I've been doing kegels on and off for about 3 years now and the reason i stop at times is because i get the feeling that my dick is getting smaller during the times im kegeling i even measure it and it does show that im back almost a half an inch and about a week after i stop there it is back to...
So I'm at work today with Catherine. Catherine is taller than your average girl and has a beer gut the size of my uncle's. Her hips look like you could drive a dump truck through them and her face doesn't look unlike that of a chipmunk.
I'm really pissed off because I have to be alone in a room...
To jump on a subject about DHT Gel that Supra and others have brought forth. What about this below? It's a hard read, but informative...
Background: Percutaneous administration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) has been successful in promoting phallic growth in infants and children with...
Just wondering I know most of us compare size to certain pornstars...so do you have a certain pornstar who you want to be the same as...For me I think Mr. Marcus has the ideal size...I'm guessing about 7.5 nbp x 6 and to be it's the right size.
Ice VS. Fire
i read in a site about this and i thought it's some strange because i don't know how exactly it works.
Toning It Up is done by advanced users who have seen the gains they wanted and now want to tone up the penis and keep the gains...
I have read a ton of studies on Priapism (prolonged erections) I started to think about self imposed erections for a long amount of time. Perhaps taking viagra and keeping stimulation going for a few hours. Maybe even a clamp to hold the erection longer would be in order. There just seems to...
Size Matters: CORE magazine interview with DLD
Size Matters:
An interview with Penis Enlargement Guru Double Long Daddy (DLD)
Many males enter bodybuilding to increase their sexual prowess and confidence. A muscular body is a sign of virility to some if not many women. Another sign of...
Stretching The Penis for Natural Length Enlargement
Upon a search in GOOGLE on gaining penis length one would be met with thousands of searches found on pills, pumps, creams and equipment. If you spend enough time researching your results you may run into natural penis enlargement, the underdog...
Don't no if this has been posted in one of the C4 threads.
http://www.Thund3rs Pl@ce.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63112&page=1&pp=15
suprise suprise the haters are out in force again.
As many of you know I went to Florida about 3 months ago for many reasons that you may already know but there was many other events that happened that I wanted to tell you about but currently I am without a place to live and I do not have a internet connection. I am on my families computer now...
This is the original art for the PA2. The design will be slightly modified upon it's release. All copy-write and patent information is filed and will be available to view within a month.
The design is meant to embody e=mc2 in the sense that there is one hole that runs through the center...
At one time in Penis Enlargement History there was an exercise that caused hysteria in the Penis Enlargement community. The Exercise is the DLD Blasters The inventor of this exercise enjoyed length gains far beyond that of the normal man. He gained 2 inches in less than 6 months and when he...
I been in the pe gang for a while now and have done it on and off for a while.I've seen results,also had a slight injury for not doing things the way i was suppose to.I started this thread for 2 reasons--one is about an article that that i read and the other was to tell about sex after i've...
Size matters
Mike Salvini is an evangelist for natural penis enlargement, a weird and scientifically unproven way of upsizing the male member. And thousands of men are going to great lengths to follow him.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Peter Rubin
March 24, 2005 *|* At 6:30 each...
I have at last reached the age, represented by my favorite number 69. How many of you are near or older than 69. I have been Penis Enlargementing for two years now and have gained 1,1/2" in length, and 1" in girth. I could have gain more but I am a bit lazy when it cums to doing Penis...
Has there been anyone that has tried Penis Enlargement and done it correctly for a long time and seen no gains? Does genetics or the way my body already is have any effect on how much I can gain? I heard people talking about LOT and Im not sure what that is. Does it effect how well certain...
Are you applying the obvious concepts to maximize Penis Enlargement gains? Read on and learn more about my theory in the application of tissue damage indicators as a measure of Penis Enlargement success.
Have you ever noticed that when you have an injury to any part of your body it gets hot and...
GhostBuster 44: Are you ready?
What does this exercise do?
It trains length in i must say an very intense and approching way. And at the same time you get better balance and bonemuscles.
Have you gained anything from this?
No, but don't get disappointed because of this. Im a tunica-gainer...
Found some interesting information on another forum about male circumcision and thought i'd post it here. Sort of glad I wasn't born in the US :P
Circumcision removes the most important sensory component of the foreskin -...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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