
  1. M

    Height vs mans penis size. adult entertainment stars penis size secrets.

    Penis size is related to mans height. 5"4 cannot have 7 to 8 inches pens naturally. The taller you are the bigger penis. It is also said the length of your thumb is related to your penis side. The ratios I will find and post it later. We have seen black adult entertainment stars have bigger penis. Why ...
  2. P

    Short Frenulum

    Hi, I've been PE-ing on and off for about 3 years now with minimal gains but to be honest I haven't stuck at it for as long as I should have. I'm 6.75 inch nbepl and 5 inch meg. However my head size is only around 4 inch in girth when erect so I have always wanted to focus on this. The problem...
  3. G

    need advice guys

    Hey brothers. I'm making this thread about my progress and insecurities about me growing and my size. Every once in awhile I get down and insecure about my penis and growth. Like I feel like sometimes PE isn't working for me. But I have made gains. I just feel like I'm going through a Plateau...
  4. G

    FTM (micropenis) log

    I'm new to the forum, I'm ftm transgender, post-op simple metoidioplasty. I've decided I'd join and start a log as motivation for me to stick with my routine, plus as help for any other trans guys out there who might be in a similar position. For those who aren't familiar: FTM means I was born...
  5. T

    adult entertainment addiction and penis injury - any help appreciated (long read)

    Hello everybody, I’m a german man of 28 years. I’ll try to keep my intro here as short as possible but I’m afraid there is a lot to talk about in my case. My background and condition Background: I’m a severe adult entertainment addict for roughly eight years and I had a time were I was basically obsessed...
  6. I

    Huh, Apparently Celery Seeds Are the Way to Go...

    As I trust the brotherhood here a great deal I wanted your thoughts on supplements and other pills I've read that help with PE, volume, pleasure, etc. So first now apparently celery seeds are the way to go if you want a harder dick, to be hornier, and to have more volume. So, true or not so...
  7. C

    ELIST IMPLANT USERS! Anyone pumped/stretched with the implant after it healed?

    As the title says, have any of the Elist implant vets used pumps(bathmate) for more girth or stretchers (Phallosan/Sizegenetics) for more length after the implant has healed and the capsule is formed? I spoke with Elist and he did not recommend pumping but said that stretching is no problem...
  8. 1

    Only Concerned about Flaccid Gains

    So my erect length is just over 6 inches, I know compared to a lot of you guys that's pretty small but I'm happy with it. The problem I have is flaccid length. It changes from being an OK 3.5 inches to a tiny 1.5 inches that doesn't even hang properly, but sort of pokes horizontally and it's...
  9. D

    Scientific Studies For PE?

    Are there any scientific studies for PE?
  10. B

    adult entertainment Star Girth Measurements

    Just thought I'd share from what I've seen. I could be slightly off by an eighth for the measurements I list, I can only see in fourths right now. If you're a adult entertainment and P.E. addict you just start to be able to see it in time. This might be a nice reference for you if you are unsure of what girth...
  11. E

    Natural Remedy for Falling Hair

    Hi everyone. My hair has been falling for the longest time and I ignored it until I saw 3 small balding spots in my head. I freaked out and has been so conscious of my hair ever since. Is there anyone here who is going through the same problem? Any tips you can share? Natural remedy is my take...
  12. Z

    pumping after inguinal hernia surgery correct waiting time

    does anybody know from experience how long to wait after a ing. hernia surgery to stay away from reinjury like how long can i start pumping again safely after surgery what a nightmare lol unfortunatly theres isnt a lot of info on the interweb thoguht id give this a shot
  13. M

    new average penis size study

    In the guardian news today: The results are in: study reveals average penis size | Science | The Guardian I'll look for the actual study and try to post it.
  14. H

    Advice for micropenis PE?

    Hi everyone, I really hope to get some advice here. My flaccid length is 1" and erect length almost 4". Girth is just a little thicker than my thumb. What are the methods to gain length and girth for someone like me? Any advice/help is appreciated. Hope to hear from people who were in the...
  15. G

    How do you limit yourself from masturbating?

    I have been masturbating since I was 9 years old. Through my teens 3 times a day was not uncommon. My drive is insane and any longer than 3 days I will go crazy. I am also one of those that is multi-orgasmic meaning after cumming I can stay hard and cum again in 5 minutes or so (only with...
  16. G

    Anyone had a vasectomy while doing PE routine?

    I recently got back into PE and I am making some progress. I am scheduled for a vasectomy next week, and am told not to do much for 7 days (heavy physical work). I am a bit obsessed right now with getting at least 4 hours in SG each day and the thought of 7 days off is going to kill me. I am...
  17. G

    Will some days off hurt gains and revert them?

    Sorry for the mods cause i started creating this thread before but i pressed intro before finishing it lol. I wanted to edit it but i dont see it anywhere so just writing it again with the question (if the mods see the other one please erase it :P) I am 25 years old, been doing PE for like 26...
  18. J

    Intro + Progress + Questions

    Hey guys, I have been lurking around the forum for a few days now. I decided to join after reading all of the incredible material and advice posted. I am very new to PE, in fact I didn't even realize what I was getting into when I was buying a traction device. It was suggested to me by my...
  19. J

    Undescended testicle

    I had surgery to bring it down when I was 6 and was told it would come down as I grow up. I'm 18 now and it sill hadn't so I went to see a doctor and as it turns out surgery is highly unlikely to work at my stage of development and the doctor even suggested removing it completely to eliminate...
  20. P

    Fianally done it.

    Hi Guys, I've been browsing this forum for months, finally committed and signed up. I would like some advise, i know there is plenty of stickys but there is so many i'm not sure what one to follow. I'm seriously considering enlargement surgery but i am going to hold off for 2-3months and see...