This will be my progress log thread: "Argyle's Awesome Additions AKA (A^3)".
This routine and my gains are thanks to @huge-girth, my PE coach, @oldandlively, and Squirt Inducer Man (who I abbreviate as SIM throughout this thread). Thanks a lot for the guidance and answers to my (very) frequent questions!
Jan. 9, 2024: Day Zero
BPEL: 5.31 in
BPSFL: 5.44 in
BG: 4.25 in
EG/MSEG: 4 in
Began my "warm-up" phase:
Used LengthMaster to do half-bundle stretches in every direction for 1 minute; 22 minutes total.
Started doing kegels; began w/ 60 per day.
Feb. 13, 2024:
BPSFL: 5.63 --> 0.19 inch increase
Feb. 14, 2024:
Began a new PE routine:
Seated Downward Half-Bundle Stretches w/ LengthMaster for 1 minute:
20 minute sessions, 2x/day.
I could only do half-bundles at this time; a full bundle was not feasible yet.
Began a new kegel routine:
Increased from 60 kegels/day by 10 reps every week until I got to 200 reps/day.
May 14, 2024:
BPEL: 5.69 --> 0.38 inch increase
Began a new PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster. 24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
I could now do full bundles.
New kegel progression:
5-sec holds for 25 reps, 2x/day; 50/day.
Aug. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 5.94 --> .25 inch increase
Continue w/ PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster; same as the previous 3 months:
24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
Begin new kegel progression:
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 4x/day; 100 kegels/day for 30 days
5- sec hold for 25 reps, 6x/day; 150 kegels/day for 30 days
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 8x/day; 200 kegels/day for 30 days
Nov. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 6.00 --> .06 inch increase
PE Routine:
Although I've finally reached my 6-inch mark (sweet!), I need to make a change. Although I was similarly consistent as the previous three months (missed sessions here and there in every three-month block because life gets in the way), I only saw a 0.06-inch increase in three months doing the DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster 2x/day, 24-minute sessions each, 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times. This is a considerable drop-off in gains compared to my previous blocks.
I did not do the new kegel routine I listed in August. Instead, I kept doing the kegel routine I followed in May (see above). This was partially laziness and partially forgetting to do the new routine.
I talked with my coach @huge-girth. He said it's time to start BTC stretches, so I'm off to research those. I also need to start progressing with my kegels. I'll post more here one I figure out my new BTC and kegel routines.
Nov. 28, 2024:
First BTC bundle stretch session with LM. I'll make a progress update on or shortly after Feb. 28, 2025.
Feb. 28, 2025:
BPEL: 6.00 inches --> 0.00 inch increase
BPSFL: 6.00 inches --> 0.37 inch increase
It took me a few weeks into December of testing things out and learning how to do BTCs to figure out what worked for me. Starting in mid-December, I began doing BTCs with 1.5 bundles with the LengthMaster sometimes twice per day, but many times only once per day, as follows:
2:30 min wrap w/ hot washcloth and kegel holds
2 L bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull
2 R bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull
Main Session:
1.5 L bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 L bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
Please see my posts (dated sometime between Nov. 28 and Mar. 1) for even more context about this block of my routine.
I made no gains in BPEL, and gained 0.37 inches to my BPSFL. However, my flaccid hang is much longer than before starting this routine. But I'm a bit disappointed by the zero gains in BPEL. At this point, being on track to gain 1 inch in BPEL in 6 months doing BTCs doesn't seem likely, as I'm already 3 months in and have made 0 BPEL gains. Brothers, am I doing something wrong?
Notably, I only have time for one session per day, which could be responsible for the 0 gains in BPEL and small gains in BPSFL over 3 months of consistent BTCs. However, to see nothing at all for BPEL concerns me. Is it typical to see an increase in flaccid hang and BPSFL before major BPEL gains start to happen?
I'm discouraged but will not give up. Unless @oldandlively, @huge-girth, @DLD, or others with experience have new advice to give me based on the info I provided, I will try the routines y'all suggested in response to my recent posts. The routines you guys suggested still have me only training once per day (which is all I have time for), but they are more intense than my current routine, so I'm hoping I get bigger gains from them.
New Routine (see posts dated b/n Feb. 28 and Mar 2 for context) :
Hot washcloth wrap for 2:30 min with 30 sec reverse kegel holds followed by 2 quick shot normal kegels
Seated w/ LM:
L bundle(s) DLD Blasters pull down for 30 secs moderate, hard 1 min, 30 secs moderate
Repeat w/ R bundle(s)
No-bundle pull straight down for 1 min moderate
Main Session w/ LM
L bundle(s), L pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
R bundle(s), L pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
L bundle(s), R pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
R bundle(s), R pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
Cooldown w/ LM
No bundle 30 sec downward stretch light, 1 min moderate, 2 mins hard, 2.5 mins light
I'll make a progress update on or around June 1
This routine and my gains are thanks to @huge-girth, my PE coach, @oldandlively, and Squirt Inducer Man (who I abbreviate as SIM throughout this thread). Thanks a lot for the guidance and answers to my (very) frequent questions!
Jan. 9, 2024: Day Zero
BPEL: 5.31 in
BPSFL: 5.44 in
BG: 4.25 in
EG/MSEG: 4 in
Began my "warm-up" phase:
Used LengthMaster to do half-bundle stretches in every direction for 1 minute; 22 minutes total.
Started doing kegels; began w/ 60 per day.
Feb. 13, 2024:
BPSFL: 5.63 --> 0.19 inch increase
Feb. 14, 2024:
Began a new PE routine:
Seated Downward Half-Bundle Stretches w/ LengthMaster for 1 minute:
20 minute sessions, 2x/day.
I could only do half-bundles at this time; a full bundle was not feasible yet.
Began a new kegel routine:
Increased from 60 kegels/day by 10 reps every week until I got to 200 reps/day.
May 14, 2024:
BPEL: 5.69 --> 0.38 inch increase
Began a new PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster. 24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
I could now do full bundles.
New kegel progression:
5-sec holds for 25 reps, 2x/day; 50/day.
Aug. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 5.94 --> .25 inch increase
Continue w/ PE routine:
DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster; same as the previous 3 months:
24-minute sessions, 2x per day. Stretch for 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times.
Begin new kegel progression:
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 4x/day; 100 kegels/day for 30 days
5- sec hold for 25 reps, 6x/day; 150 kegels/day for 30 days
5-sec hold for 25 reps, 8x/day; 200 kegels/day for 30 days
Nov. 16, 2024:
BPEL: 6.00 --> .06 inch increase
PE Routine:
Although I've finally reached my 6-inch mark (sweet!), I need to make a change. Although I was similarly consistent as the previous three months (missed sessions here and there in every three-month block because life gets in the way), I only saw a 0.06-inch increase in three months doing the DLD Full Bundle Blasters w/ LengthMaster 2x/day, 24-minute sessions each, 2 minutes in each direction, 3 times. This is a considerable drop-off in gains compared to my previous blocks.
I did not do the new kegel routine I listed in August. Instead, I kept doing the kegel routine I followed in May (see above). This was partially laziness and partially forgetting to do the new routine.
I talked with my coach @huge-girth. He said it's time to start BTC stretches, so I'm off to research those. I also need to start progressing with my kegels. I'll post more here one I figure out my new BTC and kegel routines.
Nov. 28, 2024:
First BTC bundle stretch session with LM. I'll make a progress update on or shortly after Feb. 28, 2025.
Feb. 28, 2025:
BPEL: 6.00 inches --> 0.00 inch increase
BPSFL: 6.00 inches --> 0.37 inch increase
It took me a few weeks into December of testing things out and learning how to do BTCs to figure out what worked for me. Starting in mid-December, I began doing BTCs with 1.5 bundles with the LengthMaster sometimes twice per day, but many times only once per day, as follows:
2:30 min wrap w/ hot washcloth and kegel holds
2 L bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull
2 R bundle, DLD Blaster downward pull: 1:30 moderate pull
Main Session:
1.5 L bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, L pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 R bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
1.5 L bundle, R pull BTC: 1 min light, 1:30 min moderate, 2:30 min hard
Please see my posts (dated sometime between Nov. 28 and Mar. 1) for even more context about this block of my routine.
I made no gains in BPEL, and gained 0.37 inches to my BPSFL. However, my flaccid hang is much longer than before starting this routine. But I'm a bit disappointed by the zero gains in BPEL. At this point, being on track to gain 1 inch in BPEL in 6 months doing BTCs doesn't seem likely, as I'm already 3 months in and have made 0 BPEL gains. Brothers, am I doing something wrong?
Notably, I only have time for one session per day, which could be responsible for the 0 gains in BPEL and small gains in BPSFL over 3 months of consistent BTCs. However, to see nothing at all for BPEL concerns me. Is it typical to see an increase in flaccid hang and BPSFL before major BPEL gains start to happen?
I'm discouraged but will not give up. Unless @oldandlively, @huge-girth, @DLD, or others with experience have new advice to give me based on the info I provided, I will try the routines y'all suggested in response to my recent posts. The routines you guys suggested still have me only training once per day (which is all I have time for), but they are more intense than my current routine, so I'm hoping I get bigger gains from them.
New Routine (see posts dated b/n Feb. 28 and Mar 2 for context) :
Hot washcloth wrap for 2:30 min with 30 sec reverse kegel holds followed by 2 quick shot normal kegels
Seated w/ LM:
L bundle(s) DLD Blasters pull down for 30 secs moderate, hard 1 min, 30 secs moderate
Repeat w/ R bundle(s)
No-bundle pull straight down for 1 min moderate
Main Session w/ LM
L bundle(s), L pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
R bundle(s), L pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
L bundle(s), R pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
R bundle(s), R pull BTCs; dynamic: 1 min light, 5 mins alternating b/n moderate and hard
Cooldown w/ LM
No bundle 30 sec downward stretch light, 1 min moderate, 2 mins hard, 2.5 mins light
I'll make a progress update on or around June 1
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