hey, i want to discuess a little about a thought that i have and i want to share with you especially in this community, everyone wants big cock right? its the ultimate dream, almost every survey shows the ideal size is 7-8 inch and i think every man should strive to get this size because he...
8 inch
8 inch penis
8 inches
9 inch
huge cock
While I'm still exploring things within the forums this is one I haven't found a common consensus on....
When is the best time to have sex or masturbate?
Unfortunately my wife and I don't get to have sex as often as we'd like being on opposite shifts and I'm never going to say no when we have...
Just wanted to open up a new thread to what I am doing, where I want to end up, and how I'm pushing myself to achieve it this time. I always would have a goal in mind, but after a good round of sex would lose motivation. I believe this is because I wasn't visualizing my goal in the bedroom...
So right now I'm not anywhere near where I want to be, however I'm getting extremely fast gains. Once I reach 8 inches in length, what is the best way to solidify those gains? Should I continue using the vac extender for say...1 hour a day?
And this question comes from some issues I had in the...
I posted about my injury a couple of days ago. Just got back from the doctor and turns out everything is alright. No blood constriction. I told him about the cockring and pretty much said the same thing that I should stop using it. Honestly I got too dependent on it. It got to a point where I...
Hey all, I've found/put myself in a potentially risky situation.
I matched a girl on tinder and have been talking on snapchat, she seemed quite held back and cagey then out of nowhere she started asking me about sex!? Asking me if I got tinder to hookup basically! I flirted n said I'm open to...
10 Ways to Fight Pornography
A recent study asked a group of kids how often their peers look at adult entertainment online. They responded that it was often. The study also asked what parental controls were in place on their devices, and almost all said none — because their parents trusted them. These...
Hey Brothers,
This is my first post on here however, I've been lingering around for quite some time. I came across penis enlargement a few years ago but never really thought about it seriously until lately. Before I get into things... let me give you some background.
Unfortunately, growing up...
What's up everybody? I hope you are having a great weekend.
I want to talk about something that gave me huge motivation in the beginning of my PE process: It was a little less than a year ago, I turned on the comedy channel on TV and watched a show called "Episodes". The show is about a British...
Ok guys I'm new to bm and pumping alltogether. So i dont know if maybe I overdid it I was trying to be careful on pressure and only did 3x5 one time a day. I did this 3 days in a row and never had any negative pi till after the third night then I noticed I was having a hard time getting...
How's it going everyone. Ok I'm new to the forum and trying to learn as much as possible. I'm needing to gain some length and girth. Here's some backstory.. my recent now ex had been talking to someone for awhile. I guess they had been having sex. Well not only does she have to cheat on me, she...
I am getting frustrated with myself and my attempt at keeping my eyes from adult entertainment. I have done everything possible to make sure this does not show up on my phone or computer but every filter I have used I can get around! It is so frustrating because I want to stop looking at this filth but there...
back when i was focusing on length
i used a routine based on the principle time under tension and it worked well
basically i was doing stretches then i would stay in the extender for 1.5 hours
then i would do dld blasters and stay in the extender for 1.5 hours
and finally i would hang 2 sets...
Hey bros. Hope your new years are going well. Mines is off to a great start. Been clamping like a madman and I finally got my girth to 6-6.25 inches. This is a solid measurement. Also, my length is peaking in at 6.75. My cock is looking pretty fat and im loving it. My resolutions so far are...
So I was on Facebook this morning and someone shared this vid. Has anyone seen this lol dude has a 19" penis soft
https://youtu.be/8S1z0PEh714 That's the link.
Recently I have measured at 7.25 NBPEL and 7.75 BPEL, 5" MEG.
Normally when I've hooked up with a woman my penis has never been commented on and normally I wear Durex regular condoms my penis before was 6.5 NBPEL 4.8 MEG.
Anyway recently I was hooking up with this woman and I whipped out my...
Many people do not know that the Fleshlight is a very effective method of using your BathMate with greater arousal. This may take a slightly bigger BathMate if you are already tight in the one you have but if you have room, inserting a FleshLight will allow for a realistic feel of sex, keeping...
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