Im new here, but i have been lurking around here for maybe 1 year :)
Im thinking about buying myself a size genetics extender, but i got a couple of questions before i place my order:
1. Will the package be delivered to my door or to a nearby shop? Also is the package discreet (will...
I haven't used my SizeGenetics for a while now due to lack of hours in the day and don't have the hours I can put towards it. I'm just putting a feeler out there to see if anyone is interested.
Im strictly aiming for a thick monster Base Girth!
I know that hanging achieved that for many as a side effect. I want to go all out aiming for that BG! >:( :cool:
Which angles, weights and techniques to use with a male hanger to achieve that? Shoot your ideas.
So last night I got right into some Size Genetics sessions after I arrived home from christmas functions, and still being a little smashed I was too stupid to realise I was somehow damaging my SG unit in the process.
Now for those who don't know, I go hard with the SG and do what I call active...
Hey bros,
Just wondering if any of you guys use the phallosan forte while you sleep. How is it? what does your set up for over night look like? how did you guys ease into using it all night. I am not going to have a whole lot of time to use it during the day so i want to start using it at night...
Full Routine
Wake up Warm up
SRT all directions stretches 3 SETS of 40 secs each - cranks 15 one direction 15 the other.
DLD blasters x10.Kegel 15s, RK 40s.
Erect stretches 6 mins
Bundled stretches x6. Kegel 15s, RK 40s.
UJW 6+ HOURS. take off every hour. BTC 2 SETS OF 30s; Every 2 hours...
Hi there,
I'm looking for some advice.
I started my DLD's newbie routine 48 days ago. I did the newbie routine until the 38th day. I gained a solid 0.2 inch. My length is 6.7 inch and my girth remained the same (5,7inch).
The problem is when i do my routine this will take me like 3 hours...
I've been experimenting with the phallosan for a while now and was having problems. I want to share this with anyone who hasn't figured it out yet.
Long story short and to put it plain and simple. Try the biggest suction bell! It's funny because I didn't realize it at first. You can actually...
So today before I ready myself to masturbation when I had full erection I had begun to pull dick to sides which I suppose gave extra pressure on ligaments and what did I find that - his erected length has grown like minimum 0.25". I think that extra pressure helped ligaments to be more relaxed...
I am thinking about getting a new extender and I am wondering how do people walk around work all day with it on comfortably and discreetly? Do you guys wear just loose fitted pants or do you eat some what tight-ish pants as well? Is it a pain in the ass walking around with it on?
I am either...
This excerise has done the most good for me. I warm up with my floor heater making sure my dick is relaxed stretchable. then i stretch jelq squeeze (both hands) for 30 or 45 min then i warm down...which helps you retain gains.If you want FAST results this definitelty the excercise for you...
fast results
inner penis
Hey guys!
I'm about to get into extending.
I just have a few questions. What are the best hangers out there to by? and can I use the hanger with an extender and a bathmate?
Another question is what is the best extender I keep seeing people recommend X4 Labs or Quick Extender Pro. My last...
After I put my sizegenetics it seems pushing it down is an important part in stretching?
Because the video says to set the device to slightly larger than your fully outstretched penis but this seems impossible because I either slip out, lose feeling from Velcro mod, and it's so uncomfortable I...
Hi Brothers!
Does anyone have a document that has the SRT routine laid out in an easy-to-read single page format or chart? I have printed out the main SRT post, but am looking for something I can quickly use without all of the explanations on it.
Thanks in advance!
After checking out the forums for a bit I've decided to start a routine and invested in a penomet and a size genetics. I'm new to PE so worst case scenario I'll at least get some solid newbie gains with this routine. Routine I'm doing
Warm up with hot wrap
3 reps of
-1 minute Stretchs...
I'm currently trying to decide on which piece of equipment I should buy in oreder to increase length.
I currently have the Bathmate Xtreme, which is awesome for girth from my experience so far, but I just have not been able to come to a conclusion as to if I should buy the Length Master or Size...
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