
  1. KingD

    The Bathmate Reaction!!

    Last night I hooked up with a girl that I met online. I sent her some dick pics before we even saw each other and she was impressed. Well last night I knew that I was going to fuck, so I used my Bathmate before going to her place. After using the Bathmate, I used a piece of silicone sleeve as a...
  2. G

    I work with nurses!

    Yo Team! I work in a hospital and chat to many nurses thru out the day. Most of the time im doing labour/delivery type jobs so my exchanges with the ladies is very civil and polite. However, on a couple of occassions I have overheard some saucy chatting going on amongst them and ive...
  3. P

    taking break from forum

    I've decided to take a break from the forum. I will contiue my p.e. journey and try to give updates on my progress. I'm often with women now either hanging out or fucking. In order to pursue my dream of macking 100's of women within a year, I've gotta be out getting new chicks and bangin them...
  4. M

    Life With A Bigger Dick: Before & After

    the answer was always in our heart
  5. D

    MOS reunion last night good but I am pissed at you guys for fucking my girl

    Okay, last night it all started out great. I was thrilled that you all got to my place safely and my pool room and guest house worked out great for the whole event. I could not believe how open you guys were. I bet I saw at least 20 of you with your dicks out and demonstrating your various Penis...
  6. bluetard117


    I think I started created a lie to myself. I had once told myself, that with the girl I was seeing about two weeks ago, that jealousy was not a problem. Granted, she was really clingy, and not entirely physically attractive to me, but I dismissed these outer looks as just part of the person...
  7. Dorsay

    I'm Lost! Need help from DLD, REDZULU and all the masters!

    Okay, i'm goin to give a brief summary of my story. My story started when I was 16 years old and my buddies and I decided to go to a whorehouse to have sex for the first time. The girls and us were all in the same room, each on of us had a whore and everyone started to fuck. Except for me. She...
  8. D

    My less then average penis PE story

    Hi all, I've read so many things on this forum and �other forum� that inspired and helped that I believe I am in debt of sharing my own story thus ending my lurking ways. Ever since adolescence I've been in the awkward position of being a tall,well built man with desirable facial features-in...
  9. opa

    BathMate 25% Off! Goliath and Hercules! Official Bathmate Discussion

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  10. opa

    BathMate 25% Off! Goliath and Hercules! Official Bathmate Discussion

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  11. opa

    BathMate 25% Off! Goliath and Hercules! Official Bathmate Discussion

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  12. opa

    BathMate 25% Off! Goliath and Hercules! Official Bathmate Discussion

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  13. opa

    BathMate/ Hydromax the Official Bathmate Discussion

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  14. opa

    BathMate 25% Off! Official Bathmate Discussion

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  15. opa

    BathMate 25% Off! Goliath and Hercules! Official Bathmate Discussion

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  16. opa

    Official -Bathmate- thread: discussions, questions, bring it in

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  17. opa

    Official Bathmate thread: discussions, questions, bring it in

    So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product. I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread. This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
  18. P

    When Did You Know?

    Hey guys, I had a wonderful moment this morning. My girlfriend and I had a good dirty session in bed, and as we were lying there after she said, "You definitely grew, when you put it in all the way, I can feel you up in my bellybutton, it feels amazing." I of course just played it off real...
  19. FemaleInfluence

    Does Size Really Matter(What women are saying)

    I have read alot of threads about the importance of size and the cruelty of women. I decided to see what the general consensus(sp?) is. LifeScript Healthy living for women Men obsess about their bodies just like women...
  20. slutbuster24

    holy shit I gained using my new stretch!!

    before I started this I was just a little over 61/2 inches non pressed. Now I just measured and non pressed im just making 7" and 7 and a quarter pressed!!
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