So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
Doing Penis Enlargement for more than a year now, decided to write down my progress/routine. I love MOS and have learned decent amount about Penis Enlargement. Thank you all for this.
I'm around 1.93 cm and I didn't found my penis size given by nature matching with my body. I think that every...
Well I had my first mins session today with the length master.
I only did bundled stretches though.
I tried to hang 20lbs, but I heard a crack from the LM and stopped, also my wrapping wasn't nearly good enough for the hanging either.. it would slip.
However, my wrapping worked perfectly when...
I received my Length Master yesterday, and I must say that I'm very impressed.
Pros : The construction is solid and it appears to be built to withstand even the toughest workouts. It appears easy to use once you get past the wrapping issues*, and is extremely versatile. I think that DLD has...
So i finally got all my wrap today, put Sports wrap then Theraband.
i wrapped it all up and lo and behold no slipping stayed right there.
i did 10 minutes of pure stretching 3 minute stetches, and 1 minute stretches no counting break time. so 10 mins of pure stretch.
i did 3 mins of BTC i...
Sports Pre-wrap- I'm sure lots of guys use it, but I've never seen anyone mention it, so I want to share it, hopefully it'll help some guys.
I use it as my first layer of wrap for hanging with BIB and using my extender. I've used it as a wrap for golf weights or just to give a good grip while...
This discussion is exclusively for LengthMaster owners to post their reviews,
testimonies and/or feedback on the LengthMaster.
Ace Strapped
Using a ACE bandage in a completely flaccid state wrap your penis in a stretched position from base to tip. Keep it wrapped for 15 minute intervals and re-wrap to keep blood flow good. This can be worn all day as long as it is re-wrapped every 15 minutes to promote blood...
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