Hi guys,
I have got questions about the bathmate. How I can find out how much pressure I should use and do you know what the label on the left side with range 10 to 18 on the bathmate is used for?
Here is what it looks like:
How do I know how much I can use with following the length size...
So today I've done a bit of thinking about pumping, some say it doesn't work only expands the skin some swear by it but i know what skin stretching feels like and i can feel the expansion within my penis it seems quite obvious to me that I'm expanding my entire penis but this brings up my...
He has been cryogenically frozen for 30 years. So if he hasn't what progress he could have achieved?
In other words: is there anyone to use bathmate for 10, 20, 30 years? Be serious, my friends!
I got my Hydromax X30 last week and I am having trouble getting it to seal up around my base and getting suction. Has anyone else had this problem ? What if anything can I do to fix this ??
Have been using the bathmate x30 for a few months now and have not gained anything permanent I can fill the tube girth wise but can not get no length gains and the girth wears off after about a hour why haven't I made any gains in length I use it 2 times a day for 30 mins 6 days a week
After years of reading about pumpers recommending lower pressures for longer intervals I decided to commit a month of this technique. I've never tried low pressures, 3-5 hgs, because I could never feel tension, but if I learned that if I stay at 4-5 hgs for 15-30 minutes straight, I'm getting...
Between December 17 - January 1 Save $30 off of your LengthMaster Purchase!
The LengthMaster is regularly $147.47 but for this Limited Time Holiday Special it has been reduced to $117.47!!! (Limited Quantities in Stock)
For Orders Shipping to the USA<form...
For many years I have been experiencing soft glans during erections and I wonder if there is a PE exercise that may help improve it. The shaft is rather ridged but the glans are fairly soft even with strong nocturnal erections. During my pumping routine the size of my glans is considerably...
I was super stoked to see that Bm made a size down from the X30 for guys that need a step dwon before they can take a step up. Hopfully, this helps many potential brothers that feel the investment is worth it if it fits them better. I hope guys out there with the X20 will post on the board here...
So I was thinking on how to maximize length gains as usual.
And then I remember reading an article sometime in the past.
I can't say when exactly, but I have vivid memories of the said article.
In this article it was claimed that using slim elliptical cylinders to pump would definitely result...
hello manes
in the last four months i have been trying to gain girth but without luck
i have been doing bundled stretches before every girth session then 15 - 20 minutes of pumping with the dp 4000
i really like this pump
for those that dont know this pump it is a pump where you can set the time...
I keep reading about using a wrap to "heal while in an extended state"... I wear the SG with the VLC mod almost all day except for gym, sex, and sleep, but I'm wondering if it's safe to wear a wrap (ie Ace Bandage wrap) while I sleep, provided I don't wrap too tight.
Hi guys
Today I have received bathmate x30 and I would like to try it out asap when I am ready.
So I have got questions about what to do, what to be careful with and how long to use.
Do I have to do some warm up first before use the bathmate?
How many inch I can pump my penis in the...
I've been doing intense BM sessions for the past week and a half, and I started noticing that between sessions I would get parts where the skin was dry and flaking off and it would be pink after. It looks sensitive, but it isn't, I keep doing more sessions hoping it will chill out as my body...
Hello gentlemen
My neighbourhood has been going through blackouts lately, and usually does during the summer time as well and this really bothers me as id hate to have a blackout during a PE session and not be able to warm down. Doesnt this lead to injury?
What would be ways in which to warm...
At the beginning of September, I purchased the X30. My pre-BM measurements were 6.5 BPEL and 5.125 EG. I really haven't measured again but my concerns is:
1) Getting lots of rings during sessions
2) Going past the measurement chart when going in erect
3) For first time last night, regular...
Working and having people live with you can make it a pain to get a 30 minute session with the bathmate in with it being so obvious. So how do you guys do it?
Lately i have been waking up whit erections n i tought that maybe would be ok to stretch the penis while im having the erection.
just stimulating my dick n starting a 10 mins session of erect stretching going from soft stretchings to more intense stretchings.
i think is quite possible to do...
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