
  1. B

    silicone sleeves have been cast, I need testers.

    I have used up what silicone I had, and have a couple of sleeves left over I need a few testers, only thing is I can not pay shipping as funds are extremely tight below will be a list of what I have, I will post pictures or a video here later. 4 inch sleeves 2 6 inch sleeves 1 5.5 inch...
  2. D

    Shockwave therapy for PE?

    Hello brothers, I was just wondering whether it can be possible. Anyone has experience with this Shockwave/Sparkwave? Here is the link:
  3. B

    Pumping with Bathmate outside the tub?

    Not sure of I should post this in the bathmate section because this is more about penis enlargement rather than the pump itself. So far I have gained 3/8" in EL/MEG and 5/8" in BEG pumping in the bathmate for an hour. I thought of upping the time by 15 minutes which would total 75 minutes. My...
  4. B

    bandit2010 progress thread.

    hey all I am getting back into the hang of things and decided to start a progress thread, I will try to post daily. I am currenly hanging weight, using my home made length master and pumping with my bathmate x30.
  5. B

    man oh man I love it, Gains Gains.

    Gentlemen it appears I have gained a 1/4 inch in length, now I am 7 1/4 inches long, also pumped with the bathmate tonight, I could not even get the head in a toilet paper tube.
  6. M

    Fat pad!

    Has anyone tried a local fat burner to get rid of lower belly/pubic fat pad??
  7. T

    New routine check in

    So my new routine (This routine is done with a length master) 10 minute tunica warm up Bundled stretch left right up down straight out 2 minutes each Than i do 1 minute and a half of mother of all lig stretches left and right cheek 3x1 minute downward stretches downward (left right straight...
  8. H

    Is there anyone that has used the length master for 6 months?

    As the suggest implies, I want to know if there is anyone that has used the length master consistently for 6 months. I will also like to know what type of gains you have made from using the device. I'm currently using my length master daily for 1 hour doing downward bundled stretches only. I do...
  9. B

    Magnum Ring

    H guys, I just came up to the website of Magnum Ring, which looks like a very simple solution. Magnum Rings- A New Approach for the Science of Permanent Penis Enlargement and Male Enhancement Please your opinion and maybe someone already had experience with this device.
  10. R

    Penis injury from from pumping to intense ?

    Hello I overdid it with the bathmate , i was pomping with too much pressure. My penis went into turtle mode for 3 days, after a couple of more days when my penis seemed normal. I started pomping agian and i felt a sharp pain in the dorsal vein near the glans I felt a suttle pop I must say i...
  11. U

    This is currently my ideal routine I'm hoping to implement soon

    LM with SRT stretches + bundles + expressive stretches followed by LM hanging feature then Manual clamped kegels and reverse kegels then Phallosan wear until night session then Same as above + my good old hardcore BM routine with the BM hardcore stretches then Phallosan at night and also...
  12. K

    What makes the penis grow during puberty

    So my mind is tired from work and penis enlargement has been on my sleepy mind. I appologize if this is going to be a bit rambly. As far as my knowlegde goes the penis grows during puberty from expansion. Basically the penis will expand during an erection and this stimulus coupled with an...