Any hope for me?


Well-known member
I am 21 years old and I have never been with a girl.....
I have chosen this because I am still a student with high ambitions and I do not want any hindrance associated with it....... (my family is enough for that(cwl))

Anyway, I would like to know whether I am not missing out in anything?
I will date in the future (possibly), but whenever I think about dating or meeting girls, it scares me......
I mean.... I do not have any experience with women........
I just don't know how to behave in front of them...... (no I am not ill mannered)

I will start dating when I will be fully independent.....
All I want to ask is, will my ambitions cause any issues with my hopefully upcoming dating life?
Your not missing out on a lot to be honest with you. Please concentrate so hard on your studies, do the damn best that you can, its so important at your age to make the best in that area to set you up for life.

Sex is anytime, its way overrated from my own experiences and I have MANY. However, love making is different, and doesn't come around as often. That I do miss.

I'm in my mid 30s and have not had sex for 9 years now due to my spiritual path.

Think about dating, no problem in that at all. If sex comes, it comes. Dont be one of those jerks going out looking for it all the time, life is more important then acting like that.

Always treat a women well, they aren't all whores, and bitches or want men with gigantic cocks, and think badly of us all. Thats just trash. Many women are just like yourself, and worried about what men will think of them, or what is expected of them in this more judgmental world.
I am 21 years old and I have never been with a girl.....
I have chosen this because I am still a student with high ambitions and I do not want any hindrance associated with it....... (my family is enough for that(cwl))

Anyway, I would like to know whether I am not missing out in anything?
I will date in the future (possibly), but whenever I think about dating or meeting girls, it scares me......
I mean.... I do not have any experience with women........
I just don't know how to behave in front of them...... (no I am not ill mannered)

I will start dating when I will be fully independent.....
All I want to ask is, will my ambitions cause any issues with my hopefully upcoming dating life?

I actually think your position is admirable. You’re preparing for your future in the best way and this will certainly help you when you decide to find a woman. Women love a man that has his life together, has a good job and has a good moral background. You’re missing out on something incredible but this will happen when you’re ready. There’s not any age that determines when or whether you have a girlfriend.
Your not missing out on a lot to be honest with you. Please concentrate so hard on your studies, do the damn best that you can, its so important at your age to make the best in that area to set you up for life.

Sex is anytime, its way overrated from my own experiences and I have MANY. However, love making is different, and doesn't come around as often. That I do miss.

I'm in my mid 30s and have not had sex for 9 years now due to my spiritual path.

Think about dating, no problem in that at all. If sex comes, it comes. Dont be one of those jerks going out looking for it all the time, life is more important then acting like that.

Always treat a women well, they aren't all whores, and bitches or want men with gigantic cocks, and think badly of us all. Thats just trash. Many women are just like yourself, and worried about what men will think of them, or what is expected of them in this more judgmental world.
Thanks for the advice.....

My main focus is my goals and I am not going to allow anyone to stand in between......

I am not hungry for sex. It is just that I do not want to be a guy who does not know how to treat a women. I've seen many men who lost their so called "the one" just because they were not treating them the way they want to be treated.... (not saying they were disrespectful, they just didn't know how to be romantic, how to flirt, how to initiate sex, etc).

Like I said, I'll start dating when I will be fully independent. Right now I am being fed on my fathers money. I want to start my dating life with me being fully responsible for it. If anything goes wrong down the road, I do not want to be stress to my parents. Instead, I want to take charge of my own actions and face the consequences alone.

I always treat women well. I am not one of the guys who disrespect women........ (maybe this was the reason I never interacted with any woman. It was the fear of accidentally disrespecting her)
I actually think your position is admirable. You’re preparing for your future in the best way and this will certainly help you when you decide to find a woman. Women love a man that has his life together, has a good job and has a good moral background. You’re missing out on something incredible but this will happen when you’re ready. There’s not any age that determines when or whether you have a girlfriend.
Thanks DLD:)
I actually think your position is admirable. You’re preparing for your future in the best way and this will certainly help you when you decide to find a woman. Women love a man that has his life together, has a good job and has a good moral background. You’re missing out on something incredible but this will happen when you’re ready. There’s not any age that determines when or whether you have a girlfriend.
Thanks DLD:)
men often fall into the 'one-itis' trap where we feel/think/believe that 'she's the one'...the truth is that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of 'the one', so never become myopic when it comes to women.

As others have mentioned, maintaining laser-focus on your goals/ambitions will be your ticket to all the women you desire...a man with that ambition/drive is like cat-nip for women. Don't get derailed in the middle of your mission...make certain you reach what you're aiming for before you get into a serious relationship and allow her into your world
You also have quite admirable qualities I think, in how you come across here as what the UK used to have with gentlemen. Well mannered, open doors for the woman.

I have been shouted at on two occasions here in England, by English women for opening the door for them ... this is truth, and was several years ago.

They accused me of doing it because they were a woman, and did I see them as weak? I have never been so embarrassed, and felt so stupid.

The second time I was more sharp. I simply told her to get over herself, and walked on. She called me a chauvinist pig.

Sorry to go off track, but some people nowadays are really fucked up in how they see themselves, and the opposite sex. I dont hate women, not at all, but you have to realize that due to many factors, sometimes it was the fault of some men in the past treating women badly, but some females today, a fraction of society is very extreme towards men, and see any kindness to a woman as someway to get into her knickers, or seeing her as weak.

Maybe the women in India are more okay. Its maybe more Western women that have become like this? I certainly never could imagine the Japanese, or Filipino women being like that.

Just be careful, practice with female friends. By that, I mean just interacting normally with a woman. It will get better, you will know who to avoid, who to talk with.
men often fall into the 'one-itis' trap where we feel/think/believe that 'she's the one'...the truth is that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of 'the one', so never become myopic when it comes to women.

As others have mentioned, maintaining laser-focus on your goals/ambitions will be your ticket to all the women you desire...a man with that ambition/drive is like cat-nip for women. Don't get derailed in the middle of your mission...make certain you reach what you're aiming for before you get into a serious relationship and allow her into your world
I couldn't agree more that there are more than one "the one" in this world......

There is one thing that I want to clear because many of my friends have told me that you are just thinking about your goals is because you want to attract women with your power and position. The truth is:

I do not want a woman just because I am successful. I want a woman who accepts me for who I was, who I am and who I will be in the future. I clearly do not want my success to be a "cat-nip" to women.

(I apologise if my language is harsh)
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You also have quite admirable qualities I think, in how you come across here as what the UK used to have with gentlemen. Well mannered, open doors for the woman.

I have been shouted at on two occasions here in England, by English women for opening the door for them ... this is truth, and was several years ago.

They accused me of doing it because they were a woman, and did I see them as weak? I have never been so embarrassed, and felt so stupid.

The second time I was more sharp. I simply told her to get over herself, and walked on. She called me a chauvinist pig.

Sorry to go off track, but some people nowadays are really fucked up in how they see themselves, and the opposite sex. I dont hate women, not at all, but you have to realize that due to many factors, sometimes it was the fault of some men in the past treating women badly, but some females today, a fraction of society is very extreme towards men, and see any kindness to a woman as someway to get into her knickers, or seeing her as weak.

Maybe the women in India are more okay. Its maybe more Western women that have become like this? I certainly never could imagine the Japanese, or Filipino women being like that.

Just be careful, practice with female friends. By that, I mean just interacting normally with a woman. It will get better, you will know who to avoid, who to talk with.
Women in India..... phhhh.....
Women in India are no different from women of other countries......(xd)

I do not have any problem talking to my female friends.....
I mean they are my friends because they think of me as a friend and I respect that.......

My main purpose of this thread was to know whether I am doing anything wrong w.r.t relationships and dating.....
I see my friends going on dates, some of them have girlfriends and some of my friends have new girlfriends and I think to myself, will there be any hope for my dating life in the future if I do not start right now? I just do not want to be that guy who does not have any experience with a women (women usually hate that. They prefer more experienced men:confused:.)
So I am asking this again: IS THERE ANY HOPE FOR ME?
Unfortunately, women make value assessments and your ambition/drive/dedication is one faction from which they evaluate you as a potential mate. Don't kid yourself for a minute that a girl is going to love you only for you...that's not how they're wired. The sooner you accept the fact that men and women come-at love from drastically different motivations, the less heartache you'll have.

I'm not sure if you have any older friends that are married and have children, but if you do ask the wife if her love for her son is different than the love for her husband...the answer will be very revealing (if she's being honest).

As boys, we feel the unconditional acceptance and true love from our mother's and we grow-up and enter The World thinking our Girlfriends and soon-to-be-wives are going to love us in the same just doesn't work like that cuz women are wired to care/protect/adore their children.

You can't fight Mother Nature, but if you understand how she works, you'll be able to navigate more successfully
I’m new here and I don’t want to sound like I know everything which I certainly don’t but my best advice is just to be yourself and shine . Don’t worry about the small things. Everything has a way of working itself out. Keep aiming high and when the time is right you will know it. Don’t worry about others but just be you and everything will fall into place. Best wishes!!!
Unfortunately, women make value assessments and your ambition/drive/dedication is one faction from which they evaluate you as a potential mate. Don't kid yourself for a minute that a girl is going to love you only for you...that's not how they're wired. The sooner you accept the fact that men and women come-at love from drastically different motivations, the less heartache you'll have.

I'm not sure if you have any older friends that are married and have children, but if you do ask the wife if her love for her son is different than the love for her husband...the answer will be very revealing (if she's being honest).

As boys, we feel the unconditional acceptance and true love from our mother's and we grow-up and enter The World thinking our Girlfriends and soon-to-be-wives are going to love us in the same just doesn't work like that cuz women are wired to care/protect/adore their children.

You can't fight Mother Nature, but if you understand how she works, you'll be able to navigate more successfully
I agree.....
Even I want a woman who has desires of her own, her own ambitions.....
However, I also do not want a woman choosing me solely for my job or my success because I am not going to love her for her success......

I have seen many scenarios where the man lost everything he owns and then the wife disowns/leaves him because she feel trapped or she do not have the time to help him. I do not want a wife who will leave me at my worst (I am done with that friendship bullshit a long time ago). So if I am not going to have a wife/girlfriend who is not going to be there at my best, then I do not want any women in my life at all...

I do not have a lot of older friends but I do have a relative who recently got married. My uncle got married to her schoolmate which he was deeply in love with and so was her. They both love each other very much. When my uncle was unemployed, she helped him in whatever way possible in order to get him on his feet. When she was in her hard times, my uncle helped her and her family to get out of that situation. Both of them love each other unconditionally. Recently they had a kid, but she still loves my uncle very much and so my uncle. When asked whom does she loves more, she replied that she loves both, her kid and her husband, very differently. She has a motherly love for my cousin and she is still in love with my uncle.
I want to have a girl like this in my life.
I want her to love me for who I am rather than what I am because I am going to love her that way.
Is it too much to ask?
I’m new here and I don’t want to sound like I know everything which I certainly don’t but my best advice is just to be yourself and shine . Don’t worry about the small things. Everything has a way of working itself out. Keep aiming high and when the time is right you will know it. Don’t worry about others but just be you and everything will fall into place. Best wishes!!!
Thanks man......
I have returned to this thread....... and I just want to know......

What would happen if I never found my partner.......?
What does it feel like to be single for your entire life.....?

PS: It is just a hypothetical situation in my mind. Just want to know the answer
I couldn't agree more that there are more than one "the one" in this world......

There is one thing that I want to clear because many of my friends have told me that you are just thinking about your goals is because you want to attract women with your power and position. The truth is:

I do not want a woman just because I am successful. I want a woman who accepts me for who I was, who I am and who I will be in the future. I clearly do not want my success to be a "cat-nip" to women.

(I apologise if my language is harsh)

True demanding,self serving bitches,If you have none,pussy won't show lol jk,ever seen those you tube clips when this guy ask a girl out she refused him,he walks away and jumps into a lambo all of a sudden that whore changed her mind and wanted to talk and shit, easy way to know how can they be in reality LOL LOL
I have returned to this thread....... and I just want to know......

What would happen if I never found my partner.......?
What does it feel like to be single for your entire life.....?

PS: It is just a hypothetical situation in my mind. Just want to know the answer

I love my life without a partner. I’ve been celibate and single for almost 13 years now. In my mind a woman would just cause me to lose time. I have time for God, family and my brother is here, no time for a woman.
True demanding,self serving bitches,If you have none,pussy won't show LOL jk,ever seen those you tube clips when this guy ask a girl out she refused him,he walks away and jumps into a lambo all of a sudden that whore changed her mind and wanted to talk and shit, easy way to know how can they be in reality LOL LOL
Those are gold diggers.....
I don't need no gold-diggers.........
I just hate what they can do for money and power......:sick:
I love my life without a partner. I’ve been celibate and single for almost 13 years now. In my mind a woman would just cause me to lose time. I have time for God, family and my brother is here, no time for a woman.

Real words, helping us out here sharing his knowledge and wisdom,he's helping us whit experience
Those are gold diggers.....
I don't need no gold-diggers.........
I just hate what they can do for money and power......:sick:

I ain’t saying she’s a Golddigger but she ain’t fucking around with no broke nigga ?
If she really wants the guy being broke is not important at all, imagine she's hot, beautiful,tender hearted, Intelligent n supportive
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I am 21 years old and I have never been with a girl.....
I have chosen this because I am still a student with high ambitions and I do not want any hindrance associated with it....... (my family is enough for that(cwl))

Anyway, I would like to know whether I am not missing out in anything?
I will date in the future (possibly), but whenever I think about dating or meeting girls, it scares me......
I mean.... I do not have any experience with women........
I just don't know how to behave in front of them...... (no I am not ill mannered)

I will start dating when I will be fully independent.....
All I want to ask is, will my ambitions cause any issues with my hopefully upcoming dating life?

Take the red pill and learn how to deal with women.

I am in the same situation as you, I am 27 years old and I am building my future currently. One important aspect is growing my cock. Being a top athlete and healthy.

For emotional reasons and blockages I told MOS on my progress thread a few weeks ago that I wanted to leave. I wanted to join the Marines to get killed overseas because I saw no other options. I wanted an easy way out. I ran away from my responsibilities.

I am a college drop out (Mechanical Engineering) I have no money left and I am looking for a job.

I am building an online business, i’m learning how to do dropshipping and affiliate marketing for passive income streams.

What I learned is that you can influence your thoughts.... How you think about yourself and women has a huge impact so always be conscious about your thoughts.

What saved me was starting kundalini yoga and chakra meditations. I am quite a spiritual person and that helped me to cope with my issues in life.

I stay positive and happy. I practice gratitude and I visualize my goals every day.

I am not actively dating but I know that I have to do it some time. My higher self gave me this task. I am here on earth to learn how to deal with these life circumstances.

Oh and not to mention that I got bald at 14 years old. I got male pattern baldness. One major blockage that i’ve been dealing with for years. That’s why I don’t date basically.

But eventually I have to do it. I have to learn how to approach girls, how to set up a date. How to sexually escalate, how to make them cum etc.

It’s part of growing the soul. A big comfort zone expanding task. Facing my biggest fears and conquer them.

What we cannot get back is time. Each day that pass will be lost and never come back and if you don’t make the most of it every day then you are losing big time. Time is our most precious asset.

Here read this blog, it will explain everything:

You are 21 years old, don’t get into relationships. It’s a money and time waster. Learn how to casually date women and don’t commit.

Remember: women are the biggest players out there. Become a high value man and they will find you.
Your not missing out on a lot to be honest with you. Please concentrate so hard on your studies, do the damn best that you can, its so important at your age to make the best in that area to set you up for life.

Sex is anytime, its way overrated from my own experiences and I have MANY. However, love making is different, and doesn't come around as often. That I do miss.

I'm in my mid 30s and have not had sex for 9 years now due to my spiritual path.

Think about dating, no problem in that at all. If sex comes, it comes. Dont be one of those jerks going out looking for it all the time, life is more important then acting like that.

Always treat a women well, they aren't all whores, and bitches or want men with gigantic cocks, and think badly of us all. Thats just trash. Many women are just like yourself, and worried about what men will think of them, or what is expected of them in this more judgmental world.
Excellent advice, Red!(y)
Time Is a valuable asset,is ok to take breaks,money is important too you take a bitch out you need money, you want sick gear you need cash, depends on what kind of woman she is,but is a waste of time.Life can be really depressing sometimes n yeah a lotta of negativity gets into the mind,PE is helpful cause keeps you busy,but I wouldn't place my happiness on how successful im if I get a decent amount of pussy,the media etc is giving women an image as if they were sacred n special beings, unreachable for the "average" Man..that's why they make them believe that ?,a powerful manhood, belongings are the key to success Whit women..
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Take the red pill and learn how to deal with women.

I am in the same situation as you, I am 27 years old and I am building my future currently. One important aspect is growing my cock. Being a top athlete and healthy.

For emotional reasons and blockages I told MOS on my progress thread a few weeks ago that I wanted to leave. I wanted to join the Marines to get killed overseas because I saw no other options. I wanted an easy way out. I ran away from my responsibilities.

I am a college drop out (Mechanical Engineering) I have no money left and I am looking for a job.

I am building an online business, i’m learning how to do dropshipping and affiliate marketing for passive income streams.

What I learned is that you can influence your thoughts.... How you think about yourself and women has a huge impact so always be conscious about your thoughts.

What saved me was starting kundalini yoga and chakra meditations. I am quite a spiritual person and that helped me to cope with my issues in life.

I stay positive and happy. I practice gratitude and I visualize my goals every day.

I am not actively dating but I know that I have to do it some time. My higher self gave me this task. I am here on earth to learn how to deal with these life circumstances.

Oh and not to mention that I got bald at 14 years old. I got male pattern baldness. One major blockage that i’ve been dealing with for years. That’s why I don’t date basically.

But eventually I have to do it. I have to learn how to approach girls, how to set up a date. How to sexually escalate, how to make them cum etc.

It’s part of growing the soul. A big comfort zone expanding task. Facing my biggest fears and conquer them.

What we cannot get back is time. Each day that pass will be lost and never come back and if you don’t make the most of it every day then you are losing big time. Time is our most precious asset.

Here read this blog, it will explain everything:

You are 21 years old, don’t get into relationships. It’s a money and time waster. Learn how to casually date women and don’t commit.

Remember: women are the biggest players out there. Become a high value man and they will find you.
I have a same dream...
And i agree with you....
I have to learn these kinds of things....
However i have more important things in my mind right now....
I will start dating on my own terms which are:
1. Independent lifestyle
2. Necessary precautions for REAL adulthood
3. Necessary education

I am going to start soon, but right now i am only going to focus on whats ahead for me :)
I have a same dream...
And i agree with you....
I have to learn these kinds of things....
However i have more important things in my mind right now....
I will start dating on my own terms which are:
1. Independent lifestyle
2. Necessary precautions for REAL adulthood
3. Necessary education

I am going to start soon, but right now i am only going to focus on whats ahead for me :)

Yea, one step at a time. No rushing, do everything you can.

I am living day by day and doing my daily tasks of meditation yoga PE and fitness.
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