
  1. T

    Stretching without a warmup

    So i just atarted stretching again today. But im staying at somewhere that has no fucking hot water so i cant warmup. So i jacked off the rooster and I just stretched from there. I know your not suppose to but honestly it was an interesting feeling. It was obviously different, but it...
  2. P

    PF at night

    guys i am prone to blisters from the PF ...... i am using small bell and my penis fits perfectly in the bell....i am slowly building tolerance to it...... now for night i wanted to use medium bell with small sleeve incase i get boners at night...... 1. will i get blisters at night cuz i read...
  3. M

    Question about stretching / flacid length!

    Hey guys. When I use my PhalloGenetics mod (although I'm using the Miracle Slider Extender), I can stretch my flacid penis out really far, even a bit longer than my BPEL. It also looks really thin when stretched out fully in the extender. But when I do manual stretching or even stretching with...
  4. T

    What do red spots mean after jelqing

    So i do 10 min of strong 2 sexond jelqs after my length routine. I usually start jelqing hard to where i can frel a tingle of tightness and than i get soft gradually. But i jusy hot asmall red spot on my penis. Is that normal?
  5. C

    Question about extender

    I know you're supposed to check every hour for good circulation..but it's really necesasary?Let's say i'm at work...and i can't check it every hour...maybe once every 3-4 that too much?Can i wear the extender for multiple hours without having to take it off to restore circulation?
  6. P

    always getting blister from PF now

    i had quit PE for awhile....but when i use PF now i am ALWAYS getting blisters aroung the tip of the glans.....why is this happening ???? i never useto to get them earlier ..... can the bell be small for me ???? it like perfect size right now but can the gator thingy cause this when i pump...
  7. U

    My honest review of the Phallosan Forte

    Ok, so I've been using the phallosan forte for a few days now and I think I've got all the pros and cons figured out. First the bad. The price is absolutely the biggest problem I have with this device. It is very high quality but nonetheless it is pretty much all plastic. This thing should be...
  8. M

    Cheap or discount Phallosan forte?!

    I was wondering is there a way to get a Phallosan for cheaper,, because I really want one but just don't have the $339, is there another way I can get one?
  9. M

    A major breakthrough in pumping . The best way to gain fast healthy results.

    Before I post lets refresh our memory pumping by water is better than air. 1. Water is warm and give good vasodilation. 2. Free mean path of water is better than air giving better kinetic energy and more pressure. 3. Viscosity of water is better than air. 4. Water gives less fluid retention...
  10. M

    Suggest , I make micro bib hanger to attach to an extender to avoid slippage.

    I am thinking to eliminate noose and strap style in extenders. Make a special modification for our brother hood like a micro bib hanger to attach to an extender to avoid slippage. Suggestions.
  11. H

    Blood circulation and SG usage

    I want to find out from you guys if I can lose my dick due to lack of blood circulation mainly from using the SG. I wear the SG at max tension using the noose strap for 40 minutes. When it gets to the 30th minute, I lose blood circulation and sensation of my glans but I still leave the SG on for...
  12. M

    no expansion from pumping

    yesterday i tried pumping with my bathmate but when i got out my dick was like nothing ever happened i dont know if this is correct but when i pump i have to put my hand on the valve other wise air gets in is this normal
  13. H

    SG is killing me mentally

    This routine which consist of using the SG is draining me mentally I will have to focus more on getting rid of my fat pad. I've always preferred getting rid of my fat pad completely and working on girth instead. Come to think of it, I'm already 8 inches bone pressed and I still have a fat pad...
  14. D

    What is with this Phalloson Forte (sorry if I butchered the spelling)?

    What is this strange device I've been reading about? I hear it's mostly used for sleep time. How would it be different from, say, a SizeGenetics Extender?
  15. M

    2 questions! Pumps & Prices for PE Equipment!

    Hey guys, I've been checking out different pumping devices lately and I've noticed something: They are really f***ing expensive rofl I'm trying to decide between the latest BathMate, the Xtreme X40 or some kind of electronic vacuum pump, like the one he uses in this thread...
  16. P

    MY PF has arrived

    the PF is awesome !!!!! very comfortable !!!! but i am having issues putting it on...... i am using the small bell ..... 1.after i have put the portector cap i face great difficutly in putting my penis inside the took me 20 minutes forcing my glans inside the belll....... i feel my...
  17. longstretch

    Selling PeniMaster Pro!

    I just moved back into my parents house and need to get rid of some of my PE gear. I have a PeniMaster Pro Complete System that I used only for a few months a few years ago. Its worth $337.57 new and honestly I barely used it after 3 to 4 months. I haven't actually worn it in about 3 years. I...
  18. W

    Size genetics or Andro penis??

    Hi everyone I'm new to the forum. I'll introduce myself briefly I'm a 29 year old guy. My EPL is 5.5 inch & my EPG is 5in+. My penis is also curved upwards therefore I've been looking for a way to make my penis bigger & longer. I've heard that cream,pills dont really work. Neither do vacuum...
  19. T

    Pump brands and recommendations.

    Hi i am a pumping newbie. I only have used Bathmate before and I would like to get into more advanced pumping world. Bathmate is great but it can be very inconvenient cuz you have to be around water and a bucket. I would like to just pump while working at my office. doing things at home and...
  20. S

    Need some help on Bathmate

    Hello guys . I need some help from you guys to pick the right Bathmate for me . I am right now at 19 cm in length and 16 cm in girth . I was thinkin' to buy the Goliath but i am not sure ... Any advices ? :D