sessions here and there in every three-month block because life gets in the way), I only saw a 0.06-inch increase in three months doing the DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster 2x/day, 24-minute sessions each, 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times. This is a considerable drop-off in gains compared to my previous blocks.
I did not do the new kegel routine I listed in August. Instead, I kept doing the kegel routine I followed in May (see above). This was partially laziness and partially forgetting to do the new routine.

I talked with my coach @huge-girth. He said it's time to start BTC stretches, so I'm off to research those. I also need to start progressing with my kegels. I'll post more here one I figure out my new BTC and kegel routines.

Nov. 28, 2024:
First BTC bundle stretch session with LM. I'll make a progress update on or shortly after Feb. 28, 2025.

Feb. 28, 2025:
BPEL: 6.00 inches --> 0.00 inch increase
BPSFL: 6.00 inches --> 0.37 inch increase

It took me a few weeks into December of testing things out and learning how to do BTCs to figure out what worked for me. Starting in mid-December, I began doing BTCs with 1.5 bundles with the LengthMaster sometimes twice per day, but many times only once per day, as follows:

2:30 min wrap w/ hot washcloth and kegel holds
2 L bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull
2 R bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull

Main Session:
1.5 L bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 L bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard

Please see my posts (dated sometime between Nov. 28 and Mar. 1) for even more context about this block of my routine.

I made no gains in BPEL, and gained 0.37 inches to my BPSFL. However, my flaccid hang is much longer than before starting this routine. But I'm a bit disappointed by the zero gains in BPEL. At this point, being on track to gain 1 inch in BPEL in 6 months doing BTCs doesn't seem likely, as I'm already 3 months in and have made 0 BPEL gains. Brothers, am I doing something wrong?

Notably, I only have time for one session per day, which could be responsible for the 0 gains in BPEL and small gains in BPSFL over 3 months of consistent BTCs. However, to see nothing at all for BPEL concerns me. Is it typical to see an increase in flaccid hang and BPSFL before major BPEL gains start to happen?

I'm discouraged but will not give up. Unless @oldandlively, @huge-girth, @DLD, or others with experience have new advice to give me based on the info I provided, I will try the routines y'all suggested in response to my recent posts. The routines you guys suggested still have me only training once per day (which is all I have time for), but they are more intense than my current routine, so I'm hoping I get bigger gains from them.

New Routine (see posts dated b/n Feb. 28 and Mar 2 for context) :
Hot washcloth wrap for 2:30 min with 30 sec reverse kegel holds followed by 2 quick shot normal kegels

Seated w/ LM:
L bundle(s) DLD Blasters pull down for 30 secs moderate, hard 1 min, 30 secs moderate
Repeat w/ R bundle(s)
No-bundle pull straight down for 1 min moderate

Main Session w/ LM
L bundle(s), L pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
R bundle(s), L pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
L bundle(s), R pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
R bundle(s), R pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard

Cooldown w/ LM
No bundle 30 sec downward stretch light, 1 min moderate, 2 mins hard, 2.5 mins light

I'll make a progress update on or around June 1
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I edited the original post to keep everything in one place
I got you. Instead of updating your original post just post a new post because this will give you a history to look back on.
@squirt_inducer_man can you direct me to the comprehensive post you made about BTC-BS? I'm confused about the order of things (which direction to pull), if there are little nuances I don't know about, how long to hold, if/when I need to detach and reattach the LM, and whether it's half or full bundles.

@oldandlively can you tell me more about seated BTC-BS? I have a bad back, and it seems like traditional BTC-BS will really aggravate my back so I might need alternatives. For some reason, I did not respond well to DLD Blasters in these last 3 months, so I'm going to change things up. I have a LM for length work.
@squirt_inducer_man can you direct me to the comprehensive post you made about BTC-BS? I'm confused about the order of things (which direction to pull), if there are little nuances I don't know about, how long to hold, if/when I need to detach and reattach the LM, and whether it's half or full bundles.
Unfortunately, our brother SIM is out for personal leave for now. Not sure when he will be back.

The BTC-BS is under both his personal log page and the Resources and Programs. I can provide that info for you.

The BTC is literally between the legs, and directly to the back. On his videos, he only do the basic BTC by tilting forward on his couch, and pulling the penis roughly at a 90 degree angle. We considered the 0 degree is the penis flaccid state, which is pointing straight down. 90 degrees is literally to the back of our butt. However, by sitting on the chair, facing your chest to the back rest, tilting to the back rest and sticking your butt out while you pull, you can achieve the angle beween 90 to 120 degrees with ease. This allows your ligaments to be pulled on even harder with less force.

The Dynamic Stretch (DS) covers two components; the traction force from moderate to aggressive pull on and off every 30 seconds, and angles. Don't stay just at one angle. Keep adjusting to find the maximum effective angles to pull on since your body constantly shifts out of place during the pulls.

@oldandlively can you tell me more about seated BTC-BS? I have a bad back, and it seems like traditional BTC-BS will really aggravate my back so I might need alternatives. For some reason, I did not respond well to DLD Blasters in these last 3 months, so I'm going to change things up. I have a LM for length work.
For those who have bad back, especially the lower lumbar (lower T5 to L5) or the upper spinal injuries (C4 o T4), you can actually use a lower back rest chair with a pillow as an adjustable cushion. To help with the stress loading using your chest rather than your spine. I use a normal office chair with no side arm rests, a pillow to cushion my chest and neck, and tilt to the back rest only at 25 degrees on my tired days. If I tilt past 45 degrees, I can achieve up to 135 degree BTC-DS stretches, which pushes the aggressiveness even more, but it can do a number on the C6 to T3. Find an appropriate chair with the back rest according to your needs. Test the chair out first without PE, and sit in that position for 5 minutes to see if your back can work with the angle.

SIM's sofa is a killer on an injured back or an aging back. It takes a lot of core muscles to use his position, especially in a Terminator Pose. I can only do it on my good days while I stand. Life loves it though.
Unfortunately, our brother SIM is out for personal leave for now. Not sure when he will be back.

The BTC-BS is under both his personal log page and the Resources and Programs. I can provide that info for you.

The BTC is literally between the legs, and directly to the back. On his videos, he only do the basic BTC by tilting forward on his couch, and pulling the penis roughly at a 90 degree angle. We considered the 0 degree is the penis flaccid state, which is pointing straight down. 90 degrees is literally to the back of our butt. However, by sitting on the chair, facing your chest to the back rest, tilting to the back rest and sticking your butt out while you pull, you can achieve the angle beween 90 to 120 degrees with ease. This allows your ligaments to be pulled on even harder with less force.

The Dynamic Stretch (DS) covers two components; the traction force from moderate to aggressive pull on and off every 30 seconds, and angles. Don't stay just at one angle. Keep adjusting to find the maximum effective angles to pull on since your body constantly shifts out of place during the pulls.

For those who have bad back, especially the lower lumbar (lower T5 to L5) or the upper spinal injuries (C4 o T4), you can actually use a lower back rest chair with a pillow as an adjustable cushion. To help with the stress loading using your chest rather than your spine. I use a normal office chair with no side arm rests, a pillow to cushion my chest and neck, and tilt to the back rest only at 25 degrees on my tired days. If I tilt past 45 degrees, I can achieve up to 135 degree BTC-DS stretches, which pushes the aggressiveness even more, but it can do a number on the C6 to T3. Find an appropriate chair with the back rest according to your needs. Test the chair out first without PE, and sit in that position for 5 minutes to see if your back can work with the angle.

SIM's sofa is a killer on an injured back or an aging back. It takes a lot of core muscles to use his position, especially in a Terminator Pose. I can only do it on my good days while I stand. Life loves it though.
Sorry to hear about SIM. Hope he is all good and that he can come back soon. Thanks for answering in the meantime!

A link to his content would be great! I couldn't find it when I went searching in the forum earlier. Hopefully, it talks a bit about the DS and how long to hold each stretch, how long to do each session, how many times per day, how to bundle, etc.

I'm having some trouble visualizing what you're talking about with the chair. Is there a video or graphic/picture somewhere? But yea, my L5-S1 is trashed, and the rest of my back is super tight, so I don't think doing BTC the way SIM does them would be a good idea for me.

Is there a way I can do these standing upright or slightly bent over? I'm not excited about having to do the BTC. I was hoping to stick with DLD Blasters or something similar. My coach (@huge-girth) mentioned expressive stretches too, but I don't want to do those for 3 months just to see almost no gains like my last 3 months. Given that they are kind of similar to DLD Blasters, I don't know why those would work better. Thoughts?
Sorry to hear about SIM. Hope he is all good and that he can come back soon. Thanks for answering in the meantime!
We hope he comes back soon too. He's a valuable asset to have as a veteran PE-er.

A link to his content would be great! I couldn't find it when I went searching in the forum earlier. Hopefully, it talks a bit about the DS and how long to hold each stretch, how long to do each session, how many times per day, how to bundle, etc.
His videos are under the Resources and Program, List of All Important Threads, and just right in the Length Master section:

I'm having some trouble visualizing what you're talking about with the chair. Is there a video or graphic/picture somewhere? But yea, my L5-S1 is trashed, and the rest of my back is super tight, so I don't think doing BTC the way SIM does them would be a good idea for me.
I'll definitely try to get some photos in when I get back. I need to compile a few photos and videos for the brothers. I've been on the run so much that I couldn't get those promised videos and photos lately.

L5 to S1, ouch. That's defintely a major fall or serious motor-related injuries. The core muscles engaged around that region will kill your back for sure. Let me find alternative positions for you using the chair with support. It will be based on my body height, so you have to adjust according to your needs based on your height.

Is there a way I can do these standing upright or slightly bent over? I'm not excited about having to do the BTC.
Yes you can. I did it while standig up. I place one leg on a chair or my bed as high as I can, tilt the body forward by 15 degrees to ease up on the back, and pull. That only offers up to 95 degrees of effectiveness.

I was hoping to stick with DLD Blasters or something similar. My coach (@huge-girth) mentioned expressive stretches too, but I don't want to do those for 3 months just to see almost no gains like my last 3 months. Given that they are kind of similar to DLD Blasters, I don't know why those would work better. Thoughts?
DLD Blasters is one of the many exercises to get through specific needs. We can't remain in one set of exercises for too long since our penises will adapt, adopt, and prevent us from going forward. This is why there are so many exercises to trick the tissues from staying still and adapt to the stress loads, leading us to plateaus.

Your coach is spot on with expressive stretches. DLD Blasters are a type of expressive stretches, but more dynamic in terms of streching and stressing the penis tissues at certain angles. Expressive stretches focus on expansion of the corpus caveronsa first, then stressing the tunica. DLD Blasters does both at the same time, which requires you have at least 6 months of preconditioning. It's more intermediate-advanced level than beginner. However, expressive stretches can only go so far. You have fulcrum type of stretches to stress the tunica from base to base of glans. You have power twisting around the PowerAssist for the Length Master to break down the tunica only. You have the Length Master as a whole and do rotation and DLD Blasters at the same time, breaking tissues laterally and longitudinally at the same time while taking it easy on your hands/arms. I do DLD blasters with my modification straight handle, and need to get more parts to make a second straight handle and send the modified one to other brothers. Life is getting crazy busy.

The reason why the BTC-DS is added is because of the pumping involved, and stressing the ligaments. SIM wants to relax the ligaments as much as he could to get that extra inch or so out of the base, while adding extra stresses on the entire tunica for growth. Noticed he didn't show the rotation/bundled stretches in his video, but he did it off the camera. He did mention many times about his bundled stretches. The bundled stretches are there for a reason, which is stressing both the lateral tissues all around the penis, and the longitudinal tissues that made up the tunica preventing you from lengthening.

But ask you already know, stretching without wrapping/keeping it elongated will not yield as much gain as constant stretches. This is why ADS and extender is highly encouraged to be worn after stretching, even if its at low traction. It keep the tissues relaxed and primed for constant growth while healing.
We hope he comes back soon too. He's a valuable asset to have as a veteran PE-er.

His videos are under the Resources and Program, List of All Important Threads, and just right in the LengthMaster section:

I'll definitely try to get some photos in when I get back. I need to compile a few photos and videos for the brothers. I've been on the run so much that I couldn't get those promised videos and photos lately.

L5 to S1, ouch. That's defintely a major fall or serious motor-related injuries. The core muscles engaged around that region will kill your back for sure. Let me find alternative positions for you using the chair with support. It will be based on my body height, so you have to adjust according to your needs based on your height.

Yes you can. I did it while standig up. I place one leg on a chair or my bed as high as I can, tilt the body forward by 15 degrees to ease up on the back, and pull. That only offers up to 95 degrees of effectiveness.

DLD Blasters is one of the many exercises to get through specific needs. We can't remain in one set of exercises for too long since our penises will adapt, adopt, and prevent us from going forward. This is why there are so many exercises to trick the tissues from staying still and adapt to the stress loads, leading us to plateaus.

Your coach is spot on with expressive stretches. DLD Blasters are a type of expressive stretches, but more dynamic in terms of streching and stressing the penis tissues at certain angles. Expressive stretches focus on expansion of the corpus caveronsa first, then stressing the tunica. DLD Blasters does both at the same time, which requires you have at least 6 months of preconditioning. It's more intermediate-advanced level than beginner. However, expressive stretches can only go so far. You have fulcrum type of stretches to stress the tunica from base to base of glans. You have power twisting around the PowerAssist for the LengthMaster to break down the tunica only. You have the LengthMaster as a whole and do rotation and DLD Blasters at the same time, breaking tissues laterally and longitudinally at the same time while taking it easy on your hands/arms. I do DLD blasters with my modification straight handle, and need to get more parts to make a second straight handle and send the modified one to other brothers. Life is getting crazy busy.

The reason why the BTC-DS is added is because of the pumping involved, and stressing the ligaments. SIM wants to relax the ligaments as much as he could to get that extra inch or so out of the base, while adding extra stresses on the entire tunica for growth. Noticed he didn't show the rotation/bundled stretches in his video, but he did it off the camera. He did mention many times about his bundled stretches. The bundled stretches are there for a reason, which is stressing both the lateral tissues all around the penis, and the longitudinal tissues that made up the tunica preventing you from lengthening.

But ask you already know, stretching without wrapping/keeping it elongated will not yield as much gain as constant stretches. This is why ADS and extender is highly encouraged to be worn after stretching, even if its at low traction. It keep the tissues relaxed and primed for constant growth while healing.
Thanks! I'll definitely check out the vids and posts from SIM and try some alternatives. It sounds like standing with one leg up might be my best bet. I'd love to get back to solid gains!!

I don't use an extender, but I use a silisleev to stay elongated all day. I basically never take the thing off until I go to sleep for the night.

I will take these next few days off of training, but will stay in the silisleev, until I understand more about the BTCs and how I'll need to alter them.
@oldandlively I looked over SIM's old posts. I want to rewrite what he posted here to make sure I understand correctly.

He does a 3-minute warmup on each side (6 minutes)
He does 5 minutes of dynamic bundled BTCs on each side (10 minutes)
He unwraps and waits for circulation to return (10 minutes)
He repeats the 5 minutes of dynamic BTCs on each side (10 minutes)

So overall, the routine takes about 40-50 minutes (depending on whether I warm up with a warm washcloth before the warmup sets) to get in and out of the LM multiple times. This should be done twice per day. He says to do this for 3 days in a row followed by 1 rest day and to repeat this for the length of the routine.

Also, he said newbies should only stretch for about 1 minute at a time, so I will ease into this routine and do the first week for 1 minute, the second week for 2 minutes, the third week for 3 minutes, etc. until I reach 5 minutes. I will only bundle as far as I can and won't overdo it. I imagine I'll have to start with half bundles and progress to full bundles over time.

I'm going to alter the BTCs so that I do them standing to protect my back. That wasn't in SIM's post, but it's something we talked about earlier in this thread. I'll put my leg up on something, get the LM behind my cheeks, bundle as far as I can, and stretch.

Can you:
- Tell me if I understand the routine correctly
- Explain what dynamic stretches are and how to do them with the LM OR link previous posts about them
He does a 3-minute warmup on each side (6 minutes)
Correct. At first. But he uses the heater for active heat application constantly later for his entire routine. But the initial warmup is common to soften the tissues before activities to make the tissues more malleable for stretching.

He does 5 minutes of dynamic bundled BTCs on each side (10 minutes)
Correct. He pull on one side harder for the first 5 minutes, and then to the other. It's merely a tilt of the handle.

He unwraps and waits for circulation to return (10 minutes)
No need to wait that long. Two minutes is good enough. Use light downward jelqs to get the blood flowing.

He repeats the 5 minutes of dynamic BTCs on each side (10 minutes)
He switched it up to pure pulling on the second set at aggressive dynamic tension.

He switch it back down to dynamic moderate pulling on the third set, but, he aggressively pulled in the last couple minutes.

So overall, the routine takes about 40-50 minutes (depending on whether I warm up with a warm washcloth before the warmup sets) to get in and out of the LM multiple times.
Yes, around there. For me, I times it for a full 10 minutes per set, 3 or 4 sets of 10 minutes.

This should be done twice per day. He says to do this for 3 days in a row followed by 1 rest day and to repeat this for the length of the routine.
Yes, if you have time. This is before he wrapped. But later, he only did it once a day, and wrapped all day. He pumped like a madman at night and on weekends.

Also, he said newbies should only stretch for about 1 minute at a time, so I will ease into this routine and do the first week for 1 minute, the second week for 2 minutes, the third week for 3 minutes, etc. until I reach 5 minutes. I will only bundle as far as I can and won't overdo it. I imagine I'll have to start with half bundles and progress to full bundles over time.
Yes, when you are a fresh newbie at the very start. It's to get used for the pain or condition the glans for irritation.

I'm going to alter the BTCs so that I do them standing to protect my back. That wasn't in SIM's post, but it's something we talked about earlier in this thread. I'll put my leg up on something, get the LM behind my cheeks, bundle as far as I can, and stretch.
Yep. It's to ease the back pain.

Can you:
- Tell me if I understand the routine correctly
- Explain what dynamic stretches are and how to do them with the LM OR link previous posts about them
Dynamic stretches is about adding and relaxing the amount of tension within a certain time frame. An example:

You use the LM to pull it downwards lightly for 60 seconds, twist the penis to the left, hold for 30 seconds, twist it to the right, hold for 30 seconds. All this time, you pull it down at a light traction tension. This is to soften the tissues first.

Then you pull straight down again for 60 seconds and moderate tension until you feel that dull stretching feeling, then twist to the left to hold for 30 seconds, then to the right for 30 seconds. Then back down without the twisting for 60 seconds.

In the same set, you pull down harder before that painful sensation, hold for 30 seconds. At that same tension, twist to the left and hold for 30 seconds, and then to the right for 30 seconds. Ease back to moderate tension going straight down for 60 seconds without any twisting.

See the dynamic tensions? For me, I can go from light, moderate, light, aggressive, moderate, aggressive, then light tension all within the same minute. Holding still for 30 to 60 seconds is for a short static tissue bond breaking. Fast dynamic traction can push your tissue breaking even more once you know where your tissue breaking points are.
I can't figure out how to use the quote system like you do, so I'll just address everything in order:

Since I've been doing length work with the LM since January, and DLD Full Bundle Blasters for the last 6 months, I'll hop right into 5-minute BTC-standing stretches.

First, I'll warm up with a hot washcloth for about 2.5 to 5 minutes while I rep out some kegel holds. Then, I'll do SIM's 3-minute warmup on each side.
Next, I'll do 10-minute BTC-standing dynamic stretches with the LM. 5 minutes to the left, and 5 minutes to the right (10 minutes total).
Then I'll get out of the LM to do some light downward jelqs for a couple of minutes to improve blood flow.
After that, I'll get back into the LM and repeat the 10-minute BTC-standing dynamic stretches.
Lastly, I'll get out of the LM and put on my silisleev to stay elongated all day.
I'll do two daily sessions, cycling 3 days on, and 1 day off, waiting at least 2 hours between sessions.

For a bit more detail with the direction, duration, and dynamic portion of things, I'll pull lightly and back + to the left for 1 minute with a left bundle, then pull moderately for 1 minute and 30 seconds with a left bundle, then pull hard for 2 minutes and 30 seconds with a left bundle. Next, I'll switch to a right bundle and keep pulling to the left, following the same durations above.

Then, I'll repeat that process but pull back + to the right (instead of back + to the left, like before). I'll start off with a right bundle, then switch to a left bundle.

That's 5 minutes on each side (10 minutes total). On every pull, I will use the slight angle @squirt_inducer_man illustrates in his post where the glans are tilted on each stretch. I will try to get full bundles but might have to stick with half bundles for a while at first.

@oldandlively I get what you're saying about switching up the DS intensities more often within one pull for faster gains, but since BTCs are new to me, I think I'll try this way first. I might measure once a month instead of every 3 months to see if I need to change that approach... unless you can assure me that I won't hurt myself doing what you suggested due to my previous experience AND that I'm leaving serious gains on the table by trying it my way.

@huge-girth what do you think of this? Am I missing anything? Do you have anything to add?
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I can't figure out how to use the quote system like you do, so I'll just address everything in order:
There's a Reply icon right below my post. That will bring the entire reply into a quote. Simply press Enter/Return at the point where you want to to break the post into segments.

Since I've been doing length work with the LM since January, and DLD Full Bundle Blasters for the last 6 months, I'll hop right into 5-minute BTC-standing stretches.

First, I'll warm up with a hot washcloth for about 2.5 to 5 minutes while I rep out some kegel holds. Then, I'll do SIM's 3-minute warmup on each side.
Next, I'll do 10-minute BTC-standing dynamic stretches with the LM. 5 minutes to the left, and 5 minutes to the right (10 minutes total).
Then I'll get out of the LM to do some light downward jelqs for a couple of minutes to improve blood flow.
After that, I'll get back into the LM and repeat the 10-minute BTC-standing dynamic stretches.
Lastly, I'll get out of the LM and put on my silisleev to stay elongated all day.
I'll do two daily sessions, cycling 3 days on, and 1 day off, waiting at least 2 hours between sessions.
Got it.

For a bit more detail with the direction, duration, and dynamic portion of things, I think I'll pull lightly and straight back for 1 minute (30 seconds with a left bundle and 30 seconds with a right bundle), then pull back and to the left with a left bundle and pull moderately for a minute, then keep pulling to the back and left but do a right bundle for a minute and continue to pull moderately. I'll continue pulling back and left but switch to a left bundle and pull hard now, then keep pulling back and to the left but bundle to the right and pull hard.

Then, I'll repeat that process, but pull back and to the right (instead of back and to the left, like before). My first set will be another light pull that goes straight back for 1 minute (30 seconds with a right bundle and 30 seconds with a left bundle), then I'll pull back and to the right (instead of left) and switch the order of my bundles (right bundles first on the right side pulls, left bundles first on the left side pulls) to repeat the same process as above but to the right instead of to the left.

That's 5 minutes on each side (10 minutes total). On every pull, I will use the slight angle @squirt_inducer_man illustrates in his post where the glans are tilted on each stretch. I will try to get full bundles but might have to stick with half bundles for a while at first.
Got it. Looks like a good approach to dynamic stretching. How does it feel at the end of of it all? Any fatigueness along the shaft such as an achy feeling, or a dull pain?

Any achy feeling at the base of the penis (which is your ligaments being stretched)?

@oldandlively I get what you're saying about switching up the DS intensities more often within one pull for faster gains, but since BTCs are new to me, I think I'll try this way first. I might measure once a month instead of every 3 months to see if I need to change that approach... unless you can assure me that I won't hurt myself doing what you suggested due to my previous experience AND that I'm leaving serious gains on the table by trying it my way.
No, I can't assure you will not hurt yourself with higher intensity. You have to condition up the glans and penile shaft first. More on the
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I can't figure out how to use the quote system like you do, so I'll just address everything in order:

Since I've been doing length work with the LM since January, and DLD Full Bundle Blasters for the last 6 months, I'll hop right into 5-minute BTC-standing stretches.

First, I'll warm up with a hot washcloth for about 2.5 to 5 minutes while I rep out some kegel holds. Then, I'll do SIM's 3-minute warmup on each side.
Next, I'll do 10-minute BTC-standing dynamic stretches with the LM. 5 minutes to the left, and 5 minutes to the right (10 minutes total).
Then I'll get out of the LM to do some light downward jelqs for a couple of minutes to improve blood flow.
After that, I'll get back into the LM and repeat the 10-minute BTC-standing dynamic stretches.
Lastly, I'll get out of the LM and put on my silisleev to stay elongated all day.
I'll do two daily sessions, cycling 3 days on, and 1 day off, waiting at least 2 hours between sessions.

For a bit more detail with the direction, duration, and dynamic portion of things, I think I'll pull lightly and straight back for 1 minute (30 seconds with a left bundle and 30 seconds with a right bundle), then pull back and to the left with a left bundle and pull moderately for a minute, then keep pulling to the back and left but do a right bundle for a minute and continue to pull moderately. I'll continue pulling back and left but switch to a left bundle and pull hard now, then keep pulling back and to the left but bundle to the right and pull hard.

Then, I'll repeat that process, but pull back and to the right (instead of back and to the left, like before). My first set will be another light pull that goes straight back for 1 minute (30 seconds with a right bundle and 30 seconds with a left bundle), then I'll pull back and to the right (instead of left) and switch the order of my bundles (right bundles first on the right side pulls, left bundles first on the left side pulls) to repeat the same process as above but to the right instead of to the left.

That's 5 minutes on each side (10 minutes total). On every pull, I will use the slight angle @squirt_inducer_man illustrates in his post where the glans are tilted on each stretch. I will try to get full bundles but might have to stick with half bundles for a while at first.

@oldandlively I get what you're saying about switching up the DS intensities more often within one pull for faster gains, but since BTCs are new to me, I think I'll try this way first. I might measure once a month instead of every 3 months to see if I need to change that approach... unless you can assure me that I won't hurt myself doing what you suggested due to my previous experience AND that I'm leaving serious gains on the table by trying it my way.

@huge-girth what do you think of this? Am I missing anything? Do you have anything to add?

This is a good routine. But also, be on the look out for any injuries that might occur.
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I did my first session yesterday.

I felt fine while I was doing everything, although it was tough on my back to lean forward that long. I might try the version that SIM does instead of standing with an elevated leg to see if it's easier on my back. Even though that looks tougher, it might not be. Only way to find out is to try.

I did NOT come out of the LM in between the two sets. I still had perfect sensation and blood flow in my glans after the first set, so I decided to do the sets back-to-back instead of coming out of the LM to jelq for a couple of minutes in between.

Later that day, I noticed a very slight but sharp pain in my glans. I don't know if it was from pulling on the angle that SIM uses, or because I did not come out of the LM in between sets. I'm going to try my second session without coming out of the LM again. If the pain replicates, then I will come out of the LM and jelq during my third session to see if it goes away.
I did NOT come out of the LM in between the two sets. I still had perfect sensation and blood flow in my glans after the first set, so I decided to do the sets back-to-back instead of coming out of the LM to jelq for a couple of minutes in between.
This will cause the glans to turn a bit more purple if the tension is too high. If the glans is OK, it's all good.
Later that day, I noticed a very slight but sharp pain in my glans. I don't know if it was from pulling on the angle that SIM uses, or because I did not come out of the LM in between sets. I'm going to try my second session without coming out of the LM again. If the pain replicates, then I will come out of the LM and jelq during my third session to see if it goes away.
This is the reason why we break the long set to smaller sets. Too much pressure on the glans for too long can cause that sharp pain later.

Give both a try again. Longer set at lower tension, but short sets with greater tension.
This will cause the glans to turn a bit more purple if the tension is too high. If the glans is OK, it's all good.

This is the reason why we break the long set to smaller sets. Too much pressure on the glans for too long can cause that sharp pain later.

Give both a try again. Longer set at lower tension, but short sets with greater tension.
I think I just needed to get used to it because now I'm pulling HARD AS HELL and the sensation hasn't been back.

Been doing light pulls for 1 minute, moderate pulls for a minute-30, and hard pulls for 2 minutes and 30 seconds to each side with a L and R bundle. Just need to keep consistent now.
I think I just needed to get used to it because now I'm pulling HARD AS HELL and the sensation hasn't been back.

Been doing light pulls for 1 minute, moderate pulls for a minute-30, and hard pulls for 2 minutes and 30 seconds to each side with a L and R bundle. Just need to keep consistent now.
I would not care too much to upward stretching, upward stretching simply takes more strength and the only way to combat this is using the Lengthmaster where your strength will will be increased to a point that you can hit the upward stretch. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to the strength of the LengthMaster. Every brother needs this tool to make the fastest gains possible.
I would not care too much to upward stretching, upward stretching simply takes more strength and the only way to combat this is using the Lengthmaster where your strength will will be increased to a point that you can hit the upward stretch. Nothing and I mean nothing compares to the strength of the LengthMaster. Every brother needs this tool to make the fastest gains possible.
Yea I've had the Lengthmaster for a little over a year now. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am now without it
Last edited:
After going through a lot of SIM's content, I'm going to change my warmup.

Currently, I'm using the LM3 to pull the penis to full extension directly in front of me and then I go back and forth between pulling up & down for 20 seconds, left & right for 20 seconds, clockwise for 10 seconds, and counterclockwise for 10 seconds. I then repeat that process in a left bundle, and then in a right bundle.

SIM's content has made me reconsider my warmup. I will change my warmup to become a 3-minute downward bundle stretch, with 1:30 in a left bundle and 1:30 in a right bundle. I will do as many bundles during the warmup as I can handle. The goal is to be able to do more bundles during my BTC bundle stretches. I'm currently doing 1 bundle, and increasing the number of bundles will help me gain.

Other than attempting more bundles during my warmup and BTC bundle stretches, I'm not changing anything else right now. I will still pull lightly for 1 minute, moderately for 1:30, and very hard (as hard as I can since my penis is conditioned now) for 2:30, for a total of 5 minutes.

I will continue doing 4 sets of 5 minutes each set:
- left bundle to left side (light, moderate, very hard)
- right bundle to left side (light, moderate, very hard)
- right bundle to right side (light, moderate, very hard)
- left bundle to right side (light, moderate, very hard)

Note that when I say left/right side, I'm not pulling at a 90-degree angle from my body or even 45 degrees, It is just a very slight angle away from the center of my body.

Shout out to Squirt Inducer Man (SIM) again for the seminal content and education. I hope he returns soon to see how he has helped yet another brother.
After going through a lot of SIM's content, I'm going to change my warmup.

Currently, I'm using the LM3 to pull the penis to full extension directly in front of me and then I go back and forth between pulling up & down for 20 seconds, left & right for 20 seconds, clockwise for 10 seconds, and counterclockwise for 10 seconds. I then repeat that process in a left bundle, and then in a right bundle.

SIM's content has made me reconsider my warmup. I will change my warmup to become a 3-minute downward bundle stretch, with 1:30 in a left bundle and 1:30 in a right bundle. I will do as many bundles during the warmup as I can handle. The goal is to be able to do more bundles during my BTC bundle stretches. I'm currently doing 1 bundle, and increasing the number of bundles will help me gain.

Other than attempting more bundles during my warmup and BTC bundle stretches, I'm not changing anything else right now. I will still pull lightly for 1 minute, moderately for 1:30, and very hard (as hard as I can since my penis is conditioned now) for 2:30, for a total of 5 minutes.

I will continue doing 4 sets of 5 minutes each set:
- left bundle to left side (light, moderate, very hard)
- right bundle to left side (light, moderate, very hard)
- right bundle to right side (light, moderate, very hard)
- left bundle to right side (light, moderate, very hard)

Note that when I say left/right side, I'm not pulling at a 90-degree angle from my body or even 45 degrees, It is just a very slight angle away from the center of my body.

Shout out to Squirt Inducer Man (SIM) again for the seminal content and education. I hope he returns soon to see how he has helped yet another brother.
I did a session right after making that last post and wow... an immediate difference. I was able to get 2 full bundles during my warmup downward bundle stretches and was able to get 1.5 bundles (an increase from 1 bundle) during my BTC bundle stretches. I'll do this for 3-4 weeks, or until the 1.5 bundles feel less stressful/challenging, then attempt 2 full bundles during the BTC bundles.

Is 10 inches too ambitious by July??:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I did a session right after making that last post and wow... an immediate difference. I was able to get 2 full bundles during my warmup downward bundle stretches and was able to get 1.5 bundles (an increase from 1 bundle) during my BTC bundle stretches. I'll do this for 3-4 weeks, or until the 1.5 bundles feel less stressful/challenging, then attempt 2 full bundles during the BTC bundles.

Is 10 inches too ambitious by July??:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Nothing is impossible! All things come together for the glory of Christ
I'm still consistently stretching every single day, and I'm posting my BPEL and BPSFL in a couple of days on the first post in this thread. However, life has become very busy recently, and most days I can only find time for one session instead of two. From warmup to wrapping, until the last rep, unwrapping, and penis skin care, a session lasts about 40 minutes. Can @huge-girth, @oldandlively, or anyone else give me advice about how I can change my session structure so that I can do one session per day but still get results like I was doing two?

I'm still doing the same protocol:
- L 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, R pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30

Should I eliminate the light pulls and increase the amount of moderate and/or intense pulls? Should I increase the duration of each pull while keeping the same intensity progression above? How should I change my session up to still make gains like I am training twice per day even though I can only train once per day?

Keep in mind, my penis is very well conditioned, and an intensity increase is not only most likely necessary (I've been doing 1.5 bundled BTCs since mid-January), but I will be able to tolerate it very, very well. Also, I'm still noticing gains visually while only doing one session per day, but not as much as if I were doing the prescribed two sessions per day, which just isn't feasible right now.

I want to stop leaving gains on the table. Please help!
I'm still consistently stretching every single day, and I'm posting my BPEL and BPSFL in a couple of days on the first post in this thread. However, life has become very busy recently, and most days I can only find time for one session instead of two. From warmup to wrapping, until the last rep, unwrapping, and penis skin care, a session lasts about 40 minutes. Can @huge-girth, @oldandlively, or anyone else give me advice about how I can change my session structure so that I can do one session per day but still get results like I was doing two?

You can use the SRT routine as a permanent workout. You can add or take away time based on how long you have. One session of SRT is plenty for a daily routine. So if you can dedicate an hour that is fine just cut the routine to an hour then train for that long.
I'm still doing the same protocol:
- L 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, R pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30

Should I eliminate the light pulls and increase the amount of moderate and/or intense pulls? Should I increase the duration of each pull while keeping the same intensity progression above? How should I change my session up to still make gains like I am training twice per day even though I can only train once per day?

like I said SRT is a complete workout all in one. Take whatever time you have and dedicate that time to the routine.
Keep in mind, my penis is very well conditioned, and an intensity increase is not only most likely necessary (I've been doing 1.5 bundled BTCs since mid-January), but I will be able to tolerate it very, very well. Also, I'm still noticing gains visually while only doing one session per day, but not as much as if I were doing the prescribed two sessions per day, which just isn't feasible right now.

I want to stop leaving gains on the table. Please help!

I think you will find a single workout of SRT to be plenty for the day. With how well you are conditioned I think you will see this is the way.
I'm still consistently stretching every single day, and I'm posting my BPEL and BPSFL in a couple of days on the first post in this thread. However, life has become very busy recently, and most days I can only find time for one session instead of two. From warmup to wrapping, until the last rep, unwrapping, and penis skin care, a session lasts about 40 minutes. Can @huge-girth, @oldandlively, or anyone else give me advice about how I can change my session structure so that I can do one session per day but still get results like I was doing two?

I'm still doing the same protocol:
- L 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, R pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30

Should I eliminate the light pulls and increase the amount of moderate and/or intense pulls? Should I increase the duration of each pull while keeping the same intensity progression above? How should I change my session up to still make gains like I am training twice per day even though I can only train once per day?

Keep in mind, my penis is very well conditioned, and an intensity increase is not only most likely necessary (I've been doing 1.5 bundled BTCs since mid-January), but I will be able to tolerate it very, very well. Also, I'm still noticing gains visually while only doing one session per day, but not as much as if I were doing the prescribed two sessions per day, which just isn't feasible right now.

I want to stop leaving gains on the table. Please help!

At this point in time, with your Length Master, if your routines have been consistent to some degree, let's modify the routines in assuming your routines have conditioned your penis and allow it times to adopt. We're trusting you on this brother. If you haven't been consistent, it's like throwing holy water on the dark side penis.

Warm-up procedure, where you can select any other routines amont the SRT list:
  • Manual warm up with your hands, where you perform straight down pull at moderate traction tension, and hold for 30 seconds. This tension should feel where your penis has a dull sensation of being stretched. No pain whatsoever during the warm up, but enough to say, man, that's a heck of a pull. Ease up just a bit for 10 seconds, and again for 20 seconds. Keep going at it for a total of 2 minutes. You're stressing the ligaments and connected muscle tissues.
  • Perform a clockwise crank for 30 seconds, and then counter clockwise for 30 seconds. Keep the reps for 2 minutes. You are stressing the tissues at all angles
  • Pull hard up towards your belly button for 30 seconds, then to the right, left, then your knee, each direction for 30 seconds. Remember, you're sitting. This stretches the base muscles and tunica.
Keep your tissues warm. This means a constant heat source. As long as your crotch doesn't feel like it's burning, you're good. Keep a surface IR thermometer scanner near by if you have one. You might want to invest in one if you don't have one. It's only $15.

Now for the fun using the Length Master:
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down to the ground for 2.5 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 2.5 minutes.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 5 minutes, your penis will feel some fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.

  • Sit on a chair, lean your chest toward the back rest of the chair, sticking your butt slightly out.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down and toward the back of your butt cheeks (BTC) for 3 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 3 minutes. Your pain threshold should already be higher at this point. Your pull should be slightly harder than the first set.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 6 minutes, your penis will feel more fatigued. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.

At this point, your penis should feel slightly numb, and achy. The key is achy. This is fatigue.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down to the ground for 3 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the additional dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 3 minutes.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 6 minutes, your penis will feel moderate fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
You probably have tears in your eyes at this point. Your glans should have a slight color change the moment you release the plates. That's normal.
  • Sit on a chair again, lean your chest toward the back rest of the chair, sticking your butt slightly out.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down and toward the back of your butt cheeks (BTC) for 5 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 5 minutes. Your pain threshold should already be higher at this point. Your pull should be slightly harder than the first set.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 10 minutes, your penis will feel major fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
If you still don't feel the major fatigue at this point, go for another 10 minutes.

If you feel heavy fatigueness at this point, cool down by doing manual pull of your penis straight down only with your hands for the next 3 minutes.

Perform massages with warm oil if you like for the next few minutes, and put on the sleeves or wrap it. Keep the tissues nice and warm at all time, with your penis elongated as long as you can.

Keep this routine up for the next 2 weeks and report back.
I'm still consistently stretching every single day, and I'm posting my BPEL and BPSFL in a couple of days on the first post in this thread. However, life has become very busy recently, and most days I can only find time for one session instead of two. From warmup to wrapping, until the last rep, unwrapping, and penis skin care, a session lasts about 40 minutes. Can @huge-girth, @oldandlively, or anyone else give me advice about how I can change my session structure so that I can do one session per day but still get results like I was doing two?

I'm still doing the same protocol:
- L 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, R pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30
- R 1.5 bundle, L pull, light for 1 minute, moderate for 1:30, hard for 2:30

Should I eliminate the light pulls and increase the amount of moderate and/or intense pulls? Should I increase the duration of each pull while keeping the same intensity progression above? How should I change my session up to still make gains like I am training twice per day even though I can only train once per day?

Keep in mind, my penis is very well conditioned, and an intensity increase is not only most likely necessary (I've been doing 1.5 bundled BTCs since mid-January), but I will be able to tolerate it very, very well. Also, I'm still noticing gains visually while only doing one session per day, but not as much as if I were doing the prescribed two sessions per day, which just isn't feasible right now.

I want to stop leaving gains on the table. Please help!

Make sure you warmup very well and then, increase the time duration of your session from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. Secondly, try holding the stretch for a longer time than you have been doing previously. If you were holding each stretch for 2 minutes before, switch it up now to 3 minutes or 4 minutes.

Lastly, increase the intensity of your session.stretch harder than before.
At this point in time, with your Length Master, if your routines have been consistent to some degree, let's modify the routines in assuming your routines have conditioned your penis and allow it times to adopt. We're trusting you on this brother. If you haven't been consistent, it's like throwing holy water on the dark side penis.

Warm-up procedure, where you can select any other routines amont the SRT list:
  • Manual warm up with your hands, where you perform straight down pull at moderate traction tension, and hold for 30 seconds. This tension should feel where your penis has a dull sensation of being stretched. No pain whatsoever during the warm up, but enough to say, man, that's a heck of a pull. Ease up just a bit for 10 seconds, and again for 20 seconds. Keep going at it for a total of 2 minutes. You're stressing the ligaments and connected muscle tissues.
  • Perform a clockwise crank for 30 seconds, and then counter clockwise for 30 seconds. Keep the reps for 2 minutes. You are stressing the tissues at all angles
  • Pull hard up towards your belly button for 30 seconds, then to the right, left, then your knee, each direction for 30 seconds. Remember, you're sitting. This stretches the base muscles and tunica.
^^^ I'll make this my new warmup routine

Keep your tissues warm. This means a constant heat source. As long as your crotch doesn't feel like it's burning, you're good. Keep a surface IR thermometer scanner near by if you have one. You might want to invest in one if you don't have one. It's only $15.

Now for the fun using the Length Master:
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down to the ground for 2.5 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 2.5 minutes.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 5 minutes, your penis will feel some fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
Sitting or standing?
Expressive stretches at the base of penis, or should the LM be just beneath the glans instead?

  • Sit on a chair, lean your chest toward the back rest of the chair, sticking your butt slightly out.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down and toward the back of your butt cheeks (BTC) for 3 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 3 minutes. Your pain threshold should already be higher at this point. Your pull should be slightly harder than the first set.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 6 minutes, your penis will feel more fatigued. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
Is sitting necessary, or should I keep doing the BTCs with 1.5 bundles as I have been (the way SIM demonstrates)?

At this point, your penis should feel slightly numb, and achy. The key is achy. This is fatigue.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down to the ground for 3 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the additional dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 3 minutes.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 6 minutes, your penis will feel moderate fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
This seems like the second set of the same type of stretches that you just mentioned. I'll do this set just like I have been (SIM's way).

You probably have tears in your eyes at this point. Your glans should have a slight color change the moment you release the plates. That's normal.
  • Sit on a chair again, lean your chest toward the back rest of the chair, sticking your butt slightly out.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down and toward the back of your butt cheeks (BTC) for 5 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 5 minutes. Your pain threshold should already be higher at this point. Your pull should be slightly harder than the first set.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 10 minutes, your penis will feel major fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
Again, should I sit or do it SIM's way?

If you still don't feel the major fatigue at this point, go for another 10 minutes.

If you feel heavy fatigueness at this point, cool down by doing manual pull of your penis straight down only with your hands for the next 3 minutes.

Perform massages with warm oil if you like for the next few minutes, and put on the sleeves or wrap it. Keep the tissues nice and warm at all time, with your penis elongated as long as you can.

Keep this routine up for the next 2 weeks and report back.
I measure this Friday. I'll switch to this routine after that.
You can use the SRT routine as a permanent workout. You can add or take away time based on how long you have. One session of SRT is plenty for a daily routine. So if you can dedicate an hour that is fine just cut the routine to an hour then train for that long.

like I said SRT is a complete workout all in one. Take whatever time you have and dedicate that time to the routine.

I think you will find a single workout of SRT to be plenty for the day. With how well you are conditioned I think you will see this is the way.
SRT seems great, but I'm only focusing on length gains for now, and SRT incorporates girth work as well. I'll revisit SRT, along with the MityVac, when I explore girth work. Hopefully, that will start in about 4 to 6 months, which is when I aim to achieve my length goals.
Sitting or standing?
Sitting. Much easier on your pelvic muscles and your legs. Easier to modify the angles when needed.

Expressive stretches at the base of penis, or should the LM be just beneath the glans instead?
Just beneath the glans to get the full expressive stretches.

Is sitting necessary, or should I keep doing the BTCs with 1.5 bundles as I have been (the way SIM demonstrates)?
You can use SIM's method, or the sitting. Me, as I get older, SIM's positioning on the couch or bed can be very tiring on the joints. So, I just sit, stick my butt out from the chair, and enjoy the pull with comfort.

This seems like the second set of the same type of stretches that you just mentioned. I'll do this set just like I have been (SIM's way).
Yep. repetition, but increase of intensity.

Again, should I sit or do it SIM's way?
Your call. Being young is great. But if you get tired of sticking your butt out on the couch or bed, switch to chair sitting.

I measure this Friday. I'll switch to this routine after that.
Give it a try for a few weeks. Give us the observation when you're ready.
SRT seems great, but I'm only focusing on length gains for now, and SRT incorporates girth work as well. I'll revisit SRT, along with the MityVac, when I explore girth work. Hopefully, that will start in about 4 to 6 months, which is when I aim to achieve my length goals.
There is a great length workout in SRT. Just using that portion of SRT will bring incredible length. Whenever you get the MityVac you can then add in the girth portion.
This will be my progress log thread: "Argyle's Awesome Additions AKA (A^3)".

This routine and my gains are thanks to @huge-girth, my PE coach, @oldandlively, and Squirt Inducer Man (who I abbreviate as SIM throughout this thread). Thanks a lot for the guidance and answers to my (very) frequent questions!

Jan. 9, 2024: Day Zero
BPEL: 5.31 in
BPSFL: 5.44 in
BG: 4.25 in
EG/MSEG: 4 in

Began my "warm-up" phase:
Used LengthMaster to do half-bundle stretches in every direction for 1 minute; 22 minutes total.
Started doing kegels; began w/ 60 per day.

Feb. 13, 2024:
BPSFL: 5.63 --> 0.19 inch increase

Feb. 14, 2024:
Began a new PE routine:
Seated Downward Half-Bundle Stretches w/ LengthMaster for 1 minute:
20 minute sessions, 2x/day.
I could only do half-bundles at this time; a full bundle was not feasible yet.
Began a new kegel routine:
Increased from 60 kegels/day by 10 reps every week until I got to 200 reps/day.

May 14, 2024:
BPEL: 5.69 --> 0.38 inch increase
Began a new PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster. 24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
I could now do full bundles.
New kegel progression:
5-sec holds for 25 reps, 2x/day; 50/day.

Aug. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 5.94 --> .25 inch increase
Continue w/ PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster; same as the previous 3 months:
24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
Begin new kegel progression:
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 4x/day; 100 kegels/day for 30 days
5- sec hold for 25 reps, 6x/day; 150 kegels/day for 30 days
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 8x/day; 200 kegels/day for 30 days

Nov. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 6.00 --> .06 inch increase
PE Routine:
Although I've finally reached my 6-inch mark (sweet!), I need to make a change. Although I was similarly consistent as the previous three months (missed sessions here and there in every three-month block because life gets in the way), I only saw a 0.06-inch increase in three months doing the DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster 2x/day, 24-minute sessions each, 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times. This is a considerable drop-off in gains compared to my previous blocks.
I did not do the new kegel routine I listed in August. Instead, I kept doing the kegel routine I followed in May (see above). This was partially laziness and partially forgetting to do the new routine.

I talked with my coach @huge-girth. He said it's time to start BTC stretches, so I'm off to research those. I also need to start progressing with my kegels. I'll post more here one I figure out my new BTC and kegel routines.

Nov. 28, 2024:
First BTC bundle stretch session with LM3.
I will make a progress update on or shortly after Feb. 28, 2025.

Feb. 28, 2025:
BPEL: 6.00 inches --> 0.00 inch increase
BPSFL: 6.00 inches --> 0.37 inch increase

It took me a few weeks into December of testing things out and learning how to do BTCs to figure out what worked for me. Starting in mid-December, I began doing BTCs with 1.5 bundles with the LengthMaster sometimes twice per day, but many times only once per day, as follows:

2:30 min wrap w/ hot washcloth and kegel holds
2 L bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull
2 R bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull

Main Session:
1.5 L bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 L bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard

Please see my posts (dated sometime between Nov. 28 and Mar. 1) for even more context about this block of my routine.

I made no gains in BPEL, and gained 0.37 inches to my BPSFL. However, my flaccid hang is much longer than before starting this routine. But I'm a bit disappointed by the zero gains in BPEL. At this point, being on track to gain 1 inch in BPEL in 6 months doing BTCs doesn't seem likely, as I'm already 3 months in and have made 0 BPEL gains. Brothers, am I doing something wrong?

Notably, I only have time for one session per day, which could be responsible for the 0 gains in BPEL and small gains in BPSFL over 3 months of consistent BTCs. However, to see nothing at all for BPEL concerns me. Is it typical to see an increase in flaccid hang and BPSFL before major BPEL gains start to happen?

I'm discouraged but will not give up. Unless @oldandlively, @huge-girth, @DLD, or others with experience have new advice to give me based on the info I provided, I will try the routines y'all suggested in response to my recent posts. The routines you guys suggested still have me only training once per day (which is all I have time for), but they are more intense than my current routine, so I'm hoping I get bigger gains from them.

I will make another update to this post on or around May 1.

@oldandlively @huge-girth @DLD Please see my latest update as of Feb. 28, 2025 and let me know what you think
@oldandlively @huge-girth @DLD Please see my latest update as of Feb. 28, 2025 and let me know what you think

Let's break things down during the brief period of Length Master adjustment, or learning curve, and lack of BPEL gain, but noticeably the new flaccid state. At this point in time, your brain and penile tissues are now reprogrammed with the new normal from the gains. Since @huge-girth is your coach, I'll send you off with this advice so he can confirm or deny with your new method of approach.

Nov. 28, 2024:
First BTC bundle stretch session with LM3.
I will make a progress update on or shortly after Feb. 28, 2025.
  • This is where the learning curve cause a big of a delay on the gains. But that's perfectly fine.
Feb. 28, 2025:
BPEL: 6.00 inches --> 0.00 inch increase
BPSFL: 6.00 inches --> 0.37 inch increase

  • Because of the new stress loads done using the LM3, your tissues adapted the new normalcy. Now, it's time to attack the tissues.
Since you've taken time to adjust your tissues using a higher mechanical assist traction force, do be mindful not to over stress your tissues to the point of exhaustion. What I mean is, stick with one session a day first, but a complete session. Until you know you can tackle more sessions, be mindful of how much fatigue your penis is undergoing.

2:30 min wrap w/ hot washcloth and kegel holds.
  • Kegel hold should be reverse kegel to preload the blood volume for 30 seconds, with two quick burst of short 1-second kegel and resume the cycle for the 2:30 second duration. Why this method? Since your tissues are adopting the new normalcy, the kegel reflex will be automatic to keep sending blood to your penis to keep it in its new elongated flaccid state. What you want to do more is to prime the blood more than pumping the blood. Priming the blood is to pool it at the pelvic, and pumping is that short burst of kegel, or two quick burst. Your body will use this primed blood automatically throughout the day. I do reverse kegel most of the day over kegeling. This is something for you to try to see a new beneficial side to reverse kegeling more than kegeling. Keep a good observation log.

2 L bundled, DLD Blaster downward pull: 30 seconds moderate pull, follows by 60 seconds hard pull as you raise up the intensity. Move slowly from a moderate to a hard pull should be a hard feel good stretch pull above the moderate pull, below any kind of pain. It's practically that super stretch early in the morning from sleeping in a fetal position all night. After 60 seconds of hard, slowly release back to 30 seconds moderate pull.

2 R bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: Same as the L bundled stretch above.

A straight down pull at moderate tension with no bundle. Just straight down for 60 seconds. This is to reset the tissues back to longitudinal vector before the LM3 stretches.

Main Session:
1.5 L bundle, L pull BTC 5-minutes of pure dynamic stretch, as you find the optimal angles while going towards the back: 1 min light (adding to a total of 6 minutes), 5 minutes of alternating between moderate and hard. You can base it on a 30-second sequence, or you can alternate every 10-second sequence. Your call.

1.5 R bundle, R pull BTC 5-minutes of pure dynamic stretch, as you find the optimal angles while going towards the back. Same as above.

Again, same set as above, or as many sets as you want.

Add a final cooldown set, always from here on out:
  • 30 seconds of light traction downward stretch. Downwards means straight down to the floor. Follows up with 1-minute moderate traction stretch, then up with 2-minute of hard, then back down to 90-second of light.
  • Wrap/sleeve up the new stressed flaccid length, which is another 1in or so. The penis will fight back hard to return back to its previous new flaccid state. Don't let it.
Why are you adding a final set of straight down? It's to line up the longitudinal tissues to keep the tissues from warping in its new flaccid state. You're continuing to tell the brain to keep the tissues relaxed, straight down, and as long as possible. The last cooldown set also reprime the tunica, blood vessels, and nerves to be more elastic from the various stress loads to prevent themselves from harm. SIM proved this method with me.
Let's break things down during the brief period of Length Master adjustment, or learning curve, and lack of BPEL gain, but noticeably the new flaccid state. At this point in time, your brain and penile tissues are now reprogrammed with the new normal from the gains. Since @huge-girth is your coach, I'll send you off with this advice so he can confirm or deny with your new method of approach.

Nov. 28, 2024:
First BTC bundle stretch session with LM3.
I will make a progress update on or shortly after Feb. 28, 2025.
  • This is where the learning curve cause a big of a delay on the gains. But that's perfectly fine.
Feb. 28, 2025:
BPEL: 6.00 inches --> 0.00 inch increase
BPSFL: 6.00 inches --> 0.37 inch increase

  • Because of the new stress loads done using the LM3, your tissues adapted the new normalcy. Now, it's time to attack the tissues.
Since you've taken time to adjust your tissues using a higher mechanical assist traction force, do be mindful not to over stress your tissues to the point of exhaustion. What I mean is, stick with one session a day first, but a complete session. Until you know you can tackle more sessions, be mindful of how much fatigue your penis is undergoing.

2:30 min wrap w/ hot washcloth and kegel holds.
  • Kegel hold should be reverse kegel to preload the blood volume for 30 seconds, with two quick burst of short 1-second kegel and resume the cycle for the 2:30 second duration. Why this method? Since your tissues are adopting the new normalcy, the kegel reflex will be automatic to keep sending blood to your penis to keep it in its new elongated flaccid state. What you want to do more is to prime the blood more than pumping the blood. Priming the blood is to pool it at the pelvic, and pumping is that short burst of kegel, or two quick burst. Your body will use this primed blood automatically throughout the day. I do reverse kegel most of the day over kegeling. This is something for you to try to see a new beneficial side to reverse kegeling more than kegeling. Keep a good observation log.

2 L bundled, DLD Blaster downward pull: 30 seconds moderate pull, follows by 60 seconds hard pull as you raise up the intensity. Move slowly from a moderate to a hard pull should be a hard feel good stretch pull above the moderate pull, below any kind of pain. It's practically that super stretch early in the morning from sleeping in a fetal position all night. After 60 seconds of hard, slowly release back to 30 seconds moderate pull.

2 R bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: Same as the L bundled stretch above.

A straight down pull at moderate tension with no bundle. Just straight down for 60 seconds. This is to reset the tissues back to longitudinal vector before the LM3 stretches.

Main Session:
1.5 L bundle, L pull BTC 5-minutes of pure dynamic stretch, as you find the optimal angles while going towards the back: 1 min light (adding to a total of 6 minutes), 5 minutes of alternating between moderate and hard. You can base it on a 30-second sequence, or you can alternate every 10-second sequence. Your call.

1.5 R bundle, R pull BTC 5-minutes of pure dynamic stretch, as you find the optimal angles while going towards the back. Same as above.

Again, same set as above, or as many sets as you want.

Add a final cooldown set, always from here on out:
  • 30 seconds of light traction downward stretch. Downwards means straight down to the floor. Follows up with 1-minute moderate traction stretch, then up with 2-minute of hard, then back down to 90-second of light.
  • Wrap/sleeve up the new stressed flaccid length, which is another 1in or so. The penis will fight back hard to return back to its previous new flaccid state. Don't let it.
Why are you adding a final set of straight down? It's to line up the longitudinal tissues to keep the tissues from warping in its new flaccid state. You're continuing to tell the brain to keep the tissues relaxed, straight down, and as long as possible. The last cooldown set also reprime the tunica, blood vessels, and nerves to be more elastic from the various stress loads to prevent themselves from harm. SIM proved this method with me.

So then should I do this (above ^^^) instead of what you posted earlier (I pasted it below vvv)

At this point in time, with your Length Master, if your routines have been consistent to some degree, let's modify the routines in assuming your routines have conditioned your penis and allow it times to adopt. We're trusting you on this brother. If you haven't been consistent, it's like throwing holy water on the dark side penis.

Warm-up procedure, where you can select any other routines amont the SRT list:
  • Manual warm up with your hands, where you perform straight down pull at moderate traction tension, and hold for 30 seconds. This tension should feel where your penis has a dull sensation of being stretched. No pain whatsoever during the warm up, but enough to say, man, that's a heck of a pull. Ease up just a bit for 10 seconds, and again for 20 seconds. Keep going at it for a total of 2 minutes. You're stressing the ligaments and connected muscle tissues.
  • Perform a clockwise crank for 30 seconds, and then counter clockwise for 30 seconds. Keep the reps for 2 minutes. You are stressing the tissues at all angles
  • Pull hard up towards your belly button for 30 seconds, then to the right, left, then your knee, each direction for 30 seconds. Remember, you're sitting. This stretches the base muscles and tunica.
Keep your tissues warm. This means a constant heat source. As long as your crotch doesn't feel like it's burning, you're good. Keep a surface IR thermometer scanner near by if you have one. You might want to invest in one if you don't have one. It's only $15.

Now for the fun using the Length Master:
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down to the ground for 2.5 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 2.5 minutes.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 5 minutes, your penis will feel some fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.

  • Sit on a chair, lean your chest toward the back rest of the chair, sticking your butt slightly out.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down and toward the back of your butt cheeks (BTC) for 3 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 3 minutes. Your pain threshold should already be higher at this point. Your pull should be slightly harder than the first set.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 6 minutes, your penis will feel more fatigued. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.

At this point, your penis should feel slightly numb, and achy. The key is achy. This is fatigue.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down to the ground for 3 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the additional dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 3 minutes.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 6 minutes, your penis will feel moderate fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
You probably have tears in your eyes at this point. Your glans should have a slight color change the moment you release the plates. That's normal.
  • Sit on a chair again, lean your chest toward the back rest of the chair, sticking your butt slightly out.
  • Left rotation of the penis to 1.5x bundled, pull hard straight down and toward the back of your butt cheeks (BTC) for 5 minutes. During this time, keep the tension dynamic. First 30 seconds, pull until you feel the dull achy pain, not sharp pain, like when you pull with your hands. Ease up a bit for 10 seconds, and repeat for 20 seconds. Cycle it through for 5 minutes. Your pain threshold should already be higher at this point. Your pull should be slightly harder than the first set.
  • Pause the timmer, and do the same for the right rotation at 1.5x bundled. Same procedure as above.
  • After 10 minutes, your penis will feel major fatigue. Release the plates, massage your penis. Perform some SSJ just to get the blood flowing.
If you still don't feel the major fatigue at this point, go for another 10 minutes.

If you feel heavy fatigueness at this point, cool down by doing manual pull of your penis straight down only with your hands for the next 3 minutes.

Perform massages with warm oil if you like for the next few minutes, and put on the sleeves or wrap it. Keep the tissues nice and warm at all time, with your penis elongated as long as you can.

Keep this routine up for the next 2 weeks and report back.
So then should I do this (above ^^^) instead of what you posted earlier (I pasted it below vvv)

Yes. The earlier was for the Length Master intro. Since you do have experience with it through the transition period, it's time to get a bit more into the program. It's a strange transitional period since you have PE experiences under your belt. We can't keep you under newbie routines all the time without progressively moving forward with growth routines.
Yes. The earlier was for the Length Master intro. Since you do have experience with it through the transition period, it's time to get a bit more into the program. It's a strange transitional period since you have PE experiences under your belt. We can't keep you under newbie routines all the time without progressively moving forward with growth routines.
The Newbie routine is for beginners and should only be used a few weeks before jumping into a new routine. My advice is to go full steam into SRT. This routine is a total routine never needing to be changed. If gains slow then simply increase intensity or double up the routine. There is so much flexibility in SRT that anyone can do it.
Yes. The earlier was for the Length Master intro. Since you do have experience with it through the transition period, it's time to get a bit more into the program. It's a strange transitional period since you have PE experiences under your belt. We can't keep you under newbie routines all the time without progressively moving forward with growth routines.
Is this different enough from/more intense than what I was doing before? It seems like the only thing that really changes is a small portion of the warmup and then the added cooldown, with the main set being basically the same thing
The Newbie routine is for beginners and should only be used a few weeks before jumping into a new routine. My advice is to go full steam into SRT. This routine is a total routine never needing to be changed. If gains slow then simply increase intensity or double up the routine. There is so much flexibility in SRT that anyone can do it.
I have to read up much more about SRT
Is this different enough from/more intense than what I was doing before? It seems like the only thing that really changes is a small portion of the warmup and then the added cooldown, with the main set being basically the same thing
Yes, it's adding a level higher in intensity without destroying your recovery efforts. It's not about jumping straight into moderate to high intensity, but easing up into moderate, with a touch of high intensity, from light intensity. If you go straight into moderate and up to high intensities, your sciatic nerve will return with a vengeance and cause you to have sustainable hard flaccid symptoms. Remember, we have to reactivate your penile tissues to "adopt" mode and not into "adapt" mode without triggering any nerve flare-up issues. Adapt mode is bad as it will push your tissues into an unsafe manner, thinking injuries of any level is perfectly fine.

What you are trying to do is create a continuous stress as it progresses upwards. Think of an injured leg. Do you want to go from sitting around to heal, standing up with light therapy, and from light therapy to get the muscle strengthen straight to jogging and running? You just came out of lower lumbardic injury earlier, and you want to add that extra stress on the sciatic nerve by jumping the gun to go even harder? If I'm there next to you right now, I would have kick you in the nuts to wake you up.

Give this approach a try. If there's no odd sensation or pulsation anywhere from the penile nerves, to the base of your pelvic, and up the spinal lumbardic region, then increase the intensity just a bit more on the pull each an every passing week. As you fee some prickly sensation, a jolt of pain, or anything odd at all, back far off, rest for a few days, and return to light and moderate pull. We're trying to protect you at the very forefront of things.
What is a traction stretch? Is that just holding the penis in your fingers (like a jelq position) and pulling?
What is a traction stretch? Is that just holding the penis in your fingers (like a jelq position) and pulling?
Yes, traction stretches is a common terms used to indicated pulling using with friction. Traction is friction. Traction force is a pulling of direction using friction force to keep the pull going in one or multiple directions.

Example you used is perfect. Jelqing is a light traction force holding the foreskin to pull in one direction. LM3 traction plates is considered as traction stretch ranging from light to heavy traction force. Traction load is a measured pulling forcing, normally using a weight to simplify the meaning, such as 1kg or ~2lbs. Hanging is a great example of traction stretch, traction force (a direction being pulled) and traction load.
Yes, traction stretches is a common terms used to indicated pulling using with friction. Traction is friction. Traction force is a pulling of direction using friction force to keep the pull going in one or multiple directions.

Example you used is perfect. Jelqing is a light traction force holding the foreskin to pull in one direction. LM3 traction plates is considered as traction stretch ranging from light to heavy traction force. Traction load is a measured pulling forcing, normally using a weight to simplify the meaning, such as 1kg or ~2lbs. Hanging is a great example of traction stretch, traction force (a direction being pulled) and traction load.
Thanks! I'll do this with the LM instead of my hands
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