1) is clamping equal to jelq in terms of effectiveness
2) can u gain lenght by hanging very light for hours straight "time under tension" method with enough weight just to feel a gradual stretch increasing fatigue over time
3) Is it better to decide the path "girth or lenght" first and...
Hello all,
I have a few stories for any that are bored enough to read. I also share in hopes to help any others in a position similar to mine and to provide a window into another angle of life for those who are not.
First of all, I was in a relationship with a much older woman for 11 or so...
Hello, I am interested in getting a Phallosan but I am researching on what are the best sleeves to get other than what Phallosan provides as I have read that they are of poor quality. More importantly, is the best alternative sleeve for the Phallosan able to fit and provide max suction on less...
Many of us have gone through life hearing guys brag about having 7 and 8" penises and women saying how her man (or ex or whoever) had an 8" penis etc. I'm here to tell all of you that 99% of that is made up bullshit. It seems every man out there says he's huge yet studies have concluded that the...
And even if Jenny was yelling "RUN CLAD RUN!" I'm not sure if I'd go any faster.
Training for my first real 5k in a few weeks. I haven't really ran in almost 20yrs up until 2 months ago. When I was in boot camp I managed 21:30 on a 3 mile run (5k is 3.1 miles) and the next 4yrs my average was...
As per the subject, I'm beginning to think that the real reason why my penis curves to the right is because its tighter on that side than on the left side. This is due to my left handed grip where my fingers tend to press hard on the right side, so the muscle has developed tighter/stronger. I...
Dear MOS,
Due to moving to a new apartment with new roommates i’m not able to hang anymore... I lack the privacy and time to get in 10 hours of hang per week. Yesterday was my last hanging session. I’m way too afraid that someone will knock on my door and comes in unexpectedly...
This is the...
This is going to get some hate. But the standard 3x5 minute sets for the bathmate i think is not enough for serious gains. Lately i have been holding my dick in the bathmate for alot longer, even 10 minutes. The longer i hold it in the bathmate it the better gains i get.
I think we should be...
Hey guys,
Just to make this short I'm planning on selling my Phallosan Forte. I got it a few days ago and after using it one time, I realized it's not going to work out for me.
So, if anybody wants to buy it just PM me. I have receipts and pics if you want proof.
I've been back at it stretching my dick like crazy for a month with only gains in eq. How long was it before anybody else saw gains? I always quit after 3 months and not seeing any real gain. I was hoping some new techniques and harder stretching would get me an extra cm by the end of a month...
Currently- 280 lbs
Goal weight- 180-170
Diet- I started this whole thing off with a 5 day water fast and dropped 15 lbs.
just wanted to flush the salt out.
Next i'm doing a juice fast for anywhere between 30 to 90 days, and once i get to around 190, ill either do a water fast, or just workout...
Hello Brothers, I never knew this kind of extender exists. Anyone tried this? Here is the link:
These 2 1/2 years has been a struggle atlas for my dick. I think there were some different factors playing into it. I took steroids 1-2 years before the injury and diagnosis and i had low low testosterone after this point which cased me to have lower libido. Thats what got me searching on the...
As the suggest implies, I want to know if there is anyone that has used the length master consistently for 6 months. I will also like to know what type of gains you have made from using the device.
I'm currently using my length master daily for 1 hour doing downward bundled stretches only. I do...
So I've been dealing with an issue for the past 2 months that has little to no documented history on this site or any other site on the internet. I've been doing a pretty intense girth workout since August/September and everything has been going fairly smoothly until recently I would start to...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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