
  1. J

    Question about my PF routine

    Hi all, So i just bought my PF and what I am doing right now is 10 hours a day, 1 day off 60 hours a week. Is this a good routine to see gains in the coming future? I have seen some people say to include manual work but I really don't have time for that hence why I bought a PF. Also should I...
  2. J

    Have you ever seen your own dick at a adult entertainment store? (Dildo)

    I saw mine the other day & it was $22.99 & that made me feel good about myself. The thought that people actually pay money for MY dick was a great boon to my self esteem. The thought that MY penis is responsible for possibly hundreds of women's orgasms. You have no idea how much that lifts my...
  3. S

    Help . i've injured my glans

    Hi matterofsize mates , i was jelqing for 6 days (4 days off till now ), so im newbie , i did dry jelqing exercice , in the last day i griped my shaft with big pressure (more than before ) up to the glans . now my glans is weaker than before and no blood is flowing to it , my erection is normal...
  4. B

    Sizegenetics size and other questions for DLD

    Hi DLD, I need your advice, I have been used sizegenetics in most everyday and my penis looks a bit bigger than I have ever been before. I don't have anymore turlting when I have used the sizegenetics. My balls have hanging down alot and it has made my penis looks a bit bigger. It have make me...
  5. A

    Family PE.......literally!

    What got me to start this thread is, the other day, someone asked me the question, if I kept my "equipment" hidden, or out in the open.....and I don't think anybody, other than my wife, or son, has really found it at home, cause our master bath, is thru our room. But, it made me think of a funny...
  6. W

    Feel tenderness at the base of my penis, any suggestions?

    Hi, I am new to PE, just started 1½ week ago so this is my first post. I have been doing manual stretchings, used bathmate x30 every day (have ordered Phallosan, should be getting it soon). I have started to feel a tenderness at the base of my penis 2 days ago that is on the brink of becoming...
  7. T

    2 Inches or More Girth Gain

    Looking for members of the brotherhood or somebody you know that has gained 2 inches or more in girth to share their experience in gaining girth. What were your or their routines and how long it took?
  8. G


    I know this isn't the right place to post this, but I just really need some help ASAP! So please visit the link below! Link----->
  9. P

    Penis Enlargement - Subliminal Sounds!?

    Hi people, I saw dozens od links to videos on youtube, someone tried it? I was reading types of comments like "Works for me" , "Thanks for upload I grew. . ." WTF!? If is it possible, entire mankind would walk around packing huge dicks. xD
  10. P

    What is the size women consider the dick BIG?

    Sitting in here in front of PC and wondering, what is the size women actually see the dick BIG? We all know their perception of seeing the size of a dick which is 8x6 like when we see the dick 9x6.5. So anybody ever "digged" more to find out the true answer? P.S I'm sorry if anybody talked on...
  11. M

    time vs weight

    which is better,less weight and more time or more weight and less time?
  12. T

    Extender question

    So I was thinking about getting a phallosan, since I hear they are quite comfortable. But I read a few reviews that said it doesn't work as well for above average guys. It kind of made sense, like if you stretch sideways and your head is already to your hip bone, the device is having to turn a...
  13. I

    Weird expansion from girth work

    Hi, I've started to focus more on girth, so I do SSJ for 20-25 minutes. The weird thing is the expansion (temporary gains) I get from it: I feel it in the skin (the skin becomes puffy) and in the coronal ridge but not in the shaft itself. Am I doing something wrong? What should I do?
  14. D

    Erect Stretching question

    Can erect stretching close the gap completely between bone pressed erect length and bone pressed flaccid stretch? For instance, I am a bit under 7.5 inches bone pressed erect length, and my bone pressed flaccid stretch is a little over 8.25 inches. Could erect stretching completely close the gap...
  15. R

    I have returned! with more questions

    Salutations fellow PE brothers, I have returned from a self imposed exile: for the last 3 years I was heavily addicted to opioids... alas as of today I am 90 days clean! And I am never going back. I apologize for the grim message, but it is the truth; there is a epidemic affecting the USA! a...
  16. J

    Extender springs help!

    Trying to get 3800g and 5800g strength springs respectively, but I'd like to know what the size of springs (dimension) I should tell the sellers as I intend buying them online.
  17. N

    Improve my routine

    Hey guys. Month ago I have posted that I have some improvements and asked for advises in further workouts. So month ago I was surprised I gained 0.4" in my BPEL and 0.25" in BPFSL, this month I didn't get anything. I was pulling hard and looks like I could get extra 0.25" in my BPFSL but the...
  18. A

    Question for jelqing gainers

    Hey guys i'm hoping to get a little guidance on how my penis should feel after jelqing, I recently added it to my routine but no matter how many I do afterwards i feel like I've done nothing except give myself a dick massage lol, I dont get the fatigue feeling I thought i should get, I tried...
  19. S

    Bathmate question?

    Hey guys I've been looking into the bathmate a lot recently and currently I cannot afford one but just have been wondering something. If you get the extreme model that has the different valve and the had pump, could you add in a gauge like a regular pump so you can dial in the correct pressure...
  20. T

    Just now coming of age to 18

    I am young and have an upcoming busy schedule ahead of me. Believe it or not I started PE at the age of 15, lackadaisically I gained 1 inch. I hit puberty at the young age of 12 which led me to be six inches before any PE. Now I am at a good 7 inches in length and 6 inches around the base in...