weight gain

  1. P

    Pgapro's challenge to new heights.

    Alright so this time I am for real with this routine. No excuses and no bull sh1t. Total body transformation were talking. I am starting now and running it through the spring next year and maybe longer. Goals: To lose 15 lbs. I am at 180 now and want to get down to 165 but be leaner and gain...
  2. L

    Pistachios for Harder Erections - Study Inside

    I started my Pistachio Diet yesterday to see if it improves E.Q. I am eating 4oz of Pistachios everyday. I have good erections now but I want to see if they can improve based on this diet. Pistachio Diet Improves Erectile Function Parameters and Serum Lipid Profiles in Patients with Erectile...
  3. D

    It's Time To Lose Weight !!!

    Is it me? Or does it seems like skinny guys always have a respectable length. Now the big belly and the fat pad makes it hard to see and achieve maximum length. Now I know that I need to lose 60 lbs in order to be skinny enough to show my full erect 8incher (without looking like a crackhead)...
  4. A

    Theories of Nutrition

    Whats up everyone! This is my first post on MoS forum and I was thinking about some interesting things during my gym session today. First off, let me give you a little background so you know where I am coming from. Im turning 28 this upcoming april and this past year I dedicated to Body...
  5. M

    Progress thread time to get serious !! P.E journey

    hey guys and I'm not sure if any gals around :P I've been bit of a hit an miss guy when it comes to Pe, starting an stopping , but now it's time to get serious and really try to have a solid year of working on it. my goal atm is 9.5 length (I'd be happy with 9 too) and ideally minimum shaft...
  6. M

    Cream against stretch marks

    Hi, since my bulk from June to january (now) I got some pretty nasty stretch marks on my biceps, under my shoulders, some on the knees and alittle on my upper thighs and obliques. Now I wonder if anyone here got a good working cream to remove these. I read all over that "Revitol" cream against...
  7. P

    devastated 3 inches, no gains

    hey guys, 2 years ago i lost 2 inches cause of a radical circ. since then iam using the SG and still have no progress. i have no sex live cause iam only 3 inches hard. what can i do. i consider saving up for an operation. cause of the circ i also got turkey neck and my penis is hidden in the...
  8. L

    Body Workout: How I lost 50#

    I'm going to start with my SRT rainy day dumbbell workout. Get 2x 20# dumbbells. No bench needed tho for later if you get one it will help. Get a jumprope. A heavier leather one would be a better workout but for begginning on a rainy day any ropeyou can successfully jump with is better than...
  9. R

    Does the fat pad increases with age or this is a myth?

    Does the fat pad increases with age or this is a myth?
  10. keepingitbig

    Derma-roller? Cure to stretch marks?

    Well, I've grown too fast as a teen too soon. So I developed stretch marks along my hip area, shoulders and now a little on my biceps. Tried creams, even the creams for stretch-marks by palmers. Nothing seems to work. So I've been researching how to get rid of stretch marks and came upon...
  11. Y

    I want a BIG DICK and SUCCESS!!!

    Ok, here this goes again. I have tried 2 progress threads and they start great and then I stop. Somehow my routine gets interrupted and I can't get back into it. I am in the first year of opening my own business and then shortly after starting my most recent progress thread I started fucking a...
  12. D

    how to hit the tension of 12 hr max tension in 4.5 hr

    Ok so i just got 3500 gram tension springs from (quick extender) and they are super strong. I wanted to look at the quick math for time over tension. so time over tension is just that, lower tension in a stretcher means you must wear it more hr per day or more months. more tension equals less...
  13. S

    Diet for a super skinny dude..

    Hey everyone... So I'm tired of being a skeleton. I am all prepped for a big weight gain push except for the diet. I want to intake meals of 1000 calories 5x a day. I know this sounds excessive and traditionalists say add 200-500 daily to your current but Fuck that. I want to gain 60 pounds as...
  14. G

    HCG for Weight Loss?

    Does anyone here have an experience in using HCG drops in combination of a very low calorie diet and seen positive results?
  15. DLD

    GO BACK to BASICS!: to set your baseline. My re-entrance into SRT

    There have been times in my own penis enlargement career that I have gotten ahead of myself, or become kind of lost in the training I am doing. It can happen after using a routine for a long time or it can happen to more advanced Penis Enlargement'ers when the exercise they are using has become...
  16. P

    SG gains stunned by fat pad?

    HI, I am using the SG for 3 months now , average 8 hours a day. I have no gains, but could it be that the fat pad is to blame.? You can see in the pic, that the left site were the SG pushes into the fat pad is liek 2 inches longer than the right side. ITs crazy i have bpfsl 17 cm , but nbpfsl...
  17. H

    1.75 inch Reduction of Pelvic fatpad area.

    I want to keep this as short and on point as much as possible. Well, after hanging for 2 months. Ive went from 6.8 BPenis EnlargementL to 7.5BPenis EnlargementL but no gains in EL (5.5) Its frusterating to know that I could really be 6.5-7.25 inches EL. Seeing as the average fatpad is .25-1...
  18. H

    Pelvic area / Fat pad hiding most of my penis...

    I still consider myself to be physically fit, ive just gotten out of the military and im eating healthy / I exercise for 2 hours everyday.. No exceptions. I weight in at 168 and im 6,5 in height Ive gained a half inch to my Non bone pressed erect length.. Some im now at 5.5 inches And my Bone...
  19. A

    Arabianhung's Routine/Progress thread ''following the footsteps of my forefathers''

    Hey you sons a bitches! This forum saved my life. Period. I have spent the last 72 hours minus sleep reading everything I can (instead of studying I got addi Every post reassuring me surgery was stupid and then being confirmed after reading the horror story of the german gentlemen. I wanted to...
  20. G

    Caffeine and PE

    I just wanted to see everyone's take on Penis Enlargement with caffeine. Do you restrict your caffeine content? It's funny because some people believe that caffeine will affect Penis Enlargement greatly however I did some research and found that Coffee can boost your libido. Coffee boosts...
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...