
  1. B

    Hands on girth exercises?

    So I'm curious of what you guys think are the most powerful manual (hands only) girth exercises? Also is it possible to gain length from exercises that target girth?
  2. D

    What Age Should You Start Your Son On PE And How Should You Go About It?

    Some fathers have their sons playing tackle football at 7 years old. So lets say that at birth you realize that your son may need PE. What Age Should You Start Your Son On PE And How Should You Go About It ? This is a SERIOUS QUESTION.
  3. A

    ADF's Step-Up Method Routine For SG/VLC/TLC Combo.

    The image below is all the equipment I use for the ADF Step-Up Method Routine For SG/VLC/TLC Combo. This method allows you to have continuous micro-adjustments on the threaded screws without having to change a single bar. This routine is better suited for 1-1 1/2 hour intense stretching with...
  4. B

    Urethra opening got bigger?

    Hey guys, so I´m using the Bathmate for quite a while already, maybe 5 months (no other exercises) and have always been carefull to not overdo it.(every other day for 12-16min) However it seems like my urethra opening (/ pee hole) got bigger. Not sure if I´m just imaginaning that because I´m...
  5. longstretch

    Longstretch's LG Hanger Setup!

    This is taken from my routine log. Page 23 post 451. Feel free to ask questions and give suggestions. This post will be a long one and is to document my current setup with the LG Hanger. It is subject to change. All materials I use. I'm cut so this is how I attach mine. I use an 8 inch and 12...
  6. I

    Quick Question.

    I know it's been answered here before but anyway; when stretching how much force is enough or not enough? Yes I know, go to where you're not hurting yourself but can you hurt yourself without actually hurting yourself? I've heard of the dreaded "lig pop" not real sure I want to experience...
  7. L

    The Larger Your Penis, The More Likely Your Wife Will Cheat Says New Study

    Men often view having a large member as a symbol of strength and sexual prowess. But it turns out, when it comes to keeping a woman satisfied, bigger may not be better. Contrary to popular belief, a new study out of Kenya found that husbands with larger penises were more likely to be cheated on...
  8. T

    Jelqing is the last resort

    Hi, All just wanted some good info on jelqing. I tried the Bathmate for 6 months and unfortunately I didn't get any gains. I followed DLD guide to the letter but no luck. I'm curious about this jelqing tho. If you guys can tell me results and techniques/routines I would greatly appreciate...
  9. S

    Scaryperson27s Progress Log

    I've started PE a month ago (3/3/2014). I'm going to keep a log of what I'm doing and what my results are in hopes that I will get advice and also that this may help someone else in the future. Things I'm working on right now. My main contender are my ligs. I can stretch my penis out and my...
  10. W

    BM and ED?!

    I overdid it. I kept pushing myself and was doing 2-3 15 sessions back to back every other day or so for a couple weeks. I only started not quite 3 weeks ago, and now I am not getting erections even after not doing it for 3 days. I see no visible problems, no pain or anything, but I am freakin...
  11. T

    noob at PE and the base of my penis hurts

    ive been trying DLD's routine, complete with the warm up and stretches. the only thing i ignored was to use baby oil or Vaseline as it was too messy dripping all over the place. what i did instead was to do Penis Enlargement after taking a bath, and using soap as lube. im midway on my jelq reps...
  12. M

    Progress thread time to get serious !! P.E journey

    hey guys and I'm not sure if any gals around :P I've been bit of a hit an miss guy when it comes to Pe, starting an stopping , but now it's time to get serious and really try to have a solid year of working on it. my goal atm is 9.5 length (I'd be happy with 9 too) and ideally minimum shaft...
  13. B

    Cockrings: unexpected benefits

    Cockrings: unexpected benefits Although I have only been using cockrings for a short time, I thought it prudent to share with my brothering a couple of unexpected benefits of using cockrings in and around Penis Enlargement. My cock rings of choice are the silicon beginner cockring which is very...
  14. G

    Combining Supplements: ISSA

    Combining Supplements Introduction It is common for individuals who experiment with supplements to incorporate two or more products into their daily routine. The mentality that if one is good, two must be better, is a purveying thought process in many supplement users. We like to think that if...
  15. J

    penis injury

    Hi everyone, im in need of some advice. I have been doing pe off and on for about a year now. Bought a Bathmate and extender. I would use the Bathmate for about 20 mins (10min sets) then i would do a few jelqs in between. Maybe 80 percent tops. I would use the extender for an hour in sets...
  16. C

    LG Hanger review

    Hey guys just got the LG hanger and thought I would put a quick review up! First off i've been in Penis Enlargement for about 7-8 months, I started off with an extender (which was a pain the ass) logged over 400 hours over 4 months and saw minimal gains, then plateaued in FSL, which was the...
  17. W


    Seriously Guys is no other exercise being made or in progress ... something you know more affective than V-JElqs Sqaushes Mandigo MOL ...
  18. T

    Jelqing Log

    Hello everyone, I'm gonna try only jelqing for awhile to see if I gain. Has anyone here gained from jelqing alone? If so what was your routine? Thx guys
  19. T

    Are bloodspots good or bad?

    Hey guys with bloodspots, if their there does that mean you had a good workout? I did the newbie routine first time ever yesterday, I'm pretty sore near the base and I have like 6 bloodspots up near the head of the penis. How long till they go away? Thx :)
  20. D

    i need some help my mum found my pe stuff

    hi guys this is my first post ive been doing pe on and off for some time now i went to college today forgot my mum took the week off work so she was at home and i left my pe stuff in a pillow on my bed and when i got in she had put my bedding in the wash and left all my pe stuff on my bed i got...
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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