I have Some simple questions.
Is the ROP stretchy? What would happen if I got an erection while wearing it ??
I am still young and get random erections throughout the day I don't want anything on my dick that can break in public. Imagine that lol.
I like the idea of increasing my...
Hey all, I used to post on here awhile ago and left but I'm coming back!
Since then I got into reading about tao, ayurvedic, kundalini/chakra philosophies related to sex health.
I found out that in some tao and chakra scripts discussions regarding cold water and how they "spin" our chakras. In...
How many blokes out there use cock rings with thier routines and whats the best types/brands 2 go 4.How long should u keep em on 4 and any thoughts on using em with a newbie routine.Id appreciate as much feed back as i can get.Knowlege is power
Hey all! Just joined the MoS site, but I've been in the Penis Enlargement game for 4 years now on and off. My starting stats were 5.75 NBPL and 5.0 Eg. I started with just Jelqing exercises 5 on 2 off. This got me close to 6.0 inone month. But as time went on I got busy and discouraged because I...
I've been lurking for a while. Decided to start a log. Wanted to get serious about this business. I work a job where clothing requirements are lacks and I spent a lot of time standing and sitting, but not necessarily walking around.
Got the size genetics a few months back and got frustrated...
It seems a shame to waste 1/3rd of the day not doing active Penis Enlargement. What are some of the best methods to maintain a stretch while sleeping? I know a light Uncle Jim's wrap is one. Anybody got any others?
I hope the new LM's come soon because I'm getting the best ligament stretches I've even had while using the current model.
I like to wrap with about 30" of grey theraband (cut to about 3.5" wide). I tape the edge, then wrap about 8 inches of stretchy self adhesive wrap over the theraband. I...
a little background.... im really only stretching because i want length. so i rarely jelq and when i do it s after im stretching and moving into the more pleasurable part of my workout :) usually iget to a point that i cant stretch the way i like due to it starting to get hard. so if im in the...
Hello everybody at MOS! :) I'm Expo, a 26yo uncut dude from Finland who's been interested in Penis Enlargement for about 4 years but still feels like a semi-newbie because I haven't exactly gotten the gains that I was looking for, and that has made me quit many times after a short while. But now...
Hello all,
I've been Penis Enlargement'ing on and off since 2004. I got my start in enlargement via my obsession with 'pumping' to increase the size of my penis. Little did I know, that was not the real way to permanent growth. Since I had a fear of my parents finding out if I had purchased a...
Hey, whats up guys Byrdy here been a lurker for a long time but I wanted an excuse to get acquainted with everyone since I have been Penis Enlargementing full time lately :)
I started out on my Penis Enlargement journey in early 2008. I was obsessing on the internet about ways to grow my...
I have been struggling with the sluice sizes since I bought my PMP . I have a friction sore on the top behind the coronal ridge . The sore gets the worst abuse when using a strap at work in my Kitchen . It must be the angle where the PMP attaches to the strap and the tightness of the sluice . In...
Hi, Just want to put in a good word for the divo-suits. I ordered 2 and Ronielle gave me 4 so I was very pleased and let him know I was going to write a good review on MOS.
He is passionate about his product and a really down to earth guy. I wouldn't bother writing this if it wasn't worth it...
I'm interested in the PABA + DMSO mix..... Any of the most experienced members.....
According to the effects then it's best applied before doing a rountine like PMP or Bathmate right? It should allow extra expansion so ideal before right? Any benefits in applying after a routine?
Can we use DMSO...
Hi guys I'm new to MOS so thought I'd put up a threat logging my journey into the world of penis enlargement.
My main reason for wanting to start Penis Enlargement is being a very self conscious person and I see myself having a small penis, I think this stems back from being a child. When I was...
Hey there,
I've introduced myself in the newbies forum a while back, but I'll make a quick recap.
I learned about Penis Enlargement years ago and started a dedicated routine back in early 2009. I managed to go from:
3/13/09 - BPenis EnlargementL - 7.2" NBEL - 6.7" EG - 5.0"
To currently...
Hi, I'm Mike Shlort.
I started Penis Enlargement on September 26th, 2011. My starting stats were around 6.6"NBPx5.4"EG. I did DLDs newbie routine that consisted of BTC, SD, SO, and SU manual stretches, 25-50 A-Stretch's with Kegeling (DLD Blasters), 300-600 Jelqs and a testicle massage and...
Hi, I'm MikeShlort, and I have a small penis. But I won't always. Here's why I think some guys just aren't gaining.
It's simple: Masturbating! And edging.
My penis is lazy, and weak. When I masturbate and ejaculate, it shrinks, becomes tight, harder to stretch, doesn't stretch as far, has...
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