
  1. D

    Male circumcision

    Found some interesting information on another forum about male circumcision and thought i'd post it here. Sort of glad I wasn't born in the US :P ---------------------------------------------------------------- Circumcision removes the most important sensory component of the foreskin -...
  2. M

    13 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Testosterone Levels The normal level of testosterone in your bloodstream is between 350 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl). Like combable hair, those quantities silently start to wane around age 40. You lose about 1 percent a year -- a harmless decline in the...
  3. J

    A Warning on IGF-1/RL3

    I'm unbias on IGF but I did find an interesting article. posted by buffness on SBI You be the judge, their will always be two sides to a story. It's up to you to pick which one is right for you.... By Cy Willson..... IGF-1: Worst Bodybuilding Drug Ever? Q: What ever happened to IGF-1? It...
  4. S

    HGH and IGF Chem PE

    Going to to use HGH and IGF-1, I dont recommend anyone inject into there penis. Dont try this at home:)
  5. S

    The Ulitmate Penis Pill

    Instead of all this crap about Penis pill this, and that, would'nt you all agree that Cialis is the pest PP out there, if you are going to take one? It is proven to work, doctor recommended, FDA approved. It makes more blood flow to the Penis than any other penis pill there is, for a longer...
  6. R

    Dryopteris filix mas, caused a spectacular penis enlargement.

    Saw a link to this site at another Penis Enlargement site... So, posting the link here.. The information at that site reads as follows: "Kantemir I, Akder G, Tulunay O. In male mice and rats...
  7. S

    Take some generic (CHEAP!!) Viagra+Tagamet, get better girth workouts!!

    Think about it...what's the hardest part of a girth workout? Especially after your penis gets used to the stimulation a few months down the road? Most likely it is maintaining enough of an erection to get an effective jelq/squeeze/girth blaster workout. So, if you are able to keep that...
  8. B

    HGH and PE??

    ok stick with me here. Most bodybuilders im sure you all know use Human Growth Hormone to increase muscle size. What it does is NOT increase the size of the fibers like steroids do, but increases the CELLS in the muscle. More cells = bigger muscles, and the gains are SUPPOSEDLY permanent...
  9. S

    GUYS!! I've found it!! THE BREAK through theory that's gonna skyrocket your gains!!!

    Ok, this is gonna shock some of you guys I know. But, I was consulting with my team of research analysts from un named ....but, I assure all of you very good sources....and, we've reached the conclusion that will absolutely skyrocket your Penis Enlargement gains! You ready? >>>>...
  10. 8

    The differnce is size in the races

    "The human SRD5A2)5A2 gene encodes for the type 2 5aR enzyme. African-American men appear to have a unique family of 121-131 bp alleles not found in men with lower life time risk of prostate cancer such as Asian-Americans and Non-Hispanic whites. In another report, the 5aR activity in Japanese...
  11. WaxN

    some pe physiology

    Penis Enlargement "The science behind it" We have poured over recent journals and reports and we have learned that recent studies conducted by scientist D.J. Millward have shown that muscle cells (including the ‘corpora cells’ within the penis) are surrounded by thin sheaths of connective...