
  1. S

    cant get whole glans in!!!

    just got my PMP in yesterday and its all great quality. only problem is i cant get my whole glans in the unit. it will get the top in no problem and its holds perfectly and to be honest its totally comfortable but when i take it off the tip of my glans is totally ballooned . the ballooning...
  2. T

    Unexpected bonus

    So I've been using my bathmate every day since august of last year, and my extender for years. I always noticed that if I went too hard with one or the other that my EQ would drop pretty quick. With that being the case, I was a little reluctant to do the wine vac mod, but I figured I'd give it a...
  3. S

    Rest day

    I felt like I was reaching the brink of overtraining after my BAthmate session yesterday so I skipped PF overnight. Still a lil sore so I decided to do a full day rest today. Going to bed now and felt like PF wouldn't be overkill but playing it safe to go hardcore tomorrow. What's the general...
  4. B

    holly hell bathmate with winevac mod.

    guys I am already maxing out on the base of my dick, I can feel gator bite at the base, and I just started using the winevac monday, I checked my girth tonight post pump and I was at 5 1/2
  5. B

    bathmate vacuvin mod..

    Guys if you have not done the vacuvin mod on the bathmate, I suggest you do it. All I can say is holly hell the expantion I got of just 2x5, I know someone that is going either be in trouble when she gets it, or she is going to love it.
  6. M

    done with length

    i feel.tired.of.doing.length I'm at.7inch.bp I'm thinking bout.doing.bath mate.now.I'm 6inch.girth might go for.7 or.8 what u.think?
  7. I

    Critique my girth routine

    Hey guys, I'd like to know what you think of the girth I'll start next week. I currently have no interested in gaining any length, as I measure 7" and can't even penetrate my girlfriend fully without pain, what I would really like is to increase my girth in the next four months, because it's...
  8. Z

    replace manual stretches with extender?

    Hi i wake up every day and do 10 15 mins of jelqs everyday to kinda maintain my size but i dont like doing manual stretches and was wondering if it would be as effective instread of doing 10 or 20 mins or manual streches after jelqing can i just strap on the extender for on 30 mins a day and...
  9. C

    Penis shaft not growing. What's next?

    Hi guys I have seen some decent gains in BPEL over the last 2 years through various phases of manual and hanging work. I am currently just shy of 7" (target 8" cemented length), about an inch growth. What I have recently noticed is my gains seem to be coming from an extended base of my penis...
  10. J

    Phallosan help

    i got the pf through this site link and used it for a month 200 hours but then stopped using it coz i keep losing suction so i change the Sleeve thinking maybe it got stretched but with the new sleeve it wasnt holding suction for too long either , i used powder but no good , i gave up as i had...
  11. DLD

    Why Don't You Have A LengthMaster or a BathMate?

    I would really like to know, what is holding you back from getting a LengthMaster or BathMate? Let me know.
  12. M


    can u plateau from a bath mate like say girth stops will.u just gain.length and.vise versa
  13. D

    Converting an X40 to hand valve or vacuvin

    Any of you ever convert one of these to a hand valve or vacuvin, first thing is how do I get the old valve unit out? The cap and twist out valve are easy, but the piece down in the tube with the spring is a tough one.
  14. C

    My Newbie routine (up for critique)

    I'm coming up on a month of manual stretching and jelqing and have been trying to tailor DLD's Newbie Routine (NR) slightly for myself. I've mentioned this in the Newbie Routine thread but that post will easily be overlooked by those with more experience so I'm putting it here. Pre and post...
  15. A

    Manual stretches using the Phalosan Forte

    hi there, I'm new to this forum since I've registered today. I've noticed that a lot of this forum's members have good experience in PE practice so I have a question for you. ;) Yesterday I've tried to do manual stretches using the pump of the phallosan forte and I really liked it because it...
  16. S

    Cockring tightness?!

    Hi Guys, I am a true Newbie, I ony started PE with the Newbie-Routine yesterday so please don`t kill me for these questions :D I tried to find the answers I`m looking for with the search option but nothing really was 100 % what I was looking for and I really don`t want to injure myself. How...
  17. M

    How useful is to pump

    Dear All, I am using extender.... I was reading online and somewhere it says don't use pump while using extender and doing P.E. as it is special for people who have problems with erections... I don't think I have any problem with that. I just need to increase the length and girth. Is it...
  18. D

    which pump and why?

    I was just about to purchase an X30 pump (being optimistic as far as what I can get to), then I saw there was x30x and x20x stuff like. What is the difference guys? Very new to this and willing to start but need more info and cant seem to find it.. I just want to spend it right the first time...
  19. C

    looking for pumps above 2.75 inches in width

    Hi, I am using an UTIMI vacuum pump with 2.75 inches in width and 8.25 inch in length. I want to have a longer cylinder and especially a thicker one. However these cylinders do not exist according to my research. The Bathmate X50 has a nice length but it lacks the width. It looks like I have to...
  20. M

    air pumping and cockring

    is it safe to pump while wearing a cockring? and if it is,does it has any benefits